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Archive for December, 2013



Swiss judge wraps up Bhutto money-laundering probe


Oct 18, 2007

GENEVA (Reuters) – A Swiss investigative judge said on October 17 that he had completed a long-running probe into alleged money laundering by Benazir Bhutto and her husband.

imgresJudge Vincent Fournier, who spoke as Bhutto returned to her homeland after eight years in self-exile, said he would hand over his confidential findings next week to Geneva chief prosecutor Daniel Zappelli for action.

Zappelli has three options — to bring the case to trial, suspend it, or dismiss it.

Fournier conceded that money-laundering allegations would be harder to prove under Swiss law after President Pervez Musharraf granted an amnesty to protect Bhutto from corruption charges at home.

“It is not impossible, but much more difficult,” he said. “The fact that Pakistan has withdrawn its own prosecution does not help the Swiss demonstration of money-laundering.”

At least $13 million remains frozen in bank accounts in the Swiss city in connection with the criminal case, which relates to alleged kickbacks from Swiss cargo inspection companies in the 1990s, officials said. “I regard my investigation as completed and the case is ready for the prosecutor,” Fournier told Reuters.

To obtain a conviction under Swiss federal law, a prosecutor must prove that graft or other crimes have been committed abroad and the proceeds were laundered in Switzerland. A conviction for aggravated money-laundering can mean up to five years in prison.

Bhutto and Zardari were convicted in Geneva in 2003 of having laundered funds worth some $13 million through offshore companies and ordered to return the frozen funds to the Pakistani government, which currently remains a civil party in the case.

But this verdict was thrown out automatically upon appeal, sparking a new probe. Bhutto denied the money-laundering charges in testimony two years ago before Fournier.

Alec Reymond, Bhutto’s lawyer in Geneva, said he expected Zappelli to drop the case following Musharraf’s amnesty, which also applies to Zardari.

“The abandonment of the prosecution in Pakistan should lead to the affair being closed in Geneva,” Reymond told Reuters.

Bhutto’s return could eventually lead to power sharing with Musharraf, the army chief who took power in a 1999 coup. Pakistan’s Supreme Court has still to rule on the legality of the amnesty and of Musharraf’s recent re-election.


Benazir Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/10/29 00:05

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Free alcohol, hangovers, bisexual friends and a girl called Boozie Suzie … inside the student life of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari


His antics at Oxford University would shock people in Pakistan awaiting Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s return to take over the political dream shaped by his murdered mother Benazir.

The 19-year-old’s preparation for his role in one of the world’s strictest Muslim states has certainly been unconventional.

Orthodox Muslims will be surprised to see the new leader of the Pakistani People’s Party with his arms slung casually around two girls, one of whom declares herself as “bisexual” on a social networking website.

Conversations he has with friends on Facebook make reference to being hungover, his friendship with a girl he calls “Boozie Suzie” and the joys of “free alcohol”.

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There is no evidence that Bilawal drinks alcohol – but he was certainly living it up with his two female friends at a raucous black-tie party thrown by a student drinking society.

Bilawal had been enjoying the freedom of his first year at Oxford before he was named as his mother’s successor after her assassination last month.

It was all a far cry from the country of his birth, which is bound by strict Muslim customs where drinking is forbidden, homosexuality is illegal and male and female friendships carefully controlled.

Bilawal and the girls were dressed up for the annual Cardinals’ Cocktails event where, for a £10 entrance fee, students can drink as many cocktails as they can stomach.

The Cardinals is an exclusive all-male society favoured by the wealthiest undergraduates at Christ Church, Bilawal’s college at Oxford.

They hold the event for non-members once a year to raise money for a lavish dinner to be enjoyed by their privileged members at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

Only a handful of Christ Church students are allowed to join each year and they are initiated by being forced to down a bottle of port followed by eight pints of beer.

Bilawal and his friends were among hundreds of other students – not Cardinal members – at the bash this year.

Fortunately for him, his father, Asif Ali Zardari, has announced his son is too young to take power and that he will maintain day-to-day control of the party while Bilawal continues his studies.

Bilawal, who arrived at Christ Church in September to read history, grew up in Dubai after his mother left Pakistan for a self-imposed exile in 1999.

At Oxford he has not been seen at the student Islamist Society, eschewing the social events, at which only soft drinks are served.

One senior society member said: ‘He doesn’t come to any of our events.’ He has chosen instead to spend his time with gregarious new friends.

Two of the girls to whom he is particularly close, as our pictures show, are described on Facebook as being “engaged” to each other – Julia Caterina Hartley and Kirini Kopcke.

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Julia, who was educated in Brussels, lists herself as interested in both women and men and is a member of the university’s Lesbian Gay And Bisexual Society.

She and Bilawal are obviously close, often pictured cosying up together, and after Benazir Bhutto’s assassination on December 27 she wrote on her Facebook site: “Julia can only think of the Bhuttos.”


Many of Bilawal’s conversations on Facebook can be openly viewed by dozens of his friends and countless other Oxford University students.

Bilawal flirts goodnaturedly with another female student, saying: “There is a void in my life now, it’s a deep dark hole in my sloe [sic] … that can only be filled with … boozie suzie!!”

Fellow first-year student Sammy Jay is also a close friend.

In one exchange, Bilawal announces his intention to “do as much work as possible, go to the Coven, turn up to my tute the next day hungover and with incomplete work.”

The Coven is an off-beat club well known for hosting a regular gay night for students.

The face of Bilawal appears on a number of pages throughout Facebook but only one, using the alias of Bilawal Lawalib, is authentic.

In one exchange, before Mrs Bhutto’s assasination, he tells a female friend that he “misses his secret lover” and in another exclaims “what free alcohol! I may take you up on that when I get back to Oxford!”.

Bilawal’s grandfather Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who founded the Pakistan People’s Party and was the country’s first elected prime minister but was executed in 1979, attended the same college.

His mother was a popular student and president of the Oxford Union.

The current Oxford Union President, Luke Tryl, says the new Bhutto is “quite popular in Union circles; very charismatic and engaging”.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-506355/Free-alcohol-hangovers-bisexual-friends-girl-called-Boozie-Suzie—inside-student-life-Bilawal-Bhutto-Zardari.html#ixzz2ou8kL6dF 
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Pakistan’s fate was sealed, the day Z.A.Bhutto, a scion of a feudal family came into power as the “man of the masses.” This is the biggest joke ever played on so many people (180 million), by so few, the Bhutto-Zardari clique. First, Pakistan was broken-up, due to Z.A.Bhutto’s lust for power. Then came the incompetent rule of Benazir, who left behind Zardari for Pakistan in Virsa or Inheritance. But, still there is no end in sight, Bilawal Bhutto’s lechery has taken the cake. Pakistan Think Tank had warned its readers, that Islamabad, had become a liquor laden whore house. We suggests a name change for Islamabad.   Stop defiling Islam, by attaching its name to this perfidious city. It should be called, “RandiKhana or Sharaabkhana.” Aunties, nayakaas or dalees are doing roaring business, through beauty saloon call girls. A car stops in front of a beauty salon. The man dials the salon’s number. A call girl is sent by the Aunty, who runs the salon-cum- whorehouse.  Pakistan’s economy is steaming hot with this lucrative business.  All the Who’s,Who of Pakistans putrid, fecal feudal elites are customers of the salon comfort women. Yes, this city defiles the name of the Deen of Peace. Devil has proved that he can establish his kingdom in the heart of the most powerful, nuclear Islamic nation. Pakistani nation lost, evil won. But, is it isolated. No, not at all, look around and see what is happening at your neighbours house. The strange cars. The strange people. The elite of Peoples Party, PML(N,O,P,Q and whatever), ANP, and how could the mobsters of MQM be left behind, they partake of the fruit too.  There is a dark corner for Bisexuals and Homosexuals trysts.  Dark shaded limosines drive these leeches on Pakistan’s body drive around Aabpara at break neck speeds. On weekends, they fly over to another brothel or bordello of Middle East, after Bahrain.  This is Dubai, where all the Khadims of Islam, from S.Arabia to Pakistan come cavort. They enjoy every sexual depravity, from bestiality, sado-masochism, to urinating or defecating on one another during sex. 


The backdraft of total callousness or rather concious apathy has given birth to dark and neanderthal forces of extremism and mulliayat. 
While, the poor masses of Naudero and Nawabshah had a glimmer of hope from Bilawal, he has let them down. Not only that, he has let the nation down. But, what could Pakistan expect from Zardari’s, “bad seed”?
The London Daily Mail commented in 2008 on Bilawal, while he was still a student at Oxford,”Orthodox Muslims will be surprised to see the new leader of the Pakistani People’s Party with his arms slung casually around two girls, one of whom declares herself as “bisexual” on a social networking website.” But, Bilawal has gone so overboard in his shenanighans that even the most liberal Pakistani will do a double take on his totally lecherous life style.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-506355/Free-alcohol-hangovers-bisexual-friends-girl-called-Boozie-Suzie—inside-student-life-Bilawal-Bhutto-Zardari.html#ixzz287iScurZ  

These Neros are fiddling while the Capital city is shaking with their damnable deeds. The have once suffered a huge earthquake, but that warning has gone unheeded. How long can Sipah Salar hold back the seething anger of Officers and Jawans. Lets hope they exercise patience, because, the worst democracy is better than the finest dictatorship.
Although, Z.A.Bhutto was a drunk and a womanizer, Benazir was a typical Muslim woman. But, when, Zardari, joined this family and produced Bilawal, all hell has broken loose. Bilawal is a bi-sexual sex fiend on steroids. Every Daily Mail in UK and every “trash sheet” in India and Bangladesh is rife with stories of Bilawal’s depravity. So, much for the love affair of India with Zardari and the Bhutto family. Bilawal is claimed have seduced Hina Rabbani Khar, while she is still married to millionaire businessman Firoze Gulzar, from whom she has two daughters named Annaya and Dina.
The Baaniyas, who consider Bhuttos as their own have shown their true colours. They have plastered the news of Bilawal’s sexuality all over their wicked nation. Kafirs revel, when Muslims rebel against Islam.
But never mind, what goes around comes around. India will has the Gandhi family, which has its own lurid past. So, Baaniyas, dont ask for whom the bell tolls, it talls for thee. The backlash of Bilawal’s gunah kabira, will come from the people of Pakistan.The deeds of Z.A.Bhutto, Murtuza Bhutto, and Benazir Bhutto did not bring the Bhutto family solace. So Bilawal beware, his action will be his own undoing. He has only one enemy and that is himself!
Enough said!


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Bilawal Bhutto with horns of devil


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Irresponsible Media Need Responsibility







Irresponsible Media Need Responsibility 



Sajjad Shaukat





At this critical hour, Pakistan is passing through multi-faceted crises such as political instability, economic problems, social strife, menace of terrorism and scourge of corruption in wake of India’s war-like diplomacy and cross-border infiltration from Afghanistan’s side, which are further encouraging the foreign enemies to fulfill their collective designs at the cost of Pakistan, as it is the only nuclear country in the Islamic World.

backgroundIn this respect, Pakistan’s armed forces have been coping with internal and external challenges in order to maintain the security of the country. Externally, these forces have equally responded to India’s aggression at the Line of Control (LoC) along Kashmir. Recently, tension between India and Pakistan accelerated when the former set off a series of unprovoked cross-border firings at the LoC. So far, Indian forces killed some personnel of Pak Army and the paramilitary troops.

Internally, our armed forces have also been fighting a different war of the enemy which employs subversive activities of various kinds like suicide attacks, targeted killings, assaults on the Army and on security agencies, kidnappings and sectarian violence. In this regard, militant outfits, especially Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) including other banned organizations have claimed responsibility for a number of terror-attacks. Karachi, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Balochistan have become special targets of their acts of sabotage.  

So far, more than 3000 soldiers have become martyrs in this different war in maintaining the integrity of the federation.

However, external entities like the US-led India and Afghanistan are operating without restraint to damage the core fiber of national edifice of Pakistan through their intelligence agencies, while New Delhi is particularly working against the national interests of our country. Besides other hostile countries, Indian propaganda machines and media openly use malicious expressions to call Pakistan, a country allegedly sponsoring terrorism—propagating against Pakistan’s armed forces, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and other law-enforcing agencies.

But, it is regrettable that by showing irresponsible approach, Pakistan’s media have been creating confusion among the people by raising controversial debate regarding various issues like NATO supply, drone attacks, targeted operation against terrorists in Karachi, peace talks with the Taliban and military operation against the militants by indicating self-presumed differences between the civil and military leadership.


While speaking in the tone of anti-Pakistan elements, our media, particularly most of the TV channels have ignored the sacrifices of Pakistan’s armed forces regarding the security of the country and against terrorism. Biased attitude of the so-called media commentators and journalists have not only been trying to demoralize the armed forces by undermining their fighting spirit, but have also been misguiding the general masses, while setting aside the services of these forces, as noted in relation to the Swat and Malakand military operations—resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), floods, desilting of canals (Bhal Safai)—especially during the Earthquake of 2005, entailing restoration of law and order on many occasions. In the recent past, armed forces were in the frontline for people-salvage from areas of earthquake which hit Balochistan.

Unfortunately, in the recent years, without grasping reality, some media persons of Pakistan have been propagating against Pak Army, Frontier Constabulary (FC), Military Intelligence (MI) and ISI. It seems ridiculous when some of them allegedly say that security agencies are behind terrorist activities in Balochistan. These detractors have manipulated various cases like Memogate Scandal, Mehrangate Issue, case of the missing persons etc. including deteriorating law and order situation of Balochistan.  

In this context, let us take the example of Balaochistan. By taking advantage of the judicial activism, these media entities have been exploiting this case. While the truth behind human rights violations, the missing persons and aggravated law and order situation of Balochistan is that foreign-backed militant groups such as BLA, and another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for secession of the province have kidnapped and killed many innocent people and the security personnel in the province. They also massacred many persons through suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence. On a number of occasions, these insurgents groups claimed responsibility for their criminal activities. Notably, since 2001, a majority of Pakistanis also left for Afghanistan for Jehad purposes, without informing their families, while many people joined the Jahadi groups. However, these separatist elements which have brought about unrest in Balochistan have tried to create rift between the top leadership of Army and the Judiciary, which is still being manipulated by our media.


So, it is due to unethical practice—the negative media criticism by the pseudo-analysts that a wave of pessimistic emotionalism, stereotypes and prejudices have been created by them against the armed forces.

Nevertheless, by presenting little or no legitimate well-researched news items, our TV channels, exploit, distort and exaggerate the news to create sensations and attract viewers in order to become more popular with the sole aim to advance their financial interests. Based upon opinion-masquerading as objective fact, our media anchors mislead and excite public opinion. They do not indicate what the people need, but show what the people want, thus have stunning impact of psychological shock.

Ignoring the moral codes of journalism, media reporters, analysts and anchors have adopted negative techniques and unscrupulous practices in their coverage because they have developed the habit of challenging the prestige of sensitive institutions of the state like judiciary, army, ISI and law-enforcing agencies. While following the rude techniques of yellow journalism, they raise any issue or development and initiate debate among the political commentators who themselves intend to gain eminence. Media anchors and experts who manipulate the concerned issue also conceal the truth and ground realities, particularly in wake of the war against terrorism—neglecting the multiple crises which Pakistan is facing at this crucial moment.

Now, the right hour has come to pull the country out of the multiple crises. In this connection, being the fourth pillar of the state, media needs to display responsibility by performing its moral duties in accordance with the true ethics of journalism. While playing the positive role, especially, our TV channels and the concerned experts must seek the solution of various problems like load shedding, unemployment, soaring prices of products, recession and dependence upon the US-led developed countries, IMF and World Bank for financial aid, which have resulted into acute poverty.

Both our print and electronic media must project the relief activities of the armed forces and other security agencies—their sacrifices in coping with worst challenges and disruptions caused by the miscreants in various places of Pakistan, especially in Balochistan and Karachi.

Media anchors must not only encounter false propaganda of the US and some western countries, particularly that of India against Pakistan, its armed forces and intelligence agencies, but also play their optimistic role in the image-building of the country including that of the security agencies. Besides, those internal entities which are following foreign agenda should not be allowed to hurt Pakistan’s national interests.

More, significantly, our TV channels must also encounter cultural penetration of Indian TV channels by developing their indigenous programmes, shows and dramas in such a way, which could attract the viewers. Thus they can promote our own cultural and religious values.

No doubt, mistakes have been committed by everyone in the past, and could unintentionally be done in the present. But, instead of exploitation, our media and their commentators should emphasize the solution of the concerned crisis, during debate.

Our media must follow the real principles of journalism by educating and guiding the people towards right direction through credible and true information. They should avoid developing stereotypes among the people by displaying unbiased news and comments in wake of war against terrorism.

Notably, solution of sectarian violence demands that people of Pakistan must be educated by the media that their survival lies in inter-sect harmony—and all the segments of society must show selfless unity with the security forces and law-enforcing agencies in castigating the external conspiracy, aimed at igniting sectarian riots in the country.

Moreover, Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority must also lay down the procedure to check the TV channels or their programmes so as to ensure that they are not violating the moral codes of journalism for sake of financial gains.

Nonetheless, instead of showing irresponsibility through sensationalism which is creating confusion among the people, our media must act with responsibility by seeking the solution of their problems, and those crises which Pakistan is facing at present.   

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Affairs


Email: [email protected]

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No free lunch for Pakistan’s youth


No free lunch for Pakistan’s youth

Published: December 24, 2013

The writer works at Orr, Dignam & Co and teaches undergraduate law students pursuing their LLB from the University of London (External Programme)

The Prime Minister’s Youth Loan Scheme has been launched with the hope of revitalising the economy by facilitating the growth of small businesses. If you are aged between 21 and 45 and hold a CNIC, you could be one of the lucky (or well connected) 100,000 Pakistanis to get a loan of up to two million rupees at a subsidised rate, provided you have a guarantor, who is either a government employee in BPS-15 or above, or a person with a net worth of 150 per cent of the amount being borrowed. Borrowers will also have to make an equity contribution equivalent to 10 per cent of the loan.

While the scheme appears to be well intentioned, it is difficult not to be sceptical about its execution. The government’s failure to lay out a transparent mechanism by which successful applicants will be chosen has done little to quell the scepticism. This is compounded by the fact that these loans are only secured by personal guarantees, leading to several issues with regard to enforceability. There has been no indication of what measures will be taken to ensure that guarantors do not leave the country or dispose of their assets. Interestingly enough, since the loans are to be repaid in eight years’ time, the present PML-N government might not even be in power to face the brunt of it all in the wake of potential defaults.

Though much has been said about the lack of a plausible security being a cause for concern for taxpayers, the process of obtaining a personal guarantee is also likely to be an impediment for many candidates. Despite all the criticism of the scheme and a general acknowledgement that if implemented properly, it would benefit the economy, hardly any alternatives have been suggested. While it is true that most government-sponsored lending schemes have not done well in the past, it is important to learn from these failures and model the scheme on a success story, such as the one in the US.

The US Small Business Administration (SBA), in a programme similar to a government-sponsored venture capital, has licensed and regulated a network of private small business investment companies (SBICs) that supply equity capital, long-term loans and management assistance to small businesses. The SBA does not directly provide cash to the SBICs. Instead, the SBA guarantees loans that the SBICs take out in order to inject capital into the small businesses. In order to obtain a licence, the SBICs need to prove their management has the requisite expertise to invest in, manage and guide such businesses.

The noteworthy upside of a similar programme would be the government’s role as an equity owner in the business as opposed to a lender. In the event the business does not do well, in most cases, the investment could be recovered by disposing of the business’s assets, which is significantly easier for the owner compared with a creditor doing the same. Having equity ownership would also make it easier to supervise the affairs of the business and ensure regulatory compliances, particularly the payment of taxes. It would also make it possible for the government to steer investment in specific social businesses. This investment can be made on terms whereby upon achieving predetermined objectives, the original owner can buy back the equity from the government. Whilst the effective implementation of this alternative would be a challenge, it is certainly not impracticable.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 24th, 2013.

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