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Archive for June, 2018

Invisible Blinkers By   Brig(R)  Saleem Qamar Butt

Invisible Blinkers


Brig(R)  Saleem Qamar Butt

The moment one lands back from a developed country at any airport in Pakistan, one gets an uncanny feeling of chaos, mismanagement, dishonesty, rudeness, pollution and lawlessness…..all antonyms to values otherwise expected to prevail in an Islamic country where everyone claims to be a pious and holier than holiest Muslim. 

One is compelled to ponder as to why people in majority behave so bad living here or even those who live abroad and soon after touching home base, behave in the same appalling manners. Our airports, railway and bus stations, all public places and traffic on roads is perhaps one of the worst display in the world and speak volume about our poor education system and overall poorest grooming as human beings or members of a civilized society. Ironically, nothing seems to be done either by the government or by non-government institutions to arrest these negative practices.

While our religion puts so much emphasis on piety, cleanliness, truthfulness, doing good things and stopping self and others from evil practices, discipline, politeness and on helping the needy, why then people apparently performing all Islamic duties (haqooq Allah) and visibly following five main pillars of Islam, falter so badly on performing duties as a useful and sober member of society (haqooq-ul-ibad)? There is no short answer though; yet, a shallow dive into this matter reveals that most of us are wearing ‘invisible blinkers’, that keep us from considering a situation rationally or suffering from a phenomenon akin to a pair of flaps attached to a horse’s bridle, one beside each eye, to keep the horse from looking anywhere but straight ahead…..focused on self preservation and progress alone. What causes these invisible blinkers’ attachment to our eyes that causesmunafqat’, ‘double-dealing’ or ‘hypocrisy’? I posed this question to an Islamic scholar and he gave an out of the ordinary answer. According to him, “if a person willingly, knowingly or unknowingly eats forbidden or Haram, his/her sense of judgment on sifting right from wrong is taken away by Almighty as a punishment” something similar to ‘summun bukmun….!’

However, in societies like Japan or Singapore where religion is not so much visible, Islamic virtues and values are best seen in practice and hypocrisy is almost extinct. It is said that ‘poverty has no religion’….but our society defies this proverbial truth too because the rich class is more corrupt and duplicitous than poor people. The honest minority is facing enormous frustration as corruption infested society makes it almost impossible to remain free from ill practices one way or the other. No amounts of dua or prayers seem to work to put the rail back on tracks as far as Pakistan’s difficulties and challenges are concerned. Nevertheless, sometimes most complex challenges have simple solutions.

If we can follow the dictum, charity begins at home, we may find the silver lining sooner than expected. In Germany and Japan after second world war and in Central Asian Republics after independence from former Soviet Union in early 90s, the institution of Mothers and teachers played the main role in grooming and educating the children and youth to rise as shining stars of hope and prosperity of nations and results achieved by these countries in all fields in a short span of time are too obvious to neglect. If we can choose and elect the right leadership, who can provide people universal free education system, well-groomed mothers and highly qualified teachers, we can achieve in a decade what we have missed in the last seven decades. The training of trainers through Japanese and German teachers at the national level on a massive scale and raising the status of teachers in the society needs to be accorded a high priority. Our highly educated women resource need to be galvanized to undertake to groom of mothers as being practiced in Ladies Clubs in military circles. Inclusions of sports in all educational institutions must be made compulsory for the inculcation of sportsmen spirit and to ensure mental and physical health. A political party that can include these simple and basic grassroots level steps in its manifesto may be given preference for electing our government instead of lofty but hollow slogans. We as a nation have to strive hard to get rid of invisible blinkers. 

Allah only helps those who help themselves; therefore, we have to bell the cat ourselves rather than expecting in vain miracle happening by mere inactive prayers.

* Brigadier(R) Saleem Qamar Butt, SI (M) is a student of International Relations, Defence and Warfare Studies with expertise in Executive Management, Military & Intelligence Diplomacy, Strategic Analyses and Forecast.


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The Collusion of Hindutva with Indian Media Exposed By Sajjad Shaukat

The Collusion of Hindutva with Indian Media Exposed

By Sajjad Shaukat


Since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and leader of the extremist party-Bharatiya

Janata Party (BJP) came to power, he has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agenda with the support of fanatic coalition organisations, as he had got a land sliding triumph in the Indian elections 2014 on the basis of anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan slogans.







Besides, various developments like unprecedented rise of Hindu extremism, persecution of Muslims, assaults on Muslims, including their places of worships and property by the fanatic Hindu mobs, inclusion of Hindu religious books in curriculum and ban on beef and cow slaughter clearly show that encouraged by the Hindu fundamentalist parties such as BJP, RSS VHP, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena, including other similar outfits have been promoting religious and ethnic chauvinism in India by propagating the ideology of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) which is the genesis of Hindu terrorism.


Besides, by Continuing false flag operations, on Setember18, 2016, New Delhi staged the drama of the terror attack in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) at a military base in Uri, close to the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan. After the episode, without any investigation, India’s top civil and military officials, including their media started propaganda against Pakistan by accusing that the militants who targeted the Uri base came from Pakistan’s side of Azad Kashmir. By manipulating that false flag terror attack, the BJP-led Indian Prime Minister Modi has also accelerated war-hysteria against Pakistan and instructed Indian forces to continue shelling across the LoC and Working Boundary, which have killed many innocent civilians inside Pakistani side of Kashmir and other nearby villages.


However, the BJP-led coalition government of Modi, which is in collaboration with the preachers of Hindutva and those of ‘Bhagwa Atankwad’ (saffron terror) is relentlessly promoting their ideologies. In every state election campaign, Bhagwa philosophy based on communalism was used as a driving tool to maximize the Hindutva vote, while affecting the opposition and regional disparities. Even, Indian P.M Modi has also recently claimed that BJP has enhanced influence and made government in twenty states. To further enhance the BJP’s pursued philosophy, a supportive atmosphere is being prepared, where every stakeholder of the Indian society is expressing readiness to shore up wittingly or unwittingly for the promotion of Hindutva.

Caught On Camera : India’s Top Media Houses Including Times Of India Working For BJP !! : Cobrapost Exposes Video!!






In this regard, on May-June, this year, revelations of the Indian website Cobrapost.Com exposed the dark colours of Hindutva which is in connivance with Indian media.


Cobrapost.Com disclosed that BJP and RSS are exploiting government funds for media management to win elections all over India and are promoting Hindutva ideology. While indicating other instances of Hindutva, it pointed out the recent exposition of ‘Operation 136’ which exposed the real face of Indian media.


In this respect, regarding the ‘Operation 136’, Cobrapost.Com revealed on March 26, 2018:    “Cobrapost investigation exposes many Indian media houses willing to peddle Hindutva, which could lead to communal polarization for electoral gains, and to defame political rivals as part of a malicious media campaign, all for money…covert or overt attempt to misuse Social Media including Facebook to influence India’s electoral process through undesirable means…Well, this is exactly what Operation 136 establishes, for the first time in the history of Independent India.”


Earlier, Cobrapost had come into contact with Indian TV which belongs to Rajat Sharma-an editor known to be close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s largest Hindi newspaper Dainik Jagran,  local Uttar Pradesh channel Hindi Khabar, the entertainment and news television company SAB Group, the English newspaper Daily News and Analysis DNA- owned by Zee and Dainik Bhaskar etc., including the news agency UNI, the entertainment channel 9X Tashan, the UP news channel Samachar Plus, the Uttarakhand channel HNN 24×7, the Hindi newspapers “Punjab Kesari”  and “Swatantra Bharat”, web portals ScoopWhoop and Rediff.com, IndiaWatch, Hindi newspaper Aaj and the influential Lucknow-based news channel,  Sadhna Prime News.


It claimed that none of the business representatives of the media houses seemed to consider it problematic that a client wanted to use their platform to influence the upcoming election to polarise voters and tarnish the reputation of opposition leaders mainly on communal grounds.


The portal said that the media groups agreed to play these because “Sangathan” has set aside a budget of Rs. 742 crores for the Karnataka elections alone. It was also revealed that about Rs. 8,000 crores were spent for media management in the last general elections; and that the budget for the 2019 polls will be even more.


In this connection, in order to win the general elections, 2019, Modi and the BJP-led coalition of the extremist parties are, again, propagating the ideology of Hindutva by targeting Muslims and Pakistan as part of the, pre-election strategy of the BJP.


As regards the propaganda campaign of the Indian media in support of Modi, it is notable that under the caption “Narendra Modi favourite for 2019 Lok Sabha elections, say US experts”, Indian leading newspaper Hindustan Times wrote on March 14, 2017: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as a clear favourite for the 2019 general elections after the BJP’s landslide victory in assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, top US experts on India have said. It was a big win for the BJP. Its candidates won with a much larger margin of victory than compared to the two previous winners–BSP and Samajwadi Party.”


Likewise, under the title “Why Narendra Modi Should Be Elected Again the PM of India in 2019”, Mohammed Asif opined in the website Lindinden.Com on October 30, 2016, “In 2014, a history was created when Narendra Modi was elected as the prime minister of India. Since he was elected by the great mass support, he is considered among the most popular leaders ever born in India…Despite so many critics–from Arvind Kejriwal to Rahul Gandhi…There is much roar…Narendra Modi could win the election in 2019.”


Moreover, following a well throughout plan; BJP is playing an anti-Muslim/anti-Pakistan card to gain votes of a majority of Hindus. Earlier BJP intended to create fissures in Muslim voters by blowing up “Triple Talaq” (irrevocable divorce), issue aiming to get votes of Muslim women.

Undoubtedly, we can conclude that the revelations of the Indian website Cobrapost.Com have exposed the dark colours of Hindutva which is in connivance with Indian media at the cost of Muslims, other minority groups and opposition parties such as Congress.




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