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Posted by admin in Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd) Column on October 26th, 2019
Could someone please advise, educate, train and rehearse Bilawal Zardari in the art of public speaking and not let him holler and howl, shriek and scream without any intonation, cadence or modulation in a rather comical exuberance for a public leader that he aspires to be and who becomes not only a bland monotonous lackluster but quite laborious and strenuous for the ears to listen to him.
His speeches leave me with little option but to switch channels.
Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted by Billa in Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd) Column, OPINION:OP-ED on October 4th, 2018
According to media reports and telecasts quite a lot of demolition work is being carried out all over in various cities and towns of the Punjab to clean up and widen the roads and bazaars by flattening the illegal encroachments. Whereas on the one hand it is a welcome step but on the other millions and possibly billions have been lost by some. The question arises how, why and by whom was it all allowed in the first instance? The municipal Inspectors are known for their hawk’s eye to detect even an inch of transgression of a door or a gate of a house under construction, then how can such huge structures like hotels and showrooms are ignored? Even a Kindergartner would smell corruption in such a scheme of affairs.
Demolishing the encroachments is, therefore, not enough. The concerned Municipal and Cantonment officials MUST also be RUTHLESSLY demolished to serve as a severe and exemplary deterrent for others in future.
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
E.mail: [email protected]
Posted by Dr. Salman in Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd) Column on December 30th, 2017
December 28th, 2017
A blame game for the ‘murder’ of Benazir Bhutto has erupted between Bilawal and Musharraf where Bilawal holds Musharraf as the murderer and Musharraf throws the blame squarely on the shoulders of Zardari. If Musharraf was the killer why was he not tried for it by the Zardari 5 year government? There are tons and tons of evidence available which if sifted even cursorily could easily pinpoint the real culprit. A very simple question that comes to one’s mind is, “would BB have died had she not showed up out of the roof hatch of the bulletproof vehicle?” The most probable answer is “no” as the other five in the vehicle survived the blast. Then who asked her to stand up and show herself out of the roof hatch? Most certainly not Musharraf PERIOD.
Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]
Posted by Jade in Col(Retd) Riaz Jafri OP ED, Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd) Column on August 13th, 2017
On a serious note, the spectacle of the fiasco met by the PML-N rally in which neither they could stick to any timings, nor the announced schedule of halts enroute or the public addresses by MNS or the over night stays or attract the crowds visualized by the planners, makes one wonder if their entire leadership – big and small put together cannot plan and execute a simple event of a rally from Pindi to Lahore then how could they be entrusted with the governance of a country involving Planning and Execution of hundreds of National Projects of much more import and many times magnitude or for that matter with the vital and crucial defence of the country from both internal and external threats?!
Aren’t we taking too dire a risk by entrusting the country into the hands of such nincompoops?
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]
Posted by farrukh in Col(Retd) Riaz Jafri OP ED, Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd) Column, OPINION:OP-ED on May 16th, 2017
15 May 2017
The renowned Islamic scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel in a TV programme today on Business Ethics in Islam said that Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf R.A. of Ashra Mubashara and a trader, because of his impeccably honest practices of trading made so much profits that he left a fortune of 2 arb, 10 crores, 20 lakh dinars after him. Maulana also explained that a Dinar was 4.5 masha of pure gold. Now there are 12 mashas in a Tola and 80 Tolas make a Seer (kilo) and 1000 Kilos make a Tonne. Thus Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf R.A. left 9853.125 tons of gold!
I am just baffled as to where did he store that much of gold? And, he was not the only Meccan trader of his time. There were other Ashaba e Karaam much richer than him, such as; Hazrat Usman e Ghani R.A., Hazrat Abu Sufian R.A., Hazrat Abbas R.A. (Holy Prophet’s uncle) just to name a few.
What kind of trading did they use to do that fetched them that huge profit (s)?
The largest trading caravan from Mecca used to be that of Abu Sufian R.A. comprising of 1000 camels and that too not all his own camels. People used to send their commodities on their camels in his caravan for security reasons. Now a very healthy camel can carry 7 to 8 maunds of a commodity. Apart from the commodity the camel(s) had to carry water and rations not only for the traders and sarbaans (camel drivers) going with the caravan but also for themselves (camels) too. That means at the most 7000 to 8000 mounds of a commodity was carried for trading from one place to the other. A caravan used to take two to three months to cover the distance and in one year at the most could make two round trips. That means in all about 1500 to say 2000 maunds of commodities were traded. Now coming to prices: Gold was 60 rupees a Tola in 1960 and I purchased it MYSELF at that price. It was 29 rupees a Tola in 1930, at the time of my parents’ wedding. In 1941 and again I myself purchased wheat (and good wheat too) at 11 annas a mound. A two mound wheat sack used to cost One rupee Six annas. A kilo of Khalis Desi Ghee used to be for a Rupee and a quarter. Recorded history and no hearsay, tells us that at the time of Emperor Alauddin Khilji the general commodities were around ONE Paisa a mound. And that was about 500 years ago only. By the same token, what would then be the average price of the commodities 1500 years ago? Surely less than a paisa a mound. But for argument sake let’s assume a caravan load of 8000 mounds of commodities would be worth, say, at the most 8000 paisas, that is Rs. 125/= only (64 paisas to a Rupee).
For heaven’s sake what was their profit margin that according to Maulana Tariq Jameel made them earn millions and billions of gold Dinars on the transactions involving a working capital of Rs. 125/- or so only!
Could someone more learned shed some light on such Trading, please?
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: jafri@rifiela.com