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Archive for category Our Hearts Bleed


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Pakistan Think Tank Commentary
Our Beloved 200 Million People Suffer Disaster Upon Disaster:Our Nero Nawaz Sharif & His Second Fiddle Asif Zadari Fleece The Wealth of Pakistan. Nearly $200 Bn Stolen Pakistan’s Wealth lies in Swiss Banks/.Pakistanis Die,while Nawaz sharif & Asif Zardari and their wicked Children enjoy luxurious life.
Our Young & Old Are Hungry & Thirsty;
Lets Make
Imran Khan & Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadri 
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf & Pakistan Awami Tehreek
Boot The Showdaz or Scoundrels Out of The Rigged Elections Wicked Parliament
who have Robbed Quaid’s Pakistan for Almost 70 years.Worked on Western & India’s Agendas to Weaken Strategically Pakistan’s Armed Forces
Enough Already.
Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi’s
My response to the joint session of the parliament:
Parliament has all the right to talk about the agenda of the protestors sitting outside. But what about the aggravating situation of poverty and decline in other human development index. What is parliament doing about rights of non-Muslims that are violated every day; about rising inflation which has made life miserable for over 60% of the population; about emancipation of women; about wide difference in quality of life between provinces and urban/rural; and about parochial approach of police to deal with law and order. What agenda has been set by the parliament to make Pakistan a social welfare state that was the vision of Quaid and Allama?

They should not forget that parliament is not an assembly of the elite but of people’s representative. They can protect their rights but they must not forget that the masses are watching them closely about rights of the majority and will hold them accountable. If these elites sitting in the parliament did not serve the people then they will rise up against them to snatch it from them by force.

Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi

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TWO PAKISTANI 2014 HEROES-2 : SP CID Chaudhry Aslam Shaheed



KARACHI: CID Police suffered a major blow as SP Chaudhry Aslam and two other policemen were martyred while 11 more sustained injuries in a blast in the Essa Nagri area near the Lyari Expressway.


The outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Mohamand Agency claimed responsibility for the attack.


DIG Munir Sheikh said the bomb was a planted device and according to reports over 20-25 kilograms of explosives were used. Two police mobiles which were part of Aslam’s convoy were damaged in the blast.


The DIG further said that Aslam’s regular vehicle was being repaired; however the vehicle he was traveling in at the time of the blast was also bullet-proof.


Initially it was reported that the blast was a suicide attack and the bombers had arrived at the site in a yellow cab.


Condemning the attack, Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon said the attack was being investigated.


CPLC chief Ahmed Chinoy said the attack will not dampen the morale of Sindh police and the operation against the terrorists would continue.


Meanwhile, CID anti-extremism cell In-charge Raja Umar Khattab said: “Tehreek-e-Taliban and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi were and still are a threat.”


He vowed to continue the mission of Chaudhry Aslam.




Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attack and called Chaudhry Aslam a brave officer, saying his sacrifice would not go to waste.


PPP Patron-in-Chief, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari tweeted: “Shaheed Chaudary Aslam had been threatened & attacked B4. He didn’t back down. He died a brave man. Shame on cowards.”


MQM chief Altaf Hussain called for the immediate arrest of terrorists behind the attack. He added that terrorist activity in a major city like Karachi was a great cause of concern.


The attack was also condemned by PTI chairman Imran Khan who placed responsibility on authorities in Sindh.


Chaudhry Aslam, was seen as one of Pakistan’s toughest police officers. He survived several attacks on his life, including a suicide attack on his residence in September 2011 in which almost eight people were killed


Starting his career as an ASI in 1984, Muhammad Aslam Khan, commonly known as Chaudhry Aslam, was serving as the Superintendent Police (SP) of the Central Investigation Department (CID). He had served as a station house officer (SHO) at a number of police stations in the metropolis.


He originally hailed from Manshera in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Chaudhry was added in front of his name due to his role in the Karachi operation. In 2010, Khan was appointed as a head of the Investigation Wing of the CID. Earlier, he also headed the Lyari Task Force (LTF) to uproot gangsters from Lyari.

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TWO PAKISTANI 2014 HEROES-1: Are we worthy of Aitezaz Hussain?

The words do not flow now, there are no cutting comments or quotes, no wit, and even less wisdom. There is only a deep sorrow, and an even deeper rage. It flows like fire through dull veins to a heart thought to have been numbed, a heart that desperately wants to be numbed.


So the words that follow will not be tempered and measured. They will not be weighed and balanced. And this is because we live in a land where a young child, Aitezaz Hussain, had to give his life fighting a scourge that our own leaders bend over backwards in an attempt to appease. There is sorrow and rage because a nation that can produce such lions does not deserve to be led by such lambs.

For those just now attending this bitter wake, Aitezaz was a 13-year-old-boy whostopped a suicide bomber from entering his classroom. Arriving late for school, he was punished by not being allowed to attend the morning assembly. Standing outside the gate, he saw a man trying to enter. He saw the detonator of his suicide vest; he saw a split second chance and saved countless lives with a courage few of us can match. Had he not been there, had he not done what he did, dozens, maybe hundreds of children would have lost their lives in a flash of fire, their bodies torn apart by cruel, blind shrapnel.

And as their hearts would stop beating, the souls of those who loved them would also dim and die. It would remain unanswered, the question of what may have been. It would be deafening, the absent echo of laughter through a house. It would be unbearable, the waiting for a child who would never return, would never grow up, never live and never love.

Instead, there is only one family that will have to bear this burden; only one mother who will never welcome her son home. It’s still one too many. And there are many such homes across the length and breadth of this blighted land. Homes where despair lives in empty rooms, where the silence is of the grave.

From what the family says, they stand tall. In this moment of darkness, they hold onto the belief that their child did not die in vain, that he made the greatest sacrifice possible, that his blood bought life by stopping a beast who walked with and worshipped nothing but death. But for how long? The world will move on, the focus – what little there is of it – will shift and they will be left alone in empty rooms, waiting for a voice that will never be heard again.

We don’t need more Aitzazs’. Not one or one million. What we need is to be worthy of the one we lost. What we need is for those who claim to lead us to show the courage that this boy did. Perhaps, that is too much to ask from those who roll out apologies and obfuscations with such unerring regularity, but stammer and shake when it comes to naming those responsible for mass murder.

Those who can pray for and praise killers before the blood of their victims has even dried. We need those men and women who can look Aitzaz’s family in the eye, hold them in their arms and tell them – in all honesty – that their son did not die in vain.

And until you can do that, dear leaders, keep your hollow words to yourselves. Leave us to our silence.



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Children’s Murderous Death in Gujrat: Section 302 PPC(First Degree Murder) Charges Should be Brought Against DCO,DPO, DIG & IG Police Punjab

images-47LETTER TO EDITOR                                                                                       

May 26th, 2013


Gujrat Tragedy


I entirely agree with Rauf Klasra who on a tv talk show held the DPO and the DC Gujrat entirely responsible for the most tragic and untimely death of 16 very young innocent school going children and their outstandingly brave lady teacher, all burnt alive in the inferno of a van that got engulfed in fire due to the exploding of its substandard gas cylinder. The standard safety specifications  for the gas cylinders are clearly laid down by the govt.  but why was a van fitted with a substandard gas cylinder allowed to ply on the road, should not be difficult for anyone to guess.  Who doesn’t know that granting of licenses and the Road Worthiness Certificates to public transport is a multi billion rupee business and any vehicle can acquire these through the touts not even subjecting the vehicle to any inspection!!

I would, therefore, not only second Klasra that an FIR for the heinous murder of the children and the teacher be lodged against the said DPO and DC, but  strict stinking  censures be served to the DIG of the range and the IGP of Punjab as well for the negligence in the performance their duties of ensuring the safety of life and property of the public .


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: [email protected]

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