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Archive for May, 2013

Pakistan Elections 2013: 7 Videos Proving Election Was Rigged

Pakistan Elections 2013: 7 Videos Proving Election Was Rigged

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Pakistan Elections 2013 7 Videos Proving Election Was Rigged

The long-awaited Pakistani elections have finally taken place and ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his party PML-N have come out as the winners. While the Election Commission of Pakistan did its best to monitor the situation, numerous accounts of rigging were reported and in some cases even caught on camera. 

Here is a look at some of the videos showing election rigging and cheating that went viral on the social media. Watch this one here.



This video shows an individual stuffing the ballot box with multiple ballot papers in Karachi’s NA-250, Defence Clifton polling station. It also shows the police allowing the man to leave the premises without arresting him. 


This video again shows an incident where multiple ballot papers are being stuffed into the ballot box. 


This video shows rigging Dera Ismail Khan. The woman in the white burka is seen making sure and telling each voter to vote for a particular candidate. She then checks the ballot paper to make sure the voter followed her order. The second part of the video shows 240 bogus votes caught and annuled by the authorities. 


A ballot box containing marked ballots broken and dumped on the road.


Another video showing two individuals marking multiple voting papers.


Individuals arrested in Sindh by the Pakistan Rangers along rigging material.


At the beginning of this video, a woman is heard asking the officials at the station in Urdu, “Why are you withstanding this blatant rigging in front of you? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” Towards the end of the video, multiple papers are seen being signed by an individual who is presumably one of the officials at the polling station. 

At the polling station where I voted (NA-125), the PML-N’s Saad Rafiq held up the polling station for 90 minutes with fourteen armed gunmen. He warned the people not to vote for any other party than the PML-N. The police stood by and watched. Eventually the Rangers came in and slapped Saad Rafiq’s guards around and the polling resumed. In a place where literally everyone I saw had an Imran Khan t-shirt or a PTI arm band on, the PML-N won. 

In an election that is a historic landmark for the country it is deplorable to see instances of such blatant and obvious rigging. What is worse is the lack of action on part of the Pakistani Police.

The police at an election poll can be found here.

Probably the PML-N would have won the election even if rigging had not taken place. However, that does not make rigging alright and also does not mean other political parties got a fair representation.

In a country that has a long history of continuous political instability and regular army intervention into the civilian domain, it is extremely disheartening to see that when democracy does get a chance, it is exploited, distorted, and mutilated by people and politicians alike.

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Ma Xiaotian meets with first deputy chief of airstaff of PAF

Ma Xiaotian meets with first deputy chief of airstaff of PAF



BEIJING, May 25, (ChinaMil) — Ma Xiaotian, member of the Central MilitaryCommission (CMC) and commander of the Air Force of the Chinese People’sLiberation Army (PLA), met with Hussain, the visiting first deputy chief of air staff of thePakistan Air Force (PAF) on the afternoon of May 24.

Ma Xiaotian said that China and Pakistan are close and friendly neighboring countries.Regardless of how the international and regional situations change, China willunswervingly consolidate and develop the friendly relations between China andPakistan. The militaries of both counties have maintained close exchange andcooperation, kept frequent high-level military reciprocal visits, and established aneffective cooperation mechanism. The Air Forces of both countries have maintainedclose cooperation and achieved fruitful results in multiple fields.

images-10Hussain expressed that the PAF is willing to continue to strengthen the mutuallybeneficial and friendly cooperation with the Air Force of the Chinese PLA, expandexchanges and push forward the progressive development of the friendly cooperativerelations between the two countries, the two militaries and the two air forces inparticular.

(China Military Online)

08:40, May 28, 2013   



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Our Chinese brothers & sisters enthralled over unique escort of Premier Li aircraft by JF-17 Thunders



BEIJING: It was a unique and impressive show for the common Chinese people when they enthralled to see, a formation of six Jf-17 Thunder aircraft escorting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Jumbo plane as it entered into Pakistan’s airspace on May 22 to start his official visit.

After China Central Television broadcast footage of the JF-17s escorting Li’s plane and of the premier waving to Pakistani pilots, many Chinese citizens said in online comments that the selection of the JF-17 Thunder symbolizes the two nations’ close relationship in the defence sector.

“It’s a great honor for us that our JF-17s were selected to welcome Chinese Premier Li Keqiang,” Wing Commander Ronald Afzal, who leads the Pakistan Air Force’s 16th Squadron, which is equipped with JF-17s, told China Daily in a phone interview.

He led and took part in the escort operation, which lasted 17 minutes.

“We handpicked the best pilots in my squadron and started intensive training on escort formation at high altitudes and fly-past operations at high speeds as well as at very low altitudes – about 500 feet (152 meters) – one week ago when we were informed that the squadron would escort Li’s aircraft,” Afzal said.

“My fellow pilots were very proud and excited that we were given this opportunity to escort the Chinese premier and present to him the best image of our air force,” he added.

Their pride is also shared by the aircraft’s Chinese developers.

“As the developers, we feel pretty privileged to see our planes undertake such an honourable mission and believe that the Pakistan Air Force chose the JF-17 to welcome our premier partly because it has a lot of Chinese elements,” said Yang Wei, the chief designer of the aircraft at the Aviation Industry Corp of China.

Yang’s team will join hands with their Pakistani counterparts to develop future versions of the JF-17, gradually providing the aircraft with partial stealth and aerial refuelling capabilities, the daily reported.


Saturday, 25 May 2013 13:01

Posted by Parvez Jabri


Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2013

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Children’s Murderous Death in Gujrat: Section 302 PPC(First Degree Murder) Charges Should be Brought Against DCO,DPO, DIG & IG Police Punjab

images-47LETTER TO EDITOR                                                                                       

May 26th, 2013


Gujrat Tragedy


I entirely agree with Rauf Klasra who on a tv talk show held the DPO and the DC Gujrat entirely responsible for the most tragic and untimely death of 16 very young innocent school going children and their outstandingly brave lady teacher, all burnt alive in the inferno of a van that got engulfed in fire due to the exploding of its substandard gas cylinder. The standard safety specifications  for the gas cylinders are clearly laid down by the govt.  but why was a van fitted with a substandard gas cylinder allowed to ply on the road, should not be difficult for anyone to guess.  Who doesn’t know that granting of licenses and the Road Worthiness Certificates to public transport is a multi billion rupee business and any vehicle can acquire these through the touts not even subjecting the vehicle to any inspection!!

I would, therefore, not only second Klasra that an FIR for the heinous murder of the children and the teacher be lodged against the said DPO and DC, but  strict stinking  censures be served to the DIG of the range and the IGP of Punjab as well for the negligence in the performance their duties of ensuring the safety of life and property of the public .


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: jafri@rifiela.com

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Pakistan’s Columnist Rauf Klasra: Akhir Kyun-Well Done Kehna Bunta Hai,Boss!


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