I want to give my salute to Ms Shazia Zeeshan, Anchor-person of 92-News, on presenting a report in her program of “Night Edition” on August 04, 2023, on the subject of a famous case of barbarous torture to an innocent 12-year-old girl named Rizwana which should be an eye-opener for all of us.

In the report, she was talking to the mother of the victim and she asked very good questions relating to the tragedy, and the facts which came to light from her questions to the mother and her answers to them were mind-blowing to me.
A 12-year-old innocent girl was made to care all the children of the house and do the household chores of three storeys of the building all alone. At the same time, she was bodily beaten tortured and injured. Surprisingly the torture was committed both by the husband and wife of the house whereas the husband is a judge of law-court and the wife is a school teacher. She was staying in the workhouse for more than three months during which time she was not allowed to go home and see her parents. She was also not allowed to speak to her parents. This inhuman, barbarous and criminal act of employers of the child is of course downright condemnable. But this is one aspect of the matter. There is another aspect of the matter which I noticed and realized from the whole story. All this tyranny being committed to the child for several months was known to her parents, and how surprising that her parents, especially her mother, did not care to look into it, rescue her or make a complaint. In answer to a question, the mother simply said “It was our mistake”.
A similar case is the news we hear now and then that a child or several children were drowned in a pond or in an open gutterline and lost their lives while bathing in or playing near the pond, or while playing near the open gutterline. The parents of other children must be coming to know the tragic incidents but they do not care to protect their children and let them go and play near dangerous spots and get drowned again.
The crime of the employers of the innocent child is great but the crime of her parents is equally great, nay, its greater than the crime of her employers. The employers are not the parents of the child but the child is a sweetheart of her parents. The day of qiyama seems to be near.
I strongly feel that we should sympathize with our innocent small children and save them from the tyranny of these household employers and so-called “parents”.
I think it’s a dire need of the time to urge the government to take special notice of this tyrannical state of affairs and make special courts for such crimes where the cases can be finalized within a week or so and perpetrators awarded exemplary punishment. Simultaneously, the parents of the victim child should also be awarded punishment as they are also a part of the crime and may aptly be called “accomplices”. ~
At the same time, and more importantly, social media, social workers, public welfare organizations and all religious clerics should use sll available means to educate the masses, particularly the poor lower class, to learn that it is the religious and moral duty of parents to take care of their children and protect them from hazards and dangers and miscreants.