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Posted by razikh in ADHD NAWAZ SHARIF, BACKSTABBERS, BOOT THE SCOUNDRELS OR SHOWDAZ, BUNGLER NAWAZ SHARIF, CIA AGENT NAWAZ SHARIF, Corruption, ELECTION FRAUD 2013, Girah Cut, INDOPHILE NAWAZ SHARIF, Letters to Pakistan Think Tank, LIAR POLITICIANS, LOAN Thieves, Looters and Scam Artists, NAWAZ SHARIF, Nawaz Sharif US Agent, Nawaz Sharif Womanizer, Nawaz Sharif-The Prime Minister from Hell, Nawaz US Agent, Pakistan's Ruling Elite Feudals Industrialists, PPP Choor on May 31st, 2013
May 30th, 2013
Successful Politicians
Churchill while defining politics and politicians had said that a successful politician was the one who promised moon and stars to his electorate before the elections and after being elected to the power could explain to them as to why he couldn’t do all that he had promised. MNS has certainly grown up to qualify for that category of successful politicians. He has so far taken to explain only one issue that of the energy and load shedding as to why it can’t be solved sooner as promised and one would have to wait and see what he will have to say about the other many many ‘moons’ and the ‘stars’ that the Shareef brothers had so enthusiastically promised to the masses – the poor naïve masses who believe in such “successful” politicians who take them time and again for a big ride.
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
E.mail: jafri@rifiela.com
Posted by Brave_Heart in Colonial History on May 31st, 2013
“Four things greater than all things are – women and horses and power and war.”
(Rudyard Kipling)
Not so long ago when the eastern bank of once great Ravi River is popularly known to touch the walls of Lahore, here ruled a man who then earned the title of Napoleon of East and later after his death would be popularly known as the Lion of Punjab. The founder of about fifty years of Sikh rule, Maharaja Ranjit Singh reigned over the vast plains of five rivers from the capital city of Lahore with full might and an iron fist. Today, the only remaining remembrance of Ranjit Singh’s times in the city is his officially neglected Samadhi that shelters his ashes. This mausoleum of white domes that are laced with golden threads distinctly stand between the majestic Badshahi Mosque that was consecrated in 1671 and the antique Lahore Fort, which once also inhabited the Sikh emperor from where he must have crafted many of his successful war strategies and endless invasion plans.
But this little tale is not about Ranjit. It is about his youngest ill-fated son, Maharaja Duleep Singh who became the last ruler of the dynasty and was signatory to ignominious instrument of surrender also called Anglo-Sikh Treaty of 1846. The pact dethroned and eventually exiled the last Maharaja to the British Isles and compelled him to cede the whole empire to colonial rulers. The young Duleep and Lahore were also permanently dispossessed of the precious diamond rock called Kohinoor that even today makes the present British Queen appear resplendent and her crown priceless.
Soon after his banishment from Punjab, Duleep was placed under the tutelage of Queen Victoria. The young former maharaja without his own empire lived closely under the royal eye and subsequently married an illegitimate half German girl called Bamba Muller who had a Jewish background. Over the course of many coming years, this dutiful wife bore six children to the Maharaja. Their relationship that started with much affection could not last forever. During her final years, she lived practically separated from her husband and had sole responsibility of the children. It was in 1887 that Bamba died in pain after being completely disserted and left all alone by Duleep, who by then was immersed in a torrid love affair with an English woman, Ada Douglas Wetherill. This late life scandal liberated the Sikh maharaja in many ways and would define him more than any other accomplishment in life.
The stateless Maharaja is likely to have met Ada for the first time in 1884 in London where she worked as a chambermaid in a hotel. The 46 year-old Duleep immediately fell in love with a 16 year-old girl. And so it often happens that those who patronize also dictate life. The Queen, who earlier admired and acted as proxy mother to Duleep, became extremely uncomfortable and bitter about him having a young English mistress. She ordered to put a cut upon the luxuries and comforts available to him. It had little impact. Ada’s mannerisms and charms blinded Duleep to such a level that a moment came when he was no longer reluctant to openly establish his claim on her. Soon, the time came when the son of Ranjit Singh decided to revolt against her majesty and made an attempt to travel back to Lahore to regain the lost empire. The journey proved unsuccessful and the hapless Maharaja was compelled to turn back from midway. This time he returned to Paris where Ms. Wetherill was already waiting for him. Duleep’s obsession with Ada frowned the English Crown even more and so the intelligence agencies were tasked to observe them closely. They did follow the lovers everywhere and reported that it is because of her that the former maharaja is hatching plans to become ‘sovereign of the Sikh nation’, again. There was of course some real credence to these spy reports. From the French capital, Duleep went on to Russia along with Ada in his attempt to convince Czar to design an invasion plan from the northern side of subcontinent and militarily help him to recapture his lost Punjab. The Czarist Autocrats were not impressed and deemed the idea both impractical and ridiculous. After this failure, both of them found themselves stranded in Russian territory. The threat to their lives became apparent and subzero temperatures made living even more difficult. It was during such chilling December that Ada gave birth to a girl in an ordinary hotel of Moscow. By now, Duleep was so much involved in Ada that he wrote to his son from Bamba that they should all consider him dead. The former maharaja’s love would not stop here. He lost much of his wealth but was not willing to abandon Ada in exchange for anything else. When they managed to return to France, Ada was expecting second child from him. At this point, the Maharaja asked her hand to legitimize their relationship. They finally married in May 1889, only a few attended. Duleep’s feelings for Ada were fiery but soon after the wedding, a health crisis struck him severely. The illness was prolonged. So much so that even Ada got fed up of him and the British intelligence reported that “the young wife was incapable of being a good nurse and takes delight in lavishly spending away her husband’s royal riches.” Once again, the frail and helpless Maharaja was found surrendering before the Queen and apologized for not coming up to the royal expectations. Just few years after his wedding to the girl he loved, the last maharaja of Lahore died in Paris with no one – not even Ada – by his side.
The only daughter of Duleep to have returned to Lahore was Princess Sutherland from Maharani Bamba Muller. The Princess named ‘Gulzar’ as her house in Lahore and married Dr. Sutherland who was the then Principal of King Edward Medical College, a prestigious medical seat. She died in 1957 and is buried in a Christian Graveyard on Jail Road. Many iconic stories of love continue to emerge in the erstwhile former kingdom of the maharaja. Some turn successful while others do not. It is said that differences of all sorts vanish in sincere relationships and that selfless love is not accepted by most. Duleep was known as the Black Prince of Perthshire. The only prominent legacy he left was his pronounced love for an ordinary girl, a sentiment more precious to him than all the kohinoors of the world.
Such is life and such is love!
The writer is a lawyer based in Lahore and can be reached at khsyedaliraza@gmail.com
Princess Sophia Jindan Alexdrowna Duleep Singh was the daughter of Maharaja Duleep Singh, the last Maharaja of the Sikh Empire. He had been deposed from his throne at the age of 11 and exiled to Britain two years later. He became a great favourite of the royal family and Sophia was brought up among the British aristocracy. Queen Victoria was her godmother.
She could have had an easy life and could have spent her time enjoying luxury, including foreign travel. However, the princess decided to become involved in the movement for Women’s Suffrage (being allowed to vote). She attended meetings and joined in demonstrations, including the famous Black Monday demonstration when the Suffragettes clashed with the police and many were injured. She joined the Women’s Tax Resistance League, this led her into court, twice, having the bailiffs visit her house and take her belongings. She also went out on the streets, giving out leaflets, alongside her fellow suffragettes.
After the war she joined the Suffragette Fellowship led by Mrs Pankhurst. Sophia was a very active campaigner. After Mrs Pankhurst’s death in 1928, she was appointed President of the Committee. The princess remained a member of the Suffragette Fellowship to the end of her life.
Posted by razahamad in Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Air Force Special Services Group, Shaheen on May 31st, 2013
BEIJING, May 25, (ChinaMil) — Ma Xiaotian, member of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and commander of the Air Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), met with Hussain, the visiting first deputy chief of air staff of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on the afternoon of May 24.
Ma Xiaotian said that China and Pakistan are close and friendly neighboring countries. Regardless of how the international and regional situations change, China will unswervingly consolidate and develop the friendly relations between China and Pakistan. The militaries of both counties have maintained close exchange and cooperation, kept frequent high-level military reciprocal visits, and established an effective cooperation mechanism. The Air Forces of both countries have maintained close cooperation and achieved fruitful results in multiple fields.
Hussain expressed that the PAF is willing to continue to strengthen the mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation with the Air Force of the Chinese PLA, expand exchanges and push forward the progressive development of the friendly cooperative relations between the two countries, the two militaries and the two air forces in particular.
Posted by sharjil in China, Joint Defense Developments on May 29th, 2013
The Hongqi-9 (HQ-9) is a long-range, high-altitude, surface-to-air missile system developed and manufactured by China, designed to track and destroy aircraft, cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles, and tactical ballistic missiles. It incorporates technology from the Russian S-300P (NATO: SA-10 Grumble), the U.S. Patriot missile, and preexisting Chinese systems. (1) At present, China is outfitting its Type 052C destroyers with a naval variant of the HQ-9.(2)
Posted by Azahir in LAHORE-THE CITY OF GARDENS on May 29th, 2013
The Nedous, Lawrence of Arabia and Shaikh Abdullah…..
For Lahorites!
Not many are aware any longer that the present Avari Hotel in Lahore
stands on the site of a magnificent hotel, the Nedous, built at the turn of the
last century by Harry Nedous, an Austro-Swiss hotelier. The Nedous family
had arrived in India at the turn of the last century and invested their savings in this hotel –
later there were hotels in Srinagar and Poona.
Harry Nedous was the businessman; his brothers, Willy and Wally did not
articipate much in the enterprise; his sister, Enid, took charge of the
catering and her pâtisserie at the hotel was considered ‘as good as anything in
Tariq Ali in his book Bitter Chill of Winter makes a startling revelation
to add to the Nedous’ history: Col T.E. Lawrence, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ was
not the lifelong bachelor he has been made out as. He went through a brief
marriage in Lahore. This was revealed to Tariq Ali by a senior civil
servant from Kashmir who had been told by Benji Nedous, the brother of the
bride. Ali said, ”While Lawrence was stationed in India he used to go to the
city of Lahore like many other officers, to relax. It was known as the Paris
of the East and the Nedous family had a hotel there that was popular with
soldiers wanting to rest and drink and so on, and that is where he met her.”
“Akbar Jehan was the daughter of Harry Nedous, and Mir Jan, a Kashmiri
milkmaid. Harry Nedous first caught sight of Mir Jan when she came to deliver
the milk at his holiday lodge in Gulmarg. He was immediately smitten, but
she was suspicious. ‘I might be poor,’ she told him later that week, ‘but I
am not for sale.’ Harry pleaded that he was serious, that he loved her,
that he wanted to marry her. ‘In that case,’ she retorted wrathfully, ‘you
must convert to Islam. I cannot marry an unbeliever.’ To her amazement, he
did so, and in time they had 12 children (only five of whom survived).
Brought up as a devout Muslim, their daughter Akbar Jehan was a boarder at the
Convent of Jesus and Mary in the hill resort of Murree. Non-Christian parents
often packed their daughters off to these convents because the education
was quite good and the regime strict, though there is evidence to suggest
they spent much of their time fantasising about Rudolph Valentino.
In 1928, when a 17-year-old Akbar Jehan had left school and was back in
Lahore, a senior figure in British Military Intelligence checked in to the
Nedous Hotel on the Upper Mall.
Colonel T.E. Lawrence, complete with Valentino-style headgear, had just
spent a gruelling few weeks in Afghanistan destabilising the radical,
modernising and anti-British regime of King Amanullah. Disguised as ‘Karam Shah’,
a visiting Arab cleric, he had organised a black propaganda campaign
designed to stoke the religious fervour of the more reactionary tribes and thus
provoke a civil war. His
mission accomplished, he left for Lahore.
Akbar Jehan must have met him at her father’s hotel. A flirtation began
and got out of control. Her father insisted that they get married
immediately; which they did. Three months later, in January 1929, Amanullah was
toppled and replaced by a pro-British ruler.
On 12 January, Kipling’s old newspaper in Lahore, the imperialist Civil
and Military Gazette, published comparative profiles of Lawrence and ‘Karam
Shah’ to reinforce the impression that they were two different people.
Several weeks later, the Calcutta newspaper Liberty reported that ‘Karam Shah’
was indeed the ‘British spy Lawrence’ and gave a detailed account of his
activities in Waziristan on the Afghan frontier.
Lawrence was becoming a liability and the authorities told him to return
to Britain. ‘Karam Shah’ was never seen again. Nedous insisted on a divorce
for his daughter and again Lawrence obliged. Four years later, Sheikh
Abdullah and Akbar Jehan were married in Srinagar.
The fact of her previous marriage and divorce was never a secret: only the
real name of her first husband was hidden. She now threw herself into the
struggle for a new Kashmir. She raised money to build schools for poor
children and encouraged adult education in a state where the bulk of the
population was illiterate. She also, crucially, gave support and advice to her
husband, alerting him, for example, to the dangers of succumbing to Nehru’s
charm and thus compromising his own standing in Kashmir.”