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Archive for January, 2015

Media can make Naya Pakistan By Asad Khan Betini

Media can make Naya Pakistan  

By Asad Khan Betini 


Even if your intellect is a replica of “Plato”, The Mainstream Newspapers won’t allow your ideas reach millions of readers unless an elite bureaucrat or a leader intends to make news headline or contribute. What can you expect from such Mediums those are not the voice of general masses but a platform of particular contributors who have wrapped themselves in the cloak of patriotism, human rights or both to overawe and undermine the real ideology of Pakistan.  Do you have any idea how poor survive when cold or the warm weather is on its zenith? We must not forget IDPs, who are craving for medical aid; their loved ones are dying in vain, The Thar which is not being covered properly, and Balochistan an abyss of problems due to unnoticed corruption.  Mainstream Newspapers will only try to make headlines of The “President” or the “Opposition” or waiting for a “Mishap” to be happened, but won’t bother question local people of their snags. Our common crowds have turned into sacrificial animals and sole edibles of our failed democracy. The ignored people of FATA and Balochistan are strongly in dissonance, agitation and discomfort and their cities are on the verge of backwardness. Those representatives who are continuously elected must be brought into account if we want Naya Pakistan. Particularly, In Balochistan, one representative is elected again and again with a simple trick of aiding “needy people” during election campaigns.   














We must remind these politicians their real purpose, we ought to enforce “The Success of Democracy”, and it is possible through engaging common citizen taking part in opinions at grass-root levels. Due to unawareness, illiteracy, blind fundamentalism, these people fall prey to political tactics and their long convincing speeches especially by Mullas or by other wealthy factions. There should be honesty without the thought of heaven or hell.  There are other high profile politicians too who can be named here, and I openly mention here honorable Asif Ali Zardari who has turned his back to Garhi Khuda Baksh Where people are starving to death, and the lack of many basic facilities, and the other so called heros of Sindh Who disregard Thar. Similarly Maulana Fazal ur Rehman has not done a single development work for the people of Dera Ismail Khan and not to speak of Balochistan because Corruption is still an instance of white ant in the province. The Media must enforce popular will, instead encouraging terrorist attacks with live coverage and front page stories, there should be minor amendments in our minds. I think the greatest Jihad is spreading educational awareness, through letting people know the practical means of popular sovereignty. These things are possible if an integrated effort is done by mainstream Media through the opinion polls with title of “Kia aap apnay muntakhib numainday say mutmaeen hayn?” At least there ought to be a soft corner for general masses of the parishes, towns and districts where they could share the progress report of their elected representatives and administration.If this concept is officially applied, it is not less than a grand proposal, through database or NADRA type organization can manage application to engage citizen in official public opinion programmes.  Media has to assume its real purpose and forget being pawn. 


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Award for APS Shuhada

Award for APS Shuhada

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)









Some of our politicians have suggested award of Nishan e Haider to the Shuhada of the APS Peshawar. They seemingly do not know that an NH is a purely military award and unfortunately cannot be awarded to the brave civilian valiants.


However, no gallantry award in the world would measure up to the highly commendable heroic deeds of the very young braves of the APS Peshawar and their equally daringly courageous and valiant female teachers on December 16, 2014. The entire nation is proud of them and salutes the Shuhada for their such dauntless courage and bravery. They must all be duly honoured with the highest civil awards for gallantry in the face of the worst kind of a barbaric enemy. In addition to this and to immortalize their this extreme heroism, a magnificent and befitting memorial be built at the Zero Ground of the School for the future generations to reverently pay their homage, adulate their bravery and remember their martyrdom.




Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]



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The Western Arrogance and the War at Doorsteps by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal

The Western Arrogance and the War at Doorsteps

Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal

The hate campaign
The killings at Charlie Hebdo had sent powerful shock waves all over the West. Now the security threats and fear run very high everywhere. It seems that not only the hateful Islamophobic cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo, but also the politicians and the security officers of the West have turned pathologically paranoid. Even an unattended bag in a railway or underground station is enough to paralyse the traffic system in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Rome and other cities of the West for hours. Now the governments are planning to check every internet mail of every individual. Hence nothing is private for any man or woman. The western imperialists used to take their wars of occupation and plunder to foreign lands; hence their homes were safe. But now the war has arrived to their doorsteps. They have withdrawn troops from Algeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali and other third world countries, but the war is not leaving them. Now they are taking full war preparation to save their own streets. The French President François Hollande has announced that he will deploy 10,500 soldiers all over France to fight the Islamists. Former French President Sarkozi declared “war of civilisation” in response to attack on freedom. Thus, the whole western world is quickly turning into a huge and hot war zone.
imagesWar never starts all on a sudden. Like a disease, it has its own ongoing moral, ideological and social pathology. War needs ideological ignition in people’s psyche. Such a job is done by the ideological warriors. In the past, the war mongering crusaders did that job massively against the Muslims. Hence so-called the holy war (the crusade) could sustain for more than hundred years. Nurturing such hatred has been a classic political art and part of the genocidal warfare in Europe. So in comparison to other people in other continents, the Europeans made distinctive history of cruelty in ethnic cleansing worldwide. Hence Jews in Europe and Muslims in Spain are not the only victims of European. The Red Indians and Incas in America, the Aborigines in Australia and the Maoris in New Zealand met the same fate. In modern times, Hitler and his cronies, the colonialists and the imperialists did the same crime but the scientific skill. The killings of more than 75 million in two World Wars indeed draw the pathological roots from the past. Now the same old disease shows signs of violent remission. The job has now been taken over by the Islamophobic columnists, cartoonist, writers, warlords, the defence industry and the politicians. The West has now great number of such venomous people in their midst. And now the target is Islam and its prophet. Hence the crusade that was started by George W Bush in 2001 now gets enough fuel for its robust sustenance.
Malicious hatred against the target people is indeed the requisite precursor for a brutal war. The German politician, writer and the press nurtured such hatred against the Jews before the World War II. Hitler was not a lone performer; he had a huge army of collaborators in that crime. Hence killing of 6 million Jews on an industrial scale became morally acceptable to the German. Now the tide is running against the Muslims. And the now shows the same readiness to endorse the most heinous crime against Muslims. Wit moral death does, people can’t see crime as crime. The symptoms of such moral death of the West are now quite manifest. For example, Gaza and Kobani are bombed to rubbles by Israel and the US. More than 2000 innocent children, women and men are slaughtered in Gaza. Bombs were dropped even on the UN run schools. But the US and her European partners are not ready to consider such Israeli brutalities as war crimes. The US didn’t allow the UN Security Council to pass a resolution condemning such crime. With the same moral death, the US could drop 2 atom bombs in cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and now financing and patronising Israeli barbarity with its all brutal dimension. They do not like that such crimes should go to the International Criminal Courts for the prosecution.
The double standard
In the west, all are not equal to enjoy the same liberty. They have given full liberty to magazines like Charlie Hebdo to cross all limits to spread pornographic slander against Islam’s great prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Western leaders also announce their full solidarity with those slanderers by chanting “je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie). But they don’t allow others to chant “je suis Palestinian” (I am Palestinian). Hence the British MP Mr David Ward from East Bradford got wide condemnation for expressing his strong anger at the arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Paris march on 11/01/15 and sending a twitter message “je suis Palestinian” (I am Palestinian). He was condemned not only by the Israeli Ambassador at London and but also by the Islamophobic British media and the British politicians. He is the only exceptional member of the British Parliament who could announce, “If I was in Gaza, I would have fired rocket to Israel.” For such moral stance at the time of Israel’s Gaza bombing, he was rebuked by the British Prime Minister and other political leaders of both Tory and Labour parties. He was forced by his party’s parliamentary whip to withdraw the original statement. Such hypocrisy in the British politics is not hidden, rather broadly practised to support its own illegal creation of Israel!
The Western leaders have given the full impunity to the Israeli warlords to commit whatever crimes they wish against the Palestinians. The US, the UK, France and other Western countries exercised the same unfettered liberty in killing Muslims in million in Algeria, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and other occupied countries. Millions of Palestinians are driven out of their homes and forced to live in refugee camps for more than 60 years. Does it need to be saint to condemn such crimes? But the West’s moral conscience stands fully insensitive to such horrific crimes; hence they never condemned these as war crimes. Rather they punish those who condemn and protest against such brutalities. They label them as Islamic extremists. The French black comedian Diendonne didn’t take any weapon in hand to kill anyone. He only exercised freedom of speech to protest against the Israeli brutalities in the occupied Palestine. For that, he has been put in prisons. Whereas the newspapers and magazines like Charlie Hebdo of Paris, London’s Daily Mail and Daily Sun and many others of Europe enjoy full liberty to inject more venom to the western psyche.
The state-sponsored slander
Charlie Hebdo recently published its post-attack first edition with another slanderous cartoon against the prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) on the cover page. It is indeed a state-sponsored million-copy edition to rub more salt on the wounded psyche of the Muslims. Printing satirical cartoon is not the only staple of Charlie Hebdo. It is not neutral either –as it claims. It is conducting an ugly and continuous propaganda war against Islam’s core teachings like sharia, jihad and khilafa. Its toxic slander against Islam’s greatest prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) knows no moral or ethical limit. Publishing most pornographic vulgar cartoon against this great man of the human history is in fact the main passion of the cartoonists. 
Those who chanted “je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie), they too, made their massage louder. They announced unequivocally that like the dead cartoonists, they too rejoice such pornographic ridicule against Islam’s prophet. Toxic cartoons are being used as weapon of ideological war against Islam and its iconic characters. Can a man with little respect for this great prophet spread such venomous filth? By publishing such pornographic slanders, these cartoonists didn’t exercise freedom of expression. In fact, they exercised freedom of abuse. How a Muslim can support Charlie Hebdo? A Muslim must be an obedient follower of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in all aspects of his life. He must love him more than his own life. It is a Divine requirement. Hence ridiculing the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is indeed ridiculing every Muslim. Hence, such vulgar bigotry and poisonous slander can only draw a country to an unending blood-letting war. France with its 6.5 million strong Muslims is indeed moving fast to such a war. How a country can deserve any peace or tranquillity with such slanderous posture against 6.5 Muslims? It shows signs that the war will not remain confined within the French boundary. In neighbouring Belgium, two Muslims are killed on 16/1/15, and many more are arrested. France government too has proven to be  very prompt to add more fuel to the fire. The French parliament voted by 488 votes to one to launch military campaign against Islamic State. The French aircraft carrier has already moved nearer to the Syrian shore of the Mediterranean to facilitate the US air strikes against Islamic State. It is reported that about 3 thousand European Muslims have already joined the Islamic State to fight the ongoing war in Syria and Iraq. Many more thousands of these jihadists are prevented from joining the Islamic State by imposing strict travel restriction in the border outposts and the airports. Now France has opened new frontiers for these enthusiastic Islamist warriors on its own soil.
Solidarity with the hate campaign
Charlie Hebdo is not alone in its ugly hate campaign against Islam and its prophet (peace be upon him). The western leaders displayed their full solidarity with it. More than 40 heads of states marched in the streets of Paris on 11/01/15 to show such solidarity. The western leaders talk about fighting war for protecting western values and culture. But what is western value and culture? Do the Muslims need any lecture to learn the western values and culture? Didn’t they display those values and culture during the last several centuries all over the world? Is it not the values and culture of military aggression, occupation, colonisation, imperialism, ethnic cleansing, slave-trading, genocide, World Wars, gas chambers, dropping of atom bombs, waterboarding, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib, Sabra, Satilla and Gaza? They killed 75 million people only in two World Wars! Who else can match their brutality? Their war machines are still not withdrawn from their army bases in the Muslim lands.
The western leaders talk about fighting terrorism. Do the Muslims need any lecture to understand terrorism too? The Muslims are the worst victims of terrorism since the advent of Western colonialism in their countries. Most of the Muslim lands were occupied and millions lost lives by the hand of these terrorists. Only in Palestine, more than 4 million people are made homeless by these terrorists –fully sponsored by the West’s money, weapons and diplomacy. Terrorising people with lethal weapons for political and military gains is no more a crime of a few thugs. It is the sophisticated war tactics of the super powers. These state terrorists of the West are the real threat against the world peace. They are charged with deep hatred against Islam, Islam’s prophet and the common Muslims. Hence they could easily show their solidarity with the hate mongering cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo.
The military occupation of Muslim lands, the plunder of its resources and de-Islamisation of its people are the main objectives of the anti-Muslim state terrorists. Such imperialist objectives are so much integrated in the imperialists’ culture and values that even most barbaric manifestation of the state terrorism like war for occupation, destruction of cities, cleansing of native population received not only the popular support, but also get voluntary participation of the people for its prolonged continuation. This is why the quick occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan gave a huge boost to President George W Bush’s popularity in the USA. Only his utter failure to enforce the US grip in those occupied lands and numerous body bags of the US soldiers brought his disgrace –and not the occupation itself. The US people didn’t expect such disgrace of their citizens in any foreign land. Due to the same western mind-set, Israel –one of the most barbaric countries in human history and the West’s ugly colonial legacy, enjoy so much support in the West. For the same reason, 4 million people marched in the street of Paris to support Charlie Hebdo’s hate campaign against the prophet of Islam (peace be umpon him) and the Islamists. Indeed, here lies the main problem of the west. The anti-Islamic hatred is indeed embedded in their mind-set. Hence for any peace, they do not need more wars, rather needs a 180 degree paradigm shift in their mind-set. They need more home works to change their understanding about Islam and Muslims. The current state of poisonous hatred against Islam and Muslims could only generate more Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, more Abu Gharib, more Guantanamo Bay, more water boarding and more torture cells. In such milieu of abuse, the jihadists will enjoy fertile breeding grounds. The US and its ally have spent several trillion of dollars in wars and war industries. They fought war for 13 years in Afghanistan and for 8 years in Iraq. At the end, they couldn’t win any war, rather returned back with humiliation. The month-long bombing by the US, the UK, the French, the Australian and the Jordanian bombers couldn’t bring any victory for the coalition forces even in a small town of Kobani. If they think that few thousands Kurd secularist mercenaries or Shia militias will do their war against the Islamists, they are indeed living in fools’ paradise!
Fake humanity
The leaders of the Western countries talk a lot about humanity and higher moral values. But there exist monumental evidences to prove such claim fake. Creation of Israel on an illegally occupied land by the colonial West and their continual support for its land grabbing genocidal war are enough to prove that. What a disgrace, the original resident of the Palestine are driven out of their ancestral homes to make space for houses for the European and American Jews! The Palestinian refugees are denied access to their own land. There exists no international institution where they can seek justice. The UN Security Council itself is under the occupation of the usurper imperialists. It has given recognition to creation of such illegal state on illegally occupied land. What an irony, any effort to reclaim the occupied land is labelled as terrorism! The leaders of these countries showed silence in remembrance of the dead cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo. The Western imperialists have killed more than a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan in their recent wars of occupation. But, did they observe a single moment of silence in memory of those dead souls? France herself killed 1.5 million Algerians in its war of occupation in the sixties. Did they pay any homage to those innocent people who were brutally killed there? The crime of these innocent Algerians was nothing else but the genuine demand for freedom from the colonial rule. Recently the Christians killed thousands of Muslims in Central African Republic. Where is the solidarity of the Western leaders with those innocent victims of the genocide? Since the victims are Muslims, didn’t they deserve any respect and sympathy?  They chanted chorus “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie). What does that mean? Do they say that like the abusive Charlie Hebdo, I am also an equal abuser and hater of the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him).  They are not ready to retreat an inch from that abusive path. They showed full solidarity not only with Charlie Hebdo, but also continue to show full solidarity with the brutal Israeli killers. Hence the butcher of Gaza -the Israeli PM was cordially welcomed in their midst. Only due to such crippling moral disease, they could sponsor the illegal creation of Israel in occupied land of the Palestinian
Mr Gerald Biard, the chief editor of Charlie Hebda who was on holiday when the attacks occurred wrote, “Charlie is an atheist paper, is accomplishing more miracles than all saints and prophets.” (The Guardian 14/01/15). What is that miracle that the editor claims for? Of course, they made a history. About 4 million Europeans chanted the chorus “je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) only in Paris; many more millions did the same in other parts of Europe. But it is not a miracle. It is the disease of Europe. It is the ugliest solidarity with the virulent hate campaigners. It is indeed the recipe of further holocaust. The West could commit so many ugly crimes in the past only because of such moral ill health. They could kill more than 75 million only in two World Wars. They could also kill many more million in post-World Wars regional wars as occurred in Korea, Vietnam Afghanistan and Iraq. About 2 hundred thousand were slaughtered in their own backyard in Bosnia. But how many Europeans came out to the street to condemn those crimes? How many Europeans marched in the street chanting “je suis Bosnian” (I am Bosnian)? How many said “je suis Palestine (I am Palestine). The Whole Muslim population were ethnically cleansed from Spain. The European people never came to street to show solidarity with those ill-fated victims of the wars of ethnic cleansing. Such ethnic or religious cleansing never happened against the non-Muslims even in Islam’s heart lands like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine; more than 10-15% of the population in these heart lands remain non-Muslim even during last 1400 years’ Muslim rule. In Lebanon it is more than 30-35%. But the ethnic annihilation in Europe during so-called Holy Roman Empire was complete that the percentage of non-Christian in Europe was not even 00.001%. The same happened after the Christian victory against the Muslims in Spain. In the name of religion, such crime never happened in a Muslim country. The Muslims never had any phobia against non-Muslims, and neither had the non-Muslims against Muslims in those Muslim lands. But now, along with the Muslims, the Christians too, are leaving these Muslim countries. The US invasion and its massive bombing campaign have made the Muslim countries most unsafe for everybody. The bombs do not see the faith, only see the targets.

The abuse of freedom
Some of the cartoonists claimed that they are not against Islam; they are only against the extremist ideologies of Islam. They argue that they make satire only of prophet (peace be upon him)’s character, not of Islam. It is a sheer lie and ridicule. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the embodiment of Islam’s core belief and ideologies. He showed his followers how to practise full package of Islam. Can anyone separate the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)’s character from the ideology of Islam? Establishing Islamic state, continuing dawa (propagation), practising full sharia, launching jihad, encouraging people to embrace martyrdom, implementing shura (counselling), hadud (sharia judgments) and levying jijiya on non-Muslims were the parts of his life. These are his ideologies. Hence ridiculing the prophet’s character is nothing else than ridiculing the ideologies of Islam. Did any newspaper in any Muslim country ever showed such abusive attitude against the great prophet like Jesus Christ (Allah’s blessing be on him) or Moses (Allah’s blessing be on him too)?

The Western leaders claim that they are fighting terrorism. But the truth is otherwise. The Muslims are the worst victims of state terrorism. About 3 thousand people were killed in 9/11. But the US has killed more than million as a result of the war.  Very recently on 16/01/15, the US bombers killed more than 50 civilians in Iraq. (RT TV). What can be more terrorism than this? Both in the past and in the present, the Muslims became the worst victims of state terrorism in Algeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, India, Egypt, Syria, Myanmar, Central Africa and Sri Lanka? Terrorism is no more a crime of a few thugs. It is now the full-scale warfare of the arrogant military powers to control the world politics in their own hand. The US war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israeli war in Gaza, Egyptian Army’s manslaughter in Cairo, Alexandra and other cities are indeed the worst terrorist acts that one can perceive. Non-state terrorist can’t think of terrorism of such magnitude.

The only option
Wolves can’t enjoy safe haven even in caves. They too need protection to escape the imminent extinction. The same is true with the imperialists. They have done enough crimes all over the world. They have taken genocidal wars to the distant corners of the world. They have dropped atom bombs, napalm bombs, cluster bombs, chemical bombs, missiles and drones on the head of the weak. Now the war stands at their front doors. After spending a trillions of dollar, the US and its ally didn’t expect such a fate. Hence they are filled with extreme anger and frustration. Anger of the innocent victims has all reached to the explosion level. Further killing or torturing those who are already ready to embrace martyrdom is not going to solve the problem. Even an average European understands this new reality. The march of about 4 million Europeans in Paris is indeed the demonstration of such fear. It has little to do with the little known vulgar Charlie Hebdo. It is not to show the solidarity with the 12 people who are killed in the attacks. While 6 million Jews were incinerated in gas chambers, no one marched in the street of a European city to show solidarity with the victims. In fact, the Europeans didn’t face any war at their doorsteps from the Jews at that time. But now the situation is different. They sense war looming in their midst.
Now in the West, there exists only one option to have a peaceful co-existence of Muslims and the non-Muslims. It is not possible to do the same ethnic cleansing again on the European soil –as was done in Spain in 15th century. Now more than 20 million Muslims live in Europe; 6.5 million only in France.  May be, some xenophobic far-rightists may still prefer that genocidal route. But the only feasible option stands otherwise. Instead of abusing 1.5 billion Muslims for their fundamental beliefs, they must reconcile with them. Sharia, khilafa, jijiya and hadud are not issues in the West. But those basics must be allowed to be practised in Muslim majority countries – as were practised in all Muslim countries till the West’s colonial occupation. The West must not create blockade against the resurrection of Islam’s most crucial political institution like khilafa. Such blockade will make the war inevitable.
Like the deformed Christian or the Jews, the Muslims do not enjoy such option to be deformed or reformed. Such deformation or reformation is nothing else than deviation from the siratul mustaqeem  -hence direct route to hellfire. Since the prophet of the Islam (peace be upon him) was the fundamentalist believer and practitioner of the Qur’anic Islam, every Muslim must try to be the Islamic fundamentalist of the same degree. It is not a choice, but an obligation. The West must reconcile with the Muslims’ such core belief. Otherwise the clash of civilisation is unavoidable. But it appears that the West has deliberately taken the route of hostility with the prophet’s Islam. They have already declared their solidarity with the hate campaigner against Islam’s great prophet (peace be upon him). “Je suis Charlie” is indeed the war cry of such hostility.
In Islam, practising sharia is a binding obligation. Whoever ignores this obligation is severely condemned with three derogatory labels from Allah Suhhana Wa Ta’ala: he is a kafir, zalem and fasik. The Holy Qur’an reveals: “Whoever does not make judicial judgement according to the revealed laws (sharia) is a kafir (disbeliever) … a zalem (oppressor) ..and a fasik (sinner). (Sura Maida: verse 44, 45 and 47). Hence, there is no room for the secular laws and judiciary in a Muslim country.  The presence of Christians, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, atheist, polytheists and the followers of other beliefs is not new under the Muslim rule. It has a history of more than 14 hundred years. In those days, the believers of other faiths could understand the Muslims’ religious obligation; hence these non-Muslim compatriots never put any hindrance against the implementation of sharia, khilafa, shura, hadud and other Islamic fundamentals. Even in countries where the Muslims were in minority like India and Spain, they didn’t protest against the practice of sharia either. Instead of any interference in the Muslims’ religious affairs, they opted for peaceful co-existence.
The arrogance
But such wisdom of the past does not exist in contemporary Western leaders. Their economic, military and technological might made them arrogant as well as incompatible with the Muslims’ beliefs and practice. The Western powers are putting obstacles against implementation of sharia even in countries where more than 90% people are Muslims. As if the sharia is their own domestic issue! After the occupation of Afghanistan, the German Foreign Minister declared in Public that sharia will not be allowed to return back to Afghanistan. Is it not a blatant interference in Muslims’ internal affairs? Where is freedom of the Afghan people to decide their own law? The US president Obama labelled sharia as medieval barbarity. What a sheer arrogance? Can a Muslim surrender to such anti-Islamic arrogance?  
The West’s stubborn hostility against Islam’s fundamental belief is indeed the cause of current impasse. They have already launched a civilizational war against the Muslims to stop them practising prophet’s Islam. They want Muslims to be fully de-Islamised and deformed from the Qur’anic Islam. They find it the only option to peacefully co-exist with the Muslims. Hence demand for Islam’s reformation cum deformation is very high in the Western camp. The tyrant rulers and the secularist intellectuals of the Muslim countries have already taken that enemy route. Hence they are equally inimical against sharia and khilafa like the non-Muslims. Many of them like Iraqi and Syrian Kurds, Iraqi and Irani Shia, the Egyptian military, Bangladeshi secularists, the Pakistani Army have already joined their rank to kill the Islamists. The Western leaders must understand that the original Islam has nothing to reconcile with the corrupt beliefs of the Egyptian, Saudi, Qatari, Bahraini, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or other secularist tyrants of the Muslim world. By making coalition with these de-Islamised despots, the West is not going to gain anything in their war against Islam. Rather, such alliance would only re-inforce their image as the enemies of Islam. Such an approach will only add more fuel to the ongoing war. 18/01/15

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Proudly vieled Jewish Women

Proudly vieled Jewish women


John Roberts


Jewish burka

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women proudly dress modestly in order not to attract attention of men who are not their husband. Just in case if you think that Muslims are the only one who wears Burqa. Here is Haredi burka Jewish sect that observe more stricter Veil than Muslims.

Now, in some ultra-Orthodox Jewish sects, women have gone to a new level of modesty by covering their whole body and face.

According to Wikipedia the sect is called “Haredi burka sect” or “Taliban mothers”. Many of these families dress their young girls of all ages with the same full dress garb, except for the face veil. This modest ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, is concentrated mainly in Israel, in which ultra-Orthodox Jewish women feel that modesty requires covering their entire body burqa-style, including a veil that covers the face.

The garment, which is more like a burka niqab, is also called frumka, a play on the word frum (Yiddish for the devotee) and the burka. This ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, is estimated to have started out with about 100 women in 2008, and grew to several hundred in 2011. To date, there are about 30,000 women who wear shawls, according to Rabbi David Benizri. The group mainly resides in the city of Beit Shemesh.

“This dress code was adopted due to concerns about the state of deterioration of modesty in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community,” Rabbi Benizri said.

“The rabbi explained to us the benefits of Jewish women dressing modestly. We leave our body for our husbands and we don’t want to share our bodies with others,” Saari Rothberg, 22, who proudly wears the Jewish burqa in Beit Shemesh, Israel told YourJewishNews.com.

What is a burqa? A burqa is usually associated with the dress code of Muslim women, but the word burqa simply refers to
the face-veil portion, which is usually a rectangular piece of semi-transparent cloth whose top is sewn to the corresponding part of the headscarf

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Why Arab World is Production Factory For Terrorisms Monsters ISIS & Al Qaeda?







Archive Article
ON SEPTEMBER 1st, 2011


Removing Curtains of Arab Harems IX

Sexual perversions though prevail in most of the countries it is continuing in the Arab nations mostly behind the thick curtain. We definitely heard the sexual scandal between former American President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky or similar scandal of the French or Russian President, but we definitely never heard how financially disadvantaged women from the Asian and East European nations are brought into Arab countries, to become sexual company of the oil-rich Arab sheikhs or monarchs. Many of the people in the world also are unaware of the dozens of untold stories of unfortunate Asian girls, mostly from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines or the African girls from Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia etc, who are brought into harems of the ruling monarchs in the Arab countries, for being “deflowered” by the sex crazy Arabs. Most of the rich and affluent Arab sheikhs as well as members of the ruling royal families “deflower” as many as possible girls, before they marry an Arab girl. This culture is very much in practice in the Arab rich societies, which is considered to be a “test of vigor” of the men, before they marry an Arab female. During each of such “deflowering”, private celebrations are held inside the four-walls of the palaces, to rejoice the vigor of the male member of the privileged families. After the deflowering “ceremony”, these girls may either remain as “sex slave” of her “first man” for few weeks of months, or may be offered to remaining male members of the families, who would continue to abuse the girl for some time, thus finally letting the girl return to her home country with lost of cash in possession.

Taking the advantage of tremendous sexual lust of Kuwaiti males, some Filipina women have already established extremely discreet private brothels within various residential and non residential areas in Kuwait city. The matter is no secret, as it has been reported even in Kuwaiti media on a number of occasions. A Filipina national told media that Asian women are being lured and forced into prostitution in Kuwait. She accused the pimps of operating under the loop of an organized crime syndicate. The Filipina, who survived the ordeal, claimed that brothel owners prey on domestic helpers. Most of such brothels are located at Salmiya and Fahaheel areas. A Filipina woman, elderly woman who, is in her early fifties, operated a brothel located in Salmiya’s old souk. The woman was working for a company in The Avenues. Runaway domestic helpers who sought shelter in her house were sold to clients for 25-50 Kuwaiti dinars per night. These women were dressed inappropriately, forced to dance at private parties and engage in sexual acts. A Filipina pimp in Fahaheel, who claimed to take in her custody runaway domestic helpers said, “It is their choice if they want to engage in prostitution or not. I don’t force anyone to it. They came to me asking for help and shelter and I can’t feed them all and provide for their needs. So I merely suggest prostitution as an option should they want to earn and raise money to pay for their needs and work on their release from their employers. However, it is ultimately their decision to give me something from their income.”

In recent years, the Indonesian maids in Kuwaiti brothels have become the highest in numbers which is followed by Filipina, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Indian and Tunisian women migrant workers. Most importantly, rights of housemaids, who are recruiting from many countries to Kuwaiti households, are not protected by local laws. This gives, ‘excellent’ opportunity to the employers in abusing the women in the worst-ever manner.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury


Mary Doreen, a Western nurse, who lived in Saud Arabia for many years, wrote a book on her experiences while working at King Faisal Specialized Hospital and Research Center. Describing the minds of Saudi men, she wrote: “Some Saudis believe that they must have sex five times a day, either before or after prayer. When a woman is menstruating, she is considered ‘unclean’, and it is forbidden for a man to have sexual relations with her. If all his wives are menstruating at the same time, [which frequently happens when several women live together], it is a man’s duty to seek sexual gratification outside of the home. A proud Saudi man wouldn’t defile a Saudi woman, and if a slave or servant or foreign national prostitute is unavailable, he thinks nothing of traveling to Egypt, UAE or Thailand. Sexually transmitted disease is rampant within the country.”

Doreen also wrote quoting Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a revered religious clergy in Saudi Arabia, who said “is part of jihad and jihad will remain as long as there is Islam.”

So, does it mean, the members of the Saudi royal family as well as Saudi aristocrats are having slaves, although the Saudi rulers always continue to vehemently deny the existence of any slaves [in 1962, King Faisal abolished slavery in Saudi Arabia by royal decree] in that country. But in reality, women and girls from Third World countries are purchased to serve in aristocratic households throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They come from the Sudan, Tunisia, Thailand, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Most of the poor parents or legal guardians of the females sell their girls and women to members of Saudi royals or even Saudi aristocrats, thinking, their children will live in luxury and comfort. A Saudi rich man, who purchases a female slave, believes that he has performed a charitable act by rescuing a family from abject poverty while delivering his slave into a fate worse that death. He brings the young girls into his harem, dump them in the basements. The slave is provided food and little bit of comfort, in exchange, she is regularly raped by her master and other male members of the family, as well tortured and persecuted by mostly female members of the family. This type of cases of slavery is not rare in Arab world, and of course Saudi Arabia is no exception. But on the other hand, such cases mostly get buried into bunch of wrong, false or bullying information packed into various websites. One such site has given series of descriptions on wrong sexuality of the Saudi royals, which will surely be proved as false propaganda of extremely naïve hands.Here is another site which also fails to give any credible information on sexual abuse inside Saudi Palaces and harems of the Saudi sheikhs. For the sake of credibility and accuracy of information, such websites should always be ignored as source of information, for knowing about sexual abuse of women inside Arab harems. It should also be mentioned here that, some of the information in these sites may be even wrongly described or half-truth.

The Philippines government, responding to dozens of tragic cases of maltreatment, has warned young women going to work as maids in Saudi Arabia that they will be sexually harassed by Saudi men and slapped and tortured by their Saudi mistresses. The labor ministry says “You have to ward off advances by your master, his brother, son and other male members of the household.”

In 1982, a Miami judge issued a warrant to search Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz’s 24th-floor penthouse to determine if he was holding an Egyptian woman, Nadia Lutefi Mustafa, as sex slave, against her will. Prince Turki and his French bodyguards prevented a search from taking place, and then won retroactive diplomatic immunity to forestall any legal unpleasantness.

Wealth and Privileges of Saudi Princes:

In late 1960s King Faisal issued a decree that every inch land of the country that was not officially registered to a private individual belonged to the Saudi royal family. Thus the entire country is treated as private property of the Royal family.

The King distributed much of the land to royal family members. Princes sold some of the land back to the state and some to the public, but most they kept for themselves. Inside major cities or out in the remote desert, the country’s vast landmass remains private property of the Princes now numbering over 5000. They also treat entire Saudi oil revenues as their private wealth. Every Prince or princess is entitled to a monthly salary starting the date of his/her birth. Minimum monthly salary for the prince is US$ 150K while princess is US$ 50K, which starts on the moment of their birth and continues up to their 11th birthday. Then the salary amount is re-adjusted with higher amount. And, the money accrued, up to their 11th birthday is either invested in business in Saudi Arabia or in some of the Western countries. This way, each of the Saudi princes, before reaching their 16th birthday, already turn into a multi-millionaire. The closer the relation to Late King Abdul Aziz, the higher is the salary. Like, immediate descendants of late King Abdul Aziz receive a 7 digit [millions] salary each month. The Princes are paid separate Salary for each of their official position. Like Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, reportedly holds over 60 separate positions in addition to chairing dozens committees, entitling him to separate salary for every position. Governors are entitled to a special additional payment of Saudi Riyal 1 billion annually to be used at their discretion. In addition, every Prince is entitled to a Luxurious Private Palace or money to build the Palace of his choice, as well as cash from birth to buy expensive cars and other luxuries. Literally every thing is supplied to the Prince free from the State, like electricity, water, medical, security, education, etc. All State developmental contracts are essentially awarded to the companies owned by the Princes. Similarly, their business establishments and other incomes are free from State control and taxes. Anything coming into Saudi Arabia under the name of a Prince via air or sea is not checked by any Government Agency.

And what is the current size of Saudi royal family? According to information, up to April 1995, Prince Saud married into more than 30 tribes with 42 sons and 125 daughters. It was claimed that, the prince had married at least 1,400 women. The size of the royal family now should be somewhere above 50,000 members. Almost all the male members of the Saudi royals are polygamists. It will be totally difficult to identify even a couple of princes in the Saudi royal family, who has just one wife and 5-6 children. In most nominal cases, it will be 10-15 wives with at least 3-35 kids.

Daily Reckoning reports: “Not many people know that over 90 percent of Saudi oil comes from six oilfields discovered before 1970′s. Experts argue that these oilfields are now well past their prime. Ghawar oil field is the super giant and has provided 55-60 percent of Saudi oil over the past five decades! According to experts, Ghawar is past its peak already and likely to enter into a major decline. Matthew Simmons, Chairman of Simmons and Company International, an investment bank specializing in oil industry says that “Saudi fields are aging much faster. The Saudis need to strip water out of nearly every well and this is a sign that Saudi fields are aging much faster than the industry has planned for.”

Jasmine Revolution and Revelations:

The spreading fire of ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in the Arab world is not only succeeding in collapsing one-after-another authoritarian regimes, but, with the fall of those autocrats, the world is getting information about the hidden sexualities inside the harems. And it is visible that, rulers in the Arab world are already sweating due to the spread of Jasmine Revolution in nations. For example, Iranian theocrats claim that the popular uprising against their allies in Syria is masterminded by Israel and West. Saudis and Bahrain’s despots claim that the popular uprising in Bahrain is masterminded by Iranian mullahs. King of Saudi Arabia announced early last February that those behind the Egyptian uprising were “foreign infiltrators” and agents. Libya’s Qaddafi even claimed that the rebels were on drugs and affiliated with al-Qaeda. Egypt’s old security agents declared [and some in the military apparently agreed] that the young protesters were high on drugs and free sex. Saudi palace Salafi clerics declared that it is against God and Islam to protest against the regime.



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