Global Leaders lack an Understanding of Nature, Peace, and Human Security
Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
To manifest global peace and human security, We, the People of conscience, ask for a reasoned dialogue for peace between all the warring parties. There is no place for complicity to maintain ignorance of the atrocities and emerging calamities of an acrimonious spell of violence and madness on either side. The superiority of intellect and information are simply imperatives of necessity, not the soul of human compassion and universal kindness. Cynicism about politicians is endemic. Mikhail Gorbacheve died this week but his legacy offers opportunities for political openness to change in Russia if collective efforts are implied to rebuild the trust between the contemporary belligerent actors. The Chernobyl nuclear meltdown is not forgotten or forbidden from recent memory as were the nuclear incidents in Japan and Three Mile Island, NY. We, the People of the world will continue to witness the unthinkable consequences of human fatalities and environmental impacts for ages to come. Scientists and engineers specializing in nuclear reactor technology must have imagined theoretical and conceptual perfection of security and peace on this planet. Not so at Zaphornizhia (Ukraine) nuclear station. Now under Russian control, it is posing a critically ferocious problem according to the IAEA (Geneva) team that visited the site, calling ‘the security and integrity of the plant violated.’ Its volatility is a serious concern to all if another meltdown happens. The competing forces would start the blame games while human peace and security would be at crossroads.
It is repulsive to suppose universal harmony can be enhanced by profligacy, malevolence, and horrors and miseries for unthinkable multitudes. The IAEA team took more than two weeks just to visit the epicenter of the alleged nuclear disaster. How could the UNO or any of its agencies assure global humanity of its safety and survival in a nuclear meltdown? The current global institutions have a serious problem with integrity, relevance, and effectiveness. Why did the UNO Security Council fail to convene an emergency session and designate the nuclear establishments as “Safe Zones”, and ‘out of bounds’ for all military engagements? The people around Zaphorzhia breathe fear and sleep with the invisible horrors of radiation and nuclear meltdown. The fear could dehumanize people all over the globe.
Despite the reality of the catastrophic events of the World War II, most global leaders claiming greatness of mind and vision have lost the moral and intellectual path of political farsightedness and accountability. The EU and NATO and their regionalized and ethno-nationalistic propositions are fast becoming contentious issues of peace and security between the Russian Federation and the Western nations. People with knowledge and wisdom cannot make animosity as a trade to endanger our future.

NATO and the EU are regionalized organizations and their advisors lack imagination of global peace and security. We, the People witness a present devoid of reason and rationality often fearing the coming of an apocalyptic ending of a completely decadent human civilization. Some mythologists as the World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari, explains Emily Mangiaracina (“World Economic Forum Adviser Claims the Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population” Global Research: 8/12/22), argues beyond the capacity of human nature: that the world does not “need the vast majority” of the current population due to technological advances. Harari made the bold declaration in an interview with Chris Anderson, head of the popular TED media group, echoing past predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans.
To this author, the cataclysmic nature of human intellect is unleashing a highly irrational and unthinkable world of complexity to come into our consciousness, destroying all progress and achievement of any human civilization on this planet. Most human intellect knows the basic imperative: “if you THINK intelligently, you could find workable remedies to human problems.”
Global Leaders Must THINK of Effective Communication to Resolve Emerging Problems
Despite the leaders of Iran and Turkey having a working relationship with President Putin regarding the supply of grain via the Black Sea and prospects of meetings for peace talks, no other Western leaders took the initiative to break their strange silence and come out of the box to articulate a New Vision for political change and start talking to Russian and Ukrainian leaders for an immediate ceasefire and peace process. All parties could well use the common phenomenon and threat of nuclear arsenals / hydrogen bombs or mother of bombs to annihilate human beings and habitats in few seconds, if not minutes.
The failure of global leadership and institutions more so of the UNO signals dubious conceptions of right and wrong, good and evil in problem-solving in Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Kashmir and Palestine are the outcomes of consequential military invasions and aggression that kill people and destroy Earth. History illustrates when a nation or its leaders challenge the limits of the Laws of God and approach the end of their lifespan, insanity overtakes common sense and they tend to ignore warnings and reject all Voices of Reason.
The planet Earth is not a dead orbiting object but a living entity providing continuous nourishment to human life and existence to all other living beings. When nations and leaders subscribing to political absolutism start acting like God and challenge the sanctity and limits of the Laws of God; historically speaking, they become an object of unthinkable natural calamities- earthquakes, wildfires, floods, deaths and destruction. The Divine Revelations (The Qur’an: 40: 64), remind us, of who we are and what relationship we enjoin to Earth and its sustenance that supports our life and existence:
It is God Who made for you the Earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy;
And has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful,
And has provided for your Sustenance, of things pure and good;
Such is God your Lord. So Glory to God,
The Lord of the Worlds.
Global Humanity Rejects Military Conquests and Demands Peace, Security and Co-Existence
The sanctity of human life is grounded in the realization of peace, dialogue, and co-existence. The on-going onslaught between Russia-Ukraine and the West makes no sense to rational thinking and political accountability. Appearing more like spectators, American, European and NATO leaders pay their lip service to aid Ukraine is mere a repetitive cry for public consumption.
If time and history are a reference point to avoid any conflict between Man and the Nature of things, we must comprehend how the planet Earth exists and moves at its axis and rotates at 1675 km per hour or 465 meters per second that is 1,040 miles per hour. The Earth’s circumference at the equator is 40,075 km. And the length of time the Earth takes to complete one full turn on its axis is 23.93 hours. How do all living beings get lifelong nourishment within the splendid Universe? The NEED is urgent to understand the natural equilibrium of relationship between Man, Life and God – given the living Universe in which we all co-exist harmoniously. Modern wars represent sadistic minds to undermine and destroy all that is built over the ages that we call human cultures and civilizations. All of the Monolithic Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) reveal the truth of “Trust” – human beings took to be responsible and be at peace with the Nature of Things – the living Planet Earth. This TRUST and its reminder are explicitly mentioned in (The Qur’an, Chapter 33: 72):“We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth; And the mountains but they refused; To undertake it, being afraid thereof: But man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish.”
German philosopher Immanuel Kant(“Perpetual Peace”, 1795), was more proactive and a realist when he noted that: “Intellectuals must be seated in chosen assemblies and systems of public governance to overt individualistic insanity against the people.” Viewing the perpetuated chaos and nationalistic ideals of the few, no matter how time exists in a frozen leadership intellect, this author recently proposed a strategy of communication to global leaders to resolve the conflict on both sides of the iron curtain: “ and 4/19/2022:
To stop the war in Ukraine, the US, the EU, NATO should have a direct face to face communication with President Putin. …….It is logical when people of diversity and opposing ideals come to talk directly, tensions and evil mongering is reduced to reason and mutual interest. This has not happened except military options for weapon supplies and enlargement of the scope of regional conflict. Time and history will not forgive nor forget any of the leaders if they failed to agree to an immediate ceasefire and peace deal.
Can we THINK to be human first in all of our moral, political and intellectual endeavors?
Can we look at the mirror and critically see ourselves – who we are and why have we become so stagnated in moral, spiritual and intellectual values to destroy our own existence by our own complicity? Can we see the mirror with a collective conscience and realize as if there were no people of REASON and accountability populating Planet Earth? What kind of nuisance discovery it could be if other intelligent species from outer space ( as indeed there are living beings in other planets), come to visit our Earth and its advanced knowledge-based species and their AI weapons, visual constructs and magic of conquests claiming to be the master of their destiny and sustainable future, and given the sophisticated missiles, nuclear arsenals and mother of bombs so well placed comfortably that nothing could disrupt their lifelines except animosities, wars and wickedness to destroy their own existence on this Earth.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and is the author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.