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Archive for April, 2016

The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption













The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption


There is no probing required by any military court. NAB, under Gen Amjad and Gen Khalid Maqbool has already done a lot of probing into the money laundering case by Sharif family from 2000 to 2002. I wonder why NAB is silent and why it is sitting over all that evidence?
The entire details of money laundering and money trail during the 1990s, which was also used to buy off the Avenfield House apartments, has been confessed by Ishaq Dar, Saeed ahmed ( present deputy governor, Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Ittefaq/ Sharif Group and a Money Exchange operated by Zaigham, in April 2000 in the interim Hudabiya Paper Mills Reference. 
Later in Sept 2001,a supplementary Reference by the name of Hudabiya Paper Volume two, was filed with irrefuteable evidence showing receipt of transactions and statements of money changers, implicating the sharif family in money laundering.
Ishaq Dars statement’s in this money laundering case is an ‘irrevocable statement’ as it has been recorded under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

In his statement, Ishaq Dar accused Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif of money laundering in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case. At one point in the 43-page statement, Dar said that on the instructions of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, “I opened two foreign currency accounts in the name of Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi with the foreign currency funds provided by the Sharif family in the Bank of America by signing as Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi”.
Qazis are a Pakistani family settled in London, with whom Ishaq Dar was lodged up as a paying guest while he was doing his Chartered Accountancy. He somehow managed to get hold of copies of their passports which he used for opening fake accounts. Dar himself used to sign all cheques on behalf of the Qazis. This is all confessed by Dar while he was lodged at Chamba House ( NABs temporary HQs in Lahore) from Jan to April 2000. Haroon, Kamal Qureshi,  Dar, Naeem and a Lahore money changer- Zaigham were all produced before the court at Circuit House Lahore in April 2000 after the completeion of their 90 days detention, when the Hudabiya Reference was filed. Dar advised to the others in the court that they should fully cooperate with NAB as the game is over. He however feigned that he had been beaten up severely during his detention and needed assistance while walking.
Some of the Qazis have shifted to the U.S after the NAB Reference was filed as they felt insecure in Britain.
Dar said that all instructions to the bank in the name of these two persons were signed by him under the orders of “original depositors”, namely Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif.
Dar further states “The foreign currency accounts of Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi were opened in Bank of America by Naeem Mehmood ( Dars office assistant) under my instructions (based on instructions of Sharifs) by signing the same as Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi.”
Dar stated that besides these foreign currency accounts, a previously opened foreign currency account of Saeed Ahmed,  (present Deputy Governor state bank and a former director of First Hajvari Modaraba Co and close friend of Dar from his student days) and of Mussa Ghani, the nephew of Dar’s wife, were also used to deposit huge foreign currency funds provided by “the Sharif family” to offer them as collateral to obtain different direct and indirect credit lines.
Dar has disclosed that the Bank of America, Citibank, Atlas Investment Bank, Al Barka Bank and Al Towfeeq Investment Bank were used under the instructions of the Sharif family.
Interestingly enough, Ishaq Dar also implicates himself by confessing in court that he along with Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Sharif group and Naeem Mehmood (Dars office boy) had opened fake foreign currency accounts in different international banks.
Dar states that an amount of $3.725 million in Emirates Bank, $ 8.539 million in Al Faysal Bank and $2.622 million were later transferred in the accounts of the accounts Hudaibya Paper Mills.
The Qazi family upon coming into knowledge that millions of dollars are lying in their accounts in various banks lodged a complaint to the police in London in 1998.
Dar updated the P.M of the situation and as a result the entire 7 member Qazi family was invited over to Lahore as State guests by the prime minister, and pacified! 
Where are those files? The last time I saw them were at the office of Maj Farooq Adam, the Prosecutor General of NAB during the initial years. No further probe is required. Only a verdict needs to be awarded!
By the way, one of the co-accusseds later read out both volumes of the Reference to the Sharifs at Saroor Palace. They were not satisfied with the amount of wealth they had and raised eyebrows at each other in suspicion. 

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Pinnacle of Corruption, Nepotism,Favouritism, and Dynastic Despotism of Nawaz Sharif Feeds Terrorism
















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The reliable sources have divulged that the core team of PM, consisting of Ishaq Dar and Fawad H. Fawad, has finalised the plan to get favourable decision from the Judges in Panama Papers scandal on the pattern of election rigging tribunal. 

1. The TORs are too wide, vague, and complicated to produce any meaningful results. A trick hardly any one in opposition can understand. 

2. The registrar and additional registrar are DMG bureaucrats, handpicked by his close bureaucrat Mr. Fawad  Hassan Fawad, though these two posts are judicial posts, but PM Team managed to post DMG bureaucrats on these posts.

3. Both registrar and additional are in line for their further promotion for which PM is the competent authority to decide their fate.

4. The coordination is being done through Barrister Zafrullah and Mohiddudin Wani, former CJ and Ramday. 

5. The winning team has been given the task again to perform as they manipulated and managed the election rigging tribunal.

6. Former registrar of Supreme Court has been posted secretary establishment division directly under the PM as reward.

7. The secretary of Supreme Court tribunal on Election Rigging, Mr. Hamid Ali, a bureaucrat, has been posted to Spain as Commercial counsellor as reward, though he got lowest written marks in the LUMS test.

8. Both sons of law of chief Election Commissioner has been posted on coveted posts, one in Geneva and other on lucrative post of DG housing authority.

9. Justice Saqib Nisar is close friend and Junior of PM since days in Government College Lahore. He has personal relations with all close bureaucrat aides of PM.

10. So the stage is set for exonerating the PM Shareef, declare him innocent, rather whiten his all offshore assets for all times to come.

11. Team PM Sharif, Zinda Baad Smiling face with smiling eyes


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Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan – Organized by MUSLIM Institute



Quaid & Pakistan Movemenr












Seminar on
Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan
Organized by
MUSLIM Institute

MUSLIM Institute and Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue Islamic University organized a seminar titled “Pakistan movement and building Pakistan” at Islamic International University, Islamabad. Eminent scholars and political leaders participated in the seminar and expressed their views on the subject. The chief guest of the seminar was Lt. General (R) Senator Abdul Qayyum. The other worthy speakers were Dr. Masoom Yaseen Zai Rector Islamic International University, Former chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Akram Zaki, Former Finance Minister, Umer Ayub, Director IRD Dr. Talib Hussain Sial, Professor of History Department Qaid-e-Azam University Dr. Farooq Ahmed Dar, Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali and Research associate MUSLIM Institute, S.H. Qadri. Foreign delegates, professors and students of universities, scholars and researchers from different institutions, analysts and media persons actively participated in the seminar. The national anthem was played at the start of the session.

Experts expressing their views observed as under:

The main objective of Pakistan movement was to establish an Islamic welfare society in an independent state, where social justice could prevail and citizens can avail basic needs of life. It is evident from the address of thinker of Pakistan Allama Iqbal in his lecture at Aligarh that “It is not the unity of language or of country or the identity of economic interests that constitutes the basic principles of our nationality. It is because we all believe in a certain view of the Universe, and participate in the same historical traditions that we are members of the society founded by the Prophet of Islam.” In the same way Qauid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948 explained the nationalism and model of Government in Pakistan as “Pakistan constitution should incorporate the essential principles of Islam, which are as good and relevant in our day as they were Thirteen hundred years ago”. Qauid e Azam wants to lay the foundation of a modern welfare state where masses have complete religious independence and rights of minorities could also be protected.

‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement.

‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement. Only those movements can succeed which are backed by ground realities. Success of Pakistan movement also relies on the fact that it was backed by a great reality of ‘Two Nation Theory’. Qauid e Azam said that we are among those nations which have fallen and are through very hard times. After the devastation of eighteenth and nineteenth century Muslims were collapsed. From the fall of Mughal Empire till now Muslim of Sub continent were never faced by such a responsibility as by enduring the responsibility of Pakistan. Muslim ruled over Subcontinent for 800 hundred years and British snatched it from Muslims and now under their rule so our demand is from British not from the Hindus. If whole of the sub-continent might have come under the Hindus it might have wiped off the Muslim civilization and their culture. Allama Iqbal pointed out that “I am observing that ideology of Nationhood on the basis of creed and country is penetrating Muslim world and I am afraid that Muslim may undervalue their unique conception of universality in humanity and overwhelmed by the regional nationhood, therefore being a Muslim and humanity loving I consider it my duty to make them recall their lesson and their role for progress of humanity”.

Allama Iqbal’s thinking

Although Allama Iqbal died several years before the creation of Pakistan but his idea of Pakistan produced profound impact on Quaid e Azam and Muslim leadership of sub-continent. Quaid e Azam himself acknowledged that Allama Iqbal thinking had great effect on him as he says in the preface of Allama Iqbals letters, “His views were substantially in consonance with my own and had finally led me to the same conclusions as a result of careful examination and study of the constitutional problems facing India and found expression in due course in the united will of Muslim India as adumbrated in the Lahore Resolution of the All-India Muslim League popularly known as the “Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.

“Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.

Speakers highlighted the importance of 392 days of Quaid e Azam’s life after the creation of Pakistan, for applying his principles and disciplinary approach and make continuous efforts according to his famous slogan of ‘Work, Work and only Work’. We have to make sure the supremacy of law and formulate the effective internal and foreign policy to address the contemporary issues and challenges so that we can raise the flag of Pakistan as a peaceful and progressive country in the eyes of all nations. Though we have achieved independence from British and Hindu domination, yet we have to get rid of corrupt and incompetent officials and bureaucratic system to realize the dream of true democracy. Speakers raised some critical question; do we really have built our country as dreamed of? Have we prepared our youth for progress of Pakistan? Have we been successful in creating the same passion at the time of Independence? We have to spread education and culture of research and innovation while awakening the spirit of Pakistan Movement because we have 53 million young persons. We have to build and improve national solidarity, sectarian cohesion, patience, peace and love so that Islam can enter into our hearts and homes; it would in turn bring social justice in our society and the rights of all individuals would be protected. This would bring progress and prosperity in our country. For building Pakistan we need same commitment and same dedication as displayed for the Pakistan movement.

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Another nail in the coffin – Now, the Governor State Bank’s Doings: Still Unpaid Loans of Nawaz & Shabaz Sharif



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Pillion Riding and Target Killing




Pillion Riding














April 21st, 2016

Pillion Riding and Target Killing 

The serpent of target killing has risen its deadly head once again killing 7 policemen in Karachi.  The eight killers on four motorbikes made good their escape as usual and probably would never be tracked down like scores of them before.  It is a too well-known phenomenon that 99.9 per cent of all such target killing is done by the killers on a motorbike. There are always two of them riding together, one doing the shooting and the other driving the bike. Since a motorbike is a small, handy and extremely maneuverable vehicle the killers weave their way through the heavy traffic and vanish in the nearby streets/bye lanes easily.  

One just wonders as to why such a simple fact is not being understood by the law enforcing authorities and the Pillion Riding is not banned in cities where required.  I know it would be hard on many and to ease it to some extent children under 12 and the ladies without veils could be exempted from such a ban.  Only two male adults should not be allowed to ride on a motorbike together.  As I said it will cause inconvenience to many and quite an uproar could come about amongst the commuters, but at times one has to take a bitter pill to eradicate the bigger menace. 

For the information of all during the pre-partitioned and even early days of Pakistan ‘doubling’ on a bicycle was an offence and strictly enforced too. None raised any objection to it. So, my dear law enforcing whiz kids, ban the pillion riding and save many a family from becoming a destitute. You ban it anyway on certain religious and other occasions.  Why not do it for good.  Life is much more important than the pillion riding convenience afforded to a few.

Anyone listening?!!! 

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: [email protected]

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