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Posted by admin in Defenders of Pakistan With a Pen, PAKISTAN THINK TANK DISTINGUISHED COMMENTATOR, PAKISTANI THINKERS & COMMENTATORS, Zionist-Hindutva axis of evil on December 30th, 2015
p style=”text-align: left;”>Future of Pakistan is at risk if the present policies continued than there will be no army and no generals to criticise said a senior analyst in London. The presidential election cost Pakistan billions not to mention the human cost of its own people sacrificed. Some one told me that,” a country where black economy take over the white economy that country is always ruled by MAFIA”.
A mafia who is playing a game of “good cop and bad cop” rules Pakistan to keep power and control but innocent soldiers and civilians are dying every day. But for how long is the question? The recent Presidential Ordinance is a typical example of mafia style amnesty by blackmail and you scratch my back and I will yours. The law enforcement agencies are not capable and trained to catch the high tech criminals in Pakistan. Sugar, wheat, shares and cement mafia is too strong. Yes more than a military chief and President armed with 58 (2) b.
The law of evidence needs to redefine. The multiplication of millionaires and billionaires in Pakistan is clear evidence that Mafia is running the show while the poor people of Pakistan are paying indirect taxes. The “law of conflict of interest” almost don’t exist. Some officials are bidding on line from their laptops in the stock exchanges while sitting in sensitive places and start the business after the stock markets are closed.
Some analysts are questioning if Pakistan is ready to face any external threats because sensitive institutions and some high-ranking officials are busy in other things than doing their jobs. I objected to the suggestion that Pakistan’s Armed Forces would act like Iraqi army in case of ‘war from outside’. Pakistan armed forces are the best professionally trained provided they are allowed to do what they are supposed to do.
The civilians are not exception at all especially who are planning to spend retired life in the US. Pakistan has compromising elite who is undermining the Sovereignty of Pakistan day in day out. According to some reliable sources the wife of Pakistani Foreign Secretary Riaz Mohmmad Khan is an indigenous US Citizen and working in the US State Department. Does it sound odd? Is there any conflict of interest? Is nuclear Pakistan a free country or a banana republic?
On 12th September 2007, US Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte who was leading the American team in talks called on Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Riaz Muhammad Khan before formal opening of the talks on Pakistan-United States strategic dialogue to promote bilateral relations and expand cooperation in various fields. Trouble follows wherever Negroponte goes.
Critics says certain minorities like Qadianis in Pakistan are playing major role as a bridge between Zionist state and present rulers of Pakistan through their up and running office in Israel and presence of approximately 600 Qadianis in the Israeli Army.
On Monday 8th October 2007 Israeli President Shimon Peres congratulated Pervez Musharraf on his yet unofficial re-election as president of Pakistan, a country with which Israel has no relations. “Although we do not have formal relations, I would like to convey my best wishes on your election as president of Pakistan for a second term,” Peres wrote in a letter made public.
“You have shown responsibility and strength in preventing the spread of violence and terrorism on many occasions and I carry in my heart your support for peace in the Middle East which I heard directly from you.”
Israel and Pakistan, the world’s second-most populous Muslim country, have no official relations. However, Musharraf and the now coma-stricken former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon shook hands on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September 2005.
President Musharraf made a surprise offer on Friday 20th April 2007, to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an interview with the pan-Arab satellite Television Al-Arabia.
Musharraf told the Dubai-based television that he would be willing to visit the Jewish state in order to help bring peace to the troubled Middle East. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Pakistan’s involvement would be welcomed, but said Musharraf’s effectiveness would likely be limited.
“Israel believes that moderate Muslim countries like Pakistan can play a very important role in helping and strengthening the Middle East peace process,” Regev said. “Having said that, experience has clearly demonstrated that the most successful mediators have always been those that have established and solid relationships with both sides.”
Israel on Saturday 21st April 2007, welcomed an offer by President General Pervez Musharraf to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but said it was doubtful the Pakistani leader could make much progress. But Israeli Prime Minister turned down the offer later on.
“General Pervez Musharaf’s coup seemed timely. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said to Newsweek Magazine (5 November 2001):’I told him [President Bush], we understand your strategy, as a good Jewish boy, I would have never dreamed that I would pray for the safety of Musharraf, the president of Pakistan. That is a most unexpected experience.”
Shimon Peres has a soft corner for General Musharaf for long time but why is a million dollar question? Why would a leader with blood of Palestinians on his hand love General Musharaf? That is for President and his team to think. People of Pakistan need justice not bullets need food not bombs. Does any one think Indian-US agenda and interests are common in Waziristan and Baluchistan?
(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award winning senior investigative journalist and writer on international terrorism, security and foreign policy based in London)
Posted by admin in Defenders of Pakistan With a Pen on August 27th, 2015
India is releasing a new movie called Phantom. Saif Ali Khan says he has “no faith in Pakistan”. This is what I think about the movie, and Saif’s statements.
Please Visit These Great Pakistani Websites:
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Posted by Dr. Salman in Pakistan's Free Media & Press, PAKISTANI THINKERS & COMMENTATORS on June 10th, 2013
Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan – Organized by MUSLIM Institute
Posted by admin in Muslim Institute Seminars, Pakistan-A Nation of Hope, PAKISTANI THINKERS & COMMENTATORS on April 24th, 2016
Seminar on
Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan
Organized by
MUSLIM Institute
MUSLIM Institute and Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue Islamic University organized a seminar titled “Pakistan movement and building Pakistan” at Islamic International University, Islamabad. Eminent scholars and political leaders participated in the seminar and expressed their views on the subject. The chief guest of the seminar was Lt. General (R) Senator Abdul Qayyum. The other worthy speakers were Dr. Masoom Yaseen Zai Rector Islamic International University, Former chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Akram Zaki, Former Finance Minister, Umer Ayub, Director IRD Dr. Talib Hussain Sial, Professor of History Department Qaid-e-Azam University Dr. Farooq Ahmed Dar, Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali and Research associate MUSLIM Institute, S.H. Qadri. Foreign delegates, professors and students of universities, scholars and researchers from different institutions, analysts and media persons actively participated in the seminar. The national anthem was played at the start of the session.
Experts expressing their views observed as under:
The main objective of Pakistan movement was to establish an Islamic welfare society in an independent state, where social justice could prevail and citizens can avail basic needs of life. It is evident from the address of thinker of Pakistan Allama Iqbal in his lecture at Aligarh that “It is not the unity of language or of country or the identity of economic interests that constitutes the basic principles of our nationality. It is because we all believe in a certain view of the Universe, and participate in the same historical traditions that we are members of the society founded by the Prophet of Islam.” In the same way Qauid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948 explained the nationalism and model of Government in Pakistan as “Pakistan constitution should incorporate the essential principles of Islam, which are as good and relevant in our day as they were Thirteen hundred years ago”. Qauid e Azam wants to lay the foundation of a modern welfare state where masses have complete religious independence and rights of minorities could also be protected.
‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement.
‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement. Only those movements can succeed which are backed by ground realities. Success of Pakistan movement also relies on the fact that it was backed by a great reality of ‘Two Nation Theory’. Qauid e Azam said that we are among those nations which have fallen and are through very hard times. After the devastation of eighteenth and nineteenth century Muslims were collapsed. From the fall of Mughal Empire till now Muslim of Sub continent were never faced by such a responsibility as by enduring the responsibility of Pakistan. Muslim ruled over Subcontinent for 800 hundred years and British snatched it from Muslims and now under their rule so our demand is from British not from the Hindus. If whole of the sub-continent might have come under the Hindus it might have wiped off the Muslim civilization and their culture. Allama Iqbal pointed out that “I am observing that ideology of Nationhood on the basis of creed and country is penetrating Muslim world and I am afraid that Muslim may undervalue their unique conception of universality in humanity and overwhelmed by the regional nationhood, therefore being a Muslim and humanity loving I consider it my duty to make them recall their lesson and their role for progress of humanity”.
Allama Iqbal’s thinking
Although Allama Iqbal died several years before the creation of Pakistan but his idea of Pakistan produced profound impact on Quaid e Azam and Muslim leadership of sub-continent. Quaid e Azam himself acknowledged that Allama Iqbal thinking had great effect on him as he says in the preface of Allama Iqbals letters, “His views were substantially in consonance with my own and had finally led me to the same conclusions as a result of careful examination and study of the constitutional problems facing India and found expression in due course in the united will of Muslim India as adumbrated in the Lahore Resolution of the All-India Muslim League popularly known as the “Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.
“Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.
Speakers highlighted the importance of 392 days of Quaid e Azam’s life after the creation of Pakistan, for applying his principles and disciplinary approach and make continuous efforts according to his famous slogan of ‘Work, Work and only Work’. We have to make sure the supremacy of law and formulate the effective internal and foreign policy to address the contemporary issues and challenges so that we can raise the flag of Pakistan as a peaceful and progressive country in the eyes of all nations. Though we have achieved independence from British and Hindu domination, yet we have to get rid of corrupt and incompetent officials and bureaucratic system to realize the dream of true democracy. Speakers raised some critical question; do we really have built our country as dreamed of? Have we prepared our youth for progress of Pakistan? Have we been successful in creating the same passion at the time of Independence? We have to spread education and culture of research and innovation while awakening the spirit of Pakistan Movement because we have 53 million young persons. We have to build and improve national solidarity, sectarian cohesion, patience, peace and love so that Islam can enter into our hearts and homes; it would in turn bring social justice in our society and the rights of all individuals would be protected. This would bring progress and prosperity in our country. For building Pakistan we need same commitment and same dedication as displayed for the Pakistan movement.
Pakistan Building, Pakistan Movement, Pakistan Perspectives
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