War on Gaza: How the US Used Veto to Support Israel and Insult Humanity? By Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja

President Joe Biden and PM Netanyahu appear to be linked to a false narrative of power politics undermining their own moral vulnerability and sustainable future. On December 8, the US veto at the UNSC meeting signals that reality is in the making.


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I want to give my salute to Ms Shazia Zeeshan, Anchor-person of 92-News, on presenting a report in her program of “Night Edition” on August 04, 2023, on the subject of a famous case of barbarous torture to an innocent …

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“Unity Across Continents”

Leadership of the Kashmiri American diaspora, led by the World Kashmir Awareness Forum, and leadership of the African American diaspora led by the Sierra Leone Muslim Jamaat co-hosted an interactive panel discussion under the title of, “Unity Across Continents”, calling …

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Peace or War:  To be Optimistic or Pessimistic about the Future of Humanity by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Is NATO run by the wrong people, glued to wrong thinking, and doing the wrong things without any rational sense of time, people’s interests, and history? Craig Murray (“NATO-an idea Whose Time has Gone.”: AntiWar.com), former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee, UK, foresees the body as obsolete

It is also the case that the situation in countries where NATO has been most active in killing people, including Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Pakistan-NATO’s attempt to be a

global arbiter and enforcer has been disastrous at all levels…it is very clever and cynical. NATO provides power to the elite and money to the wealthy.


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MAN AND MACHINE by Inayet ullah

“Read in the Name of thy Lord Who created. Created man from a clinging clot. Read, And yourLord is the most generous. Who taught man by the pen? He taught man what he knew not. Mostcertainly, one exceeds all bounds. …

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America and Humour From Hell by Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Politics is always a game of pretension. Politicians remind us of inherent lies, deception, embedded greed, and mastery of persuasive propaganda to voters to do good for fellow citizens if chosen for leadership. They possess an irresistible impulse of political …

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What Is Modern Slavery: A Comprehensive Research by Arnold Mutinda

Arnold Mutinda What Is Modern Slavery: A Comprehensive Research What Is Modern Slavery: A Comprehensive Research Written by: Arnold Mutinda 17 October 2024 Key Takeaways: Policy advocacy: Push for effective laws and better cross-border cooperation. More than 49.6 million people (0.61% …

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Musk Breaks Silence On ‘Nazi-Like’ Gesture At Trump Event : ‘Need Better Dirty Tricks’ | US News

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Inayet ullah MAN AND MACHINE “Read in the Name of thy Lord Who created. Created man from a clinging clot. Read, And yourLord is the most generous. Who taught man by the pen? Taught man what he knew not. Mostcertainly, …

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