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Posted by admin in CURRENT EVENTS on December 21st, 2023
What Ails Pakistan?
Way Forward
Brig.Gen(Retd)Asif Haroon Raja
After the Partition in 1947, mishandling and mismanagement of Evacuee Properties laid the foundation of corruption in Pakistan. It created a class of upstarts who prospered during the decade of development of Ayub Khan in the 1960s.
Devaluation and nationalization by Bhutto pulverised the economy and industry. Jayala culture and promotion of secularism indisciplined the society and promoted liberalism.
Fighting someone else’s wars for thirty years militarized the society and infected it with extremism, intolerance, ethnicity, sectarianism, religious bigotry and divides, and the cultures of Kalashnikov, drugs and other social vices. The Junejo era gave birth to bank loans, Mafias and parallel economy.
The era of the 1990s saw Pakistan getting engulfed in the aftereffects of the Afghan war which nosedived our morals and values, and craze for making big money overnight intensified.
The political class, bureaucrats, the military and big tycoons got involved in power politics and political engineering to protect their selfish interests.
VIP culture and cultures of commissions, kickbacks, graft intensified. Merit was discarded and was replaced by nepotism and loyalists. Pakistan’s economic hub Karachi was mercilessly plundered by MQM and PPP.
The elite class controlling the wealth, and with all the levers of power, got detached from the commoners. They neither made any effort to integrate the nation, or to reform the state institutions. The accountability was in name only. The IPP deal was the worst which is one of the key factors of our debt burden. Agriculture being the backbone was neglected.
These factors bolstered black economy and strengthened the Mafias.
The post 9/11 era saw Pakistanis getting bloodied and traumatized in the US imposed war on terror. Enlightened moderation was promoted to show the soft face of Pakistan, but it heightened the secular-Islamic divide and promoted obscenity and immorality. The 20-year war destabilised the country, divided the nation, and impoverished the economy.
The war didn’t make any difference to the rich class which continued to live an ostentatious and pompous life, and detested simplicity. To upkeep their high lifestyle, they got more loans which were pilfered.
The spending was much more than the income which enlarged deficits. Population explosion further complicated economics. Debt burden kept mounting. More debts were taken for debt servicing.
The 3rd political experiment made by the military establishment to improve economics and to maintain its control over power politics proved devastating for the country. Pakistan is still suffering from its consequences and is still clueless how to get out of the self-created mess.
With so many internal shortcomings and vulnerabilities, it was easy for our adversaries to keep sprinkling oil on our weak areas and keeping Pakistan perpetually politically destabilised, socially divided and economically weak and dependent.
The tool of media was used to mind clone the educated urbanites. The hirelings and the misled added to Pakistan’s troubles. They picked up arms against the State and their Army and unwittingly promoted the dangerous agenda of enemies of Pakistan.
The deplorable conduct of the rulers and the elites have depressed Pakistani youth who see no future for them. The youth bulge is going to waste, and the educated younger generation prefers to go abroad.
It is because of the misconduct of the civil and military leaders and the bureaucrats that Pakistan today finds itself gripped in multiple crises which include political, economic, constitutional, judicial and moral crises. Political polarization has scaled new heights of hatred.
With so many failings, and without having carried out crucial reforms, to what good will be the elections on Feb 8?
Several political parties are expressing doubts and are demanding level playing fields and fair and transparent elections’.
The losers will not accept the results, the winners would be of the same stock. A tug of war between the govt and the opposition would restart, the spoilers would hatch new conspiracies to derail the so-called democracy, the snakes in the grass would keep hissing and stinging the federation, and our enemies would happily keep fishing in our dirty waters.
Steps Required
The steps that are urgently needed to be taken by the future govt are:
1. Continuation of reforms of the Judiciary, Police Bureaucracy, FBR, and other State institutions that are politicized and corrupt.
2. Continuation of economic uplift programs with the same zeal.
3. Attracting foreign investment by the SIFC.
4. Continuation of chalked out development of Mining, IT, Agriculture, Energy and Defense Production Sectors under monitoring and implementation teams.
5. Continuation of crackdown against the smugglers, hoarders, money exchangers and other culprits involved in mega corruption and crimes.
6. Deportation of all the illegal immigrants and making the border management and immigration laws more stringent.
7. Dealing with the foreign paid and equipped terrorists sternly.
8. Banning sit-ins, and political gatherings inciting violence and hatred.
9. Establishment of rule of law and making the accountability effective.
10. Improving governance and work ethics in all the departments.
11. Getting rid of the sick public sector enterprises that have become white elephants through privatisation.
12. Geo-economics is given higher priority over geo-politics.
13. Effective measures taken to offset negative effects of Indo-US-Israel controlled social media and of the hybrid war.
14. Measures should be taken to make our economy self-reliant by getting rid of the dependency syndrome.
15. At the same time, efforts should be made to gel the society and unify the home front.
United Home Front
The united and strong home front will be possible, if: –
Our elite class mend their ways.
The policy of one-sided appeasement is shunned.
Foreign, economic and defence policies are balanced, serving our national interests.
Political stability and harmony between the power centres are achieved.
The confidence of the youth is rebuilt and they are put on constructive channels.
The yawning gap between the rich and the poor is narrowed.
Poverty is alleviated.
Equitable dispensation of justice is ensured.
Moral turpitude improved and national character strengthened.
The above looks impossible, but where there is a will there is a way. Sincerity and honesty of purpose, combined with total dedication and commitment, and faith in Allah, can remove all hurdles howsoever insurmountable.
Asif Haroon Raja
Posted by admin in CURRENT EVENTS on December 16th, 2023
Looking beyond the Obvious Lens of War
10 Dec 2023 – Justice and fairness search for reason and truth, not mythological criteria of political power and ethnic supremacy of the few in global affairs. Canons of rationality do not subscribe to treacherous ambuscade but focus on imperatives of reasoned legitimacy of purpose and an enlightened core principle of justice for all. The UN and all of its organs are dysfunctional, the UNRWA has no operating schools or to shelter millions of refugees and UN -NGO’s food programs are not allowed when civilians are being starved as a weapon of war. The UN Secretary General Deteurres using Article 99 (UN Charter) for the SC meeting called it an ‘apocalyptic events’ destroying humanity.
President Joe Biden and PM Netanyahu appear to be linked to a false narrative of power politics undermining their own moral vulnerability and sustainable future. On December 8, the US veto at the UNSC meeting signals that reality is in the making. America and Israel have plunged into a moral and political abyss and would find it hard to return to the transition of reason and global harmony. American policies are blended into Israeli actions to subdue the Arab world and to destroy the population of Gaza. When there is no reason in global deliberations, there is cruelty and insanity empowering the evil acts of disingenuity against mankind. The tribulations, terror, deaths of the innocent civilians and destruction of human cultures and civilization are hallmarks of war on Gaza. Perhaps the prevalent scenes of barbarity of planned killings of women, children and the innocents are embedded in a hybrid culture – part human-part vulture in policies and practices. American veto power at the Security Council signals preference to foil ceasefire and save Israel from the consequences of a barbaric war rather than to listen to voices of global reasoning. Humanity faces a havoc situation of multiple crises of human suffering and abandoned civilians close to 2.3 millions.
Jews for Peace vs. American and Israeli alliance
Wars are integral to American and Israeli formative history. All of the WMD is supplied by America and Israel bombs the enclave and international NGOs and Human Rights Watch allege “genocidal acts of vengeance” against the civilians of Gaza. Virtually inexhaustible bombing spares no life, no hospitals, no UNRWA school, no safety to protect the civilians and no respect for International Humanitarian Law or the Geneva Conventions as if these are just paper-based dried ink words without any meaning. Israeli PM Netanyahu is egoistic and cares about his own political survival unleashing violent assumptions of hatred, animosities and killings of Palestinians overwhelm the daily thinking process across many spectrum of Israeli society – a nation no matter how normal claims to be, cannot function as normal beings to co-exist with their own self, the surroundings – in the human culture and make any positive contributions to human change and progress. Even the warmongers cannot predict what the end game is after the forced expulsion of 2.3 millions people of Gaza. There are many Jewish organizations (“Jews for Peace” and “Jews against Zionism”) and others across the US and Europe committed to and standing for peace and global brotherhood. They all are calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
A favorite perversion is at work when American and some European leaders call it a simple “operation” across Gaza whereas cold blooded massacres are the result of daily life. Evil happens when conscientious men do nothing. God created the Heavens and Earth as a trust to fulfill all human aspirations and to flourish human generations since time immemorial. It was not meant to be bombed and destroyed by sheer ignorance and wickedness.
The Earth is a Trust to Us, Those Bombing it are not Normal Human Beings
The Earth is a living entity and is meant for us – the human beings. The Divine warning (Chapter 7: 56: The Qur’an), is self-explanatory: Do no mischief on the Earth after it hath been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in hearts; For the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good. We live on earth that sustains all forms of living things, yet human ignorance and arrogance are at work to destroy the essential foundation of our own existence. When nations and leaders subscribing to political absolutism start acting like God and challenge the sanctity and limits of the Laws of God; historically speaking they become an object of unthinkable natural calamities- earthquakes, wildfires, floods, deaths and destruction.
The WHO- Geneva warns of ‘tsunami of diseases’ in the making if immediate preventive measures are not taken to remove the rubble, dead bodies and restore functional hospitals and increased supplies of fuel, clean water, foods and well being of the displaced people. While the US and West European leaders offer lip service to the Two State solution, Palestinians are worthy of human dignity and rights as are the Israelis”, and “Two States – Israel and Palestine.” “ Gaza: War on We, the People and Arab-Muslim’s Shame ”
Are the Arab-Muslim Leaders waiting for the Unthinkable?
America and Israel view all the Arab States as vulnerable to domination and political supremacy. The former European colonial powers and America appoint former tribal agents as dictators, kings, princes and royals and masses are viewed just as sheep and goats and nothing else. The Cop28 at Dubai was nothing more than an insult to common sense while America and Israel are slaughtering the innocent people in Gaza. Most Western leaders supporting the exclusively Israeli stance were present there to be entertained with dance and music. Qatar is overwhelmed with Expos 2023 and football matches. Egypt under General Sisi is complicit in Israeli strategic plans. America and Israel have working plans to conquer more Arab lands to resettle the Palestinians and put a finished answer on Palestine as a State. Would the Arab-Muslim leaders rethink outside the imperial box to opt for a navigational change in relationships with the US and its military hegemony? The time, history and future generations of consciousness people will curse the so-called tribal agents for their ignorance, wickedness and greed to be kings and queens and princes.
Most Arab-Muslim leaders live in complete disconnect to the prevalent strategic realities emerging across the Middle East. Their imagination, if any, reflects a world of fantasy not facts of life. There are no public institutions of discussions and accountability and leaders are not equipped with knowledge and wisdom to cope with the harsh challenges of the 21st century global affairs. They should be questioned and held accountable for failing to help the besieged people of Palestine. Could they ever envisage how the futuristic Arab world lookalike?
There are thousands of Israeli citizens demonstrating in Tel Aviv asking the government for peace with Palestinian and a safe return of hostages still in Gaza. The Netanyahu Government is not listening to voices of reason and moderation. The Israeli Ultra Nationalist groups are continuously violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Arab-Muslim leaders are simply watching the provocations. Please see this author: “Al-Aqsa Mosque Waiting for the Arab Leaders.”
Please see more by this author:
The followers of Moses – the generations of Israelite are reminded by God ( Quran 2: 84-85 and Torah): And remember, We took a Covenant from the Children of Israel (progeny of Jacob), Worship none but God; ….shed no blood amongst you, Nor displace people from homes: and Ye solemnly ratified, And to this ye can bear witness…. It was not lawful for you to banish another party, then it is only a part of the Book that ye believe in…. And on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty, For God is not unmindful what ye do.
To be honest to ourselves and to our future, American and Israeli manipulation of time, warmongering and dictum are contrary to the Nature of Things. The Gazan landscape is filled with deaths and destruction which could have been avoided and undone if reason and honest policies were implied to the crisis. The time and opportunities call for rethinking and new ideas to reject violence and vengeance as contrary to the nature of humanity, peace and intellect. To avoid the most dreadful tragedies in the making, we must reject tyranny of war as a means to solve political problems and demand a return to persuasive communication and dialogue for conflict management and peace-making.
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international relations-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest book: Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution: Approaches to Understand the Current Issues and Future-Making, Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 2017.
Tags: Conflict Resolution, Crimes against Humanity, Ethnic Cleansing, Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Massacre, Palestine, Peace, USA, United Nations, War crimes
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Dec 2023.
Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TMS: War on Gaza: How the US Used Veto to Support Israel and Insult Humanity?, is included. Thank you.
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international relations-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest book: Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution: Approaches to Understand the Current Issues and Future-Making, Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 2017.
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Posted by admin in CURRENT EVENTS on December 16th, 2023
I want to give my salute to Ms Shazia Zeeshan, Anchor-person of 92-News, on presenting a report in her program of “Night Edition” on August 04, 2023, on the subject of a famous case of barbarous torture to an innocent 12-year-old girl named Rizwana which should be an eye-opener for all of us.
In the report, she was talking to the mother of the victim and she asked very good questions relating to the tragedy, and the facts which came to light from her questions to the mother and her answers to them were mind-blowing to me.
A 12-year-old innocent girl was made to care all the children of the house and do the household chores of three storeys of the building all alone. At the same time, she was bodily beaten tortured and injured. Surprisingly the torture was committed both by the husband and wife of the house whereas the husband is a judge of law-court and the wife is a school teacher. She was staying in the workhouse for more than three months during which time she was not allowed to go home and see her parents. She was also not allowed to speak to her parents. This inhuman, barbarous and criminal act of employers of the child is of course downright condemnable. But this is one aspect of the matter. There is another aspect of the matter which I noticed and realized from the whole story. All this tyranny being committed to the child for several months was known to her parents, and how surprising that her parents, especially her mother, did not care to look into it, rescue her or make a complaint. In answer to a question, the mother simply said “It was our mistake”.
A similar case is the news we hear now and then that a child or several children were drowned in a pond or in an open gutterline and lost their lives while bathing in or playing near the pond, or while playing near the open gutterline. The parents of other children must be coming to know the tragic incidents but they do not care to protect their children and let them go and play near dangerous spots and get drowned again.
The crime of the employers of the innocent child is great but the crime of her parents is equally great, nay, its greater than the crime of her employers. The employers are not the parents of the child but the child is a sweetheart of her parents. The day of qiyama seems to be near.
I strongly feel that we should sympathize with our innocent small children and save them from the tyranny of these household employers and so-called “parents”.
I think it’s a dire need of the time to urge the government to take special notice of this tyrannical state of affairs and make special courts for such crimes where the cases can be finalized within a week or so and perpetrators awarded exemplary punishment. Simultaneously, the parents of the victim child should also be awarded punishment as they are also a part of the crime and may aptly be called “accomplices”. ~
At the same time, and more importantly, social media, social workers, public welfare organizations and all religious clerics should use sll available means to educate the masses, particularly the poor lower class, to learn that it is the religious and moral duty of parents to take care of their children and protect them from hazards and dangers and miscreants.
Posted by admin in CURRENT EVENTS on December 13th, 2023
Sydney, Australia. August 7, 2023.
An International Kashmir Conference was organized by ‘Australian Forum for Kashmir’ (AFK) & Consulate General Office Pakistan in Sydney on the occasion of 4th anniversary of siege of Kashmir by India.
Mr. Rab Nawaz Co-Ordinator of Australian Forum for Kashmir expressed his sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who had joined virtually on Facebook and in particular Dr. Ghulam-Nabi Fai from USA & Dr. Waleed Rasool, representative of All Parties Huriyat Conference who spoke on the subject during the Webinar. Rab Nawaz emphasized that AFK would continue its support and struggle for the people of Kashmir in Australia and will extend this support by coordinating with other organizations working in other parts of the world.
AFK was established in 2019 when the Indian government revoked the article 370 and 35A from its constitution through which a special status was given to Kashmiris. Within these four years Australian Forum for Kashmir has raised the voice of Kashmiri people among different forums including Australian parliamentarians, public and different organizations.
Mr. Rab Nawaz also acknowledged the efforts by M. Muhammad Ashraf Consulate General Pakistan, Sydney, Sr. Saima Jamil Deputy Consulate General Pakistan, Sydney and their staff for highlighting the Kashmir cause effectively at the Australian public square.
Mr. Usaid Khalil, Secretary General, ‘Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims’ (IFAM) expressed his solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said that Kashmir demands our utmost attention because Indian army is committing unprecedented human rights atrocities with impunity. India has enacted draconian laws which are designed to change the majority Muslim character of Kashmir to a minority character. Mr. Khalil added that the world press and international NGO’s have spoken that human rights violations in Kashmir are systematic and officially sanctioned.
Mr. Khalil said that he is proud to be an Australian Muslim where equally rights and equal opportunity are given to all. But he added that he was dismayed at watching the red-carpet treatment that was given by our government to Narendra Modi who was responsible for the massacre of more than 2000 Muslims of Gujrat. Does our government know, Mr. Khalil asked that Modi’s visa was revoked, and he was denied the entry to the United States in 2005 for his involvement in death and destruction of Muslims of Gujrat? We want our government to take a principle stand as we did in 1950’s at the United Nations and demand that Modi government fulfills its promise that was given to the people of Kashmir – right to self-determination. We also demand the India gives free access to the international NGO’s and media to Kashmir to assess the situation, release all political prisoners, and revoke draconian laws.
Mr. Usaid Khalil reiterated that IFAM will do whatever it can in mobilizing the public opinion regarding the situation in Kashmir.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum said that whenever India took the unilateral action, the world community has always rejected it. He expressed his sincere appreciation to the Government of Australia for being the co-sponsor of the UN Security Council resolution #122 (1957) which says that any unilateral action taken by the Jammu & Kashmir Constituent Assembly cannot be the substitute for the disposition of the people under this principle.
Dr. Fai added that Sir Edward Ronald Walker is on record to have said on January 24, 1957, that ‘the Australian delegation enters upon this discussion with a deep sense of responsibility, for the people of Australia have followed this problem of Kashmir with great anxiety and concern. The sole interest of the Australian Government in this matter is to do what we can to assist the parties to find a just and mutually acceptable solution of this problem.’ We do hope that the administration of Honorable Anthony Albanese will abide by that principle.
Dr. Fai reiterated that despite this persistent tyranny, the people of Kashmir have never lost hope in the right of self-determination. They will never ever give up their right to be free and they will never surrender. That is why they seek a greater understanding of the world powers including Australia in this regard.
Dr. Waleed Rasool added that we in Kashmiri diaspora stand with the people of occupied Kashmir in their struggle to stop government of India from dehumanizing and humiliating them and urge the Australian government to take a leadership role in urging Modi Administration to stand with the United Nations Charter and allow the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise the right to self-determination. We also appeal to the peace-loving global community to give voice to the voiceless people of Kashmir who are under the Indian occupation for the last 76 years.
Ms. Saima Jamil, Deputy Consul General, an articulate and seasoned diplomat was the emcee of the webinar. In her opening remarks, she said that it was on August 5, 2019, that Government of India took a unilateral decision and abrogated Article 370 and 35 A which is the violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. India also resorted to series of other illegal actions, including the enactment of Domicile Law which is designed to change the demography of Kashmir. The United Nations Special Rapporteurs are on record to have said that Indian army is committing human rights atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir. In order to express our solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Consulate General Pakistan in collaboration with Australian Forum for Kashmir are organized this webinar.
Photos: From left to right. Mr. Rab Nawaz; Mr. Usaid Khalil with leadership of IFAM; speakers on zoom; Ms. Samia Jamil, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai & Dr. Waleed Rasool.
Dr. Fai is the Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or. gnfai2003@yahoo.com
Australia must uphold human rights in Kashmir: Rab Nawaz
Sydney, Australia. August 7, 2023.
An International Kashmir Conference was organized by ‘Australian Forum for Kashmir’ (AFK) & Consulate General Office Pakistan in Sydney on the occasion of 4th anniversary of siege of Kashmir by India.
Mr. Rab Nawaz Co-Ordinator of Australian Forum for Kashmir expressed his sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who had joined virtually on Facebook and in particular Dr. Ghulam-Nabi Fai from USA & Dr. Waleed Rasool, representative of All Parties Huriyat Conference who spoke on the subject during the Webinar. Rab Nawaz emphasized that AFK would continue its support and struggle for the people of Kashmir in Australia and will extend this support by coordinating with other organizations working in other parts of the world.
AFK was established in 2019 when the Indian government revoked the article 370 and 35A from its constitution through which a special status was given to Kashmiris. Within these four years Australian Forum for Kashmir has raised the voice of Kashmiri people among different forums including Australian parliamentarians, public and different organizations.
Mr. Rab Nawaz also acknowledged the efforts by M. Muhammad Ashraf Consulate General Pakistan, Sydney, Sr. Saima Jamil Deputy Consulate General Pakistan, Sydney and their staff for highlighting the Kashmir cause effectively at the Australian public square.
Mr. Usaid Khalil, Secretary General, ‘Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims’ (IFAM) expressed his solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said that Kashmir demands our utmost attention because Indian army is committing unprecedented human rights atrocities with impunity. India has enacted draconian laws which are designed to change the majority Muslim character of Kashmir to a minority character. Mr. Khalil added that the world press and international NGO’s have spoken that human rights violations in Kashmir are systematic and officially sanctioned.
Mr. Khalil said that he is proud to be an Australian Muslim where equally rights and equal opportunity are given to all. But he added that he was dismayed at watching the red-carpet treatment that was given by our government to Narendra Modi who was responsible for the massacre of more than 2000 Muslims of Gujrat. Does our government know, Mr. Khalil asked that Modi’s visa was revoked, and he was denied the entry to the United States in 2005 for his involvement in death and destruction of Muslims of Gujrat? We want our government to take a principle stand as we did in 1950’s at the United Nations and demand that Modi government fulfills its promise that was given to the people of Kashmir – right to self-determination. We also demand the India gives free access to the international NGO’s and media to Kashmir to assess the situation, release all political prisoners, and revoke draconian laws.
Mr. Usaid Khalil reiterated that IFAM will do whatever it can in mobilizing the public opinion regarding the situation in Kashmir.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum said that whenever India took the unilateral action, the world community has always rejected it. He expressed his sincere appreciation to the Government of Australia for being the co-sponsor of the UN Security Council resolution #122 (1957) which says that any unilateral action taken by the Jammu & Kashmir Constituent Assembly cannot be the substitute for the disposition of the people under this principle.
Dr. Fai added that Sir Edward Ronald Walker is on record to have said on January 24, 1957, that ‘the Australian delegation enters upon this discussion with a deep sense of responsibility, for the people of Australia have followed this problem of Kashmir with great anxiety and concern. The sole interest of the Australian Government in this matter is to do what we can to assist the parties to find a just and mutually acceptable solution of this problem.’ We do hope that the administration of Honorable Anthony Albanese will abide by that principle.
Dr. Fai reiterated that despite this persistent tyranny, the people of Kashmir have never lost hope in the right of self-determination. They will never ever give up their right to be free and they will never surrender. That is why they seek a greater understanding of the world powers including Australia in this regard.
Dr. Waleed Rasool added that we in Kashmiri diaspora stand with the people of occupied Kashmir in their struggle to stop government of India from dehumanizing and humiliating them and urge the Australian government to take a leadership role in urging Modi Administration to stand with the United Nations Charter and allow the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise the right to self-determination. We also appeal to the peace-loving global community to give voice to the voiceless people of Kashmir who are under the Indian occupation for the last 76 years.
Ms. Saima Jamil, Deputy Consul General, an articulate and seasoned diplomat was the emcee of the webinar. In her opening remarks, she said that it was on August 5, 2019, that Government of India took a unilateral decision and abrogated Article 370 and 35 A which is the violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. India also resorted to series of other illegal actions, including the enactment of Domicile Law which is designed to change the demography of Kashmir. The United Nations Special Rapporteurs are on record to have said that Indian army is committing human rights atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir. In order to express our solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Consulate General Pakistan in collaboration with Australian Forum for Kashmir are organized this webinar.
Dr. Fai is the Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice.
He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435. Or. gnfai2003@yahoo.com
Posted by admin in CURRENT EVENTS on December 13th, 2023
War on Gaza: How America used Veto to Support Israel and Insult Humanity?
Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Justice and fairness search for reason and truth, not mythological criteria of political power and ethnic supremacy of the few in global affairs. Canons of rationality do not subscribe to treacherous ambuscade but focus on imperatives of reasoned legitimacy of purpose and an enlightened core principle of justice for all. The UN and all of its organs are dysfunctional, the UNRWA has no operating schools or to shelter millions of refugees and UN -NGO’s food programs are not allowed when civilians are being starved as a weapon of war. The UN Secretary General Deteurres using Article 99 (UN Charter) for the SC meeting called it an ‘apocalyptic events’ destroying humanity. President Joe Biden and PM Netanyahu appear to be linked to a false narrative of power politics undermining their own moral vulnerability and sustainable future. On December 8, the US veto at the UNSC meeting signals that reality is in the making. America and Israel have plunged into a moral and political abyss and would find it hard to return to the transition of reason and global harmony. American policies are blended into Israeli actions to subdue the Arab world and to destroy the population of Gaza. When there is no reason in global deliberations, there is cruelty and insanity empowering the evil acts of disingenuity against mankind. The tribulations, terror, deaths of the innocent civilians and destruction of human cultures and civilization are hallmarks of war on Gaza. Perhaps the prevalent scenes of barbarity of planned killings of women, children and the innocents are embedded in a hybrid culture – part human-part vulture in policies and practices. American veto power at the Security Council signals preference to foil ceasefire and save Israel from the consequences of a barbaric war rather than to listen to voices of global reasoning. Humanity faces a havoc situation of multiple crises of human sufferings and abandoned civilians close to 2.3 millions.