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Pakistan Think Tank Commentary
Our Beloved 200 Million People Suffer Disaster Upon Disaster:Our Nero Nawaz Sharif & His Second Fiddle Asif Zadari Fleece The Wealth of Pakistan. Nearly $200 Bn Stolen Pakistan’s Wealth lies in Swiss Banks/.Pakistanis Die,while Nawaz sharif & Asif Zardari and their wicked Children enjoy luxurious life.
Our Young & Old Are Hungry & Thirsty;
Lets Make
Imran Khan & Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadri 
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf & Pakistan Awami Tehreek
Boot The Showdaz or Scoundrels Out of The Rigged Elections Wicked Parliament
who have Robbed Quaid’s Pakistan for Almost 70 years.Worked on Western & India’s Agendas to Weaken Strategically Pakistan’s Armed Forces
Enough Already.
Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi’s
My response to the joint session of the parliament:
Parliament has all the right to talk about the agenda of the protestors sitting outside. But what about the aggravating situation of poverty and decline in other human development index. What is parliament doing about rights of non-Muslims that are violated every day; about rising inflation which has made life miserable for over 60% of the population; about emancipation of women; about wide difference in quality of life between provinces and urban/rural; and about parochial approach of police to deal with law and order. What agenda has been set by the parliament to make Pakistan a social welfare state that was the vision of Quaid and Allama?

They should not forget that parliament is not an assembly of the elite but of people’s representative. They can protect their rights but they must not forget that the masses are watching them closely about rights of the majority and will hold them accountable. If these elites sitting in the parliament did not serve the people then they will rise up against them to snatch it from them by force.

Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi

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OPINION: Extremism is what matters all else is secondary

What is destroying our country: Extremism + Terrorism = Sectarianism.
K. Bajwa

Extremism is what matters all else is secondary

Ayaz Amir
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 
From Print Edition

Islamabad diary

Punjab, heart and soul of Pakistan, will it also now be the death of Pakistan? Dangerous thought but relevant question because the land of the five rivers, now also the land which rules the rest of troubled Pakistan, has its head buried deep in the sand, conscious of every problem under the sun except what is destroying this country: extremism, terrorism and the by-product of these two, sectarianism.
Not theoretical sectarianism… with that most societies can live…but murderous sectarianism, its work accomplished by the bullet and the bomb. So much so that the Shiite community is on the verge of mentally exiting from the ideological confines of a republic confused by nothing so much as its ideology.
Spectacular jailbreaks which reveal as much about Taliban skill and daring as the bankruptcy of our defences, or random killings across the country…but it’s much more than that. Consider the sweep of Taliban strategy. They strike at targets in the Frontier – Bannu, DI Khan – and just when we think the problem is the Frontier, there is an incident across the Line of Control and, overnight, a crisis with India, thus diverting, like nothing else could, the attention of the Pakistan Army.
Not just strategy but grand strategy, Mumbai on a smaller scale: just when the army is engaged in the west, pull its attention to the east.
Yet we are still thinking what to do….still, Allah be praised, trying to stitch together that exercise in metaphysics called our counter-terrorism policy. Pity the strain on our minds because the government of the mini-mandate, in essence a Punjabi government, is still not mentally ready to grasp the true dimensions of this problem.
It is not ready to accept the fact that Taliban terrorism is no longer just about the American presence in Afghanistan or the Emirate of North Waziristan. Its sources, its support bases, are now spread across the country, not least in the sacred land of the five rivers.
But to strike at these madressahs and watering holes in Punjab, to take up this fight in earnest, is to court the hostility of conservative Punjab. And conservative Punjab, retail-bazaar Punjab, middle-class Punjab, is from where the big or small mandate draws its primary strength.
This is a paralysis of politics. It is about evenly matched by a creeping paralysis on the military front. For all practical purposes the army chief is now a lame-duck chief, his over-extended term ending in November. He has done good things including resuscitating army morale after the disasters of the Musharraf years, although one wishes he could have kept some check on the business skills of his brothers.
Of what use present pomp and glory if in years to come what is remembered about him are the exploits of his near and dear ones? Musharraf did a lot of good too. But in today’s climate is anyone willing to say a kindly word about him? In a Republic like ours we never seem to learn. And our paladins never seem to know when to depart.
So there we have it: a government to all appearances with all the authority it needs, a prime minister certainly with more authority than his predecessors or even Musharraf, but heads buried deep in the sand, and an army command ruefully contemplating the evening sun as it is about to set.
This is a vacuum of the deepest sort, government and command at a standstill. Chaudhry Nisar, the interior minister, is an able man but he talks too much, a loudspeaker constantly on. Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Sipah-e-Sahaba, the tentacles of what we have started calling the Punjabi Taliban, are all in Punjab. The frontlines of extremism may be in the Frontier. But the ‘strategic depth’ of this phenomenon is now in Punjab. From the attitude of the Punjab government, which claims infallibility for itself, one wouldn’t suspect this at all.
Forget about formulating a policy on terrorism. That can wait. Mosque loudspeakers in Punjab now defy the Loudspeaker Ordinance, as they defy common sense. If the interior ministry tackles this nuisance first maybe its words come to merit greater credibility.
Surprising thing is that where the government wants to act, and where its heart is, it can act very fast. Look at the circular debt payoffs to power producers. No questions asked and no list of who’s been given what. Nandipur power project, its cost jacked up and up, but government unfazed. When it comes to interests close to the bone, all innocence disappears and alacrity is the watchword. When it comes to extremism and terrorism, probably because there is no immediate profit in this, it is either (for more meditation) a trip to Murree, favourite summer destination, or the way of the ostrich.
The Taliban are inhibited by no such compulsions, minds distracted by no Nandipur adventures. They are focused utterly on the destabilisation of the Pakistani state and the spread of extremist thought. This is what makes this an unequal contest. The Republic has resources and guns and the atom bomb. But it lacks leadership and what leadership there is, gifts of a wayward destiny, is without conviction.
One thing is for sure, and this can be the first commandment of war. Expect no Battle of Stalingrad, no Vietnam, no victories in the mountains, from a leadership which has most of its money parked abroad. This is a contradiction in terms, not resolvable by platitudes. Similarly, an army command infected by that most alluring of fancies, love of real estate, can lead a nation in no life-and-death struggle. Call this the second commandment.
How many houses did Churchill own? Only Chartwell Manor which he bought with his money from his books and journalism. And after the war, imagine this, he couldn’t afford to keep the house and a consortium of businessmen bought it and the arrangement was that as long as he and his wife lived they would pay nominal rent and after their deaths the estate would go to the National Trust. On Churchill’s death in 1965 his wife decided to hand over the house to the National Trust immediately. How many suits did Stalin possess? How extensive was Ho Chi Minh’s wardrobe?
So what are we talking about? In normal times none of this would have mattered. The Sharifs could have doubled their Raiwind estate and army chiefs could have more private homes than they have become accustomed to. But the Taliban are at the gates and they have the initiative and a better sense of strategy, a better sense of the indirect approach, than the Military Operations Directorate.
For most of us this is the only country we are likely to have. We have already made a cult of the ‘internally-displaced person’ (IDP). The greatest Partition of the last century fell to our lot. Dismemberment we have experienced. How many more traumas can we go through, especially when the space for traumas is shrinking? The IDPs of the Khyber Agency can find refuge near Peshawar, those of North Waziristan in Kohat. To which kingdom on the hill will the IDPs of Punjab go?
So the luxury of half-measures is not ours to afford because time is slipping by, and time is not on our side. And please select a proper army chief, a fighting man, not a desk-bound general, or someone keen on remaking his fortune. If the Sharifs fumble this, and they will have their own calculations, then forget about Churchill. Let the spirit of appeasement guide us as we respectfully approach the Taliban, peace-offerings in hand and ingratiating smiles on our lips.
Tailpiece: Two excellent columns on terrorism I have just read, one by Ayesha Siddiqa, the other by Tariq Mahmud, former interior secretary. This means we have people who understand the problem. Why are our bonzes so dumb?

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Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan: A New Age Dawns or More of the Same?


Nawaz Sharif is back. And back with a big enough chunk of parliament that he won’t have to form a coalition government. After a record number of Pakistanis showed up at the polls and dumped the delinquent Pakistan People’s Party out of power, many Pakistanis have rejoiced with hope that their country is on the brink of a new period of prosperity.

We don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but we don’t share that optimism. Not so long ago Nawaz Sharif wasn’t much more than a corrupt thief, like many of his colleagues in the Pakistani civilian political elite. He and his party have visible links to some very nasty groups of sectarian militants, especially in the Punjab, a PML-N stronghold. Pakistan’s deep state, where the real power lies, doesn’t seem likely to let Sharif do more with his time in office than take the blame for the government’s inevitable failures and economic setbacks.

Sharif will get blamed for all the potholes on Pakistan’s terrible streets, all the hours when the electricity isn’t running, all the schools that aren’t open and all the jobs that aren’t being created. And as ever, the parliamentary majority is for sale and doesn’t represent a coherent political force, except when it comes to fighting for spoils and graft.

Pakistan is on the brink of a new era but only in the sense that one group of corrupt politicians have been dumped out of office in exchange for another group of equally corrupt civilians. The country still faces the same problems it faced five years ago and will likely face five years from today.

This article was written before the Pakistan Election and is proving to be prophetic. Well done Russel Meade!

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20110509In 2000, Gen,(R) Musharraf’s dictatorship received $668  Million Loan from IMF, according Ahmed Rashid. There been no accountability of how the money was spent from this loan. The money seems to have disappeared into thin air. Pakistani people are left holding the bag.  IMF tranche was taken out ostensibly to prevent  Musharraf’s military regime from having to defaulting on its foreign debt. The government of Nawaz Sharif refused to implement IMF conditions. Even though, the Musharraf military regime had carried out some reforms including devaluation of the rupee, raising prices of petrol, gas and electricity and trying to broaden the tax base.

At present just over 1.6 per cent of the population pay income tax and the country is in a dire debt trap while its economy remains in acute recession.

Thousands of wealthy Pakistanis moved their assets since Musharraf’s military coup, and local and foreign investment came to a standstill.

During Musharraf’s time, an Islamabad based Western diplomat is quoted as saying:  “The key to success is whether Gen Musharraf will use the breathing space given by the IMF to carry out meaningful economic and social reforms, which so far he has balked at doing.”

The IMF at that time was  demanding a one third increase in poverty alleviation, money that will have to come from cuts in defence or military budget and in the bureaucracy.


The Actors Behind the Curtain: India and Jewish Lobby

Indian and Jewish members members of the World Bank hierarchy are using stealth tactics to cut Pakistan’s defence spending, by imposing draconian and usurious conditions on

Indian Director: Anoop Singh has been Director of the Asia and Pacific Department of the International Monetary Fund since November 2008. Before that, Mr. Singh was Director of the Western Hemisphere Department.

Mr. Singh, an Indian national, holds graduate and post graduate degrees from the universities of Bombay, Cambridge, and the London School of Economics. His other appointments at the IMF have included: Director, Special Operations in the Office of the Managing Director; Senior Advisor, Policy Development and Review Department; Assistant Director, European Department; and IMF Resident Representative in Sri Lanka.His additional work experience includes: Special Advisor to the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (I.G. Patel and Manmohan Singh); Senior Economic Advisor to the Vice President, Asia Region, the World Bank; Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University; and sometime lecturer in Bombay University.

Jewish Director,Mr. David Lipton assumed the position of First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund on September 1, 2011. He served as a Special Advisor to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund starting July 26, 2011 before assuming his duties as First Deputy Managing Director.


If Nawaz Sharif turns to IMF, Anoop Singh and David Lipton will focus on cutting Pakistan’s Defence Spending, Nuclear, and Ballistic Missile Programs. Jews and Indians never forget their primary goal is not to serve the interests of the institution like IMF, they represent. Their primary goal is to serve their own hidden agenda to their nations and religious affiliations.

Pakistan for any loans to bail out the current Nawaz Sharif government.

China: The only Hope 

The West will also be demanding that the government should repress Islamist fundamentalists and terrorism, improve Pakistan’s appalling human rights record, moderate its policy towards India and cease military support for the Taliban in Afghanistan( a figment of Western imagination and Indian propaganda).

Nawaz Sharif is willing to accept all Western surrogate lender IMF’s conditionalities. While, a dictator Gen.(R)Musharraf resisted IMF conditionalities,

Nawaz Sharif is eager and willing to oblige, while Pakistani people get the short end of the stick.

To Nawaz Sharif, power is an opiate, which increases his wealth and Pakistan is his money machine or ATM. 

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America is one of the most open and freest nation in the world. But, some of the decisions taken, as consequences of  9/11, and the War on Terror  have eroded its freedoms at the altar of  national security. Unfortunately, for the free world this is bad news, because, when America sneezes, the rest of the world  gets a cold. Shortly ,the so-called subliminal fascist governments masquerading as democracies around the world, will follow suit with draconian laws in the name of national security.

The aftershocks of US curtailment of Civil Liberties will be felt around the world. Movements n support of Civil Liberties and Individual Freedoms will be crushed in the name of national security. The perception of safety and security at the expense of personal liberties is just a mirage. Free people can stop acts of terrorism by speaking out. Fearful people are too meek to get involved. And, that dear friends is a real Catch-22.


Political Fall-out for US Allies, including Pakistan

Pakistan should not follow this poor example set by President Obama. We should protect our hard won individual freedoms; through the Lawyers Movement for Democracy. Pakistani people have to keep Nawaz Sharif within the bounds of Pakistan’s Constitution. Otherwise, if he gets too big for his breeches, he should be booted out through our parliamentary process this time around, instead of a military takeover.

Nawaz Sharif has Megalomaniac Tendencies .

He dreams of becoming the head of Muslim Ummah, such megalomaniacs have to be kept within the boundaries of their constitutional role. Otherwise, they can go haywire and By nature, he cannot suppress his desire to once again fulfill his dream to become Ameer-ul-Momineen once again (it is an obsession with control freaks like him). Human history is replete with such examples from Hitler to Mussolini.

Litmus Test For Nawaz Sharif:

How many of the listed megalomaniac characteristics Nawaz Sharif  or how to identify the Symptoms of Megalomania in Nawaz Sharif

Megalomania is a psychopathological disorder where in the person experiences delusional fantasies of greatness, wealth, grandeur, omnipotence and superiority. The person with this type of mental illness will be obsessed with doing extravagant things, will think only about themselves, will not have any concern for others and will have lust for power and money. A megalomaniac person will also exaggerate his/her talent in an unrealistic egoistic way, consider them as unique and will be self centered. According to the experts, this mental disorder is related to Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) which means self-love. How and why this type of illness develops may be because of different behavioral characteristics, childhood and nature of parenting during childhood days. One of the best examples of a megalomaniac in the history was Adolf Hitler (1).


TIPS to identify the symptoms of megalomania in Nawaz Sharif:


  • Delusion of being superior to others (including all the politicians of Pakistan)
  • Delusion of greatness (wanted to Proclaim himself as Amir-ul-Momineen)
  • Delusion of having great social and political power (delusion of being loved by Pakistanis, even though elected by rigged and foreign manipulated elections)
  • Lack of empathy for anything (disappeared from lahore in middle of Kargil War)
  • Delusion of importance (wants to follow his mentor, the late”Amir-ul-Momineen” Gen.Zia-ul Haq)
  • Egoistic (shabby treatment of those close to him, including Ishaq Dar, Mushahidullah, Khaqan Abbasi, who seems to have disappeared)
  • Violent tendencies (bad temper & vengeful against Pakistan Armed Forces)
  • Self centered (Tried to seduce Kim Barker with his narcissism)
  • Want others to be fear of him (he has goons like Khaqan Abbasi, Mirza Iqbal, Rana Sanaullah, and Saad Rafiq, a hoodlum of Royal Park, Lahore)
  • High self confidence (Speaks as though, he has received communication from high heavens)
  • Manipulation over others (He is a master manipulator and is taking the US, Taliban, PML(N), and People of Pakistan for a ride)
  • Exaggerations (Lies and twists facts to suit political arguments)
  • Feeling of being a famous person (Delusion of being the Amir-ul-Momineen)
  • Symptoms of mania or paranoid disorder (Always watching his back to see if Army is trying to get rid of him. That is why he nominated his man Gen.Ziau-uddin Butt, as COAS)
  • Belief of being a god like figure (Megalomania)
  • Bad temper (Needs Anger Management counseling)
  • Frequent depressions(Attention Deficit Disorder & Paranoia)
  • Mood swings (Goes from fire to ice and back. Ask those who know him)

Though a megalomaniac posses himself o have a high esteem and ego, he will have a very low self-esteem and fragile ego.

An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein, Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee

by Norman Solomon, June 08, 2013

Dear Senator Feinstein:

On Thursday, when you responded to news about massive ongoing surveillance of phone records of people in the United States, you slipped past the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. As the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, you seem to be in the habit of treating the Bill of Rights as merely advisory.

The Constitution doesn’t get any better than this: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

The greatness of the Fourth Amendment explains why so many Americans took it to heart in civics class and why so many of us treasure it today. But, along with other high-ranking members of Congress and the president of the United States, you have continued to chip away at this sacred bedrock of civil liberties.

As The Guardian reported the night before your sudden news conference, the leaked secret court order “shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of U.S. citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk — regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.”

One of the most chilling parts of that just-revealed Surveillance Court order can be found at the bottom of the first page, where it says “Declassify on: 12 April 2038.”

Apparently you thought — or at least hoped — that we, the people of the United States, wouldn’t find out for 25 years. And the fact that we learned about this extreme violation of our rights in 2013 instead of 2038 seems to bother you a lot.

Rather than call for protection of the Fourth Amendment, you want authorities to catch and punish whoever leaked this secret order. You seem to fear that people can actually discover what their own government is doing to them with vast surveillance.

Meanwhile, the executive branch is being run by kindred spirits, as hostile to the First Amendment as to the Fourth. On Thursday night, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issued a statement saying the “unauthorized disclosure of a top secret U.S. court document threatens potentially long-lasting and irreversible harm to our ability to identify and respond to the many threats facing our nation.”

That statement from Clapper is utter and complete hogwash. Whoever leaked the four-page Surveillance Court document to Glenn Greenwald at The Guardiandeserves a medal and an honorary parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in the Nation’s capital. The only “threats” assisted by disclosure of that document are the possibilities of meaningful public discourse and informed consent of the governed.

Let’s be candid about the most clear and present danger to our country’s democratic values. The poisonous danger is spewing from arrogance of power in the highest places. The antidotes depend on transparency of sunlight that only whistleblowers, a free press, and an engaged citizenry can bring.

As Greenwald tweeted after your news conference: “The reason there are leakers is precisely because the government is filled with people like Dianne Feinstein who do horrendous things in secret.” And, he pointed out, “The real story isn’t just the spying itself: it’s that we have this massive, ubiquitous Surveillance State, operating in total secrecy.”

Obviously, you like it that way, and so do most other members of the Senate and House. And so does the president. You’re all playing abhorrent roles, maintaining a destructive siege of precious civil liberties. While building a surveillance state, you are patting citizens on the head and telling them not to worry.

Perhaps you should have a conversation with Al Gore and ask about his statement: “Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?” Actually, many millions of Americans understand that the blanket surveillance is obscenely outrageous.

As a constituent, I would like to offer an invitation. A short drive from your mansion overlooking San Francisco Bay, hundreds of us will be meeting June 11 at a public forum on “Disappearing Civil Liberties in the United States.” (You’d be welcome to my time on the panel.) One of the speakers, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, could explain to you how the assaults on civil liberties and the wars you keep supporting go hand in hand, undermining the Constitution and causing untold misery.

Senator Feinstein, your energetic contempt for the Bill of Rights is serving a bipartisan power structure that threatens to crush our democratic possibilities.

A huge number of people in California and around the country will oppose your efforts for the surveillance state at every turn.


Norman Solomon



Fascism In Defense of Freedom is a Vice

by James Heddle


OK. Let me try and understand this.

The reason terrorists hate us Americans so much is because of our Freedoms. That’s what the President says. So Attorney General John Ashcroft comes up with the only logical Christian solution: Eliminate our ‘Freedoms’ and they won’t hate us any more. Simple. Why didn’t we think of this before’ We might have avoided WW II! Perhaps even the American Revolution. Think of all the property, not to mention lives, that could have been saved!


Now we can see that Barry Goldwater’s infamous dictum, ‘extremism in defense of liberty is no vice’ – which by most accounts lost him the election – had more truth to it than met the eye at the time. We were so blind. But now we see. Goldwater was a prophet without honor in his own country.


Duuh! Gut the Bill of Rights and eviscerate the Constitution and presto chango oppressed peoples around the world living under despotic regimes supported and trained in domestic dissent suppression by the United States will have nothing for which to envy us. They’ll look at us with pity as equals. Like the rats regarded Jud in the musical ‘Oklahoma!’ And what’s more, they’ll be correct! Totalitarianism in defense of national security is all right. I can see the bumper stickers now – ‘Another Fascist for Freedom!’ ‘Another Totalitarian for Liberty!’ ‘Another Compassionate Conservative for Total Annihilation!’


Check it out, Ari, you Fleischer, you. Am I stating the argument accurately to this point’ As you said recently, “People have to watch what they say ….” I wouldn’t want to get it wrong.


OK. So now, if we outsource our manufacturing jobs to slave-wage Third World countries; compensate transnational corporations for ‘terrorist-induced’ business losses with retroactive tax refunds, defense contracts and multi-million dollar bailouts; lay off millions of American workers; give tax breaks to the wealthy; privatize and loot the coffers of Social Security; and create a permanent ‘worldwide-war-on-terrorism’ economy – why then, will we not forestall the plunge into global economic depression which was looming on the horizon even before 9/11’


Next, if we cluster bomb and bunker buster Afghanistan back to the Paleolithic, Vice President Dick Cheney and his buddies at Haliburton will rebuild it – adding a pipeline through it and Pakistan from the petroleum-rich Central Asian Republics (where National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and her Exxon colleagues have business interests) – then the G-8 countries’ ‘privileged’ access to all the major sources of oil in the world will have been secured until the Final Rapture.


Am I getting it right so far’


Of course, in the interest of a stable global investment climate (not to be confused with industry-produced global climate change), the unelected, anonymous trade lawyers and technocrats of the U.S.-dominated World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) must achieve and maintain the power to over-ride for trade profitability purposes the democratically established labor, environmental and human rights laws in all the world’s sovereign nations. This goes without saying.


Then finally – and this is the clincher – if we follow War (excuse me, Defense) Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s scenario, which is also laid out in the Air Force’s ‘Vision 2020’ Report, and project America’s nuclear-and-other-weapons-of-mass-destruction monopoly into space, why then we achieve ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ over the planet and become at the same time ‘Masters of Space.’ This is not my own megalomaniacal fantasy, mind you. This is the current, articulated official U.S. government policy. The world will at last be safe for American corporate investment.


So -please correct me if I’m wrong – totalitarianism in defense of liberty is a vise. It’s being tightened. And we’re all in it. The question is – how do we get out’


James Heddle is an award-winning documentary film-maker and Co-Director of EON – the Ecological Options Network, an organization dedicated to mapping and reporting on sustainability success stories worldwide. To contact him: [email protected]

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