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The Men at the Borders.. Can you spare a moment for them? – Fahad Malik

The Men at the Borders..

Can you spare a moment for them?


Pakistan is in a useless battle, and in a cycle of sufferings from last 12 years, and the rebellious waves caused destruction in every corner of the country. Civilians, including children, women, girls schools, Forces Headquarters, Airports, Mosques, streets, Govt. & private properties, everything was under attack. That all destruction stopped progress of country, bankrupted the economy of Pakistan and above all the image of Pakistan at international level was severely damaged. Civil administration was helpless before the terrorists. They controlled many areas, made them their base camps, started oppression against the local population, and announced to spread their evil activities to the other parts of the country. So, there was no other way except to start a final blow against the terrorists. Just before the Ramadan, Pakistan Army started a decisive operation against terrorists, in the North Waziristan, which was the voice of every patriotic Pakistani.

228480_52133596For a country, the biggest proud is there defensive institutions, and their armed forces who are actually considered as a sign of terror and fear for the opponents of nation & the state. But the strength & courage of those forces is doubled, when their people are standing shoulder to shoulder and all the personal or political interests are above anything to defend nation and to support their military. Exactly that unity and that support is needed by our Men, when in the present circumstances they are defending their borders and also fighting against the biggest threat to the state, Taliban Militants in Zarb-e-Azab. This is the moment, when it is the responsibility of political parties, religious groups, and civil society to support their forces in every way, until the last terrorist is killed, until the last bullet is fired, and Pakistan is decontaminated from terrorists. Our forces are in the state of war, they need your prayers, they need their nation to stand with them, because battles are not won with weapons, but with the unity, not with the arms, with the hands, prayers..

Stand.. Stand up with them, and let the world know, let the international community know, that we are peaceful people, and are against terrorists, this is the right time to maintain unity, to be under one flag, they are in war with terrorists, and we, we can beat the nefarious intentions of Taliban with our alliance. It is the time to express solidarity with Pakistan Army, it is the time to support them. Its almost 40 days now, but have you ever thought, that this is Ramadan and your soldiers are fighting in the holy month in the state of Roaza? Have you ever stopped for a while at your Sehar & Iftar and thought how they are managing their Sehri’s and Iftaaris? No. You never did, you never will. Because you live in an AC room, and you don’t know how Roaza goes in a battle field. You are used to Iftar on a table, with your family around, you don’t know how it feels to Iftar alone, just with water in a battle field.. No I don’t ask for anything, neither they’ll. I am just asking to put up your hands and pray for their safety. I just ask to say a word for them. Say a line, in their support, defend them when they are being criticized in front of you, make a poster, write a line, light up a candle for them, be on their side, that would be enough. That would be adequate from your side. Honor them with anything you can do for them. Because, they are awake, for your peaceful sleep.



-Fahad Malik

Physically 20 years old, thinker, writer, a computer science student, by subjects, Member of Abrar-ul-Haq’s Youth parliament, Philanthropist, crazy about Sufism, Learner, Coffee hollick, night owl, a wandering lost soul, out in search of something, that is yet to be discovered. Facebook.com/Fahad4014

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Violence in Islamabad against the protestors. May Allah help all of us – Aameen. Imran Khan, Dr. TuQ and the protestors have been fighting for us, the whole nation.


To understand a bit of the picture, you can go through a selection of tweets below copied between 1 AM to 2 AM on August 31, 2014. These tweets will give you an idea about what some people are saying about this incident:


“I am afraid it will go much beyond Nawaz & Shahbaz resignations; their lust for personal power has created a very dangerous situation.” – Moeez Pirzada


“I wonder how Policemen were injured when both #IK and #TUQ had stated that they were unarmed.” – Raja Mujtaba


“BREAKING eyewitness: A special Punjab squad started violence. Plan is to blame the peaceful protesters.” – Ahmed Quraishi


“My respects & salutes to the brave Pakistanis who are holding their ground against tyranny of a retarded dynasty destined to its doom now!” – Zaid Hamid


“Unacceptable behavior by the govt ! Worse than a democratic govt. They have no right to rule now!” – Jasmeen Manzoor


“Crowds in Islamabad only represented tip of an iceberg; this tragedy in Islamabad will lead to violence across many parts of country, Sad!” – Moeed Pirzada


“Police is hiding injured Pakistanis behind containers to avoid media courage. They will die there you son of rascal Ch Nisar!!!” – Saqib Masood


“I am at Shar-e Dastoor now.Unbelievable Use of State Power. Shame on those who ordered this ruthless crackdown on Peaceful Protestors!” – Dr. Shahid Masood


“Gen Raheel, nation waits for you now ! God speed…” – Zaid Hamid


“Dear IK and Dr TUQ, why are you inside the containers ?? Come out and be with your followers! This is the time to lead your troops !” – Zaid Hamid


“Imran Khan standing on container and moving forward.” – Jasmine Manzoor


“BREAKING #PMLN’s #Punjab Police opens fire and shelling even on #PTI ladies who were far from PM House .” – Ahmed Quraishi


“Sad very sad even after Lahore incident this govt had learnt nothing at all!.” – Jasmine Manzoor


“I definitely support the movement of PTI & TUQ to remove this regime. But seriously dispute their political/ideological vision to come after.” Zaid Hamid


“I have heard Dr. TUQ talking about less taxes & free lawyers! This is NOT khilafat e Rashida model indeed. In Islam, NO lawyers, NO taxes!” – Zaid Hamid


“Both IK & TUQ have used the terms “Khilafat e Rashida” model but have NEVER explained its contours. Even their followers remain confused.” – Zaid Hamid


“Baba Iqbal has give new terms of Political science ! “Spiritual Democracy” & the concept of “Benevolent Dictatorship” ! Amazing concepts !!.” – Zaid Hamid


“Quaid e Azam had said to this affect “every revolution has a philosopher behind it & Iqbal is the philosopher behind Pakistan movement.” – Zaid Hamid


“You can read my book on Khilafat e Rashida model here. This is NOT democracy, NOT capitalism, NOT anglo-saxon laws. http://takbeeremusalsal.blogspot.com/search/label/Zaid%20Hamid%27s%20Books” – Zaid Hamid


“If you have “Khilafat e Rashida” model, then there can be NO Capitalism, NO democracy, NO free media, NO anglosaxon laws! yes, WE WANT this!” – Zaid Hamid


“Dear Dr. sb, you say you want to bring “pure’ clean western democracy here. I am sure you know that Democracy is the religion of Capitalism?.” – Zaid Hamid


“Both IK & TUQ should realize that they cannot drag the crisis indefinitely. IT MUST END on Friday ! They must push hard. NS wants to drag..” – Zaid Hamid


“The epic challenge for IK & TuQ now is not just to bring NS down but also to manage a smooth transfer of power to a neutral caretaker government.” – Zaid Hamid


FROM ROMAN AHSAN: A young woman died due to firing by police, inna lilla-hey-wa-inna-aliahay-rajayoon – When the government knew that there are many women also amongst the demonstrators then they should not have ordered the police to fire any shots. Check this post to understand the evils of PMLN government: http://together-we-rise.blogspot.com/2014/08/protests-concluding-moments-thursday.html

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LETTER TO EDITOR : Musharraf and Article 6




April 20th, 2013


Musharraf and Article 6


The Upper House passed a resolution on Friday, calling for a trial of former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf (Retd) under Article 6 for abrogating the constitution.


Calling the resolution an historical one Senator Raza Rabbani told the media men that Musharraf was an illegally self appointed President and a usurper and that he and his party never accepted him as the President of Pakistan.


If that was the case what is the legal status of the Prime Minister Gilani and his cabinet ministers belonging to all major political parties of Pakistan who were administered the oath of their offices by this illegal president?   Could an illegal usurper “legalise” their ministerial appointments  by swearing them in?  By the same virtue could their all official acts and orders carried out during their stay in the office be called legal?  Could someone more learned shed some light on this legal issue please?


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Rawalpindi 46000

E.mail: [email protected]

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