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British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom by Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.

British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom

Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.

Irony of Historic National Freedom and Unspoken Tyranny of Imperialism

29 Dec 2021 – Do nations and civilizations grow out of the moral mire of military conquests, killings of innocent people, political cruelty and subjugation by imperialism? For more than 800 years, India as a Moghul Empire was an economically well-integrated and politically viable entity and European maintained strong commerce, trade and political relationships.  After intrigued conspiracies and planned division, the British invaded India in 1857, committing cold-blooded massacres of two million people mostly Muslims opposing the military invasion described just as a “Mutiny” in the British chronicle. Bahadur Shah Zafar – the last Moghul emperor was deposed overnight in Delhi, his youngest son’s head was chopped off and put on a breakfast plate to strangle the Shah and make him surrender unconditionally.  Shah was hurriedly taken to Rangoon (Burma) and imprisoned in a garage and later on died and was buried only to write poems in loss of his freedom and beloved country.  Did the British overtake India to be a free country for democracy or to support the Hindu domination of futuristic India?  British robbed Moghul India and looted its wealth and heritage to become Great Britain and imagined India as an absolute entity of the British Empire.

Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Dr Mohammad Iqbal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Khan though educated in British intellectual traditions but articulated new missions and visions for national freedom as a revulsion against the British colonial political traditions and continuity of the British Raj in India. Was this violent and ruthless indoctrination part of the British heritage or history-making efforts to besiege India forever?  Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy made sure that Indians will remain loyal and committed subservient to the futuristic blending of so-called celebrated national freedom after the 1947 partition into India and Pakistan. British by design failed to deliver the truth of national freedom to both nations in a universal spirit of political responsibility. Hindu mythology believes in “Mahabharata” (Greater India) and teaches school children that Pakistan and Afghanistan are part of the “Mahabharata” plan. Ironically, Hindus practise a caste system denying human equality in public life, whereas, Islam teaches the unity of mankind offering equality to all. The successive states of India-Pakistan both betrayed the reality of equal human rights and participation in governance.

History could not have confined the tyranny and oppression of “divide and rule of British imperialism against the will of the Indian masses. Canons of rationality clarify that national freedom granted to both new entities in August 1947 was a fake chronology of time and history. The so-called national freedom perpetuated a hybrid socio-economic and political culture – part human- part vulture, British made no security arrangements to ensure communal peace and harmony which resulted in millions of people being killed in ethnic violence while migrating from one place to another.

Tormented by injustice, public discord and political lethargy, British imperialism changed the Indian mindset and behaviour within a century, but India and Pakistan even after 75 years remained glued to the British colonial systems in thoughts, systems and governance. Does it not signal a naïve and void imagination of national freedom professed by both nations since 1947?  They continue to interact with one another as the most hated enemy of time and history, wars, the threat of nuclear arsenals, the Kashmir dispute and worst of all lack of direct people-to-people communication or business relationships – all seem to be part of a highly ruptured and purging pursuit of national freedom.

 Indian and Pakistani Leaders Follow Egoistic Agenda for the Future

The aerial view of New Delhi reflects an Islamic image of the city – Grand New Delhi Mosque, nearby historic and beautiful Taj Mahal, Old Fort and a lot more. The first book ever written on India was “Kitab-al-Hind” (Book on India) by Abu Raihan Al-Brunei – a 10th-century Muslim scholar. Under the Moghul Empire, Delhi was one of the most intellectually and economically advanced progressive capitals. To foreigners, it does not look like the capital of Hindu India at all. If this inference has any reality, the future of India and Pakistan should have been a collaboration and lasting friendship. India always wanted to subdue Pakistan and its national freedom.

Pakistan’s bad luck entailed many military coups breaking its integrity and trust in freedom. Egoistic and foolish Generals created bogus and corrupt politicians claiming to be the leaders of future-making. They lacked the moral and intellectual capacity to imagine their future with a new generation of educated, intelligent and proactive people who could have contributed to a promising future for Pakistan. Most pernicious consequences defy logic as most Indian and Pakistani elite lack intellectual foresight to connect national freedom to a continuous movement for the greater cause of nation-building. Despite the political independence in 1947, the nation-building goal was forgotten and lost in the symbolic values of national identity.

India’s political agenda was intact when in December 1971, East Pakistan disintegrated and Bangladesh was created by Mrs Indra Gandhi –the Prime Minister – a power conspirator in India. Pakistani governing elite would not dare to admit that it was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Genera Yahya Khan both major conspirators who led to the defeat of Pakistan. Even half a century later, Pakistanis still live in the delusional and unarguable conclusions of that historic misfortune.  As a graduate student, I met General PNK Choudry (the former Chief of the Indian Armed Forces) arbitrarily retired by Mrs Indra Gandhi and sent as an Ambassador (HC) to Canada. At a local university campus, we met when he was a guest speaker. Later on, I invited him for a class gathering with fellow students and lunch. During the summer while working at a photo store, General Choudry comes in with two cameras on his shoulder and many times we had lunch together and walked and photographed together.

On weekends, at the university library- often I got library books to share with him and we talked about global affairs and his past and India-Pakistan. He denied any alleged conspiracy against Mrs Gandhi to oust her and bring a military coup in India. My interaction with General Choudry continued for almost two years. After his diplomatic assignment, he was hired by McGill University, Montreal as a lecturer and that is where he died in 1975. He was a simple, 6.5 ft approx tall person, humble and spoke openly and truthfully as I recall him. As an Indian top army Genera,l he may have been a tyrant but as a human being and a diploma, the was a decent person. He fought wars with Pakistan and knew most of the military establishments. Here is what he disclosed during many conversations and it should be alarming to Pakistanis if they deny it:

ZA Bhutto andSheikhh Mujib Were Appointed by Mrs Indira Gandhi  Beforeo the defeat and surrender of East Pakistan in 1971, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had direct contact with Mrs Gandhi and wanted India’s help to become the next leader of Pakistan. India was looking for such an opportunity and wanted East Pakistan to become a new entity- Bangladesh. Sheikh Mujib Rehman was a nationalist and enthusiastic about a new homeland except to become the next elected leader of Pakistan. Bhutto-Yahya Khanwase competing for power even without elections. Sheikh Mujib’s Awami Party won the majority of seats in the 1971 elections of the National Assembly to be a legitimately elected leader of Pakistan. The inept and naïve Pakistani Generals had questions about Mujib’s futuristic intentions and delayed the peaceful transfer of power.  ZA Bhutto (Peoples Party) carved up his egoistic agenda for grabbing the political power even if Pakistan was defeated, otherwise,e Sheikh Mujib-Yahya could have become the next governing leader. Bhutto was a power-hungry individual without any political capacity to be a leader. Mrs. Gandhi helped both – ZA Bhutto and Sheikh Mujib and the price was the defeat and surrender of Pakistan. Mrs. Gandhi appointed Bhutto as the next President, Martial Law Administrator and Prime Minister of Pakistan and Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman as the next President of Bangladesh.  Some Pakistani would blame General Niazi for the surrender but in reality,y it was Yahya-Bhutto and the Pakistani Generals who should have faced full accountability and perhaps fired squads for their treachery and dishonesty to the national freedom and integrity of Pakistan. The lessons of history are ignored as Pakistani politics lacks accountability. To see more, please view the articles by this author:  “Pakistan: Leaders who Stabbed the Nation” (2009), “Pakistan: Leader or Criminals.” (2014); “Pakistan: Reflections on the Turbulent 69th Independence Day”, “Pakistan: How to Change the Culture of Political Corruption and Rebuild the Future.” (2014), and “Pakistan and India’s leader mark freedom from British Colonial Rule but Masses look for a Navigational Change.” (2020).

To General Choudry, if the whole of Pakistan was captured by India except for the Sindh province, ZA Bhutto would have gladly become the Chief Minister of Sindh to co-exist with India.  He disclosed, that there were five or six soft-hearted” Pakistani Generals willing to align and not to challenge India’s plan for Bangladesh.  General Yahya Khan and Bhutto were highly individualistic and morally corrupt. Mrs. Gandhi had daily briefings where Yahya and Bhutto held cocktail parties and slept with prostitutes.  Shocking as it is, future Pakistani leaders never held anyone accountable for the crimes against the nation. Were ZA Bhutto and Yahya Khan more important than the existence, national freedom and integrity of One Pakistan? Dr. Ishtiaq Qureshi (Editor Urdu Digest) wrote “Skoote –Dahaka Say Purdah Uttha Hey” (1972), in which he described the details of how Bhutto and Yahya Khan betrayed Pakistan and stabbed the nation. Dr Qureshi was imprisoned by the Bhutto government. This dreadful tragedy infallibly resulted to question the very basis of the originality of Pakistan and remains unacknowledged and districted by the Pakistani political elite even to this day. Are the Pakistanis still living in any rational denials of their chapter of history?

Moral and intellectual corruption is rampant in both countries. Masses are systematically compelled to bribe officials to get the basic services and official necessities of nationality ID, passports, driver’s license and a lot more in life. National freedom has changed from the enlarged scope of corruption and exploitation – the legacy of British imperialism. BothIndiana and Pakistani neo-colonialists look for an escape from reality and are allergic to seeing the mirror of the present and future. Allama Iqbal (pioneer of Pakistani national freedom) did not live to see his dream come true in Pakistan. Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist, and  Nehru died a natural death.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah passed away in a broken ambulance on a Karachi street, and Liaquat Ali Khan (first PM) was murdered by the then Pakistani politicians. Mrs. Indra Gandhi was killed by his Sikh bodyguard as revenge for the Indian armed attack on Sikh Golden Temple, Amritsar; Sheikh Mujib was murdered by his military commander and Bhutto was hanged for killing a political opponent. Both nations failed to produce proactive and intelligent leaders to usher in political change. Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu Janta Party and Prime Minister believes in Hinduvata domination of the sub-continent, Pakistani could not produce any leaders except Bhutto, Ms Bhutto, Zardari, Sharif and General Musharaf –conspirators and gangsters who stole wealth and committed heinous crimes and bought palaces in Europe to enjoy life.

Is There any Glimpse of Hope for People-Oriented Change for the New Generations?

India has multiple problems of socio-economic and political diversity. It is unable to counteract the national freedom movement of the Sikh Nation for an independent Khalistan. Kashmir was never a part of British Indian dominion and its masses continue to seek freedom from India’s occupation and violations of their basic human rights. Muslim, Christian and other minorities are oppressed underHinduvata-managed India claiming to be a secular and democratic country. The Hindu Janata Party under the current PM is committed to making India a Hindutiva State regardless of other nationalities and identities. Pakistani miserably failed to take proactive initiatives to support the freedom movement for the people of Kashmir. The old service men-led elite could not imagine new and creative strategies to organize international conferences or effectively communicate to the Western world to share the aspirations of the Kashmiri masses.

The degeneration of the Indian-Pakistani moral and intellectual culture is well in progress. The essence, meaning and purpose of historic British colonial systems are operative across all public affairs, policies and practices in India and Pakistan. The armed forces, the civil service and legal jurisprudence all remain under the sinister influence and disfigured reality of the two so-called free nations. Police still beats the protesters and open fire on peaceful demonstrators, be in New Delhi, Kashmir or Islamabad. National freedom does not empower futuristic societies to establish political absurdity, immoral and intellectual decadence and political injustice. Common people in both countries are besieged by obsolete systems of political governance except rich landlords and the affluent compete in the elections and gain power.

There is no charge for the people in the colonized landscape exceptthe enlarged scope of moral and intellectual corruption used as freedom. If you will question both elites having many common values of the British Raj, they would deny if there is anything wrong with their thinking, role play and management of public affairs. The new and young generation who could not imagine a new sustainable future vanishing fast and migrating to Europe and America in search of better opportunities. The old generations of landlords and retired civilian-military officials manage the governing bodies whereas people of the new and educated generation are deprived of any practical participation and migrate to Europe and North America and never return to their home countries.

The hub of political culture is divided and delusional about national freedom and sustainable future-making. There are no wars for the people of the sub-continent to fight but they are fighting wars on several fronts without reason- known and unknown. The compelling realities across the beleaguered sub-continent demand new thinking, new visionary leadership, men of new ideas and plans to deal with the unwarranted exploitation of masses, communal deaths, and deliberate destruction of the historic culture and millions of people looking for a change and a new beginning of cordial borders and relationships.

______________________________________Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international relations-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest book: Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution: Approaches to Understand the Current Issues and Future-Making, Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 2017.

Tags: British Colonialism, History, India, Pakistan, UK

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COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa Makes It to the List of Worlds’ Most Powerful by Ishaal Zehra

COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa Makes It to the List of Worlds’ Most Powerful – What it means to be in the Forbes’ annual ranking of The World’s Most Powerful People

Ishaal Zehra




There are nearly 7.5 billion humans on planet Earth, but the chosen 75 men and women make the world turn, claims the Forbes Magazine. Forbes’ annual ranking of The World’s Most Powerful People identifies one person out of every 100 million whose actions, as per their analysis, mean the most. Apparently, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa is included in those 75 people who have made up to the list, by superseding his slice of 100 million people in the world and double of this figure in Pakistan.

His designated crown ‘selected few most powerful persons’ for his efforts in begetting peace in the U.S. ally state by fighting away the terrorist groups present in the area, in addition to managing a complex relationship with India on its eastern border. Two years into his tenure as the head of the world’s sixth largest Army, Qamar Javed Bajwa has established himself as a mediator. The rift between India and Pakistan is improving, partly thanks to his efforts.

To compile the ranking of The World’s Most Powerful People, the magazine considered hundreds of candidates from various walks of life and measured their power along four dimensions. First, it was checked whether the candidate has power over lots of people. Next, the financial resources controlled by each person was assessed. Then, their power in multiple spheres was calculated. Forbes maintains that there are only 75 slots on the list, so being powerful in just one area is often not enough. Hence their picks project their influence in myriad ways. Lastly, they made sure that the candidates actively used their power.

To calculate the final rankings, a panel of Forbes editors ranked all of the candidates in each of these four dimensions of power, and those individual rankings were averaged into a composite score.





General Bajwa is a newcomer to the list along with 16 others on the list this year, including Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud – the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who is thought to be the fulcrum around which the Middle Eastern geopolitics moves for the next generation. Other new members include Jerome H. Powell – chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Darren Woods – CEO of Exxon Mobil, Moon Jae-in – President of South Korea and Robert Mueller – Special Counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa was appointed as the 10th Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan by the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in December 2016.

He was commissioned on 24 October 1980 in 16 Baloch Regiment, which has produced three out of the sixteen army chiefs in the past — General Yahya, General Aslam Baig and General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

General. Bajwa is a graduate of National Defence University, Islamabad, Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, (Toronto) Canada, Naval Post Graduate University, Monterey (California) in the USA. He has also served as an instructor at School of Infantry and Tactics, Quetta and Command and Staff College, Quetta and NDU, Islamabad.

Prior to being appointed as the Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan Army, General Bajwa served as the Inspector General Training and Evaluation from 2015–16 and as a field commander of the X Corps from 2013 to 2015 which is responsible for the area along the Line of Control. In addition, he also served as a peacekeeper in the UN mission in Congo as a Brigadier and served as the brigade commander in 2007. Forbes also cited former Chief of Indian Army Staff General Bikram Singh’s annotations regarding the Pakistani Chief. In fact, General Bajwa has served in Congo under General Bikram Singh who was all praises for Bajwa’s performance.

The Chief of Pakistan Army Staff has vast experience in the military field, especially in significant areas such as Baltistan and Kashmir. His approach towards Pakistan’s arch rivals and neighbours India remains passive yet firm which makes him a composed General ready to act with a clear mind rather than being impulsive. He has remained professional and away from politics throughout his term in the army which also adds to his qualities as a true military general.

This year’s list comes at a time of rapid and profound change and represents our best guess about who will matter in the year to come. Forbes magazine placed Chinese President Xi Jinping at the top of the list while placing Russia’s Vladimir Putin as the second most powerful man of 2018. Reducing the US President Donald Trump to number three position in the list of most powerful personality. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel was ranked fourth in the list, making her the most powerful woman in the world.


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Warnings in Allah’s Plan—Saving the Nation from Retribution by Commodore Tariq Majeed Pakistan Navy (Retd)

“…Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.”

Awareness Brief-AB-06-17-Friday, 27 October 2017, Safar 6, 1439

Warnings in Allah’s Plan—Saving the Nation from Retribution

Commodore Tariq Majeed PN (Retd)

Quranic Warnings

            Doesn’t the Qur’anic quotation mentioned above fit the situation in which the persons charged with money-laundering and dishonest conduct at the national level find themselves? They never imagined their ill-gotten wealth, which they had hidden in structures of shell companies, would be revealed through the phenomenon of Panama Papers! It is a warning for others who have harmed our nation by their corruption.

          This warning in full is at Surah 16, Ayat 26: “Those before them did also plot but Allah took their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from above, and the Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.”

            A similar warning is at Surah 39, Ayat 55: “And follow the Best of (the guidance) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you, of a sudden, while you perceive not.”

          The Quranic warnings which, if not heeded, result in retribution, are addressed to nations as well as people.

Corruption—A Serious Issue

          After the Supreme Court verdict in the Panama Papers Case on 28 July 2017, the ousted premier, Nawaz Sharif, speaking at a gathering of his followers stated, as reported in Nation, 11 Aug 2017: “Why he was disqualified… if there were no corruption charges against him.”

This was incorrect, intentionally misleading, statement. But, he went on repeating it, using it as a propaganda ploy. Nawaz Sharif knew criminal charges were not framed by Supreme Court. This was the job of other institutions. Corruption, in fact, was mentioned in Supreme Court’s verdict, as reported in Nation, 29 July 2017. The verdict in Panama leaks case involving corruption allegations against Sharif family was unanimous of the five-member bench, headed by Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa.”  

Corruption allegations were confirmed according to Nation, 9 Sept 2017, as the National Accountability Bureau, on September 8, filed four interim corruption references against former premier Nawaz Sharif, his children and finance minister Ishaq Dar.”

Finally, his lie stood fully exposed when, as stated in Nation, 20 Oct 2017, “An accountability court indicted ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Muhammad Safdar in corruption references filed against them by NAB.”

          Corruption is a major problem in every country today. A look at how it is defined is quite revealing, and it exposes the character and the conduct of the persons belonging to the ruling classes in our own country. Transparency International defines corruption on its website, (www.transparency.org), as “The abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Grand corruption consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good.”

Holy Qur’an describes material corruption in simple words, and forbids it: “And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as bait for the rulers, with the intent that you may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of other people’s property;” (2:188). Allama Abdullah Yusuf Ali, in his commentary on the Holy Qur’an, explains: “The words translated ‘other people’s property’ may also mean public property.”

Sadly, it has to be admitted that public property, in our country, has been squandered, embezzled or usurped at a large scale by persons of all categories who had jurisdiction over any public property. This is a serious lapse in obeying Qur’anic commands, and, notwithstanding other factors, it is quite likely that this lapse, combined with other lapses, was behind the many disasters and tragedies that have occurred in Pakistan.










Trust in Allah—Missing in Conducting National Affairs

Trusting Allah, in other words, relying on His Power means making all efforts in the work in hand and having full faith that Allah Almighty would accord it a success, removing whatever may be the obstacles.

The vast majority of Pakistanis are believers, but do they really put their trust consciously in the divine power in respect of their affairs of life? Many people may say yes, they do. That may be true. But it would be in their private life, and the credit and reward for it would accrue to them, but individually.  

At the national level, we do not see the rulers and the policymakers giving any consideration to divine power in conducting national affairs. The policies on foreign and economic affairs, which together set the direction of affairs in the other spheres of national life, are made totally excluding the element of divine power as if Allah had nothing to do with these affairs. They forget that Allah Almighty, in fact, has a Plan―and thus a decisive Role―concerning the affairs of all nations and people.

Allah’s Plan and Practice  

Everything happens within the purview of Allah’s Plan that includes His Sunnah or Practice. The Divine Plan for the worldly life operates in three spheres or modes: the mode of Man, that of Satan, and Allah’s Own Mode. Both Man and Satan are allowed great freedom of action. Man can shape his life literally as he wants. Satan has the freedom to misguide Man and ruin his life utterly.

We know from the Holy Qur’an that Allah keeps exclusive control over certain matters such as death and sustenance. It is Allah’s normal Practice to let individuals and nations have what they desire and work for, let them proceed in the direction of their choice, and let them be ruined by Satan if they forsake the path of Allah and persist on the Satanic path.

It is also His Practice to keep testing individuals and nations to see if they deserve to remain in their existing, adverse or privileged, state, and to further favour or punish them. We also know, though we may not understand it, that at times Allah intervenes directly in the affairs of individuals and nations.

When Allah grants an individual or a nation a favour, it is not meant as a permanent privilege. If the recipient fails to protect it or fails to remain deserving of it, it is taken away.

Two Dire Warnings

          There are two warnings issued by Allah Almighty that instil great fear in the believers:


“…The truth is that Allah never changes the condition of the people unless they themselves exert to change their own characteristics and their inner selves. But when Allah decides to punish a people (as a result of their own evil deeds), then there would be none to avert it or protect them from His retribution.” (13:11)

“When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them; then (it is) We destroy them utterly.” (17:16

            We must ensure that as a nation we do not land in the situation described in these two Ayats. While taking other measures, we must beg Allah Most Merciful to keep us away from falling in the state that leads to unavoidable destruction.

The Ideal Condition for Protection

          Allah Most Benevolent has shown the path a people should take

that will save it from any penalisation and will also please the Almighty:

“They are those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong; with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs;” (22:41).  

          The government in Pakistan should have been acting on these directions. Perhaps it can claim meeting some of these conditions, although without reference to the divine directions. But in respect of enjoining the right and forbidding wrong, its performance is marked with serious lapses. In fact, a closer look into this aspect brings out disturbing facts that the government has been curtailing what was right and promoting what was wrong. Just a look at the shameful commercial advertisements endlessly being displayed on television channels is enough to show how immoral behaviour is being spread in society.

People should pray may Allah create conditions for eliminating these vices from our society, just as He created the situation that initiated the process of ending corruption by hauling up the corrupt top leaders and punishing them.  Allah’s merciful view of the Pakistani people and their fervent prayers may keep the fate, spelt out in the two Ayats of dire warnings, averted from the Pakistani nation—for as long as Allah wishes. It may be His intention to give more time to the ruling elite to change their conduct and the state of affairs of the nation to conform to the Quranic directions.

Avoiding Disastrous Fate

However, there are certain transgressions which the State of Pakistan must not commit, and if they are being committed they must be renounced fast, in order to be saved from a disastrous fate. Among them, in our understanding, three are to be avoided at all cost:

■ Shirk—ascribing “partners” to Allah

■ Taking Jews and Christians as Friends and Protectors

■ Recognizing the Zionist State of Israel

Avoid Shirk—ascribing “partners” to Allah

          The Holy Qur’an contains scores of Ayats condemning Shirk in strongest of words, and declaring it to be an unforgivable sin. A very clear commandment, at Surah 4, Ayat 48, says:

 “Allah does not forgive for ascribing partners to Him; but He forgives anything else to whomsoever He pleases; for whoever associates any other partner with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and is guilty of the gravest sin.”

An Ayat eloquently expresses feebleness of human character in committing Shirk:

            “How many signs there are in the heavens and on the earth which people pass by unobservably without paying any heed to them. And most of them do not believe in Allah, without associating and attributing partners to Him!” (12:105,106).  

This deplorable reality draws attention to the widespread perpetration of this sin. People may not be realizing the nature and the gravity of their errant action, but this will not absolve them of retribution.

            If the rulers of a country put their trust in a worldly, so-called, Superpower and, believing that their national policies are dependent on the will of this big power, put their country’s fate in the hands of this big power, are they not committing Shirk? The answer is: they are.

The supremacy that Pakistan’s rulers have let the United States seize over our vital national policies, and thus decisive hold over this country’s destiny, equates itself with divine power. It is a most undesirable situation as it is very close to, if not outright, committing Shirk. No one who knows the facts of both the Quranic warnings on Shirk and Pakistan’s abject acceptance of US dominance over its vital affairs can miss this conclusion. Pakistan should take its sovereignty in its own hands and conduct its policies as its national interest demands, and rely fully on Allah’s Guidance and Help.      

Do Not Take Jews and Christians as Friends and Protectors    

Holy Qur’an’s several warnings in this regard include this specific commandment:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah does not guide the wrongdoers;” (5: 51).  

Disobeying this commandment has very serious consequences. It means the Muslims who take the Jews and Christians for friends and protectors are wrongdoers and become in the eyes of Allah a part of these communities, and are deprived of His Guidance. 

It should be mentioned that among these communities there are some righteous people but they are a very small minority; the vast majority are transgressors, and they represent the community. Holy Qur’an says:

“If only the People of the Book had faith, it was best for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors;” (3:110).

As to why the Jews and the Christians have to suffer this disgraceful status. Actually, they brought it on themselves by their own misdeeds. Holy Qur’an explains it in numerous Ayats.

“Shame is pitched over them…. because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the Prophets in defiance of right;” (3: 112).

“You see many of them racing towards sinful and wicked deeds and devouring illicit gain. Evil indeed are the things that they do;” (5: 62).        

Are Pakistan’s rulers violating the divine orders that believers are not to take Jews and Christians as friends and protectors? At times it seemed they did commit this infringement. At other times their policies of Pakistan’s relations with the western Christian powers, which are in fact governed by local Zionist Jews, although friendly yet did not appear to be dependent on their protection.

However, the point to note here is that in devising the national policies, Pakistan’s rulers and top policymakers are not conscious at all of the existence of this or any other relevant Qur’anic orders concerning foreign relations. And this being the case, the danger of infringing upon the divine orders, and suffering consequential retribution, looms large on Pakistan.

Do not Recognize the Zionist State of Israel

Israel is an illegitimate state, created by means of deceit and force by western powers, mainly America and Britain, under the dominant Zionist influence. It was their pressure that various other countries recognized it. Otherwise, strong, irrefutable reasons of political and legal nature exist rendering this state ineligible for recognition. These reasons are widely cited in the extensive literature on Israel’s illegitimacy.

          There is, however, a powerful reason of religious nature that forbids Muslims in particular from recognizing this illicit state. Israel is founded on Zionism that is both an ideology and a movement, which denies the concept of God and divine religion and negates every kind of religious teachings.

Israel’s “Zionist Foundations” were publicly asserted at the time of its creation. Announcing its birth, the New York Times on May 15, 1948, published the lead story with the banner headline: “Zionists Proclaim New State of Israel. Zionism’s system of life and cultural practices are diametrically opposed to the Islamic code of life and culture.

All kinds of immoral ideas and abominable practices, obscenity, adultery, perverted vices of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, ie, man to man, and woman to woman, are not only permitted but also are encouraged in Zionism’s ideology and system of life. What is more shocking is these satanic practices are backed by legal protection! Israel is the cradle, the originator, propagator and defender of these evils.

These evils are of satanic creed. Satan is intent upon spreading them in the world—a task that Israel is performing. Holy Qur’an warns:

“O ye who believe! Follow not Satan’s footsteps; if any will follow the footsteps of Satan, he will (but) command what is shameful and wrong;”(24:21).

To recognize Israel means to accord acceptance and legitimacy to these evils. It means deliberately violating Allah’s commandment and thus inviting His Wrath. 

Actions for Gaining Divine Favour—Effort, Gratitude, Prayer

          Holy Qur’an specifies many ways to please Allah Most Beneficent and gain His favour. Three of these, in our view, especially fit the Pakistani Nation in the present circumstances, and must be acted upon.


“The truth is that Allah never changes the condition of the people unless they themselves exert to change their own characteristics and their inner selves…” (13:11).


“Why would Allah cause you to suffer (for your past sins) if you are grateful and attain to belief, seeing that Allah is always responsive to gratitude, all-knowing;” (4:147).“Remember, your Lord proclaimed that He will grant more favours if you are grateful…” (14:7).


“And your Lord has said: ‘Pray to me, and I shall answer your prayers…’” (40:60).

These actions should be taken both collectively and individually, begging Allah to bestow on Pakistan a new destiny and a sincere, capable and resolute leadership to lead the country to its new destiny.


Tariq Majeed


Email: [email protected]

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The Men at the Borders.. Can you spare a moment for them? – Fahad Malik

The Men at the Borders..

Can you spare a moment for them?


Pakistan is in a useless battle, and in a cycle of sufferings from last 12 years, and the rebellious waves caused destruction in every corner of the country. Civilians, including children, women, girls schools, Forces Headquarters, Airports, Mosques, streets, Govt. & private properties, everything was under attack. That all destruction stopped progress of country, bankrupted the economy of Pakistan and above all the image of Pakistan at international level was severely damaged. Civil administration was helpless before the terrorists. They controlled many areas, made them their base camps, started oppression against the local population, and announced to spread their evil activities to the other parts of the country. So, there was no other way except to start a final blow against the terrorists. Just before the Ramadan, Pakistan Army started a decisive operation against terrorists, in the North Waziristan, which was the voice of every patriotic Pakistani.

228480_52133596For a country, the biggest proud is there defensive institutions, and their armed forces who are actually considered as a sign of terror and fear for the opponents of nation & the state. But the strength & courage of those forces is doubled, when their people are standing shoulder to shoulder and all the personal or political interests are above anything to defend nation and to support their military. Exactly that unity and that support is needed by our Men, when in the present circumstances they are defending their borders and also fighting against the biggest threat to the state, Taliban Militants in Zarb-e-Azab. This is the moment, when it is the responsibility of political parties, religious groups, and civil society to support their forces in every way, until the last terrorist is killed, until the last bullet is fired, and Pakistan is decontaminated from terrorists. Our forces are in the state of war, they need your prayers, they need their nation to stand with them, because battles are not won with weapons, but with the unity, not with the arms, with the hands, prayers..

Stand.. Stand up with them, and let the world know, let the international community know, that we are peaceful people, and are against terrorists, this is the right time to maintain unity, to be under one flag, they are in war with terrorists, and we, we can beat the nefarious intentions of Taliban with our alliance. It is the time to express solidarity with Pakistan Army, it is the time to support them. Its almost 40 days now, but have you ever thought, that this is Ramadan and your soldiers are fighting in the holy month in the state of Roaza? Have you ever stopped for a while at your Sehar & Iftar and thought how they are managing their Sehri’s and Iftaaris? No. You never did, you never will. Because you live in an AC room, and you don’t know how Roaza goes in a battle field. You are used to Iftar on a table, with your family around, you don’t know how it feels to Iftar alone, just with water in a battle field.. No I don’t ask for anything, neither they’ll. I am just asking to put up your hands and pray for their safety. I just ask to say a word for them. Say a line, in their support, defend them when they are being criticized in front of you, make a poster, write a line, light up a candle for them, be on their side, that would be enough. That would be adequate from your side. Honor them with anything you can do for them. Because, they are awake, for your peaceful sleep.



-Fahad Malik

Physically 20 years old, thinker, writer, a computer science student, by subjects, Member of Abrar-ul-Haq’s Youth parliament, Philanthropist, crazy about Sufism, Learner, Coffee hollick, night owl, a wandering lost soul, out in search of something, that is yet to be discovered. Facebook.com/Fahad4014

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