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Archive for June, 2014

GOOD GOVERNANCE: Another Crook gets appointed to Board of Investment


               Another Crook gets appointed to Board of Investment 


Could there be a worse action than appointing the confirmed crook and corrupt Arslan Iftikhar (son of ex Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhry) on the Board of Investment in Baluchistan.


The natural resources of Baluchistan ie it’s mineral wealth is up for grab. Foreign investment is going to come for copper and gold deposits besides oil potential of Baluchistan . Ideal time to be in the game and make some bucks a trait in which this man has done doctorate . Is it pay back for all the rigging engineered by Iftikhar to make Nawaz win with absolute majority.


This Govt is not bothered about public opinion or the fact of Arslan being a house hold name in blackmailing and cheating besides misuse of his father,s authority. Unfortunate people of Baluchistan are going to be cheated and denied the benefits of their wealth. Well done Nawaz. You have learnt nothing from your previous two tenures


  And what happened to the cases against him ?



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Bad News





Owen Bennett-Jones

Pakistan - The Machinery Of War by Skulz Fontaine



The titles of books by leading Pakistanis – never mind the content – make for rather depressing reading. All the way from ‘Tales of a Sorry Dominion’ through ‘A Dream Gone Sour’ and ‘A Journey to Disillusionment’ via ‘Pakistan on the Brink’ and arriving at ‘The Most Dangerous Place’, it would seem that many Pakistani writers take a rather dim view of their county’s national development.

If that’s not enough, just take a look at those self-flagellating articles written to mark any Jinnah anniversary. Each year even the most patriotic and enthusiastic Pakistani writers come out with their hardy annual: a long list of national faults that, they point out, Jinnah would have been shocked by.

Needless to say, no serving state official would publish this kind of material whilst in post. Of course, it’s not only in Pakistan that those who are taking a government salary feel honour bound to paint their country in the most glowing light – especially in the company of foreigners. But it is a counterproductive approach. Saying something is fine does not make it so. In fact failing to face up to problems can make things even worse.

Remember Deng Xiaoping’s most important maxim when he was trying to reform China: ‘seek truth from facts’. Obvious enough, but the consequences can be profound.

In the UK this year there have been a number of discussions and seminars about Pakistan in leading British academic institutions. And even if such events tend to raise the profile of difficult issues – in fact perhaps because of that – they should be welcomed. The US may matter to Islamabad much more than London but because of the Pakistani diaspora and because of the significant aid that the UK gives Pakistan (even if much of it is wasted) any engagement of UK opinion formers with Pakistan is a good thing.

But there is a tendency at such events for speakers with Pakistan government connections – even pretty tenuous ones – to give the impression that everything is going fine. It leaves many of the Brits and other foreigners present somewhat confused. ‘Isn’t Pakistan in the middle of a civil war?’ they wonder, as they hear the repeated claim that it’s the journalists who exaggerate the problems by dwelling on the bad news.

The sort of positive remarks that official Pakistanis put forward include the claims that: Modi won’t be too bad; India needs Pakistan (for energy supplies); anti-Shia violence has a long history and is not especially new; the TTP is supported by only a minority of Pakistanis and its importance is often exaggerated; most Fata residents are loyal to Pakistan and the new, most favourite piece of good news rolled out at such events, not withstanding Geo’s situation, that there is now a vibrant and independent media holding everyone to account.

Of course, there is another way of looking at all of these issues. After all, the election of a hard-line Hindu nationalist to power in India is, on the face of it, bad news for Pakistan. Yes, hard-line leaders can be the ones best placed to deliver concessions but more often than not hard-line leaders remain hard line and have no desire to make concessions. So it may well be with Modi.

Asked during the recent campaign whether Modi wanted peace with Pakistan, one of his closest advisers answered with another question: “What kind of peace?”

What he meant was that the BJP is happy enough to leave things as they are for the moment. The status quo is, after all, peace of a sort. But since there is no realistic expectation of Pakistan meeting basic Indian demands such as arresting the religious leaders and state officials involved in the Mumbai attack, the ‘reset’ of the Indo-Pak relationship that many Pakistani military officers and diplomats speak of simply will not happen.

No doubt Modi is so popular he could deliver all sorts of concessions. But why would he? What reason does anyone have to believe that he will want to reach out to Pakistan when his whole political history suggests he will do no such thing?

Not only that, but should there be a Pakistani provocation – for example a spectacular attack of some sort – then Modi can only be expected to respond with strength. The BJP leader would welcome the chance to flex his muscles on a nationalist issue and would not hesitate to do so.

Many of the other attempts to put a positive gloss on Pakistan also fail to stand up to much scrutiny. Yes, anti-Shia violence does have a long history but it’s getting worse right now. Sure, most Pakistanis don’t support the Taliban but its surely more salient to note that a troubling number do and the organisation has been strong enough to kill tens of thousands of people. Many Fata residents are indeed loyal to Pakistani but the problem is that some are not. And they are the ones causing difficulties,

As for that vibrant media it would perhaps be more useful at the moment not to be celebrating press freedom but rather defending it. We are all witness after all to a bare-knuckle fight between the media and those who want to control what it says.

So yes, you can put on those rose-tinted spectacles and hope everything works out fine. But while hoping for the best it’s maybe wise to prepare for the worst. That way you can’t be taken by surprise.

The writer is a freelance British journalist and one of the hosts of BBC’s Newshour. 

Twitter: @OwenBennettJone

Email: [email protected] Tuesday, June 24, 2014


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Pakistan: Entire Nation at War

Pakistan: Entire Nation at War


Sajjad Shaukat


Unlike the past wars, the arena of war has changed. In the ongoing era, lethal weapons and subversive tactics used by the terrorists including foreign support to internal entities and propaganda can be more harmful in damaging the interest of a target country. The new warfare has made it difficult for the military to serve alone as the automatic dominant sphere in every war, covering all domains. This sort of war requires the cooperation of the entire nation. In these terms, Pakistan has become the target of the different war, while country’s armed forces and other intelligence and law-enforcing agencies have intermittently been coping with the enemy which employs subversive activities of various kinds such as suicide attacks, targeted killings, assaults on the Army and security agencies, kidnappings, sectarian and ethnic violence. In this regard, having connection with each other, militant outfits, especially Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Balochistan Republican Army (BRA) including other banned organizations have claimed responsibility for a number of terror-attacks. Karachi, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan have become vulnerable to their acts of sabotage. On June 8, 2014, the most tragic attack on Zaireen at Taftan Balochistan is quite alarming where two suicide bombers armed with SMGs attacked and exploded themselves, after conducting indiscriminate firing on Shias. Resultantly, 24 individuals were killed and 14 injured. Spokesman of the extremist group Jash-e-ul-Islam accepted responsibility. The brutal attack seeks immediate attention of Provincial Government and law-enforcing agencies. Foreign backed subversive activities by the Baloch Sub-Nationalities (BSNs) go on, as miscreants carried out rocket attacks, target-killings, exploding gas pipelines and firing on security forces particularly in Awaran, Kech, Dera Bugti, Khuzdar and Pangur areas. In fact, India has set up secret training centers in Afghanistan where its military personnel in connivance with Israeli RAW and CIA have been imparting training of guerilla warfare to the youngsters, having links with TTP, BLA, BRA and other similar insurgent outfits. These anti-Pakistan agencies send heavily-armed militants who not only target the outposts of Pak Army, but also commit various sorts of terror-activities in order to destabilize Pakistan. These insurgents are fighting proxy war with Pakistan. In this context, question arises that the terrorist Fazalullah is hiding in Kunar, Afghanistan, as to why US did not kill him through CIA-drone attack, as it did to Hakimullah in North Waziristan. It is notable that when idea of initiating ‘Aman-Ki-Asha’ (Desire for peace) was presented, the exponents of this initiative argued that it will provide a platform to Pakistan to make peace with India and to facilitate resolution of core issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, and Water through a dialogue process with New Delhi. But, Aman-Ki-Asha, promoted by the Geo and Jang Media Group in lines of Indian shrewd diplomacy provided India with pretext not only to keep all the issues with Islamabad unsettled, but also to distort the image of Pakistan, its ideology, Two Nation Theory, its Army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI). The collaboration between Geo network and India has been exposed, as leaders of various political and religious parties including all the segments of society have been condemning the Geo and Jang Group by showing solidarity with Pakistan’s armed forces and ISI, in the aftermath of Hamid Mir episode which was manipulated by this media group. In this respect, , on April 28, 2014, voicing his support for the Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha called upon Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif through a letter to stop ISI from suspending Geo TV license. GEO network is trying to garner international support for pressurizing Pakistani government in its favour. Recently, a meeting between the owner of the Geo Media Group, Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman and US Congressmen of Indian lobby was arranged in USA by Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani who escaped to America to avoid judicial inquiry, as he proved disloyal to Pakistan due to his assistance to external enemies. However, such confluence indicates converging interests of anti-Pakistan forces at national and international level, manifested through GEO network. Question is that who are supporting GEO? It is the Indian hawkish leadership alongside global establishment which are self-proclaimed proponents of free media like Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters without Borders, EU Trade Commission and International and Federation of Journalists including various so-called human rights organizations and NGOs. They do not have any interest to see a strong and stable Pakistan. No doubt, GEO is acting as a compliant tool of foreign forces, working to weaken the government and state institutions of Pakistan. In a shameless attempt to gain public sympathies, GEO network is orchestrating plans to attack its own employees, while projecting that it was done by ISI and Pak Army. Pakistani nation cannot be befooled by such a dramatization of self- infliction. We know who you really are…then why are you inflicting sufferings onto your poor employees? GEO has lost its popularity in the whole Pakistan. Patriotic Pakistanis have rejected foreign sponsored ‘JEW TV,’ if it is not true, then why has GEO removed its logo from its vans? It is mentionable that Hindu politics and culture, dominated by the fundamentalist parties such as BJP, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and other similar groups which have been propagating Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) are feeling pleasure because BJP hardliner Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks of Hindu deep seated animosity against Pakistan. Instead of resolving the issues with Islamabad, especially Kashmir dispute, Modi Govt in India, wants to revoke the article 370 of the Indian constitution which grants special status to the Indian Occupied Kashmir. Thus, Modi has ignored the Kashmiri liberation movement, and UNO resolutions about the independence of Kashmir. Without any progress on core issues like Indian-held Kashmir, Water, Siachen, Sir Creek and Indian proxies in Balochistan and FATA, there can be no peace with New Delhi. So, measures like granting the status of Most Favourite Nation to India will prove fruitless. Meanwhile, since June 15, this year, Pakistan’s armed forces started a full scale operation “Zarb-e-Azb” against terrorists in North Wazirastan Agency. In this regard, DG, ISPR, Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa said: “On the directions of the Government, Armed forces of Pakistan have launched a comprehensive operation against foreign and local terrorists…these terrorists had been waging a war against the state of Pakistan by disrupting our national life in all its dimensions, stunting our economic growth and causing enormous loss of life and property…with the support of the entire nation, these enemies will be denied space across the country.” Chief of Army Staff, General Raheel Sharif also expressed similar views on June 16, saying that military operation was aimed to eliminate all terrorists to get rid of the menace of terrorism. Since then, jets of Pakistan Air Force have bombed militants’ hideouts in North Waziristan, and killed more than 300 insurgents including foreign militants, while Pak Army has also started ground offensive which has successfully been achieving its goals. Recently, several militants of the TTP have been killed and more than 10 surrendered before the Army. It is a good sign that taking it as a war of the entire nation against the external and internal enemies, Pakistan’s media, politicians, leaders of religious parties and general masses are showing solidarity with the armed forces. It could be judged from the countrywide protests and rallies in support of the North Waziristan operation, assistance to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), and against the Geo Media Group—its foreign funding, particularly from India. Nevertheless, TTP militants have been using suicide bombing as their main weapon against their own country by calling suicide bombers-the followers of Islam. In this context, Imam-e-Kaaba, Sheikh Abdul Rahman during his visit to Pakistan and during his Khateeb-e-Hajj had clearly stated that suicide attacks are illegal (Haram). He explained, “Such acts fall under the category of crime and suicide bombers or attackers are destined to go to Hell…they represent enemy of Muslims and they commit crimes against humanity, while misguiding other Muslims.” Denouncing terrorism as un-Islamic, he pointed out that terrorists’ activities are part of a conspiracy to defame Islam and destroy Muslims. Still, there is a need to highlight TTP’s “TAKFIRI” (Unbelievers) ideology and declaring them as “KHAWARJI” (Out of Islam) by prominent religious scholars and intelligentsia. TTP terrorists must not be addressed as “Maulana or “Maulvi.” While indicating their names, our print and electronic media must mention them as “terrorists” or “rebels of the state.” Combating terrorism is a case in point. For the purpose, PTV and other electronic TV channels must be forbidden to air even a single minute interview or statements of terrorists. No nation allows anti-state elements to present their distorted ideology as effectively as it happened in Pakistan. This must be ended immediately. Unfortunately, Budget 2014-15 shows that hardly any resources are earmarked for improving capability of own law-enforcing and intelligence agencies. Instead, billions of rupees are allocated for mega projects like METRO bus. Nonetheless, today our nation stands at the crossroads of its destiny, facing multiple challenges to the country. So, it is not the war of the armed forces and security agencies alone, because the entire nation is at war which demands cooperation of every citizen and politician with the latter. It is the right hour to stand united against all the foreign funded and foreign sponsored anti-Pakistan forces like terrorism, Geo network, propaganda campaign of Aman Ki Asha, Hindutva and Modi’s fundamentalist approach against Pakistan.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Email: [email protected]

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MNC or MNS : Mian Nawaz Sharif =Shrek= Gullo Butt Plus


Is This Person From Pakistan? You Be The Judge!





Of late,MUMLIKAT E KHUDAD e PAKISTAN has also seen a SIMILAR creation,,MIAN MUHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF..he may LOOK different BUT has a mind of an MNC for sure..

at the time of kargil war in 1999 when our country was burying her dead soldiers HIS sugar mills were exporting sugar to india,the same adversary who was BUTCHERING our soldiers on the mountains,,to add insult to the injury,at that time sugar was cheaper in india compared to pakistani export price,OUR MNC played a stroke of genius,OUR SUGAR WAS SUBSIDIZED BY THE GOVT TO BRING DOWN ITS PRICE TO THE LEVEL OF INDIAN DOMESTIC MARKET PRICE..ur and my tax money was spoofed up to sell cheaper sugar to india ,while HIS MILLS MADE PROFITS !!

then,when OUR country was passing such bad days that FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNTS WERE CEASED,few BILLION dollars were invested by him and his kin in foreign countries to secure tem for times to come.he is on record owning properties in at least 6 foreign lands that include urban mansions,flats,high rise buildings,some like the infamous ill-ford plaza that singly costs over 500 million pound sterling,and a STEEL MILL in saudi arabia too,apart from all this a HUGE property management system in UK run by his son..HE SECURES HIS PROFITS WELL AND AWAY FROM THE DANGER ZONE WHERE HE CAN NOT LOOSE THEM.

HIS story does not end here..
Just for the historic records..we are fighting the Indians in siachin for the last 34 years, 
the Pakistan army is standing posts all along the Kashmir border right from day of our creation,

We have KASHMIR dispute with the Indians,a territory larger than MOST European countries of today,
We have other MASSIVE land and WATER disputes with our neighbour,
ch nisar the sitting interior minister is on record saying that INDIA is involved in supporting terrorism in Pakistan,the latest Karachi air port incident was ALL carried out by hard ware made in India..
India has played every possible trick in her hat to malign Pakistan on the international forums too,,they have blocked our entry into UN security council,they have stopped ANY major seminar,gaming event or even a conference of international repute to be held on our soil in last 66 years…
they have their hand within Pakistan in fanning sectarianism,shia-sunni issue,spinning the Baluchistan insurgency from as late as mid 70s till its present dimensions.RAW has been physically involved in exploding bombs on Pakistani soil killing our innocent citizen..
we already have fought 6 large to medium scale conflicts with the Indians and military experts forecast a conflict involving the 2 nuclear states in a bloody war in near future,owing to so many prevailing unresolved conflicts..
since 1947,in the exodus of population upon partition,numerous military bouts and terrorism related incidents involving india ,PAKISTAN has lost hundreds of thousands of its sons..

NOW,our beloved prime minister wants to give THIS ROWDY NEIGHBOUR OF OURS the status of MFN (most favoured nation)? He also wants to give INDIA access on pakistani roads/motor ways  to reach into Afghanistan and CARs (the Central Asian Countries).

He has met ALL big n influential INDIAN business men in recent years exploring his own and to an extent SARKARI business too,,he has met mr mittal in india during his last,but WELL PUBLICIZED visit,exploring the possibility of setting up a steel mill on Indian or a NEW neutral territory.

His personal friends includes a list of WORLD leaders like ex PM of Lebanon mr harreiri,previous n present PMs of turkey,crown princes/princes of SAUDI ARABIA,UAE n few gulf countries with whom his BIZ LINKS HAVE been established and verified over a period of time,,presidents of china and south Korea,heads of giants like DAEWOO,Hitachi and Mitsubishi r the type of his biz partners..few mention BAJAJ,TATA nad MITTALS of india in this august list too.

Being the PM of one of the poorest countries on this planet,a war trodden state still looking for some light and direction.we are the 6th largest population on this planet with 60% of us living under a dollar a day,and he is ALL OVER THE GLOBE.,and THESE ARE HIS PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS !!..WITH NO FRONTIERS OF GEOGRAPHY,NO SHACKLES OF RELIGION AND HONOUR TO BIND HIM..

he is a declared BILLIONAIRE worth 1.4 billion US dollars by Forbes USA.
35 years on top political positions in Pakistan,3 time OUR PM,twice CM of Punjab,that by itself is a world record and he is part of the GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS..this is where he stands AS OF TODAY.

What else can one dream off…HAS HE GONE IN SANE?

for him the only thing that matters is PROFITS.his personal gains take priority over ALL other worthless issues that come in his way.and historically he has proven it on numerous occasions.

For him our ideology,the 2 nation theory,our struggle to make Pakistan,the blood of our shaheeds,the religious indifference,the KASHMIR DISPUTE and our CHOKING water courses can be resolved by running Indian trucks on Pakistani motorways while paying TRANSIT FEE to his govt for increasing his SPENDING ABILITY..all these issues THAT CAN BOTHER A THINKING PAKISTANI MIND can be changed into NON ISSUES if the man on the street starts eating cheaper indian onion,potato or eats INDIAN live stock.

For MNS every thing REVOLVES AROUND PROFIT AND MONEY,EVERY THING IS SELL-ABLE IF MNS CAN MAKE SOME CASH,the basic principle that drive a corporation.
He truly has his eyes focused on the right spot,,PROFITS,to him nothing else matters..

time we give him his true stature,he is A TRUE MULTINATIONAL FROM PAKISTAN..


Zuha Saeed

The modern world of today is dominated by GIANT corporations,also called MNCs,the Multi National Corporations..operating usually in 2 or more countries at a time,they are huge in financial terms,lot many of them are even larger than the economies of most Asian,African n South American countries. 
Under d façade or their deceptive stated objectives the single driving force behind ALL these MNCs is PROFITS..they are there to make money for themselves and their stakeholders..NO LESS NO MORE,PERIOD..
The characteristics or operating principles are of common roots,they are TRANS BORDERS,for them no geographical line on a map or on ground matters..for profits they can operate in ANY territory,they can collaborate with any individual or join hands with any similar concern with similar motives..for them religion,nationality,colour creed and at times national interest have no meaning..eg,during the tight days that passed between Russia and America/NATO their multinationals were doing booming business within Russia..churning huge PROFITS..
these MNCs opened up in china before most of the European nations opened their embassies in Beijing..at the face of it,on numerous occasions the situation was “touch and go” but the MNCs were fully entrenched and making money, caring two hoots for what others thought and said..

Bqryws-IUAAb0yuIn Pakistan ,one of the most declared dangerous country for any white skinned man,on so many occasions the local public went anti american or anti west for one reason or another, precious lives were lost in hostile demonstrations too..companies like McDonald,KFC,METRO,pizza hut were threatened to be blown up,BUT NOT ONE OUTLET WAS SHUT DOWN any where within the territory..what ever was said,but deep down,THEY NEVER SHRUGGED TO ANY DANGER involving somebody else’s life on their property..

thus multi national CORPORATIONS operate with their own minds and single point agenda..MAKE MONEY,nothing can shut them down until they STOP MAKING money,that’s the time,THEY JUST PACK AWAY.

Of late,MUMLIKAT E KHUDAD e PAKISTAN has also seen a SIMILAR creation,,MIAN MUHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF..he may LOOK different BUT has a mind of an MNC for sure..

at the time of kargil war in 1999 when our country was burying her dead soldiers HIS sugar mills were exporting sugar to india,the same adversary who was BUTCHERING our soldiers on the mountains,,to add insult to the injury,at that time sugar was cheaper in india compared to pakistani export price,OUR MNC played a stroke of genius,OUR SUGAR WAS SUBSIDIZED BY THE GOVT TO BRING DOWN ITS PRICE TO THE LEVEL OF INDIAN DOMESTIC MARKET PRICE..ur and my tax money was spoofed up to sell cheaper sugar to india ,while HIS MILLS MADE PROFITS !!

then,when OUR country was passing such bad days that FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNTS WERE CEASED,few BILLION dollars were invested by him and his kin in foreign countries to secure tem for times to come.he is on record owning properties in at least 6 foreign lands that include urban mansions,flats,high rise buildings,some like the infamous ill-ford plaza that singly costs over 500 million pound sterling,and a STEEL MILL in saudi arabia too,apart from all this a HUGE property management system in UK run by his son..HE SECURES HIS PROFITS WELL AND AWAY FROM THE DANGER ZONE WHERE HE CAN NOT LOOSE THEM.

HIS story does not end here..
Just for the historic records..we are fighting the Indians in siachin for the last 34 years, 
the Pakistan army is standing posts all along the Kashmir border right from day of our creation,

We have KASHMIR dispute with the Indians,a territory larger than MOST European countries of today,
We have other MASSIVE land and WATER disputes with our neighbour,
ch nisar the sitting interior minister is on record saying that INDIA is involved in supporting terrorism in Pakistan,the latest Karachi air port incident was ALL carried out by hard ware made in India..
India has played every possible trick in her hat to malign Pakistan on the international forums too,,they have blocked our entry into UN security council,they have stopped ANY major seminar,gaming event or even a conference of international repute to be held on our soil in last 66 years…
they have their hand within Pakistan in fanning sectarianism,shia-sunni issue,spinning the Baluchistan insurgency from as late as mid 70s till its present dimensions.RAW has been physically involved in exploding bombs on Pakistani soil killing our innocent citizen..
we already have fought 6 large to medium scale conflicts with the Indians and military experts forecast a conflict involving the 2 nuclear states in a bloody war in near future,owing to so many prevailing unresolved conflicts..
since 1947,in the exodus of population upon partition,numerous military bouts and terrorism related incidents involving india ,PAKISTAN has lost hundreds of thousands of its sons..

NOW,our beloved prime minister wants to give THIS ROWDY NEIGHBOUR OF OURS the status of MFN (most favoured nation)? He also wants to give INDIA access on pakistani roads/motor ways  to reach into Afghanistan and CARs (the Central Asian Countries).

He has met ALL big n influential INDIAN business men in recent years exploring his own and to an extent SARKARI business too,,he has met mr mittal in india during his last,but WELL PUBLICIZED visit,exploring the possibility of setting up a steel mill on Indian or a NEW neutral territory.

His personal friends includes a list of WORLD leaders like ex PM of Lebanon mr harreiri,previous n present PMs of turkey,crown princes/princes of SAUDI ARABIA,UAE n few gulf countries with whom his BIZ LINKS HAVE been established and verified over a period of time,,presidents of china and south Korea,heads of giants like DAEWOO,Hitachi and Mitsubishi r the type of his biz partners..few mention BAJAJ,TATA nad MITTALS of india in this august list too.

Being the PM of one of the poorest countries on this planet,a war trodden state still looking for some light and direction.we are the 6th largest population on this planet with 60% of us living under a dollar a day,and he is ALL OVER THE GLOBE.,and THESE ARE HIS PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS !!..WITH NO FRONTIERS OF GEOGRAPHY,NO SHACKLES OF RELIGION AND HONOUR TO BIND HIM..

he is a declared BILLIONAIRE worth 1.4 billion US dollars by Forbes USA.
35 years on top political positions in Pakistan,3 time OUR PM,twice CM of Punjab,that by itself is a world record and he is part of the GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS..this is where he stands AS OF TODAY.

What else can one dream off…HAS HE GONE IN SANE?

for him the only thing that matters is PROFITS.his personal gains take priority over ALL other worthless issues that come in his way.and historically he has proven it on numerous occasions.

For him our ideology,the 2 nation theory,our struggle to make Pakistan,the blood of our shaheeds,the religious indifference,the KASHMIR DISPUTE and our CHOKING water courses can be resolved by running Indian trucks on Pakistani motorways while paying TRANSIT FEE to his govt for increasing his SPENDING ABILITY..all these issues THAT CAN BOTHER A THINKING PAKISTANI MIND can be changed into NON ISSUES if the man on the street starts eating cheaper indian onion,potato or eats INDIAN live stock.

For MNS every thing REVOLVES AROUND PROFIT AND MONEY,EVERY THING IS SELL-ABLE IF MNS CAN MAKE SOME CASH,the basic principle that drive a corporation.
He truly has his eyes focused on the right spot,,PROFITS,to him nothing else matters..

time we give him his true stature,he is A TRUE MULTINATIONAL FROM PAKISTAN..

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The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion

The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion

The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion

By Hesham Tillawi, PhD


 “Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people.”Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997

 I came from a country occupied militarily by Israel to the land of “the free and the brave” only to find out it too was occupied politically by Israel.

The Palestinian people, holding on to whatever shred of hope they can, are counting on the day Americans see the error of their ways and change their opinion of the whole Middle East situation and understand it for what it truly is–A conquered, oppressed people living a hellish existence under a maniacal, occupying power and who will then contact their representatives in Congress and have them put the heat on Israel in fulfilling the agreements she made years ago with the PLO such as Oslo, Taba, Camp David, Wye River, the Road Map, or even Annapolis.

The sad fact however is that the Americans–as much as they champion themselves as a “free people”–are in no better shape than the Palestinians. On the contrary, the American position is worse than that of the Palestinians. The Palestinians can identify the enemy–he is the one with the gun and blowing away their loved ones. They KNOW they are occupied and oppressed. They KNOW how Israel occupied Palestine, killed its inhabitants and forced the majority of those who survived the carnage out of their homes and lands to then live as strangers in refugee camps.

 The Americans however, have no idea. Like a drug addict who thinks he feels great after shooting up, he does not realize he is a slave, to his substance and to his pusher. The history of how the Zionists’ controlled England is not shrouded in mystery. Through Jewish control of the British government the Balfour Declaration was drafted that “gave” the land of Palestine to the Jews after WWI, a land they did not own or possess.

 But how in the world did they occupy the United States politically? There is no real “Balfour Declaration” we can point to as proof.

Or can we?

Jewish influence in American politics–while there from the earliest days and certainly apparent during the Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman administrations–did not become the force it is today until the Kennedy era, or, rather, AFTER the Kennedy era.

As all know, in 1961 John Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States, a presidency cut short as a result of his assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Robert Kennedy, the president’s younger brother was Attorney General of the United States and therefore the head of the Department of Justice.

What is little-known is that the Kennedy’s realized early on that indeed the country was in trouble and that something needed to be done about it.

Control of CNN

The trouble in this case

was the influence slithering its way into American political life from a far-away state only about 12 years old known as Israel. Both Kennedy brothers, learning politics at their father Joseph’s knee, understood the dynamic of this thing known as “Jewish interests”, how it would play out and what the repercussions would be for America.
 Of the many issues revolving around Israel and the Zionist question the two more important as pertains the Jewish state were (A) Israel’s nuclear program, and (B) the issue of an organization known as the American Zionist Council.
 According to Pulitzer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh, President Kennedy was profoundly committed to nuclear nonproliferation and was categorically opposed to nuclear weapons in the Middle East, which meant opposing Israel’s nuclear program. Hersh states that JFK exerted heavy pressure on Israel to stop the program and was serious about it. At the time Kennedy was in the middle of crises mode with the Russians in trying to arrange a nonproliferation treaty with them and therefore Israel’s nuclear program would be a big embarrassment. In addition to being an embarrassment it would open up the possibility of a nuclear conflict with Russia, given her allies in the Middle East, something made all the more believable in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis that almost resulted in a nuclear war between the two giants. John Kennedy had nightmares about the prospect of nuclear proliferation, saying “I am haunted by the feeling that by 1970, unless we are successful, there may be ten nuclear powers instead of four, and by 1975, 15 to 20…. I see the possibility in the 1970s of the president of the United States having to face a world in which 15 or 25 nations may have these weapons. I regard this as the greatest possible danger and hazard.”
Secret letters and secret meetings between Kennedy and Ben-Gurion give a clear picture of the difficulty Kennedy faced in negotiating with the Israeli Prime Minister who stated many times that nothing will save Israel but nuclear power. According to author Michael Collins Piper in his book Final Judgment Ben Gurion wrote Kennedy saying: “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist, and this existence is in danger.”
 It does not take a skilled translater to figure out what Ben Gurion was saying, namely that Kennedy’s opposition to nuclear weapons in the Middle East was seen as an existential threat to the Jewish people and their newly-formed state. Going further, Kennedy insisted on inspections of Israel’s program as evidenced in a secret letter sent to then-Israeli Prime Minister Levy Eshkol that stated that American support of Israel “could be jeopardized” if the Americans were not allowed to inspect the Israeli nuclear facilities.
As if the aforementioned were not enough, there was another front in this private war between Kennedy and the “Jewish state” equally important in its scope if we are to understand what kinds of forces were at play here that led to America’s change of policy with regards to Israel. It involves the issue of spying, bribery and the direct controlling of American politicians by a foreign power and the one creature at the center of all of it was something known as the American Zionist Council and the Kennedys’ insistence it register as a foreign agent under the provisos of FARA, the Foreign Agent Registration Act passed by Congress back in 1938 to prevent German agents in the U.S. from buying their way into the American system of government and public opinion. The purpose of FARA was “to insure that American public and its law makers know the source of information- propaganda intended to sway public opinion, policy, and laws.”
In other words the Kennedy’s understood the danger of the Zionist Movement on the United States of America and treated it just like Germany was treated during the Hitler years. The Kennedy’s understood the reality of the situation as it existed during their days in government, that the AZC was an agent of a foreign government, Israel, which would prevent it from buying American politicians and exerting the kind of influence over public opinion making that for all intents and purposes is now is a fait accompli.
Negotiations went back and forth between the Department of Justice headed by the President’s brother Robert and the American Zionist Council. The council refused to register and the DOJ tried to exert pressure on them, even going so far in one instance as giving them 72 hours to register, but at no avail. Examining the newly-de-classified documents containing the minutes of those meetings between the DOJ and the AZC one can see the language of gangsters being used. In one of those documents dated May 2, 1963 the head legal counsel Simon H. Rifkind for the AZC explained to the representatives of the DOJ the nature of the AZC, saying “The council is composed of representatives of the various Zionist organizations in the United States” and thereby, in effect, it represented “the vast majority of organized Jewry within this country.” The message was clear here–As far as organizations go it is big and powerful. Judge Rifkind obviously wanted to make sure the Kennedy’s knew they were picking a fight with a gorilla and not some small mouse.
He did not stop there but went further by stating that the vast number of Jews who adhered to the principles of Zionism could not understand how “our administration” could “do such harm to the Zionist movement and impair the effectiveness of the council by insistence on registration.”
Here Judge Rifkind made sure he used the phrase “our administration” instead of “our government” to make a specific point, namely that he was talking about Kennedy personally, that it was the Jews responsible for him getting elected and that if he continued with his agenda he was in effect entering into a war with organized Jewry.
Another meeting very much worth noting was held on October 17, 1963 between DOJ and AZC. In this meeting Judge Rifkind insisted on non registering, citing that fact that “It was the opinion of most of the persons affiliated with the Council that such registration…would eventually destroy the Zionist movement” and adding that he did not believe his clients would “file any papers or sign any papers indicating that the organization was an agent of a foreign principal”. In other words, “Screw You America and your laws, we’ll do what we want” as well as threatening the administration and telling them who really ruled the country, not the Kennedy brothers but rather the persons “affiliated” with AZC. Once translated from Gangsterese into understandable political language, this statement was in effect a direct warning/threat to the Administration that the war was on. It is up for grabs whether or not the Kennedys understood this to be the real threat it was, but nevertheless the Administration decided to continue with its position.
On November 22, 1963 President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. As the AZC went away into the sunset, AIPAC came riding in, born and led by the same persons who created and managed AZC for the same purpose. This time however, the message went out clearly for all on Capitol Hill to hear and understand–“Do not stand in our way of influencing public opinion, policy, or laws.”
Obviously, the message has been effective, as all American leaders save a few such as James Traficant have done as instructed. According to the former Congressman, Israel receives $15 Billion worth of aid from the American Taxpayers without a single discussion or a single argument on the floor of either the house of Representatives or the Senate. Why? Because no one dares to question it. Why is it that most of our politicians make pilgrimage to Tel Aviv and the “wailing wall” in Jerusalem to get the blessing of Israel before they are even approved by their own political parties here in the United States? Why is it our Congress is always split down the middle on all other issues presented to them except when it deals with Israel? We all still remember the comment made by former Israeli Prime Minster Ariel Sharon to his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in October 2001: “Don’t worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America.” When people with eyes to see state that fact they are called anti-Semites, despite the fact that what is being said is the truth.
 The “control” Sharon spoke about has been there for a long time now. Consider what the late Senator Fulbright (who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and who held hearings back in 1963 regarding the AZC and the fact it should be registered as a Foreign Agent registration) said when speaking on the CBS television program “Face the Nation” had to say–
 “I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy not approved by the Jews…Terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on Congress… the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get Congress to do anything they (the Jews) don’t approve of.”
These words were not spoken by a researcher or a reporter but by a brave American hero who actually lived through and experienced the Jewish influence over our political system and media.
This Israeli political occupation of the United States should not go on unchallenged, and American Jewry should understand that secrets cannot be hidden from the people forever. Nothing less than a revolution will correct this situation. The corrective action should be taken at the ballot boxes by electing people who are not afraid to challenge AIPAC and the likes and make America’s Foreign Policy truly American and not Israeli.
As a first step in this process, let us keep the words of our dear martyred President John F Kennedy in mind– “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”.
Hesham Tillawi, PhD International Relations is a Palestinian American writer, Political Analyst and a TV and Radio Talk Show Host. His program Current issues with Hesham Tillawi can be viewed Live every Thursdayevening at 6:30PM Central Standard Time on Cox Cable system Channel 15 in Louisiana, Nationwide on Bridges TV, and Worldwide on Amazonas Satellite, as well as Live on the Internet at http://www.currentissues.tv and can be contacted at [email protected]Interviews then archived for on demand viewing at http://www.currentissues.tv Radio show broadcast on RBN http://www.republicbroadcasting.org every Saturday at 4-6 PMCentral Time
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