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Warnings in Allah’s Plan—Saving the Nation from Retribution by Commodore Tariq Majeed Pakistan Navy (Retd)

“…Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.”

Awareness Brief-AB-06-17-Friday, 27 October 2017, Safar 6, 1439

Warnings in Allah’s Plan—Saving the Nation from Retribution

Commodore Tariq Majeed PN (Retd)

Quranic Warnings

            Doesn’t the Qur’anic quotation mentioned above fit the situation in which the persons charged with money-laundering and dishonest conduct at the national level find themselves? They never imagined their ill-gotten wealth, which they had hidden in structures of shell companies, would be revealed through the phenomenon of Panama Papers! It is a warning for others who have harmed our nation by their corruption.

          This warning in full is at Surah 16, Ayat 26: “Those before them did also plot but Allah took their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from above, and the Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.”

            A similar warning is at Surah 39, Ayat 55: “And follow the Best of (the guidance) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you, of a sudden, while you perceive not.”

          The Quranic warnings which, if not heeded, result in retribution, are addressed to nations as well as people.

Corruption—A Serious Issue

          After the Supreme Court verdict in the Panama Papers Case on 28 July 2017, the ousted premier, Nawaz Sharif, speaking at a gathering of his followers stated, as reported in Nation, 11 Aug 2017: “Why he was disqualified… if there were no corruption charges against him.”

This was incorrect, intentionally misleading, statement. But, he went on repeating it, using it as a propaganda ploy. Nawaz Sharif knew criminal charges were not framed by Supreme Court. This was the job of other institutions. Corruption, in fact, was mentioned in Supreme Court’s verdict, as reported in Nation, 29 July 2017. The verdict in Panama leaks case involving corruption allegations against Sharif family was unanimous of the five-member bench, headed by Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa.”  

Corruption allegations were confirmed according to Nation, 9 Sept 2017, as the National Accountability Bureau, on September 8, filed four interim corruption references against former premier Nawaz Sharif, his children and finance minister Ishaq Dar.”

Finally, his lie stood fully exposed when, as stated in Nation, 20 Oct 2017, “An accountability court indicted ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Muhammad Safdar in corruption references filed against them by NAB.”

          Corruption is a major problem in every country today. A look at how it is defined is quite revealing, and it exposes the character and the conduct of the persons belonging to the ruling classes in our own country. Transparency International defines corruption on its website, (www.transparency.org), as “The abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Grand corruption consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good.”

Holy Qur’an describes material corruption in simple words, and forbids it: “And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as bait for the rulers, with the intent that you may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of other people’s property;” (2:188). Allama Abdullah Yusuf Ali, in his commentary on the Holy Qur’an, explains: “The words translated ‘other people’s property’ may also mean public property.”

Sadly, it has to be admitted that public property, in our country, has been squandered, embezzled or usurped at a large scale by persons of all categories who had jurisdiction over any public property. This is a serious lapse in obeying Qur’anic commands, and, notwithstanding other factors, it is quite likely that this lapse, combined with other lapses, was behind the many disasters and tragedies that have occurred in Pakistan.










Trust in Allah—Missing in Conducting National Affairs

Trusting Allah, in other words, relying on His Power means making all efforts in the work in hand and having full faith that Allah Almighty would accord it a success, removing whatever may be the obstacles.

The vast majority of Pakistanis are believers, but do they really put their trust consciously in the divine power in respect of their affairs of life? Many people may say yes, they do. That may be true. But it would be in their private life, and the credit and reward for it would accrue to them, but individually.  

At the national level, we do not see the rulers and the policymakers giving any consideration to divine power in conducting national affairs. The policies on foreign and economic affairs, which together set the direction of affairs in the other spheres of national life, are made totally excluding the element of divine power as if Allah had nothing to do with these affairs. They forget that Allah Almighty, in fact, has a Plan―and thus a decisive Role―concerning the affairs of all nations and people.

Allah’s Plan and Practice  

Everything happens within the purview of Allah’s Plan that includes His Sunnah or Practice. The Divine Plan for the worldly life operates in three spheres or modes: the mode of Man, that of Satan, and Allah’s Own Mode. Both Man and Satan are allowed great freedom of action. Man can shape his life literally as he wants. Satan has the freedom to misguide Man and ruin his life utterly.

We know from the Holy Qur’an that Allah keeps exclusive control over certain matters such as death and sustenance. It is Allah’s normal Practice to let individuals and nations have what they desire and work for, let them proceed in the direction of their choice, and let them be ruined by Satan if they forsake the path of Allah and persist on the Satanic path.

It is also His Practice to keep testing individuals and nations to see if they deserve to remain in their existing, adverse or privileged, state, and to further favour or punish them. We also know, though we may not understand it, that at times Allah intervenes directly in the affairs of individuals and nations.

When Allah grants an individual or a nation a favour, it is not meant as a permanent privilege. If the recipient fails to protect it or fails to remain deserving of it, it is taken away.

Two Dire Warnings

          There are two warnings issued by Allah Almighty that instil great fear in the believers:


“…The truth is that Allah never changes the condition of the people unless they themselves exert to change their own characteristics and their inner selves. But when Allah decides to punish a people (as a result of their own evil deeds), then there would be none to avert it or protect them from His retribution.” (13:11)

“When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them; then (it is) We destroy them utterly.” (17:16

            We must ensure that as a nation we do not land in the situation described in these two Ayats. While taking other measures, we must beg Allah Most Merciful to keep us away from falling in the state that leads to unavoidable destruction.

The Ideal Condition for Protection

          Allah Most Benevolent has shown the path a people should take

that will save it from any penalisation and will also please the Almighty:

“They are those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong; with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs;” (22:41).  

          The government in Pakistan should have been acting on these directions. Perhaps it can claim meeting some of these conditions, although without reference to the divine directions. But in respect of enjoining the right and forbidding wrong, its performance is marked with serious lapses. In fact, a closer look into this aspect brings out disturbing facts that the government has been curtailing what was right and promoting what was wrong. Just a look at the shameful commercial advertisements endlessly being displayed on television channels is enough to show how immoral behaviour is being spread in society.

People should pray may Allah create conditions for eliminating these vices from our society, just as He created the situation that initiated the process of ending corruption by hauling up the corrupt top leaders and punishing them.  Allah’s merciful view of the Pakistani people and their fervent prayers may keep the fate, spelt out in the two Ayats of dire warnings, averted from the Pakistani nation—for as long as Allah wishes. It may be His intention to give more time to the ruling elite to change their conduct and the state of affairs of the nation to conform to the Quranic directions.

Avoiding Disastrous Fate

However, there are certain transgressions which the State of Pakistan must not commit, and if they are being committed they must be renounced fast, in order to be saved from a disastrous fate. Among them, in our understanding, three are to be avoided at all cost:

■ Shirk—ascribing “partners” to Allah

■ Taking Jews and Christians as Friends and Protectors

■ Recognizing the Zionist State of Israel

Avoid Shirk—ascribing “partners” to Allah

          The Holy Qur’an contains scores of Ayats condemning Shirk in strongest of words, and declaring it to be an unforgivable sin. A very clear commandment, at Surah 4, Ayat 48, says:

 “Allah does not forgive for ascribing partners to Him; but He forgives anything else to whomsoever He pleases; for whoever associates any other partner with Allah, does indeed forge a big lie and is guilty of the gravest sin.”

An Ayat eloquently expresses feebleness of human character in committing Shirk:

            “How many signs there are in the heavens and on the earth which people pass by unobservably without paying any heed to them. And most of them do not believe in Allah, without associating and attributing partners to Him!” (12:105,106).  

This deplorable reality draws attention to the widespread perpetration of this sin. People may not be realizing the nature and the gravity of their errant action, but this will not absolve them of retribution.

            If the rulers of a country put their trust in a worldly, so-called, Superpower and, believing that their national policies are dependent on the will of this big power, put their country’s fate in the hands of this big power, are they not committing Shirk? The answer is: they are.

The supremacy that Pakistan’s rulers have let the United States seize over our vital national policies, and thus decisive hold over this country’s destiny, equates itself with divine power. It is a most undesirable situation as it is very close to, if not outright, committing Shirk. No one who knows the facts of both the Quranic warnings on Shirk and Pakistan’s abject acceptance of US dominance over its vital affairs can miss this conclusion. Pakistan should take its sovereignty in its own hands and conduct its policies as its national interest demands, and rely fully on Allah’s Guidance and Help.      

Do Not Take Jews and Christians as Friends and Protectors    

Holy Qur’an’s several warnings in this regard include this specific commandment:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah does not guide the wrongdoers;” (5: 51).  

Disobeying this commandment has very serious consequences. It means the Muslims who take the Jews and Christians for friends and protectors are wrongdoers and become in the eyes of Allah a part of these communities, and are deprived of His Guidance. 

It should be mentioned that among these communities there are some righteous people but they are a very small minority; the vast majority are transgressors, and they represent the community. Holy Qur’an says:

“If only the People of the Book had faith, it was best for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors;” (3:110).

As to why the Jews and the Christians have to suffer this disgraceful status. Actually, they brought it on themselves by their own misdeeds. Holy Qur’an explains it in numerous Ayats.

“Shame is pitched over them…. because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the Prophets in defiance of right;” (3: 112).

“You see many of them racing towards sinful and wicked deeds and devouring illicit gain. Evil indeed are the things that they do;” (5: 62).        

Are Pakistan’s rulers violating the divine orders that believers are not to take Jews and Christians as friends and protectors? At times it seemed they did commit this infringement. At other times their policies of Pakistan’s relations with the western Christian powers, which are in fact governed by local Zionist Jews, although friendly yet did not appear to be dependent on their protection.

However, the point to note here is that in devising the national policies, Pakistan’s rulers and top policymakers are not conscious at all of the existence of this or any other relevant Qur’anic orders concerning foreign relations. And this being the case, the danger of infringing upon the divine orders, and suffering consequential retribution, looms large on Pakistan.

Do not Recognize the Zionist State of Israel

Israel is an illegitimate state, created by means of deceit and force by western powers, mainly America and Britain, under the dominant Zionist influence. It was their pressure that various other countries recognized it. Otherwise, strong, irrefutable reasons of political and legal nature exist rendering this state ineligible for recognition. These reasons are widely cited in the extensive literature on Israel’s illegitimacy.

          There is, however, a powerful reason of religious nature that forbids Muslims in particular from recognizing this illicit state. Israel is founded on Zionism that is both an ideology and a movement, which denies the concept of God and divine religion and negates every kind of religious teachings.

Israel’s “Zionist Foundations” were publicly asserted at the time of its creation. Announcing its birth, the New York Times on May 15, 1948, published the lead story with the banner headline: “Zionists Proclaim New State of Israel. Zionism’s system of life and cultural practices are diametrically opposed to the Islamic code of life and culture.

All kinds of immoral ideas and abominable practices, obscenity, adultery, perverted vices of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, ie, man to man, and woman to woman, are not only permitted but also are encouraged in Zionism’s ideology and system of life. What is more shocking is these satanic practices are backed by legal protection! Israel is the cradle, the originator, propagator and defender of these evils.

These evils are of satanic creed. Satan is intent upon spreading them in the world—a task that Israel is performing. Holy Qur’an warns:

“O ye who believe! Follow not Satan’s footsteps; if any will follow the footsteps of Satan, he will (but) command what is shameful and wrong;”(24:21).

To recognize Israel means to accord acceptance and legitimacy to these evils. It means deliberately violating Allah’s commandment and thus inviting His Wrath. 

Actions for Gaining Divine Favour—Effort, Gratitude, Prayer

          Holy Qur’an specifies many ways to please Allah Most Beneficent and gain His favour. Three of these, in our view, especially fit the Pakistani Nation in the present circumstances, and must be acted upon.


“The truth is that Allah never changes the condition of the people unless they themselves exert to change their own characteristics and their inner selves…” (13:11).


“Why would Allah cause you to suffer (for your past sins) if you are grateful and attain to belief, seeing that Allah is always responsive to gratitude, all-knowing;” (4:147).“Remember, your Lord proclaimed that He will grant more favours if you are grateful…” (14:7).


“And your Lord has said: ‘Pray to me, and I shall answer your prayers…’” (40:60).

These actions should be taken both collectively and individually, begging Allah to bestow on Pakistan a new destiny and a sincere, capable and resolute leadership to lead the country to its new destiny.


Tariq Majeed


Email: [email protected]

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The Military Bashing – Impact?

The Military Bashing
Waheed Hamid
The Pakistan  Army enjoys a unique position of  love and trust which it has acquired from the people of Pakistan. The Army is looked upon as part of the solution to all problems, a panacea, an “AmritDhara” as most of its ranks from a soldier to a general belong to the class which has its roots in the public. Today we find a definite   effort  to make it  look  as part of all problems.
UnknownThe international media then local media, a few politicians and now unfortunately government officials have joined  the chorus.  Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan while talking to a private channel said, Gen. Ashfaque Pervez Kayani has kept himself away from politics but people like Gen. Pasha still exist in the army which need to be purged.
While speaking on Balochistan he criticized the law enforcers more than condemning the terrorist. Hamid Mir of GEO regularly spreads hatred and blame on ISI and the Generals.
On the Karachi situation Nisar,s comments again focused on the army and he did show his reservations on the public appealing to the Army Chief  for peace in Karachi and called it  an insult to the Parliament.
The virus of Army bashing has spread deep and wide forgetting that 150.000 officers and men have been fighting the enemies of state in Swat, Bajaur, South Waziristan and North Waziristan for the last so many  years. Over 5000 soldiers have been martyred and 20.000 injured. How many word of sympathy from political leaders, government functionaries or media, not a single visit by President, the Commander-in-Chief, the Prime Minister, any other minister, senator or MNA, negligible condolence meetings. No good wishes or moral support for soldiers and officers or their bereaved families.
images-2Army knows that it draws moral sustenance from civil society and other pillars. Despite all this army keeps receiving a wave of criticism even from local players which remains far from truth but it dares to remain silent.
The Army has to accept a partial blame of getting into such a  position  . Indifference of the Army has been palpable and conspicuous . It never took cognizance of the changing mode of the civil society and the government. It has never tried to educate the civil society or challenge the recalcitrant and tormentors, cultivate the media or access the establishment, politicians and other stake holders. The simplistic view of only guarding the frontiers and not watching the psychological aspect of warfare hitting the local is a negligence for which it is paying.
However it remains a question that who had to guard their soldiers against such propaganda and is it not asking too much from army to accord physical as well as psychological  protection. 
We find few a Pakistanis playing with the enemies to make us believe that the Army is a financial drag on national economy. It consumes largest chunk of budget at the cost of health, education, infrastructure and civic amenities for the public.
  Dr Farrukh  in his article “Military”holds the figure to prove that major portions are eaten by debt servicing, subsidy to public sector enterprises and Public Sector Development Programmes. He neglected to mention massive leakage through corruption, inefficiency and incompetence. The three services all together is consuming only 17 percent of all government expenditure, and only 2.5 percent of GDP brought down from 3.6 percent over a decade.
pak navy by pak defence blog by mubashir taqiAccording to Dr Farrukh, more than fifty countries are spending greater Coalition Support Fund, while the fact is that Army has received less than two billion Dollars out of ten billion Dollars released by US Government.
  Mubashar Luqman in his program proves India is Pakistan centric through the deployments of Indian army and yet a few Pakistanis criticize Army being India centric. The ratio of defence budget between India and Pak was 1-3 ratio but now this ratio has become 1-6. The reason is that budget was reduced to 18 percent and if we keep doing this under the misperception of the ones who  keep working on personal business interests at cost of national interests will we not compromise on our defence.
A part of  society , bureaucrats, politicians and so called intelligentsia grudge Army’s indulgence in commercial activities.
Facts are twisted, lies fed to the public that commercial enterprises of Army are subsidized by state, that Army is exempted from paying duties and taxes, that such indulgence adversely affects operational readiness. Ayesha Siddiqa was paid by US to write her pack of lies against her own country,s Armed Forces
Army has never tried to defend itself or educate the public. Defense Housing Authorities and Askari Housing Schemes are maligned to no limit. Housing authorities are blamed for acquiring State land at throw away prices. The  land for these schemes are  purchased from open market Housing Schemes provide decent living to retired officers and men. The management skills of these society with clean and fraud less environment tend to raise the prices of plots through open market system. Each army person pays for his plot and its development charges . Army Housing Schemes and Defense Housing Authorities are criticized, yet most dream of living in the areas, because of its clean ambiance, safety and security, civic amenities.
Few know  that Army’s indulgence in commercial activities is motivated by the urge of providing welfare to retired-personnel who retire at an early age of 40-45 years. It does not affect preparedness for war. Officers and men on active duty are not posted to these concerns.
“Great nations know that value of a school teacher is more than a general in peace time and in war a Sepoy assumes priority over vice chancellor of university therefore they invest in both to uphold sovereignty and integrity of the nation”.
To our unfortunate luck we fail to condemn those who are destroying our schools and are ensuring a dark future of the coming generation.
However, we keep falling prey to foreign propaganda in criticizing the ones who are fighting and sacrificing their today for our tomorrow not realizing their job is different. To move towards the bullet when it leaves the enemy’s barrel.

We need maturity as a nation but more so by those in power. People at the top have to develop sense of responsibility and learn to remain quite if they do not know the facts. Trying to demonize your own Armed Forces can have serious consequences for the nation. 
Our media must realize that independence of media does not mean a license to tell lies or become a tool in the hands of our enemies… mh
Fauj sub Khaa Gayee – The Fact is that We collect only 10% of the actual revenue that Pakistan can generate. This forms the backbone of our budget of which in 2012, 16 % went to Defence. If we collected 20% of Revenue, Defence would consume 8% and if we collected 40% this figure would reduce to 4%, and if we collected 80% like Western countries we would be spendind only 2% on Defence. So where is the problem? Defence spending or Tax collection? With Non Tax Payers flooding Parliament do we expect them to focus on Tax Collection while they have a “whipping boy” who does not even whimper…
Waheed Hameed
Waheed has pointed out the current state of Army Bashing so popular and in vogue with our politicians and the Parliament these days  but has not included the effects of this bashing on the morale and psychological state of mind of all soldiers. Include in this the current glee our Anchors and politicians are having at Musharraf,s trial. It is not just for the hatred of Musharraf but it is also for humiliation of an Army Chief. What then is the remedy.? The Army leadership has to think hard and ensure that this great institution of which we are all rightly so proud and which has come to the rescue of the Nation in all calamities and against all dangers is not destroyed. Not by our known enemies but at the hands of those it has helped in coming to power through providing a favorable environment for democracy. Is this the revenge of democracy which the politicians talked about. Despair in the face of continuous attacks and unjustified blame game is a dangerous state.

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Rupert Murdoch’s investment in Pakistani media channels goes unnoticed


Islamabad : Jul 16, 2013 

News Corp Chief Rupert Murdoch


The proverbial cat is out of the bag and Pakistan’s populist Supreme Court has announced its decision on the Report of Media Commission. As expected, the court in its ruling made public on its website has chosen not to touch the sensitive parts of the report. The most sensitive is dubious interest of foreigners in Pakistan’s electronic media.

There are two most sensitive issues mentioned in the report:


– Pakistan Broadcasters’ Association alleged that entertainment channel Urdu 1 was owned by Rupert Murdoch [Unlink] and two Afghan brothers (Mohsini brothers), who were based in Dubai. This channel (Urdu 1) was granted landing right much before it went on air anywhere in the world. The trail of dubious grant of license can be traced to Musa Gilani, son of former prime minister and Faryal Talpur, sister of the sitting president.


– Media watchdog, PEMRA informed the commission a couple of media houses are reported to have received large grants in the form of advertising contracts from overseas sources. It is said that one such grant is 20 million British pounds. Any attempt by PEMRA to probe such matters immediately leads to claims that there is an attempt to curb freedom of the media and there is always the recourse to obtaining a stay order if an inquiry is held. Most of the funds are channeled through the cover of a Norwegian nongovernmental organization named“Friends without Borders” but it was found the footprints of this funding lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian state television, the Doordarshan.


Who is Keith Rupert Murdoch and why the Indians send their money to one Pakistani channel? If the influence of Murdoch and Indians was not checked in Pakistan, then PEMRA was in breach of trust and an accomplice in the crime of allowing foreigners making inroads into Pakistani airwaves through their money.


Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian American media mogul. In July 2011, he faced allegations that his companies, including the News of the World, owned by News Corporation, had been regularly hacking the phones of celebrities, royalty and public citizens. He faces police and government investigations into bribery and corruption by the British government and FBI investigations in the US. On July 21, 2012, Murdoch resigned as a director of News International.


The allegation of PEMRA that one channel (GeoTV) received huge amounts in the name of sponsorship is most disturbing. That the amounts were actually sent by Indians should have rung alarm bells in the courtroom and media watchdog taken to task but the Supreme Court did not utter a single word in its order. The Supreme Court could do was to order an investigation. But this very serious breach of trust on the part of PEMRA escaped the attention of the court which strengthens the perception that the said channel is enjoying strong influence in the courtroom.


trojan-horse-troy-film-001What are the services that Geo is delivering for India? Numerous. From showing excessive Indian contents to bashing Pakistan’s ISI and armed forces for anything happening anywhere in the world. This was the first channel which blamed in unison with Indian media that Mumbai Attacks in November 2008 were perpetrated by ISI. Not only that, it helped Indian establishment’s line that Pakistanis were involved in the attacks when it prepared a package and informed the world that Ajmal Kassab belonged to a Pakistani town Faridkot. Now when this line of propaganda has been questioned in India with Indian security officials blaming their own government, the cover of this channel has been blown off.


Why this channel bashes ISI and armed forces? Because ISI and armed forces must be weakened at the point in time when they are fighting India’s proxies in FATA, Balochistan and even in Karachi. This is something enemy does to pressurize the security establishment of the rivals and break their resolve to fight. The Pakistani channel is doing exactly the same and earning millions of dollars of Indian money it has received. The security establishment should realize that even this channel is an Indian proxy and needs to be fought. The Supreme Court owes its popularity to this channel and may not take any action or utter any word to displease it.


Courtesy: Pakistan Express

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Pakistan Air Force Versus Indian Air Force



Is “Ganja” alert to this false propaganda from his cousins across the border? He is anti-Pak Armed Forces and has been brought in to roll back the Pakistan Nuclear & Ballistic Program. He will again, be playing with fire, if he again tries to roll back the Nuclear and Ballistic (MRBM) Program under the guise of  IMF conditions and boosting the economy. Pakistan Armed Forces need to be vigilant at the rank and file level and prevent this “puppet,” to try to sell off our strategic assets, so he could buy more Rolex Watches in Washington.

Comment:  Please take this article with a grain of salt. Indians have a perpetual thirst for high technology weaponary. A kafir is forever in a state of panic. Their desire to buy weaponary is like a swamp, the more (weapons) they (acquire) yell and scream, the deeper they sink (the more insecure they feel). India needs to realize that it is not a numbers game. It is not the gun, but, the man behind the gun, what counts.   Kargil War has proved this syllogism to India’s dismay. Stop wasting money and take the olive branch.  Or the Dove of  Peace, by its pohchul (tail), and live in an Ashram. Otherwise, the next Indo-Pak War will leave a radiation filled gaping hole, in the ample rear end of Mother India.  The euphoria of the 1971 War chicanery will evaporate in a radiation filled mass exodus in a smoky plume.”

Ghauri, Ghaznavi, Ra’ad, Abdali, and Tipu are waiting in the wings,

To do their thing!

 Launch of Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM)Hatf V (Ghauri) Tilla Range.

The launch was conducted by a Strategic Missile Group of the Army Strategic Force Command on the culmination of a field training exercise that was aimed at testing the operational readiness of the Army 

The Indian media has expressed shock and dismay over the revelations that the IAF will lose its superiority to the PAF within the next one to two years.
The crisis hit Indian Armed Forces, rocked by various scams, corruption allegations and infighting, seems to have overlooked the procurement of much needed fighter aircraft, which is needed to guard its skies.

At present, the IAF is operating 34 fighter jet squadrons, as compared to the 26 operated by the PAF. However, the IAF needs to operate 39.5 squadrons to maintain its superiority over the PAF, due to a wide variety of issues like geographical disadvantage. The squadron strength of the IAF will drop to just 31 during the country’s 12th five year plan (2012-2017). The IAF also plans to phase out around 125 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 fighter jets during 2014-2017. It plans to replace them with the HAL Tejas, whose induction is likely to get delayed.
On the other hand, the PAF is moving forward with a number of high profile aircraft deals. Pakistan recently received 14 General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon (Block-52) aircraft from the US. It is likely to acquire 14 more within a short time. PAF is also actively pursuing aircraft dealings with Chinese aerospace companies. It has finalized a deal to purchase 36 Chengdu J-10 multirole fighter aircraft, from the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation. PAF is likely to induct these aircrafts in 2014. Sources within the PAF claim that as many as 150 of these fighter jets will be purchased from China in the long run.
Recently India had finalized a defence deal with the French aerospace manufacturer Dassault Aviation for the delivery of 126 Dassault Rafale Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft. But the deal has come under increasing scrutiny after allegations of kickbacks being given to Indian defence officials. Even if the deal goes forward, the delivery of the fighter jet is expected to take a long time. Earlier the Dassault Rafale was rejected by nations such as Singapore, South Korea, Morocco and Switzerland, citing lack of advanced technology and cost.
Ever since the current Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh took his office for a second term in 2009, the defence scene has remained murky and problematic for the Indian government. The Army chief, Gen. VK Singh, who undertook a number of reforms within the armed forces, was asked to resign this month by the defence minister, citing an error in his officially reported date of birth. The opposition claims that the government terminated Gen. Singh’s service since he was opposed to the corruption in the Armed Forces. A loyalist of the ruling Indian National Congress party, Lt Gen. Bikram Singh will take over the leadership from Gen. VK Singh on June 1, 2012.


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IAF seems to be in “very bad shape”, observes Tribunal
It seems the Indian Air Force is in a “very bad shape” and there is “petty-mindedness” among its authorities, the Armed Forces Tribunal observed today citing the kind of cases that are being filed by the air warriors against the Service. The Tribunal’s Principal Bench headed by

Chairperson Justice A K Mathur made the remarks while issuing notice to
the IAF and asking it to file a reply in a pension-related plea filed by a Corporal.

While hearing the case, he said that with the kind of cases being filed by the service personnel, it seems that the

IAF was in a “very bad shape” and showed the “petty-mindedness” of the authorities.

The case was filed by Corporal Chanderbhan Dhankar, who has been refused pension by the IAF even though he has served only five days less than the mandatory pensionable service of 15 years.

The Tribunal had last week too slammed the IAF authorities for their “arbitrary” approach against airmen and
asked them to be more “humane”.

Hearing a plea by Corporal Ashit Kumar Mishra, who was not given an NOC by the Indian Air Force to join a group ‘B’ civil service job in Uttar Pradesh, the Tribunal had termed such an approach as “suicidal”.



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