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Archive for February, 2024

America Supports Israeli War Beyond Gaza onto the Arab World by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja


by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja


Wars are integral to American and Israeli formative history and now they are engaged in “genocidal acts of vengeance” against the civilians of Gaza, widely accused by NGOs and global humanity. Virtually inexhaustible daily bombing spares no life, no functional hospitals, no UNRWA schools and no respect for the International Humanitarian Law or the Geneva Conventions. Israeli PM Netanyahu , an egoistic  person lacking moral and intellectual capacity, cares about his own political survival unleashing violent assumptions of hatred, animosities and killings of Palestinians – a nation no matter how normal claims to be, cannot function as normal beings to co-exist with their own self and make any positive contributions to societal normalcy. Many Jewish organizations (“Jews for Peace” and “Jews against Zionism”) and others across the US and Europe committed and stood for peace and global brotherhood. They are all calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Dr. Ludwig Watzal, a journalist and editor in Bonn, explains:”How Modern is Israel? “Zionism has Little to do with Judaism” https://www.globalresearch.ca/how-modern-is-israel-zionism-has-little-to-do-with-judaism/5537626 and see Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky:“Greater Israel”The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815

And killing of innocent people is prohibited by God’s Ten Commandments (Torah): ‘Thou shalt not kill‘ (Exod. 20:13; also Deut. 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously, and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality), that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor – meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.”According to Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague: ‘Jewish law forbids the killing of innocent peopleeven in the course of a legitimate military engagement.’

America and Israel view all the Arab States as vulnerable to besiegement and political supremacy. Living in the fantasy of time and power, Arab-Muslim states have no armies or leaders to protect the national interest of Palestine. The PLO is devoid of intelligent leadership and Israeli forces have free hand to raid or kill Palestinians across the occupied territories. America and Israel have working plans to conquer more Arab lands -Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and others to resettle the Palestinians and put a finished answer on Palestine as a future State. Would the Arab-Muslim leaders rethink outside the imperial box to plan for a navigational change in relationships with the US and its military hegemony? The time, history and future generations of conscientious people will curse the so-called tribal agents for their wickedness and greed to be kings and queens and princes and nothing else to make their presence in the global arena of emerging conflicts.

War on Gaza is a stigma of political survival for PM Netanyahu and the war cabinet while several thousands of Israeli citizens demonstrate in Tel Aviv asking  for peace with Palestinians and a safe return of 134 hostages still in Gaza. Engaged in deceit of triumphalism, Netanyahu Government is not listening to voices of reason and truth. While the Israeli Ultra Nationalist groups continuously violate the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Arab-Muslim leaders are simply the spectators watching the provocations.

While the Arab leaders making melodramatic and misleading claims of security and peace with Israel and the West, the region is a highly militarized and destabilized landscape of continuous conflicts. To subdue and humiliate the “camel jockeys” of the oil producing Arab world, now the US exports wars, weapons and poisonous thoughts to divide and conquer the Arabian Peninsula. Historically, diverse tribal Arabs were united as an “Ummah” – One Nation by Islam but European colonialists assigned sectarian identities to divide the geography and history of Arab civilization. To change the future, America and Israel needed a political challenge to stop the war on Gaza but it was nowhere to be seen on the Arabian leadership horizon. For too long, Arab leaders breathe oxygen in moral and intellectual decadence and a delusional fantasy of oil-run economic prosperity.

Intelligent people always heed to rational advice but American and Israeli  warmongering and killings are contrary to the Nature of Things. The Gazan landscape is filled with deaths and destruction which could have been avoided if reason and honest policies were implied to the crisis. The time and opportunities call for rethinking and new ideas to reject violence and vengeance as contrary to the nature of humanity, peace and intellect. To avoid most dreadful tragedies in the making, we must reject the tyranny of war as a means to solve political problems and demand a return to persuasive communication and dialogue for conflict management and peace-making.

Dr Mahboob A Khawaja

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Pakistan: The Generals and Judges Who Betrayed the Nation By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Pakistan: The Generals and Judges Who Betrayed the Nation – By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Are the Generals waiting for another mishap of formative history? Please see“British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom.” Global Research and Uncommon Thought Journal: 1/01/22. In “Pakistan Leaders or Criminals”you will discover how Bhuttos, Zardari, Sharifs and General Musharaf – these thugs stole billions and billions to own properties in UK, France and Spain.They never imagined–how the present and future generations remember them? Please see by this author:“Pakistan Imperatives of Political Change for a Progressive Nation”2019;Pakistan in Search of Freedom and Security”, Uncommon Thought Journal and Global Research: 10/20/22, and “Pakistan, Planned Political Chaos: Imran Khan a Victim of Hope for the Future”, Global Research: 11/06/2022; “Pakistan in Search of Its Soul.” Uncommon Thought Journal: 8/06/23

Imran Khan is a person of new ideas and ideals and the Pakistani masses view him with great deal of optimism and integrity and hope for political change, free of corruption paving opportunities for sustainable development and a better future. The neo-colonial agents feard him to imprison Khan under bogus accusations of corruption. please view “Pakistan Confronts its Future under Betrayal of Generals”,:Uncommon Thought Journal:1/15/2024

Tyranny is always powerless and transitory. Military dictates and absurd judgments lead to distorted propositions of conflicts and instability. Often when political conspirators cannot solve one set of problems, they come up with other naïve ideas to create more critical problems to distract the masses. What is the solution to the morally and intellectually sickening political culture of Pakistani politics? It needs a navigational change, new public institutions free of neo-colonial implanted culture, a New Constitution and new educated and honest leadership. History will judge the imposters by their actions, not by their claims to serve the nation. In summary, We the Conscientious People of Pakistan invite Urgent attention for a navigational change, equal participation of all the political parties to a fair, representative and just national elections, and reconstruction of a new political system of governance. Otherwise, February 8, national elections are a dress rehearsal for continued military rule and travesty of justice imposed upon the masses of Pakistan by the few against all:

1. Pakistan, its people and its future are NOT the sole property of a few Generals or the current Chief Justice.

2.The General’s insane ambitions and actions are the outcome of the briefing and dictate by the US political interests.

3. If bogus elections are held to bring the indicted criminals and money launderers – Nawaz Sharif family back to power as appears to be the case, there will be massive socioeconomic and political chaos, disruptions, street battles and bloodbath between the armed forces and common people.

4. The Generals and the judges do not plan economy, agriculture, education, moral and intellectual hubs, or build nations but people of knowledge, thinkers,visionary, specialists and young people of moral and intellectual integrity contribute for such a vital national agenda.

5. Pakistan’s socio-economic, political and strategic needs are not the task and mandates of the judges and the Generals – they are a misfit for such roleplays..

6. The few Generals and Judges are misusing the time and opportunities for individualistic agendas and creating appalling socio-economic and political misfortunes for the nation. We, the People of reason, remind them that they are not above the law and justice and could face public trial and even the firing squads for their treachery and dishonesty to the future of the nation.

7. There must be a free and fair national election inclusive of the PTI and its leadership. Pakistanis believe if a free election is held, Imran Khan will be the next legitimate elected leader of the country.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.


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Pakistan: The Generals Plan Fraudulent National Elections- by Mahboob A.Khwaja. Ph.D.

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