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Archive for category RIGGED ELECTION 2013

PM Imran Khan has nothing to do with DPO transfer, Sohail Waraich lays bare facts

Editor’s Note -This is a malicious story originated by Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz. Pakistan’s Senior Journalist Sohail Waraich sets the record straight. In our opinion this is typical mischief perpetrated by the forces of corruption led by the jailed former rigged election product Nawaz Sharif. It is also an effort to destabilise not only the government of PM Imran Khan, but also to impact the improving economic and security environment of Pakistan.

As the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government recovers from the embarrassment caused by an incident involving Khawar Farid Maneka, one of Pakistan’s senior journalists has come up with yet another twist to the story.

The host of Geo TV’sAik Din Geo K Sathshow and columnist Sohail Waraich says neither Prime Minister Imran Khan nor his wife Bushra Imran has anything to do with the transfer of Pakpattan District Police Officer (DPO) Rizwan Gondal.

According to media reports, Gondal was reportedly transferred at the behest of Khawar Farid Maneka, the former husband of Bushra Imran after the Punjab police officials offended him by intercepting his vehicle.

In his weekly column, the inimitable journalist wrote in Daily Jang that the actual story is completely different from what has been largely reported.

He goes on to reveal that an intense tug of war and acrimony persisted between Maneka and Bushra Imran, rejecting the common perception that the divorce between the two took place in an amicable manner.

Sohail Waraich says the differences of personalities led to the divorce between the two despite their efforts to keep the union intact. All the arrangements and interventions from close friends to save the relationship also failed.

The mistrust between the parents of five children continued to deepen even after Bushra Maneka tied the knot with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan.

In the run-up to the July 25 elections one of Maneka’s brother, a candidate of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, openly expressed his resentment of their former sister in law.

In the first incident that took place on August 5, Sohail Waraich writes that Mubashira Maneka and Ibrahim Maneka, children of Farid Maneka and Bushra, were intercepted by the police. A heated argument ensued between police and Ibrahim who contacted his father by mobile phone. Maneka rushed to the spot and took his children away.

According to an inquiry report prepared by the Punjab Police, Ibrahim said in his statement that the incident took place when he along with his sister was walking to the shrine of Baba Farid.

After the incident, Khawar Farid conveyed to his ex-wife that the police had acted at her behest.

Angered over the incident, Ibrahim and Mubashira stopped talking to their mother. On the other hand, Bushra Imran thought it to be the work of Khawar Farid’s brother who was pitting children against their mother.

Khawar Farid also probed the DPO to reveal the name of the person behind the whole episode. “What could the DPO have told when there was nothing to tell,” Sohail Waraich wrote.

Before the dust had settled, came August 23. Khawar Farid, his new wife, servants and guards were intercepted by police while they were on their way to the Peer Ghani State.

An inquiry report prepared by Additional IG Abu Bakar Khuda Baksh, Khawar Farid Maneka didn’t pull up when he was signalled by police.

Maneka, however, argued that he neither saw any police post nor any red light.

According to the columnist, the police chased the two cars of Maneka’s convoy and intercepted them.

Farid Maneka came out of his vehicle and introduced himself. Officers were insisting for vehicle search suspecting the presence of illegal arms in the custody of Maneka’s guards.

Maneka then contacted DPO Rizwan Gondal and informed him of the situation. The DPO, the columnist wrote, asked the officers to let Maneka go.

The second incident strengthened his suspicion that the police were acting on someone’s orders and Bushra Bibi was the prime suspect thinking that she was doing all this out of vengeance.

Ahsan Jamil Iqbal, a family friend of Maneka’s, intervened after both the sides exchanged allegations.

Jameel approached Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar whom he had acquainted during a couple of meetings in Bani Gala and brought the issue into his notice.

Additional IG Abu Bakar Khuda Baksh in his inquiry report wrote that neither Punjab IG nor another police officer had asked DPO Gondal to apologize to the Manekas.

But a suggestion indeed came up during a meeting at the Chief Minister House that either Gondal should apologize or give an explanation to Ibrahim Maneka.

Meanwhile, the issue surfaced in the media and the transfer of DPO became politicized.

Explaining the entire episode, Sohail Waraich wrote that two different forces of the Punjab Police; Highway Patrolling and the Elite Force, have intercepted the Maneka family.

Both the incidents took place late at night when police see everybody with suspicion and don’t hesitate in manhandling citizens.

Such incidents are commonplace in all of Punjab and one of them happened in Pakpattan, but the transfer of DPO became the talk of town just because the issue involved Punjab CM, First Lady and her former husband.


The News, Pakistan


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Close to the Dead End, Sharifs Out to blow the system by Shaheen Sehbai

ISLAMABAD INSIGHT Close to the Dead End, Sharifs Out to blow the system

Shaheen Sehbai 











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I AM happy to write this in Calibri font, as it is not illegal anymore. But this piece can only be written in this font because it deals with issues created by the illegal use of Calibri. While my media friends are chilling out, watching Najam Sethi’s PSL and cruising on calm warm waters around Dubai, the political temperature and the battle between institutions back home has almost reached the boiling point, or the dead end. After what has happened, and is happening, the policy of judicial restraint and strict non-interference by the military and security establishment has stretched so thin, it can snap any time. The salient features of the present picture include: – After Nawaz Sharif has been legally sidelined, his ambitious and energetic bro in Lahore is now stuck neck deep in a swirling mass of quicksand, sinking deeper by the day, nay hour. – His open support and instigation to a revolt by the Lahori bureaucrats has almost wiped out his chances of becoming the next leader of the country. – Nawaz himself has conceded defeat by saying he is sure to get convicted in the few remaining corruption cases. So his policy is: After Me, the deluge. – He has unleashed his defiant daughter but she is also in the same boat and will sink together with his dad. – The NAB, backed fully by the Supreme Court and the armed forces, has launched a frontal and direct offensive in Punjab, ending its policy of passive restraint. – As all of these institutions are on the right side of the law, NAB has been threatened and challenged by provincial government, which in fact should have been helping the NAB to catch the corrupt. It is just the reverse and untenable. – After Shahbaz’s hitman Cheema was arrested, the next in line is Nawaz’s right-hand man Fawad Hasan Fawad and he is reported to have joined a gathering of protesting baboos in Lahore through a video conference. – PM Abbasi flew direct from his TAPI visit to Lahore to huddle with Shahbaz and nothing about their meeting was said. – They could, however, have discussed only two things. PM telling CM to stop the Punjab baboos revolt or PM agreeing to CM’s demand that same strategy should be adopted in Islamabad. Both are a no-win prospect. – The embedded perversity in this situation is that those in government are rising in revolt against their own authority. If the revolt persists, Shahbaz government sinks deeper into dirt. If the same happens in Islamabad, Abbasi would subvert himself. – With the political prism standing on its head, lop-sided, it does not need even a nudge to overturn it. – The last push could be coming from Islamabad where reports of a presidential ordinance to clip the powers of NAB are being considered. That may be the last nail, if one was needed. – If that happens, the Supreme Court will immediately come into action. The deadlock will deepen further, the swirling mud pond more stinky. – The joke now being perpetrated as Senate elections may also be swept aside by the Courts or makes the Upper House look ludicrous. – Every political initiative, based on negative intent and perverse logic will have failed. In such a scenario, with Punjab government deadlocked, Centre not responding to correct the wrong, all institutions fighting each other, there will be no way out but for the Supreme Court to invoke Article 190 and ask the armed forces to intervene in whatever shape and manner was deemed necessary. In Punjab this quiet intervention has already happened with Rangers taking over security of NAB headquarters where Cheema was kept. The obvious threat was not from anyone but the Punjab Police and other security departments. In short an internal subversive threat. The catch in this situation is that Nawaz has been asking for such an intervention by his provocations and stinging attacks on other institutions. The policy of restraint did not allow him to claim victimhood so far. Now the institutions have moved on as the final verdict declaring Nawaz and family as convicted criminals is almost ready to come. That probably was the deadline for the institutions to pursue the restraint. Now it is time to show some teeth. The few remaining days may even see a more desperate Nawaz and his family committing more shocking attacks on the institutions. A physical attack on the Supreme Court or the NAB court could also be anticipated. Surely it would be prevented. The bigger failure is that the political system has failed to stop any of these violators from thinking irrationally and for the larger cause of keeping democracy running. All other parties could have joined in a roundtable to advise Nawaz and family not to destroy everything. But they are so deeply divided they have lost the capacity to think even about their own future. Some parties are crying wolf, shouting loud but if Nawaz succeeds in carrying out a suicide attack on the political system, all parties will lose.

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Disastrous decade of democracy sorry state of the state-Al Pakistan by Simon Templar

Disastrous decade of democracy sorry state of the state-Al Pakistan


Simon Templar

Thug life is a term used by gangsters to glorify their law breaking,heady crime sprees.

Nothing describes the misrule of two successive, so called democratically elected governments in the unstable, underdeveloped 200 million strong south Asian state of Pakistan.

How thieves, plunderers and freebooters came to rule this nuclear armed state is a sad tale in itself.

Ruled by military General Pervez Musharraf who took over in a military coup in 1999, the country became a close US ally after 9/11 and witnessed an era of growth and stability under military rule.

However when Musharaf reached his limits of flexibility, it was decided by the US and British to force him bring back the two tainted, condemned political leaders in exile and to wash away all their sins under a dubious order in the name of national reconciliation.

As in the Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, there was also a hungry, eager, more flexible General waiting in the Wings to replace him, and Deputy Chief Kayani used Military intelligence and a judges restoration movement to cripple the erstwhile strongman, now out of favor with the US.

A final thumbs down from the US Ambassador compelled Musharraf to resign and after the mysterious, unsolved murder of Benazir Bhutto, her thuggish husband, the upstart, criminal uneducated, corrupt and much reviled Asif Zardari came to power.

The deal with the West was that we bring you back, wash away your past sins and you squeeze the Army.

The game began and new Chief Kayani turned a blind eye, as he had brought the devil to sup at the table and was also busy improving his impoverished families financial condition.

So well did this team work that General Kayani got an unprecedented 3 year second term, Zardari became a billionaire, Kayani from rags to millionaire and the country went to the dogs.

The US with its two boys in place, in charge of the Presidency and military, violated Pakistani sovereignty and physical boundaries at will, using drones, choppers, covert assassin’s and whatever they chose.

As per the unholy charter of kleptocracy, Sharif kept silent during Zardari’s plunder and he returned the favor after Sharif took over in 2013








Simple math, over invoice $ 50 billion of Chinese funded projects-whether needed or not- by ten percent, sign sovereign guarantees, leave future generations to pay off horrifying debts and pocket 5% off the top!

Walk away with a cool $ 2.5 billion dollars.Astonishingly simple as it is audacious.

Where Zardari was a street thug, looting millions, for ing neighbors to sell their properties on the cheap, the plunderers from Punjab, whose father made pots and cooking utensils with his bare hands are now certified dollar billionaires thanks to massive bank defaults,and international cuts commissions and kickbacks.

Wow! Wonderful, just one mistake…Sharif, egged on by vicious anti military Advisers like Junior Minister for Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatimi, kept on targeting the by now restive and powerful Pakistan military.








The leakage of information pertaining to thousands of offshore companies incorporated in Panama signalled the end for the strangely absent Sharif regime.

Perhaps the most corrupt and worse administered government in the history of Pakistan..certainly the most hypocritical.

Destroying the civil service structure, promoting nepotism, turning state servants especially in the Punjab into glorified pimps and facilitators.


Nawaz Sharif ‘s Well Hidden Taliban Connection-Taliban did Nawaz Sharif’s Dirty Work-While, US looked the Other Way-Rana Sanaulla, Nawaz Sharif’s  Killer Interior Minister Connected to Punjabi Taliban








One poor martied lady was famously peddled by her husband out to Sharif, then his younger brother and in turn was rewarded with top administrative positions for his immoral shamelessness.

Functioning without statutory, mandated positions such as State Ombudsman, National Tax Collector, Head of the Audit Service and even without the Governor of the State Bank.

Burgeoning debt,increasingly hostile borders, declining exports, a dysfunctional government, falling stock market and collapsing currency could not shake Sharif out of his stupor.

On the ropes, with his family corruption the main story in every paper, every channel and on social media, he chose to plod on shamelessly, trying one corrupt lawyer after another in a futile attempt to cover his tracks.

Described as a sicilian mafiosi by the worthy judges of the top constitutional court, Sharif scraped the bottom of the barrel, hiring the immoral Raja Salman Akram, known to have defended Zardaris drug dealing Prime Minister, all to no avail.

Functioning without a Foreign minister for four years, and appointing idiots as top envoys, the joke is on Sharif as he is now left with no friends to bail him out as before.

His Saudi patrons distanced themselves from their pet poodle after Sharif was unable to prevail upon his military who very sensibly refused to go and fight alongside Saudi troops in Yemen.

Indians and Americans have realised he cannot dominate his military and the Turks and Chinese know him and his tribe as crooked, slimy money grabbers.

Despite holding office for years, Sharif has paid no attention to healthcare, education, rule of law or job creation, focusing purely on shady, unnecessary projects providing easy kickbacks.

Now decades of money laundering, defaulted bank loans and millions in off shore accounts and overseas properties stand to be exposed for what they are, the loot and plunder from 190 million poor uneducated helpless souls who are forced to sell or kill their children due to lack of justice, poverty and a gloomy future.

The question is how will things unfold? Will the shameless, immoral, hypocritical kleptocrats escape yet again to lick their wounds and enjoy their boots abroad or shall they deservedly meet the fate of another erstwhile billionaire, the late unlamented Colonel Qaddafi who died bloodied and screaming in the street as his engeful subjects beat him to death?

The author is a geostrategist based in Brussels.

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NASEEM ASHRAF & IQBAL ASHRAF & MUSADAK MALIK: THE CROOK BROTHERS: New NBP Chief Rewarded for Sanctioning Rs. 500 Million to Sharifs’ Brothers Sugar Mill in 1990s





Dirty Fingers in the Cookie Jar of Every Government


By Sarmad Ali

Islamabad, Jan 28 (Pak Destiny) The Nawaz Sharif government has rewarded Syed Ahmad Iqbal Ashraf by appointing him president of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) for his services – sanctioning Rs500 million loan to the Ramzan Sugar Mill of the Sharifs in 1990s.
“Ahsraf has also been given a task to settle down Rs3billion loan of Itifaq Foundry which it had taken from the NBP in the 1990s,” the sources said.
The sources said Ashraf was the regional director of NBP when he had sanctioned Rs500 million to the Sharif’s Ramzan Sugar Mill when they needed money. Salman Shahbaz had asked his uncle to appoint Ashraf.
A chartered accountant by profession, Ahmad Iqbal is a brother of Dr Nasim Ashraf, the former minister for National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) and president of Pakistan Cricket Board in General Musharraf’s government. Nasim Ashraf brought in Musadak Malik, a big time crook, whose connections with a  super power are highly suspicious. After Nasim Ashraf and Iqbal Ashraf absconded from Pakistan, they left their master-mind Musadak Malik to be an Advisor to Nawaz Sharif. This unemployed US Pharmacist, still a US Citizen has a gift of gab and can through use of this gift he wiggled his way  into Nawaz Sharif’s Cabinet as an his Advisor.
He replaced Dr Asif Brohi who had three years to reach the retirement age.
A total of 51 candidates had applied for the post. The selection was originally to be made by a high-powered commission comprising Federal Tax Ombudsman and two academicians from Agha Khan University and Lahore University of Management Sciences. – Pak Destiny

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2/3rd Majority by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd) 


July 18th, 2017

2/3rd Majority

During the ongoing PANAMA hearings by the SC,  many a stalwart of the PML (N) leadership has hinted at going to the Awami Court who they claim had returned MNS with 2/3 majority.  Just to be sure, I dug up some of the old newspapers and found the following:















Party Total votes bagged (May 12, 1 pm)
PML-N 9,781,703
PTI 3,633,060
PPP 3,381,223
MQM 2,108,360
PML-Q 834,572
PML-F 610,906
JUI-F 278,636
JI 91,668


The total number of the registered voters for the 2013 election was  86,194,802


Thus PML (N) polled  9,781,703  / 86,194,802  X 100 = 11.35 per cent  which is not even simple 51% majority what to talk of 2/3rd majority. It is as simple as that out of 86,194,802 registered voters a very hefty number of  76,413,099 voters did not vote for it.


Do they have any moral justification of going to them for the final decision?



Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: [email protected]


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