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Archive for August, 2024

Change in Bangladesh Perplexes India by Brig Gen(Retd) Asif Haroon Raja

The student uprising against the quota system in Dhaka in July 2024 morphed into a countrywide protest movement within weeks and led to the departure of Hasina Wajid. Since the sudden regime change, the Indian political and military leaders, Indian media, academia and RAW are in a state of acute anxiety, bordering depression.

India has suffered two major strategic setbacks this year. The first was BJP’s loss of political power in the June 2024 elections. A bigger jolt came in August when the strongest and most trusted ally Bangladesh (BD) went out of India’s hands because of the sudden fall and exit of Hasina Wajid.

She had ruled BD with an iron hand from 2009 to the first week of Aug this year at a stretch and had established a One-party rule. 

India under the Modi and Hasina regimes had forged strategic partnership and had also linked the two countries with two railway lines. Both worked on the anti-Pakistan agenda in unison.

When Pakistan came on the world map on 14 Aug 1947, the Indian leaders chortled that it will repent its decision and will not survive longer than six months and would beg for reunion. Some said it was a big mistake of Mr. Jinnah. Nothing of the sort happened. 

India planned to avenge the vivisection of India by cutting Pakistan into two parts. To achieve this objective, East Pakistan was chosen because of its extreme vulnerability.

After the Indian victory in 1971, Indira Gandhi arrogantly stated that the Two-Nation theory was drowned in the Bay of Bengal. East Pakistan was separated through subversion, treachery, and by outnumbering and outgunning a small force of the Pak Army.

This disfigurement of Two-Nation theory survived for about 54 years, during which BD was made into a vassal state of India and the minds of the people of BD were further filled with hatred against Pakistan.

The myths, notions and fake narratives spread by India and BD against Pakistan , suddenly unravelled this month. BD under an interim regime headed by Dr. M. Yunis is in the saddle, which is anti-India, pro-Pakistan, and is pro-people. It is keen to carry out extensive reforms to refurbish electoral laws, judiciary, police and the civil administration. The govt has full backing of the army.

The current younger generation of BD has come out of the magic spell of India after coming to know that their elders were duped and betrayed by India. They view Sheikh Mujibur Rehman as a traitor and the 1971 insurgency followed by aggression by Indian forces as immoral acts. 

They have realised that if the Awami League (AL) and the Mukti Bahini had not changed sides, the Indian military despite its huge superiority in men and material, could never have defeated the Pakistani forces and the Ansars.

All the fabricated stories of massacre and rapes of the Bengalis fanned after 1971, painting Pak Army soldiers as human eating monsters and rapists, and India as the benign helper, have fallen flat and evaporated in thin air. Lies have no feet to stand on and truth is the ultimate victor. 

Hatred against India has been piling up among the younger generation due to excessive interference of RAW and Indian officials in the internal affairs of BD after 2014, Modi’s anti-Muslim and racist policies, the minorities specific Citizenship Law, gruesome atrocities against the Muslim Kashmiris, and Hasina’s cruelties against her political opponents at the behest of India, and her servitude to India. 

Their level of anger can be gauged from destruction of all the monuments and pictorials of Sheikh Mujib, ransacking of 1971 memorials and surrender ceremony portraits, ransacking properties of  AL parliamentarians, pro-govt judges and prosperous Hindu community, which had played a key role in subverting the minds of the students from 1947 to 1971 and post 1971 period. 

This sort of fury was unleashed in Aug 1975 against the creator of BD Sheikh Mujib, and now in Aug 2024 against his daughter Sheikh Hasina. Both times the targets were AL and remnants of Mukti Bahni. 

Piled up hatred for India can be judged from the emotions of the people, who are blaming India for flooding their country deliberately and causing big damages to the properties and crops, and loss of lives. 

The majority of Bangladeshis and the interim regime are inclined towards Pakistan and are keen to reestablish the old bondage. 

For all practical purposes, Hasina has met her Waterloo and she can never return to resume politics in BD. She was lucky to be rescued by the army. The AL will remain a pariah party for a long time.

The undercurrent trends in BD do not bode well for India. All its investments in billions since 1947 have gone to waste. It is incurring a loss of 18 million dollars in trade daily. It will face the refugee influx of Hindu Bengalis. If the Indian govt stops them, it will face the wrath of its people. In BD, they will lead an insecure life.

The Hindu Bengali community in BD, AL and grandchildren of 1971war veterans would face tough times. The persecuted Biharis, Jamaat Islami and BNP would enjoy greater freedom and liberty of action. The Rohingyas and the Biharis languishing in sordid camps would get some reprieve. 

Interaction of BD with the freedom fighters of seven sisters in NE India is likely to increase covertly. Prior to the Draconian rule of Hasina, the two military rulers and BNP under Khaleda Zia were friendly towards Pakistan and the intelligence agencies of the two countries cooperated with each other. 

BJP under Modi has been cut to size and it no longer wields absolute power. Its chief patron USA is itself in trouble. India’s chief rival China, is poised to become the leading economic power and the future super power.

For India, Hasina’s exit is a major strategic loss and it could jeopardise her strategic interests in South Asia. Both had forged deep-rooted economic, defence and security ties. Hasina’s regime had helped India in suppressing Insurgencies in northeastern states of India by refusing asylum to the ULFA leader Anup Chetia and deporting them to India. Water and land disputes had been resolved and India had a big hand in upturning the economic fortunes of BD.

A new era has begun in which BD will be closer to China, Nepal, Myanmar, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, and it will distance itself from overbearing India. If so, it will cause regional turbulence in South Asia.

India’s immediate concerns are the safety and security of the Hindu community in BD and RAW and Indian officials residing in BD. The other is how to offset the trade losses and how to get closer to the new interim regime. The other worry is the changed perceptions of the youth in BD about India and Pakistan and their affections for the latter. 

The trend of leaning towards China, which had already begun during Hasina’s rule, is another cause of anxiety. 

Security of insurgency prone seven states in the northeast and the highly vulnerable Siliguri corridor, which can be exploited by China through Sikkim will be the biggest security concern. 

It is an established fact that India has excelled in the art of diplomacy and has been winning new friends including the friends of its arch rival Pakistan. It has been drawing huge material benefits from the western and eastern camps. 

India has been able to cultivate the IEA regime in Afghanistan in spite of its deep animus spread over decades. 

Indian leadership must have holistically calculated that the era of Hasina and AL is over and that it will have to reconcile with the new interim regime in its immediate neighborhood. 

India must have already stepped up its efforts to win over the Yunis regime and to retain its influence in BD. It is a strategic compulsion for India to befriend BD. Major hindrance is the fascism of ruling BJP and India’s penchant for interfering in neighbouring countries.

Giving asylum to Hasina by India can become a bottleneck for restoration of friendly relationship with BD. Perforce, India will have to get rid of her. 

Unless the Indian leadership ends its fascist, racist, militarist and megalomaniac policies, it could suffer more reverses in the coming future. 

The changed environment in BD has given a window of opportunity to Pakistan to mend its ties and get closer to it. Pakistan’s diplomacy is now under test. PM Shahbaz Sharif was quick to extend his anguish to BD over the loss of lives and properties in the flash floods, and offered support. Letting the BD cricket team win the test match by ten wickets on home ground, home pitch and home crowd could be just a beginning. 

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Pakistan: Let the Nation Be Free of Criminals

Looking Beyond the Obvious Political Lens

The current Pakistani ruling elite (few Generals and Sharif-Zardari Families), have no credibility of any kind and are well known conspirators, extornists, thugs, killers and indicted criminals who should be tried in a court of law. Evil has its own power and institutions and consequently every inch of Pakistani socio-economic, intellectual and political life is infested with corruption, exploitation and irreversible moral decadence. The masses are the net victims of  neo-colonial conspiracies to degenerate the nation by Five military coups since its inception in August,1947. The country after 77 years of so called national freedom is devoid of the basic notion of freedom to exercise its rights for political change. The Generals and their accomplice few landlord families are the crux of problems across the besieged nation floating without a legitimate system of political governance or authentic public institutions of law  and order and accountability. Emerging political chaos, corruption and dishonesty to national interests is the new normal. History is a learning tool and medium but not to the neo-colonial agents dragging the nation to an uncertain future and lost sense of national identity and freedom.

Progressive nations are built by educated thinkers, people of  new ideas and ideals belonging to new generations of informed and honest people. Deprivation of the new generation is a systematic process to keep the old bags and corrupt families in power with the alignment of a few Generals. Pakistan has lost more than 50 years of time and opportunities for a new beginning and nation-building. How do you cure evil when people cannot think of evil as a monster of history to disrupt and destroy the hope for a systematic political change. Could Pakistan survive for another decade under the authoritarianism and governance of a few indicted criminals?

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Pakistan is no exception wherever military generals bring coups, they destroy the ideological, moral and intellectual foundation of the nation. Pakistan had more than Five coups stabbing its body and political foundation. The Generals and their accomplice viewed Imran Khan (Teherk-Insaf Pakistan – “Justice Party”), as a threat to their survival and wanted to eliminate him by all means – fair or foul. The arrest and illegal imprisonment of Imran Khan unfolds an unwarranted and fraudulent scheme of things orchestrated by Sharif brothers and a few Generals to have arranged fraudulent national elections in Feb 2024, and betray the nation. Some of the Generals view the new generation of educated  and intelligent Pakistanis as a challenge to their authoritarianism and could drive the country to self-destruction. Imran Khan, a sportsman, well known personality worldwide appeared to carry a moral and intellectual profile unseen in previous leaders. His PTI party alleges American intervention in the political coup against him and removal from office.  Strangely enough, often Imran Khan spoke of political changes but he lacked the capacity to dismantle the neocolonial systems of corruption and intrigues across the board.  Few of the Generals and Sharif brothers feared the return of Imran Khan to power if fair elections were held, he could hold them responsible for corruption, looting of the treasury and egoistic political belligerency. If Imran Khan was conscientious and had reasoned advisory, he could have called an early election to undo the political conspiracy.  Khan sounded more truthful and a man of moral and intellectual integrity to assume the new generation’s leadership and be part of urgently needed domestic harmony and future-making.

 If Bangladesh students and masses could oust the politically corrupt Sheik Hasina, surely Pakistani masses could do much better to drive the monsters out and bring a democratic political change. At the edge of reason, cynicism about politicians and few Generals is endemic and it exposes the imagery of a dead-ended culture of moral, political and intellectual landscape. Those occupying the political powerhouse view Pakistan as their own property not a trust and play with its destiny. They consider themselves above the law and reject any criticism against corrupt governance. Pakistan lost its natural capacity for change, progress and nation-building under the military dictators and continuous martial laws. Nations cease to exist when educated people of new generations who could have replaced the old and redundant guards leave the country and never return to build the nation.You may find ideas and ideals in“How to Change Political Culture of Corruption and Rebuild the Future?” 2/16/2019: Pressenza, NY. (https://www.pressenza.com/2019/02/pakistan-how-to-change-political-culture-of-corruption-and-rebuild-the-future/).

Truth telling is maligned and persecuted by the ruling neocolonial elite. The British changed the sub-continent in 90 years, but Pakistan after 77 years has no viable system of political governance.  The Five Generals under the current Chief of the Army Staff, the Chief Justice Qazi Esa, Raja, the Election Commissioner must be tried for their crimes – holding fraudulent elections and deceiving the nation of its legitimate rights to foster political change. Otherwise, Pakistan and its freedom could be lost forever.Please see more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/17/senior-pakistan-official-admits-election-rigging-as-protests-grip-country“Pakistan: What Next after the Rigged National Elections?


The phony Five Pakistani Generals have no credibility or respect of the nation. There is nothing to celebrate Pakistan’s 77 independence day after the fraudulent national elections depriving the PTI and its leadership to form the next legitimate government. The Bangladesh masses and student movement discard the military and corrupt Awami League Party of Sheik Hasina and demand Dr. Mohammad Yunus – a Nobel Laureate to form the interim Government. There are many educated Pakistanis of global moral and intellectual integrity to plan political change and meanwhile prepare and govern the country for a legitimate national election in a few months. The Chief of the Staff, General Assem Munir and Five conspiratorial Generals must see the mirror and realize what went wrong with their thinking, professionalism and honesty as they took oath to serve the nation. They all betrayed the nation and must be punished. Pakistan is fast becoming a trajectory of crime riddle political culture and it signals not just decadence but a downfall of the nation.


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