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Posts Tagged Musharraf

Mafia rule is security threat to Pakistan By Dr Shahid Qureshi

Mafia rule is security threat to Pakistan 
















p style=”text-align: left;”>Future of Pakistan is at risk if the present policies continued than there will be no army and no generals to criticise said a senior analyst in London. The presidential election cost Pakistan billions not to mention the human cost of its own people sacrificed. Some one told me that,” a country where black economy take over the white economy that country is always ruled by MAFIA”.

A mafia who is playing a game of “good cop and bad cop” rules Pakistan to keep power and control but innocent soldiers and civilians are dying every day. But for how long is the question? The recent Presidential Ordinance is a typical example of mafia style amnesty by blackmail and you scratch my back and I will yours. The law enforcement agencies are not capable and trained to catch the high tech criminals in Pakistan. Sugar, wheat, shares and cement mafia is too strong. Yes more than a military chief and President armed with 58 (2) b.

The law of evidence needs to redefine. The multiplication of millionaires and billionaires in Pakistan is clear evidence that Mafia is running the show while the poor people of Pakistan are paying indirect taxes. The “law of conflict of interest” almost don’t exist. Some officials are bidding on line from their laptops in the stock exchanges while sitting in sensitive places and start the business after the stock markets are closed.

Some analysts are questioning if Pakistan is ready to face any external threats because sensitive institutions and some high-ranking officials are busy in other things than doing their jobs. I objected to the suggestion that Pakistan’s Armed Forces would act like Iraqi army in case of ‘war from outside’. Pakistan armed forces are the best professionally trained provided they are allowed to do what they are supposed to do.

The civilians are not exception at all especially who are planning to spend retired life in the US. Pakistan has compromising elite who is undermining the Sovereignty of Pakistan day in day out. According to some reliable sources the wife of Pakistani Foreign Secretary Riaz Mohmmad Khan is an indigenous US Citizen and working in the US State Department. Does it sound odd? Is there any conflict of interest? Is nuclear Pakistan a free country or a banana republic?

On 12th September 2007, US Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte who was leading the American team in talks called on Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Riaz Muhammad Khan before formal opening of the talks on Pakistan-United States strategic dialogue to promote bilateral relations and expand cooperation in various fields. Trouble follows wherever Negroponte goes.

Critics says certain minorities like Qadianis in Pakistan are playing major role as a bridge between Zionist state and present rulers of Pakistan through their up and running office in Israel and presence of approximately 600 Qadianis in the Israeli Army.

On Monday 8th October 2007 Israeli President Shimon Peres congratulated Pervez Musharraf on his yet unofficial re-election as president of Pakistan, a country with which Israel has no relations. “Although we do not have formal relations, I would like to convey my best wishes on your election as president of Pakistan for a second term,” Peres wrote in a letter made public.

“You have shown responsibility and strength in preventing the spread of violence and terrorism on many occasions and I carry in my heart your support for peace in the Middle East which I heard directly from you.”

Israel and Pakistan, the world’s second-most populous Muslim country, have no official relations. However, Musharraf and the now coma-stricken former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon shook hands on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September 2005.

President Musharraf made a surprise offer on Friday 20th April 2007, to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an interview with the pan-Arab satellite Television Al-Arabia.

Musharraf told the Dubai-based television that he would be willing to visit the Jewish state in order to help bring peace to the troubled Middle East. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Pakistan’s involvement would be welcomed, but said Musharraf’s effectiveness would likely be limited.

“Israel believes that moderate Muslim countries like Pakistan can play a very important role in helping and strengthening the Middle East peace process,” Regev said. “Having said that, experience has clearly demonstrated that the most successful mediators have always been those that have established and solid relationships with both sides.”

Israel on Saturday 21st April 2007, welcomed an offer by President General Pervez Musharraf to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but said it was doubtful the Pakistani leader could make much progress. But Israeli Prime Minister turned down the offer later on.

“General Pervez Musharaf’s coup seemed timely. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said to Newsweek Magazine (5 November 2001):’I told him [President Bush], we understand your strategy, as a good Jewish boy, I would have never dreamed that I would pray for the safety of Musharraf, the president of Pakistan. That is a most unexpected experience.”

Shimon Peres has a soft corner for General Musharaf for long time but why is a million dollar question? Why would a leader with blood of Palestinians on his hand love General Musharaf? That is for President and his team to think. People of Pakistan need justice not bullets need food not bombs. Does any one think Indian-US agenda and interests are common in Waziristan and Baluchistan?

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award winning senior investigative journalist and writer on international terrorism, security and foreign policy based in London)

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Pen versus Gun — I by Citizen Pakistani

Pen versus Gun I

Citizen Pakistani

October 24, 2014


Heraclitus, a sixth century Greek philosopher, believed that the entire world was in a constant state of change. Therefore he said, “you can’t step twice into the same river,” because, “everything flows and nothing stays.” Nevertheless, change in human thought and affair has always been resisted. How to affect a change in a highly traditional society? Or shall we ask what the precursors to a change are? For one, skepticism must exist and develop into a critical mass. The other requirements are embracing rationalism, positivism, understanding of the relativism, and pursuing of reformism among other things. The so-called centuries of darkness and ignorance compelled intelligentsia to embrace reason, humanity, and sciences. This resulted in new trends in human thought and letters and the period of such trends was later termed as an Age of reason or Enlightenment. That, however, was only in the West.






The part of the world, where we live, the Middle and South Asia, escaped those events and remains entangled in the past, even to this day. Describing the life in early 20th century in Palestine, James Neil, in his Everyday Life in the Holy Land, wrote, “[..] everything in that life is strange to us. Every feature of it is foreign to our experience in the modern life of North-West.” Why? Neil explains, “[..]  the life is unchanged from the earliest ages. [..] Not only change of any kind thought inexpedient, but more, it is held to be morally wrong. Everything is bound to conform to a’adeh ‘custom.’ A’adeh is inexorable; it binds their life with an adamantine chain. They must not, cannot, dare not, do anything differently from the way their ancestors have done it. Thus all we see in Syria today— apart from European influence—is of hoary antiquity, a life five thousand years old!”


As diamonds are produced from carbon under very high temperatures and pressures, one might think, the distress, Mirza Ghalib went through whole of his life, may have made him produce immortal poetry. His pension was not only reduced but also discontinued for which he had to ride for months from Delhi to Calcutta to see General Charles Metcalfe. An incident happened in Calcutta at a gathering to which some Englishmen were also invited, Ghalib got very agitated, “[..] Whoever told you that Hindi is the language of Hindu and Urdu of the Muslim?” Ghalib continued, “This is the work of these Englishmen [..]” Later on when he did meet Metcalfe, Ghalib heard Metcalfe shout at him, ”Go! Go away! Go back to Dilli. .. You Indians are thankless. Small mind, small heart, can’t see far. You say Hindus-Muslims are bothers? Which brothers? Murderers. Killers. You people keep fighting. Keep murdering each other and then say that we divide you. Idiots. Fools. You can never be far sighted …” (Gulzar; MIRZA GHALIB, A Biographical Scenario). That was in year 1828.


Fast forward to August 1946 Calcutta, India;  “At dawn on August 16, Moslem mobs howling in a quasi-religious fervour came bursting from their slums, waving clubs, iron bars, shovels, any instrument capable of smashing in a human skull. They came to answer a call issued by the Moslem League, proclaiming August 16 “Direct Action Day,” to prove to Britain and the Congress Party that India’s Moslem were prepared ‘to get Pakistan for themselves by Direct Action if necessary. [..] Later the Hindu mobs came storming out of their neighbourhoods, looking for defenceless Moslems to slaughter. Never in all its violent history, had Calcutta known twenty-four hours as savage, as packed with human viciousness.” (Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre: Freedom at Midnight).


October 10, 2014, Islamabad, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, while chairing the National Security Committee meeting, asked the army to employ a “tit for tat” strategy against India over the recent unprovoked border shelling and firing, spoke highly of the armed forces and expressed confidence in their capabilities, and aired his view, “War with India isn’t an option.” (Daily Times, October 11, 2014). On the same day in Lahoreaddressing a protest rally against Indian violation of the Line of Control, Hafiz Saeed,  chief of Jamat-ud-Dawa, labeled as a terror group and slapped with economic sanctions by the United States, had to say, “ [the Indian violation] was the result of the meeting between American President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendera Modi ..” (Daily Times, October 10, 2014).


October 13, 2014, Karachi, Ex Pak Army Chief and President of Pakistan, “Pervez Musharraf said on Monday that Pakistan should respond tit for tat for ceasefire violations by India along the Working Boundary and Line of Control (LoC).” (Daily Times, October 14, 2014). Musharraf and Shareef brothers, who may consider each other nemesis and the general public may locate them on the opposite poles, but their thoughts about the so-called “violations” on the eastern borders of Pakistan are quite the same.


While India and Pakistan claim themselves as nuclear powers, yet keep spending billions of dollars annually on weapons, the rulers of the two countries failed completely to arrest rampant poverty in their large populations and seized up to ramp up basic healthcare infrastructure for the masses. “The two countries with the largest cuts in aid to basic education from 2010 to 2012 were India and Pakistan, even though both sit among the top five countries in the world with the most children out of school,” suggested recently the new figures of the Education for All – EFA Global Monitoring Report of UNESCO. And while the political and military leaders of the two countries with their age-old a’adeh [ Arabic: custom] keep refusing to prevent the killing of civilians and soldiers even at otherwise very elaborate and electrified international border, which the divisive and sharp knife of Sir Cyril Radcliff had created in 1947 to carve out Pakistan from the map of British India and which has recorded over it the greatest human migrations of religious necessity in the history of humankind; all Muslims in the East Punjab had to run for their life as had the Hindus and Sikhs in the West Punjab; thousands were killed, maimed, and raped. Thousands of families that were otherwise well settled in their forefathers’ land and were flourishing happily, had to leave with whatever they could hold in their two hands on a moment’s notice. The border which have already seen so much of human blood, misery and depravation still keep on demanding intermittently more human blood, internal displacements and misery since the creation of Pakistan; thanks to the ‘wisdom’ of all of our civil and military leaders ever since then.


[email protected]


(to be continued)

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The Musharraf Drama

The Musharraf Drama

Musharraf-bashing is all a charade, a part of a bigger game, to distract the nation from the pathetic performance of the govt while the media is hand in glove with the govt in this charade. 


The PPP-Jiyala govt (with media support) squandered / wasted their five-year term observing barsies (death anniversaries). 


This PMLN-Mutwala govt (with media support) will spend their five your term pressing cases against Musharraf who is a dead horse. 


In the end, the nation will be ten years behind and the Ghareeb Awaam will be poorer than ever while we keep bickering about Mush while the issues like law & order, unemployment, galloping inflation, cost of living etc all remain conveniently buried and untouched by the media + the intelligentsia. 


For eff’s sake, Mush is dead and gone; bury him. There are other more burning issues. The average man on the street does not give a damn whether it is a democrat who rules the the country or a dictator. All the average man on the street wants is two square meals a day and a secure job. In fact I personally don’t give a damn. If you ask me I would vote for the entity that would stem the rot, root out corruption and nip the evil in the bud; I will vote for even the Taalibaan if they can bring this about.



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Musharraf ?

Musharraf ?


Inam Khawaja


The facts about General (Retd) Syed Pervaiz Musharraf have not been correctly and fully reported in both Pakistani and international media. It is therefore necessary to put on record all the facts.

Musharraf’s father Syed Musharraf uddin was a graduate from Aligarh Muslim University. After graduation he joined the office of the Director General Civil Supplies Government of India in a clerical position. In 1947 he opted for Pakistan and was transferred to the newly established Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Karachi. In 1949 he was posted in the Pakistan Embassy Ankara. On his return from Ankara (in 1956) he progressed in his career retiring as a section officer in the Ministry of Foreign affairs. He was not a member of the Foreign Service.


Musharraf’s mother Begum Zehra Musharraf did her Masters in English literature from Indraprastha College Delhi. After the family’s return from Ankara she joined ILO in a secretarial position and retired in 1986-87.

Pervaiz Musharraf was born on August 11, 1943 in Delhi (Daryagunj). He was four years old when he came to Pakistan with his parents. He was home tutored by a German teacher in Ankara. He is fluent in English and Turkish. On return from Ankara in 1956 he attended Saint Patrick’s High School Karachi and passed the matriculation examination (not O level) in 1958 thereafter, he joined Forman Christian College in Lahore. He did not complete his degree just passed F.Sc.

Musharraf got married in 1968 to Begum Sehba Musharraf and has one son,
Bilal Musharraf, and a daughter, Ayla. Both are married with two


children of their own. His son lives in Boston. His brother also lives in the
United States. Both are US Citizens.

 Personal Likes

Musharraf is fond of designer suits (Armani), handmade shoes however; his recent pictures show that he has not kept up to date because he is wearing jackets with broad lapels!!  He smokes Cuban cigars, enjoys Pakistani music and the company of friends.

Army Career

 In 1961 he entered the Pakistan Military Academy at Kakul as a cadet and was commissioned in the Pakistan Artillery in 1964. He is a graduate of the Staff College, Quetta, the National Defense College and the Royal College of Defence Studies, United Kingdom.

On 5, September 1965 General Court Marshal Proceedings were initiated against Musharraf for absenting from duty for a full week without permission but, were squashed due to the attack on Pakistan by India on the morning of 6, September 1965. As a result Musharraf escaped being cashiered from the Army and participated in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Self Propelled Artillery Regiment and was awarded Imtiazi Sanad for gallantry. In the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 he fought as a Company Commander in the SSG Commando Battalion.

He has commanded Regiments of Artillery, an Artillery Brigade and then went on to command an Infantry Division. He was promoted Lt. General in 1995 by Benazir Bhutto. In 1998 he was recommended for appointment as COAS by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in supersession of Lieutenant- General Ali Kuli Khan, who was the senior most and the second in line Lieutenant-General Khalid Nawaz Khan.



Relations with General Zia-ul-Haq

After General Zia-ul-Haq’s coup detate on 6, July 1977 Musharraf was chosen for special assignments, he served in District Martial Law Administration HQ. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 Musharraf was involved in the preparation of Mujahedeen for the Jihad in Afghanistan. Zia chose him to command the newly raised SSG base at Khapalu in Siachin area. In 1987 when Musharraf’s name came up for the post of Military Secretary to President Zia-ul-Haq his commanding officer wrote; “he is not at home with pomp and show”. This saved his life because Zia’s military secretary died with him in the air crash in August 1988.

Relations with Benazir Bhutto

In 1988–89, (as Brigadier) Musharraf proposed the Kargil infiltration scheme to Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto but she rebuffed the plan.  After promotion Major-General Musharraf worked closely with the Chief of Army Staff as Director-General of Pakistan Army’s Directorate General for the Military Operations (DGMO). During this time, Musharraf became close to the Director General of ISI Lieutenant General Javed Nasir and had worked with him while directing operations in the Bosnian war. His political philosophy was influenced by Benazir Bhutto who mentored him on various occasions and he became close to her on military policy issues and India. During 1993–95, Musharraf repeatedly visited the United States as part of Benazir Bhutto’s delegations. It was Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman who lobbied for his promotion to Benazir Bhutto, and subsequently getting his promotion papers approved by Benazir Bhutto which eventually led to his appointment in Benazir Bhutto’s key staff. In 1993, Musharraf personally assisted Benazir Bhutto to have a secret meeting in the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, D.C. with officials from Mussad and the special envoy of Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin.  It was during these visits that Musharraf developed extremely cordial relationship with Shaukat Aziz who, at that time, was serving in a very senior position heading the global financial services of the Citibank.

After the collapse of the fractious Afghan government in 1994 Musharraf assisted General Babar and ISI in devising a policy of supporting the newly formed Taliban government in their war against the Northern Alliance.


His Failing Trait

Even a casual glance at what is in public domain reveals that he often acts impulsively without fully evaluating all the possible consequences of his impending action. A few of such well known acts are undernoted.

1)   Absenting from duty just before the war in September 1965.

2)   The 1998 incursion in Kargil.

3)   The reference against Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in March 2007.

4)   Declaring emergency on 3, November 2007.

5)   The NRO deal with PPP.

In all the above acts Musharraf did not fully evaluate the possible consequences of his action. In 1965 the Court Marshal proceedings were squashed due to the Indian attack on the morning of 6, September 1965. In Kargil India instead of seeking a settlement of Kashmir mobilized the full force of their armed forces. The Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry instead of resigning and accepting a fat job stood firm, the reference failed and he was restored. In declaring the emergency he ignored the Article 6 of the Constitution. With respect to NRO he ignored the possibility of PPP joining hands with PML (N) and initiating impeachment proceedings against him forcing him to resign and go in self exile.

True to form Musharraf returned to Pakistan against (reportedly) the advice of his well wishers and ignored all the cases pending in the courts. It needs to be noted that he has only been granted bail and has not been acquitted in any of these cases. Once again it appears that he ignored all the opinion polls and the fact that Musharraf now faces the tribunal under Article 6 of the Constitution.

November 19, 2013


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Musharraf’s life versus tomato price

Musharraf’s life versus tomato price

Posted on 2013-11-21 05:09:40 by Manzoor Ali


Good Morning: Manzoor Ali

There are those who say that Nawaz Sharif is a stubborn politician and then there are some who say he is not a fickle politician. Those who say he is stubborn, say it negatively, meaning that he is sticking up for wrong things and the wrong time and those who claim he is not fickle mean that the PML-N chief will not deviate from his proclaimed good cause even if moving forward with becomes tough. 
In the present context many wanted the prime minister not to try the former president. They argue that Masharraf, whatever his misdeeds, is nevertheless an ex-army chief and down from the ordinary soldier up to the generals will not like him being tried and punished. For the ordinary troops it would mean degrading the whole army, those who call Nawaz Sharif a stubborn politician who images-43will need the writing on the wall and engage in combat with the generals. They say that democracy in Pakistan has been replanted and it still has to grow upwards and grow roots downwards, they also say, it is too easy to uproot the sapling of democracy. 
Total absurd who say that Nawaz Sharif is not a fickle politicians and will not change course for the right path even if things get tough. They say that, whenever, a general is tried for aborting or suspending the Constitution such apprehension will have to be faced and unless a civilian government comes forward and shows guts, some generals will always harbour the hope of becoming the rulers of the country through unconstitutional means. Those who call Nawaz Sharif \’Not a fickle politicians\’, also, say that Nawaz Sharif promised to restore the judiciary and he restored it against great odd; similarly he vowed to put Musharraf on trial, not for the personal discomfort he caused the current prime minister but for violating the constitution, and he has kept this promise in spite of threats to his government. 
For the common man, it is impossible to judge whether Nawaz Sharif is simply stubborn or just \’not a fickle politician\’ unless they either see the general punished or the army take over the country; however, right now they are definitely thinking that Nawaz Sharif has broken his promises by not bringing the prices of daily use items down; instead, the common man thinks that he has broken his vows with the people as the prices are going up and things are getting beyond the reach of the ordinary Pakistanis. 
The people see the rupee going down against the major currencies of the world and they see the prices at the local markets going up and they also see the government doing nothing about the falling rupee or the rising prices. They also see that expect for the first month when the government went after, or gave the impression of, going after the big electricity and gas thieves, it has done nothing to curb corruption. The people of Pakistan are simple but not simpletons; they know that had the government curbed line losses (code phrase for power theft), the first man to come on the television and report the success to the people would have been Khawaja Asif. However, with the way things are going they see no hope of seeing the power minister on the small screen announcing the good news. 
Unknown-49-1As I said the people of this country are simple but not simpletons; they know that had the big fish who evade paying taxes were caught and forced to pay, the first man to come on television screen and report increase in revenue from income tax would have been Finance Minister Ishaq Dar but the common Pakistani doesn\’t expect to see him soon on TV making this announcement. 
The people of Pakistan are, however, asking the question whether putting Musharraf on trial or convicting him will bring the prices of the items of daily use down? If not then the people of this country have no state in whether Nawaz Sharif is stubborn politician or a \’not fickle politician or whether the retired general is punished or left free to play gold. 
Maybe, Nawaz Sharif and his political subordinate in the government do not know but the fact is that the people of Pakistan will not vote for him because he brought the Asghan Khan case to life again or that he got Musharraf convicted for treason. They will judge their own financial conditions and ask themselves the question: Are we better off than we were five years ago? If the answer is \’no\’ they will not vote for the PML-N candidates even if Nawas puts all the other previous dictators trial, get them convicted and gets death sentences form them and hangs the skeletons of the dead dictators, the people will not vote for him. However, they will vote for him if the prices of wheat, tomato, potato and sugar go down. 

[email protected]


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