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The moment one lands back from a developed country at any airport in Pakistan, one gets an uncanny feeling of chaos, mismanagement, dishonesty, rudeness, pollution and lawlessness…..all antonyms to values otherwise expected to prevail in an Islamic country where everyone claims to be a pious and holier than holiest Muslim.
One is compelled to ponder as to why people in majority behave so bad living here or even those who live abroad and soon after touching home base, behave in the same appalling manners. Our airports, railway and bus stations, all public places and traffic on roads is perhaps one of the worst display in the world and speak volume about our poor education system and overall poorest grooming as human beings or members of a civilized society. Ironically, nothing seems to be done either by the government or by non-government institutions to arrest these negative practices.
While our religion puts so much emphasis on piety, cleanliness, truthfulness, doing good things and stopping self and others from evil practices, discipline, politeness and on helping the needy, why then people apparently performing all Islamic duties (haqooq Allah) and visibly following five main pillars of Islam, falter so badly on performing duties as a useful and sober member of society (haqooq-ul-ibad)? There is no short answer though; yet, a shallow dive into this matter reveals that most of us are wearing ‘invisible blinkers’, that keep us from considering a situation rationally or suffering from a phenomenon akin to a pair of flaps attached to a horse’s bridle, one beside each eye, to keep the horse from looking anywhere but straight ahead…..focused on self preservation and progress alone. What causes these invisible blinkers’ attachment to our eyes that causes‘munafqat’, ‘double-dealing’ or ‘hypocrisy’? I posed this question to an Islamic scholar and he gave an out of the ordinary answer. According to him, “if a person willingly, knowingly or unknowingly eats forbidden or Haram, his/her sense of judgment on sifting right from wrong is taken away by Almighty as a punishment” something similar to ‘summun bukmun….!’
However, in societies like Japan or Singapore where religion is not so much visible, Islamic virtues and values are best seen in practice and hypocrisy is almost extinct. It is said that ‘poverty has no religion’….but our society defies this proverbial truth too because the rich class is more corrupt and duplicitous than poor people. The honest minority is facing enormous frustration as corruption infested society makes it almost impossible to remain free from ill practices one way or the other. No amounts of dua or prayers seem to work to put the rail back on tracks as far as Pakistan’s difficulties and challenges are concerned. Nevertheless, sometimes most complex challenges have simple solutions.
If we can follow the dictum, “charity begins at home”, we may find the silver lining sooner than expected. In Germany and Japan after second world war and in Central Asian Republics after independence from former Soviet Union in early 90s, the institution of Mothers and teachers played the main role in grooming and educating the children and youth to rise as shining stars of hope and prosperity of nations and results achieved by these countries in all fields in a short span of time are too obvious to neglect. If we can choose and elect the right leadership, who can provide people universal free education system, well-groomed mothers and highly qualified teachers, we can achieve in a decade what we have missed in the last seven decades. The training of trainers through Japanese and German teachers at the national level on a massive scale and raising the status of teachers in the society needs to be accorded a high priority. Our highly educated women resource need to be galvanized to undertake to groom of mothers as being practiced in Ladies Clubs in military circles. Inclusions of sports in all educational institutions must be made compulsory for the inculcation of sportsmen spirit and to ensure mental and physical health. A political party that can include these simple and basic grassroots level steps in its manifesto may be given preference for electing our government instead of lofty but hollow slogans. We as a nation have to strive hard to get rid of invisible blinkers.
Allah only helps those who help themselves; therefore, we have to bell the cat ourselves rather than expecting in vain miracle happening by mere inactive prayers.
* Brigadier(R) Saleem Qamar Butt, SI (M) is a student of International Relations, Defence and Warfare Studies with expertise in Executive Management, Military & Intelligence Diplomacy, Strategic Analyses and Forecast.
Violence in Islamabad against the protestors. May Allah help all of us – Aameen. Imran Khan, Dr. TuQ and the protestors have been fighting for us, the whole nation.
To understand a bit of the picture, you can go through a selection of tweets below copied between 1 AM to 2 AM on August 31, 2014. These tweets will give you an idea about what some people are saying about this incident:
“I am afraid it will go much beyond Nawaz & Shahbaz resignations; their lust for personal power has created a very dangerous situation.” – Moeez Pirzada
“I wonder how Policemen were injured when both #IK and #TUQ had stated that they were unarmed.” – Raja Mujtaba
“BREAKING eyewitness: A special Punjab squad started violence. Plan is to blame the peaceful protesters.” – Ahmed Quraishi
“My respects & salutes to the brave Pakistanis who are holding their ground against tyranny of a retarded dynasty destined to its doom now!” – Zaid Hamid
“Unacceptable behavior by the govt ! Worse than a democratic govt. They have no right to rule now!” – Jasmeen Manzoor
“Crowds in Islamabad only represented tip of an iceberg; this tragedy in Islamabad will lead to violence across many parts of country, Sad!” – Moeed Pirzada
“Police is hiding injured Pakistanis behind containers to avoid media courage. They will die there you son of rascal Ch Nisar!!!” – Saqib Masood
“I am at Shar-e Dastoor now.Unbelievable Use of State Power. Shame on those who ordered this ruthless crackdown on Peaceful Protestors!” – Dr. Shahid Masood
“Gen Raheel, nation waits for you now ! God speed…” – Zaid Hamid
“Dear IK and Dr TUQ, why are you inside the containers ?? Come out and be with your followers! This is the time to lead your troops !” – Zaid Hamid
“Imran Khan standing on container and moving forward.” – Jasmine Manzoor
“BREAKING #PMLN’s #Punjab Police opens fire and shelling even on #PTI ladies who were far from PM House .” – Ahmed Quraishi
“Sad very sad even after Lahore incident this govt had learnt nothing at all!.” – Jasmine Manzoor
“I definitely support the movement of PTI & TUQ to remove this regime. But seriously dispute their political/ideological vision to come after.” Zaid Hamid
“I have heard Dr. TUQ talking about less taxes & free lawyers! This is NOT khilafat e Rashida model indeed. In Islam, NO lawyers, NO taxes!” – Zaid Hamid
“Both IK & TUQ have used the terms “Khilafat e Rashida” model but have NEVER explained its contours. Even their followers remain confused.” – Zaid Hamid
“Baba Iqbal has give new terms of Political science ! “Spiritual Democracy” & the concept of “Benevolent Dictatorship” ! Amazing concepts !!.” – Zaid Hamid
“Quaid e Azam had said to this affect “every revolution has a philosopher behind it & Iqbal is the philosopher behind Pakistan movement.” – Zaid Hamid
“You can read my book on Khilafat e Rashida model here. This is NOT democracy, NOT capitalism, NOT anglo-saxon laws. http://takbeeremusalsal.blogspot.com/search/label/Zaid%20Hamid%27s%20Books” – Zaid Hamid
“If you have “Khilafat e Rashida” model, then there can be NO Capitalism, NO democracy, NO free media, NO anglosaxon laws! yes, WE WANT this!” – Zaid Hamid
“Dear Dr. sb, you say you want to bring “pure’ clean western democracy here. I am sure you know that Democracy is the religion of Capitalism?.” – Zaid Hamid
“Both IK & TUQ should realize that they cannot drag the crisis indefinitely. IT MUST END on Friday ! They must push hard. NS wants to drag..” – Zaid Hamid
“The epic challenge for IK & TuQ now is not just to bring NS down but also to manage a smooth transfer of power to a neutral caretaker government.” – Zaid Hamid
FROM ROMAN AHSAN: A young woman died due to firing by police, inna lilla-hey-wa-inna-aliahay-rajayoon – When the government knew that there are many women also amongst the demonstrators then they should not have ordered the police to fire any shots. Check this post to understand the evils of PMLN government: http://together-we-rise.blogspot.com/2014/08/protests-concluding-moments-thursday.html
Fakhru Baba and Forty Thieves
Faaiz Amir, Rawalpindi
There is widespread resentment and protest over hijacking of people’s mandate. In large part it is justified. Polling over two lac votes in some constituencies, casting more than 100% votes in a significant number of polling stations, obstructing polling process in some more constituencies and large scale illegal stamping of ballot papers indicate these elections were far from free and fair exercise, something which we all had yearned for. We have been denied the satisfaction and pleasure of being a proud nation that could boast of history making through its choices. The irony of the matter is that robber barons carried flags of all hues and shades. Some parties reaped richer harvest; others executed thieving on a few selected seats. Crimes were committed at individual and collective levels. Some teams were better organised in electoral process management, while others had yet to learn many tricks of the trade. Fakhru baba and forty chors had a field day. He rejoiced in his hallucinations of holding free, fair and transparent elections while the forty thieves went shouting all the way, “open Sesame, open Sesame, open Sesame”.
These robber barons had the misplaced confidence that crying hoarse over larcenies perpetrated by others would mask their own misdeeds. Only we were to be blamed because we have been lulled into taking all this and more taking lying down (pardon the pun). Even when we came out in 1977 we were being manipulated. When we protested we just did that. Revenge and not solutions was written large on banners and posters we carried. This time around it sounds and smells no different. Political leadership is creating distractions here and there for the people to lose focus and direction. Forty thieves wish to harvest their heist while Fakhru baba snapped in and out of his siesta.
Let’s put boiling oil in their jars slowly and gradually. Take them out one by one. Not physically eliminate them but get rid of these larcenists through means legal and fair. Allow all of them to sit in the Parliament and form the government. Let business of the State continue and let life move on in a normalized manner. But that is not where it ends.
Let them in. Let them enjoy the ambiance, the protocol and perks and privileges; with only one proviso. Election Commission should do organised and systematic thumb checking on all, save none, polled votes in each constituency. This could take say six months, say one year. We have spent billions on these elections, we could spend couple of hundreds of millions more. We have waited for years to vote we can wait six more months for genuine results.
Each ballot paper had two parts. One was the vote and the other the counterfoil that was retained in the ballot book. Every counterfoil should have on it the thumb impression of the voter who came to exercise his right to choose. So it is a long haul but so what, it is required. It is not impossible. NADRA can do it. Show the thumb. Angootha challao k baad Angootha dekhao.
Start from NA-1 and go all the way to NA-272. Purge the votes, honestly and dispassionately. All votes that do have the correct thumb imprint on it goes in the trashcan. Purge them ruthlessly, no favours asked none given. The nation demands it and deserves it. ECP owes it to the people. As and when purged counting on a seat is given announce the results and effect the change, if required.
Do it slowly but surely. Let the swords hang over their heads. Slowly and gradually, one by one, one after the other throw them out of the Assembly. Let the courts decide whether to send them to jail or give them a ‘get out of jail free ticket’. We will be rightly proud of the representatives who survived the test.
Fakhru baba, snap out please. You can do it. You would enjoy your nap after giving us the pleasure of taking pride in you. And promise we will not disturb you. We will stop making noise. Promise.
The juggernaut of corruption has already started , even before Nawaz Sharif has taken the Oath of the Prime Minister. He has started throwing trial balloons and feelers, to gauge the public response to his appointment of family members and cronies to plumb posts. already the name of Shahbaz Sharif and Salman Shahbaz has been floated to takeover finance. Kulsoom Nawaz’s name is bandied about as a Minister for Womens post. Ahsan Iqbal, who has no experience in Foreign Affairs, has his name thrown in the ring as Foreign Minister (May Allah Save Pakistan from this Gangster of Narowal (http://criticalppp.com/archives/26593). Nawaz Sharif has a typical Cheshire Cat grin, as he drools at the milk jug of Pakistan’s Treasury. This schemer is a master of crookedness and double dealings. He will start his robbery through gradiose projects like Super Highways, Jangla Buses, Laptop Schemes, Daanish Schools & other Kick Back Fronts. He is a mater of Ponzi Schemes, where instead of money, monumental projects are used to rob the people. In each of his projects, one of his relatives or front men will be involved in receiving the commission behalf of PMs Welfare Programs (for Welfare of Sharif Family). The Sharif Family started off as blacksmiths or “Lohars” on Defence related projects during the 1965 & 71 Wars. The paid huge commissions to Army Contractors and thus were able to make huge profits on Army contracts. Since the 60s, they have achieved so much ill-gotten wealth, that they have become billionaires (https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150392958245506).
There are approximately 140 Pakistani students at the University of Nottingham. Impact caught up with some of them to find out what they think about the result.
Current electoral legislation in Pakistan prevents overseas students from voting. The frustration at not being able to vote was shared by many Pakistani students at Nottingham. It is assumed by some to be a deliberate attempt on the part of the Pakistani government to disenfranchise the youth vote.
One student, who wished to remain anonymous, told Impact: “I think it was unfair that the vote wasn’t extended to Pakistanis overseas- I think it would’ve made a huge difference to the turnout and the outcome.”
Another said that they believed the Pakistani government “deliberately dragged its heels in not allowing those overseas to vote. It knows where our political loyalties lie, and it’s not with them [the outgoing Pakistan People’s Party].
“Pakistan’s youth played a massive role in these elections- we’ve got the numbers and unlike the older generations we’re not going to vote on the basis of a person’s surname. Pakistani politics rivals Dave with its re-runs; it’s stuck on a constant loop of Bhuttos, Sharifs and the military. It’s one big, fat joke .”
63 year old Sharif, leader of Pakistan’s Muslim League (N) party, served as Pakistan’s prime minister from 1990 to 1993 and again from 1997 to 1999 before being removed in a coup d’état by military general Pervez Musharraf, and subsequently being tried, jailed and ultimately exiled to Saudi Arabia.
More than a decade later, it seems the Pakistani people have been quite forgiving or quite forgetful, and re-elected him once more.
In a country where GDP per capita averages at $2,960, Nawaz Sharif’s personal estimated net worth is $1.2 billion, with many alleging corruption and tax evasion as being a substantial source of this wealth.
Pakistan has been under military rule for more than half of the country’s 57-year history; observers are keen to emphasise that 11th May saw a significant milestone being reached- the first “democratic” transition of one elected civilian government to another. There may have been elections, but they were neither “free” nor “fair”.
Violence leading up to the elections, including car and suicide bombings, claimed more than 130 lives, with 29 killed on Election Day alone.
Despite the threat of violence, turnout reached a historic 60% of eligible voters exercising their right, compared to only 44% in 2008. A large part of the higher turnout was down to the country’s increasingly politicised youth; 63% of the population is under the age of 25.
President of UoN’s Pakistan Society, Rafia Khatri, commented: “Five years laden with political, economic and social chaos were an automatic and effective mechanism to mobilise Pakistanis, especially the youth, to cast their votes. The overwhelming participation of Pakistanis throughout these elections signified how determined Pakistanis are to rehabilitate their country.”
After having queued for hours on end, some of those in Pakistan who did venture to the polling stations were, however, met with intimidation and coercion, with some voters even being turned away point-blank without being able to cast their votes.
Despite YouTube being blocked in Pakistan, activists and concerned citizens have taken to the web to disseminate evidence of phoney votes being registered:
Ballot boxes full of votes being discarded on the streets:
and proof of women casting fake votes:
49 polling stations were alleged to have had over 100% voter turnout, with more votes apparently being cast than the number of registered voters.
One of the largest suspected casualties of the alleged vote rigging is the cricketer turned politician Imran Khan whose Pakistan Movement for Justice (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, PTI) party was expected to make significant gains. Khan, an Oxford University PPE graduate, offered a fresh glimpse of hope for a populace tired of kleptocratic rulers who have kept the country’s economy almost stagnant.
In response to the alleged vote rigging and encouraged by Khan’s PTI party, protests have erupted across the nation, with tens of thousands of Pakistanis taking to the streets to demand re-elections in some areas. In response, the Election commission of Pakistan (ECP) has formed 14 election tribunals to investigate the complaints.
Meanwhile, section 144 of the code of criminal procedure has been imposed in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, in response to the protests. The controversial section bans gatherings of more than four people at a time for rallies and protests, or what it calls “unlawful assembly”. Large crowds demanding re-elections have also gathered in the Punjabi city of Lahore, and the country’s capital city, Islamabad, amongst others.
PTI’s party slogan “Naya Pakistan”, meaning “New Pakistan”, was what many, in particular the country’s youth, wanted to see.
For a nation that’s long been ruled by political dynasties who treat the country as one of their personal family heirlooms (Benazir Bhutto, deceased leader of the outgoing Pakistan People’s Party bequeathed the party’s chairmanship to her husband in her will), PTI in opposition is a step, albeit a baby step, in the right direction.
More pessimistically, however, with the same old face as Prime Minister, many political pundits are predicting a classic case of “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”.
Nawaz Sharif and his cronies have always been working to plunder Pakistan’s wealth as their sole agenda. He expanded his business empire by misusing his authority as Chief Minister Punjab and Prime Minister Pakistan. And in order to gain financial benefits, he manipulated laws and changed policies. Likewise, in a bid to avoid accountability, the Nawaz Sharif Government amended “The Ehtasaab Act” and made it effective from “1990” instead of “1985” as proposed in the original text of the “Ehtasaab Act” prepared by the interim government of caretaker Prime Minister (Late) Mairaj Khalid (1996-97). And by bringing this change he cunningly saved his tenure of Chief Minister Punjab (1985-88) from accountability.
Despite all maneuvering following references were filed against the Sharifs:-
1. Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and others misused official resources causing a loss to the national exchequer of Rs 620million by developing 1800 acres of land in Raiwind at state expense.
2. Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif are accused of whitening black money during their first tenure (1990-93) and causing a loss of Rs 180 million to the national exchequer by evading income/wealth tax.
3. Nawaz Sharif, Saif-ur-Rehman and others reduced import duty from 325% to 125% on import of luxury cars (BMW), causing a huge loss of Rs1.98 billion to the national exchequer.
4. On the imposition of emergency and freezing of foreign currency accounts, Nawaz Sharif and Saif-ur-Rehman removed 11 billion US dollars from Pakistani Banks illegally. Without the consent of account holders, Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates (FEBC) accounts were frozen and foreign exchange was misappropriated.
5. Illegal appointments in Pakistan International Airlines (Nawaz Sharif and Saeed Mehdi).
6. Abbotabad land purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Sardar Mehtab Abbasi).
7. Availing bank loan for Ittefaq Foundries and Brothers Steel Mills without fulfilling legal requirements (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
8. Concealment of property in the US (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
9. Illegal appointments and promotions in Federal Investigation Agency (Nawaz Sharif).
10. US wheat purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Syeda Abida Hussain).
11. Murree land purchase scam (Nawaz Sharif and Saif-ur-Rehman)
12. Tax evasion (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
13. Forging of passports and money laundering (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
14. Concealment of private helicopter purchase while filing assets’ detail (Nawaz Sharif).
15. Favoring Kohinoor Energy Co, causing loss of Rs. 450 millions (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
16. Illegal cash finance facility given to Brothers Sugar Mills (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
17. Bribe offered to ANP’s Senator Qazi Mohammad Anwer (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
18. Hudaibiya Paper Mills Reference against Sharif brothers and Ishaq Dar.
19. Illegally appointing Chairman Central Board of Revenue (Nawaz Sharif)
20. Whitening of black money by amending laws (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif).
21. Causing Rs. 35 billion loss by writing off/rescheduling bank loans (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
22. Bribing (late) Maulana Sattar Niazi from National Exchequer (Nawaz Sharif and Others).
23. Plundering Rs. 200 million from Jahez and Baitul Maal funds (Nawaz Sharif & Others)
24. Opening fictitious foreign currency accounts (Nawaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar).
25. Making 130 political appointments in federal departments (Nawaz Sharif).
26. Relaxing export duty and rebate to transport sugar to India (Nawaz Sharif).
27. Whitening of money through FEBC (Nawaz Sharif).
28. Wealth Tax evasion (Nawaz Sharif).
29. Concealment of facts to evade property tax (Nawaz Sharif).
30. Withdrawal of case against Senator Islamuddin Sheikh (Nawaz Sharif, & Ishaq Dar).
The Men at the Borders.. Can you spare a moment for them? – Fahad Malik
The Men at the Borders..
Can you spare a moment for them?
Pakistan is in a useless battle, and in a cycle of sufferings from last 12 years, and the rebellious waves caused destruction in every corner of the country. Civilians, including children, women, girls schools, Forces Headquarters, Airports, Mosques, streets, Govt. & private properties, everything was under attack. That all destruction stopped progress of country, bankrupted the economy of Pakistan and above all the image of Pakistan at international level was severely damaged. Civil administration was helpless before the terrorists. They controlled many areas, made them their base camps, started oppression against the local population, and announced to spread their evil activities to the other parts of the country. So, there was no other way except to start a final blow against the terrorists. Just before the Ramadan, Pakistan Army started a decisive operation against terrorists, in the North Waziristan, which was the voice of every patriotic Pakistani.
Stand.. Stand up with them, and let the world know, let the international community know, that we are peaceful people, and are against terrorists, this is the right time to maintain unity, to be under one flag, they are in war with terrorists, and we, we can beat the nefarious intentions of Taliban with our alliance. It is the time to express solidarity with Pakistan Army, it is the time to support them. Its almost 40 days now, but have you ever thought, that this is Ramadan and your soldiers are fighting in the holy month in the state of Roaza? Have you ever stopped for a while at your Sehar & Iftar and thought how they are managing their Sehri’s and Iftaaris? No. You never did, you never will. Because you live in an AC room, and you don’t know how Roaza goes in a battle field. You are used to Iftar on a table, with your family around, you don’t know how it feels to Iftar alone, just with water in a battle field.. No I don’t ask for anything, neither they’ll. I am just asking to put up your hands and pray for their safety. I just ask to say a word for them. Say a line, in their support, defend them when they are being criticized in front of you, make a poster, write a line, light up a candle for them, be on their side, that would be enough. That would be adequate from your side. Honor them with anything you can do for them. Because, they are awake, for your peaceful sleep.
-Fahad Malik
Physically 20 years old, thinker, writer, a computer science student, by subjects, Member of Abrar-ul-Haq’s Youth parliament, Philanthropist, crazy about Sufism, Learner, Coffee hollick, night owl, a wandering lost soul, out in search of something, that is yet to be discovered. Facebook.com/Fahad4014
Pakistan Fights Eastern & Western Terrorism, TTP on the Run, Zarb-e-Azb, Zionist-Hindutvadi expansionism
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