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Archive Article: How Pakistan was Sold for $8 Billion!








October 2011

Pakistan Sold for $8 billion?


Dr Shahid Qureshi

One can safely say that current ruling Pakistani elite including political, civil, business and military have sold Pakistan as much as for roughly $8 billion worth of assets abroad. This rough estimate is based on the available figures of two leading figures in Pakistani politics Nawaz Sharif & Brothers Limited and Zardari & Co Limited who have properties and assets abroad mainly in the USA, UK, Europe and else where.The others are Chaudhry brothers of PML-Q, ANP leader Asfandyar Wali, Rehman Malik and others also have assets abroad. British national and self exiled MQM-A leader Altaf Hussain is also part of political sharks in terms of assets abroad.The foreign assets of other politicians like Imran Khan and religious parties are not yet reported. But one can not rule anything out. One thing is common among almost all Pakistani politicians and Generals is that all of them have their children or grand children living, studying abroad with foreign nationalities or married to foreign nationals. Hypercritically those who shout the loudest against the US have send their sons and daughters their too.There is another class who has assets abroad and that is members of civil, military establishments and corrupt business elite. They are the protectors of the assets of these politicians. They teach them the tricks of ‘sophisticated bank robberies’, wiping out their bank loans, taking commissions from international firms and safely depositing them abroad. There is a tiny minority in Karachi, who is ready to serve any one and every one in terms of money laundering, playing with the currency exchange rates and provides help in the flight of capital out of Pakistan. They place their members on high positions in the disguise of ‘great community workers’ but in actual fact these people are responsible for funding terrorism and gang warfare in Karachi to all sides. They act as a bank for enemies of Pakistan. Their media channels follow the lines of the enemies of Pakistan in media and psychological warfare. They are the champions of flourishing of ‘black economy’ in Pakistan. That is why we find them in almost each and every financial scandal in the known memory of Pakistani corruption.Most of the above got these properties and assets by robbing Pakistan and selling its sovereignty. The so called business community of Karachi is at the fore front in facilitating the flight of capital abroad and later investments in their projects. They are in the ‘gold circle’ of the current regime and so called elite.They are the real gangsters and worst than target killers. After reading most of JIT (Joint Investigation Team) reports of target killers from Karachi one can safely say these are the poor people living in deprived areas killing around innocent people on the orders of shady elite living in posh areas with guards in big mansions. One can find this so called business community in all shady deals and working as bank for any one and every one especially the nasty neighbours.In London they have readymade business plans for Pakistani crooks and cons with money. Some of them regularly attend religious gatherings and give large sums in charity to get credibility among the clerics. Without knowing the source of the money some clerics do special prayers for them. Some of them are notorious for frequently doing ‘bankruptcies’, insolvencies as well as running special religious TV channels. Well money can buy you anything? That is how they get their people placed on the influential positions with access to sensitive information.This is the small minority of people has held Pakistan hostage to the foreigners just to protect their assets, properties, foreign nationalities and green cards. The freezing of assets of Arab leaders after the Arab spring in the past few months should be a wake up call and lesson for others? The lesson is your money is safer in your own country than a foreign plastic platinum card in your back pockets.   Bashing of Pakistan’s military both as an institution and its generals for both right and wrong reasons is quite fashionable. Pakistan’s military and nuclear assets are the main target of the enemies and so called friends. Pakistan’s army is a voluntary force; everybody can join the army and may be after the 30 years of service an officer become a general, others retires as they go along their careers.“The personal wealth of Pakistani generals is estimated at £3.5m a head’, according to The Guardian’s report, “The plot to bring back Benazir” published on 21st July 2007. The musical chair of politicians and military is harming the existence of Pakistan. The elite of Pakistan are institutionally corrupt and now become an organised ‘mafia’. Scandals of ‘steel mills’, sugar mills, cement; stock exchange has broken the records of previous corruptions. The culprits are from both opposition and ruling party.Few years ago Zardari – Benazir Bhutto assets worth more than $ 2 billion according to Saifurahman and according to NAB figure are around $1.2bn [£ 830m]. Raja Bashir of The Pakistani National Accountability Bureau told The Guardian that, “Ms Bhutto has 26 bank accounts, 14 properties and total assets of one billion sterling pounds abroad. We are very glad that other countries are cooperating with us.”On March 2, 2006, The Dawn newspaper reported that Benazir’s assets in Spain ‘unearthed’, The National Accountability Bureau claimed to have unearthed two more offshore companies and a villa in Spain owned by former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. A spokesman of the bureau said that judicial authorities of Spain had frozen assets of two Sharjah-based companies, Petroline and Tempo Global Gains, as well as their six bank accounts.The villa worth half million Euros, allegedly owned by Ms Bhutto and her three children, Bilawal Zardari, Bakhtawar Zardari and Asifa Zardari in Playas Del Arenal, Marbella, had also been seized by the High Court of the Valencia province, the NAB claimed. The NAB official said the Petroline Company was owned by Ms Bhutto, former FIA director-general Rehman Malik and Hassan Ali Jafferi and was established in 2000.Nawaz Sharif had no connection with the feudal elite. His family moved from Jati Umra near Amritsar and by 1960 they owned a few modest size factories – iron foundry, ice making, and water pump factory.Some how Mian Sharif managed to reach General Jill, as General Ghulam Jilani Governor of Punjab in General Zia’s regime He literally begged to give a break in politics to Nawaz Sharif. That is how he got into the military’s chicken farm and his factories started laying golden eggs.  Nawaz Sharif was appointed as finance minister of Punjab in 1983.  In 1981 the family business group Ittefaq turnover was Rs. 337 million, but by 1987 it had soared to at least Rs. 2,500 million, that is according to the group’s own accounts. Within four years Ittefaq had become one of the wealthiest private industrial groups in Pakistan. ‘Hard work and grace of Allah’ explained Shehbaz Sharif. One can imagine the miraculous growth in the assets of billions now. Investing in politics is not bad business at all in Pakistan.







According to Asia Week, Rehman Malik current Interior minister and key holder of Zardari’s safe produced 200-page report of MNS’s corruption. The secret document was leaked to the London-based Observer newspaper published details of alleged corruption involving the MNS and his family. According to the report, the Sharif family obtained loans from Pakistani state banks for business purposes and illegally converted the money into foreign exchange worth at least $66 million.According to the report, the Sharif family acquired properties in London through two companies, Nescoll and Nielsen Enterprises, registered in the British Virgin Islands and linked to a bank account in Lahore in the name of a fictitious person: Suleman Zia. The four flats in Avondale House in Park Lane are said to be worth at least £ 750,000, which worth millions of pounds keeping in view the current housing market in London. Not a bad deal!What clinched the appointment for Nawaz Sharif as PM was a word to the presidency by the then ISI chief Lt. Gen Hamid Gull, that the army believed he was a better choice. General Hamid Gull now regrets his misjudgement. Subsequently the President also dismissed him. Nawaz Sharif’s problem was power: a pathological crass compounded by crass incompetence. Nawaz Sharif also seemed to be an ungrateful person. He did not feel any obligation towards president Ghulam Ishaq Khan, nor did he ever say ‘thank you’ to General Hamid Gull’.The smart business minded ‘Abbaji’ late father of Nawaz Sharif invited General Asif Nawaz to his Lahore residence. After a fatherly ‘tête-à-tête’, Abbaji told the new army chief that he was like his son and requested him to take his two sons Nawaz and Shehbaz under his wings: and also told the ‘children’ that they must follow and never disregard the General Sahib’s advice. And one last thing Abbaji said to the General Sahib, as he came to see him out off at the porch of his house, ‘my both children have a Mercedes each, and here is the key to yours; you are like a son to me.’It didn’t work with General Asif Nawaz, he felt offended and therefore, instead of being able to buy the General, Nawaz Sharif had instead lost his respect too.“I sent Ghous Ali Shah to gave a lift home to General Musharraf and inform him that he has been deposed in absence said Nawaz Sharif while addressing a meeting in Manchester in July 2007. How intelligent was to promote engineering corp’s, Kashmiri, General Zia and decorate him with the badges purchased from Sadar Bazar Rawalpindi, MNS must be thinking in his spare time? Majeed Nizami editor of the Nawa-e-Waqt a closest ally of Nawaz Sharif had to remark that they used to regard Benazir Bhutto as a ‘security risk’, it seemed Nawaz Sharif was a greater security risk. He was indeed the worst thing that had happened to Pakistan since independence. Whether it was money, morals or security, the nation found it difficult to trust him. His recent speech at SAFMA attracted lot of controversies. MNS don’t believe in reading and learning?It is interesting that when Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri freedom fighters were battling against the Indian army on the freezing heights of Kargil, Nawaz Sharif’s business proxies were selling sugar to India . India did not need to import any sugar and yet if Vajpayee had accepted to buy Pakistani sugar it was only to sweeten his relationship with Nawaz Sharif.It is highly significant that when the Kargil crisis broke out both George Fernandez and K S Sudarshan, the former a socialist and India’s defence minister and the later leader of BJP militant wing RSS themselves exculpate Nawaz Sharif of any blame. If the Indians were trying to protect Nawaz Sharif, they must have had very good reasons to do so. It is this selfish and opportunist behaviour that made these leaders make decisions against the interests of Pakistani state? Take the example of US aid to Pakistan and kind of work these people agree to do in return.  More recently angry and sarcastic attitude of Nawaz Sharif against the military is deplorable, when thousands of soldiers have lost their lives while his sons and nephews are doing multi million dollar businesses abroad. Pakistani politicians including Nawaz Sharif can only have moral high ground on others once they prove themselves. That they look after Pakistan’s national interests more than their personal wealth hidden abroad. They don’t take decisions which harm the interests of Pakistan just because their assets could be frozen abroad.The US aid to Pakistan has actually proven to be a ‘rip off and fraud’ by financial terrorists of Wall Steers.  There is no doubt that US has caused more than $70 billion losses to Pakistan since 2001. On the other hand only aided/lend or both $22.87 billion from 1950 to 2010. Most part of that aid actually never arrived in Pakistan as it was paid to your defence and military complexes back in the USA.  This rip off could only be possible if people mentioned above have prostituted themselves for personal interests.  Breakdown of US aid as reported:Total US Aid: $22.87 billion in 60 years & losses to Pakistan: $60 billion1950-1964     2.5bn economic and 500 m military aid1965-1979     2.55 billion economic and 26 million military 1980-1990     5 billion military and economic aid 1991-2000     429 million economic and $5.2 million military 2001-2009     3.6 billion economic and 9 billion military 2009-2015     7.5 billion approved under Kerry Lugar Bill aid mostly non military ($1.5 billion per year)Almost all the regimes of Pakistan have been prostituting with the enemies by deliberately harming the state of Pakistan and following IMF agenda e.g. gas and electric shortages to destroy the industrial infrastructure, Railways and Pakistan Steel. They have ignored the risks and challenges concerning the US lead military occupation of Afghanistan and drone attacks on Pakistan. Pakistan has suffered approximately $70 billion economic, human losses, structural damages to roads and bridges deployed more than 147,800 troops conducting combat operations in the tribal areas along the Afghan border. The Pakistan armed forces has lost more than 3,200 soldiers, with another 6,400 injured. They sustain an average of 10 casualties each day, and approximately 35,000 Pakistani civilians killed by suicide bombers and terrorism.  US policies around the world and especially in Pakistan created refugees and approximately 2 million internally displaced people (IDPs) in SWAT and FATA to further destabilize the country. Millions of people in Pakistan are waiting to be fully rehabilitated; 2.5 million Afghan refugees are a burden on the economy of Pakistan as well as causing social problems. They can’t go back to Afghanistan as US and NATO have occupied Afghanistan and fighting an unwinnable war.One can assume that Pakistani nation suffered both human and financial losses only because this small minority of people have their few billion dollars worth assets in USA, UK, Dubai, Malaysia and Europe. If current regime and political stake-holders in government really sincere with Pakistan, they should bring their money back to Pakistan. They can enjoy their wealth and it will be safe and unfrozen.A bird (dollar) in the hand is much better than two (dollars) in the Bush(land).

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Pakistan’s Politicians & Their Foreign Masters Wikileaks Disclosures

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Xinhua ‘Analysis’: Pakistan Nods Affirmative for North Waziristan
Xinhua “Analysis”: “Pakistan Nods Affirmative for North Wa Waziristan
Operation” – Xinhua
Thursday, June 10, 2010, 13:33:03 GMT
by Syed Moazzam Hashmi

ISLAMABAD, June 10 (Xinhua) — In the fast developing scenario where the
certain subsequent events have boiled the mercury in Obama administration
once again to insist on Pakistan hitting terrorist strongholds in the
tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, Pakistan’s top officials have given an
affirmative nod to the start of operation in North Waziristan.”Our next
priority is going to be North Waziristan, but we have to time our
operations in line with our resources,” Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah
Mahmood Qureshi said on Wednesday.”At the moment we are consolidating our
position in South Waziristan,” he stated during a visit to Turkey while
emphasizing that Pakistan’s next priority in the fight against the
insurgent Taliban is North Waziristan.”The cat is out of t he bag,” Arshi
Saleem, senior research analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies in
Islamabad, told Xinhua on Thursday while commenting on the long rumored
the myth of the possibility of a military operation in North
Waziristan.Pakistani military chief General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani in his a recent visit to the tribal areas had declared victory in some parts of the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan against insurgent militants in
continuing operations in South Waziristan tribal areas.Analysts believe
that the victory declaration mean an affirmative nod to the imminent
operation in the North Waziristan’ s tribal areas as much desired by the
United States for long while winding up the chapter in South
Waziristan.”Certainly, it will give another reason to think fast about
cleaning up of the mess in North Waziristan,” Arshi Saleem, an Afghan
Affairs and Counter-Terrorism expert with IRS, commented while referring
to Tuesday midnight terror attack on a NATO supply convoy  near Pakistani
capital Islamabad that killed eight and destroyed 60 trucks.Punjabi
Taliban, a splinter group of disbanded Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
which is associated with Al-Qaeda, had claimed the responsibility for the
attack. On May 28, nearly 100 people including worshippers, policemen and
others were killed in twin suicide attacks in the eastern city of Lahore.
Punjabi Taliban and another Al-Qaeda-affiliated group had accepted the
responsibility for these terror attacks.”We might see some explosions here
and there that would be justification enough to start the operation and
convince the tribals as well as the media,” said Arshi Saleem, who is also
on the faculty of the National Defense University (NDU) in
Islamabad.The Pakistani military has already been badly stretched conducting
an operation in South Waziristan in the restive Pakistani tribal belt
bordering Afghanistan while keeping a massive presence on the eastern
border with India.According to reports, among the total 19 divisions of
some 500, 000-plus armed forces of Pakistan, seven to eight divisions are
currently engaged in counter-terrorism. Its two divisions are in South
Waziristan, one in North Waziristan, two in Swat and Dir and other areas
of the Islamic state that has long been experiencing extremist
militancy.Putting aside the possibility of an imminent full-scale
operation in North Waziristan while supporting his former colleagues, the
defense and security analyst Major General (retired) Jamshed Ayaz told
Xinhua, “No, I doubt it. The army chief does not want it.”Pakistani
military General Kayani told Obama administration in end-March that
Pakistani will not launch a “stream roller” operation in North
Waziristan.Analysts believe that it would not be possible for Pakistan to
absolutely prevent incidents of terrorism, which could be individuals in
nature or involving the unbridled non-state actors, from terrorizing the
170 million Pakistan is with off-and-on suicide bombings across the South
Asian nuclear state, thus, providing all reasons to the U.S. side, the
most important ally of Pakistan in the war against terror, to switch on a
massive offensive in North Waziristan.North Waziristan is known to be
unconquered due to its difficult terrain and resultant poor economy which
make its warlords vulnerable to moneyed foreign and local militants that
have been seeking refuge there after escaping from South
Waziristan.Miranshah, the headquarters of North Waziristan, and Mir Ali
are reported to be the strongholds of Al- Qaeda that include TTP, Punjabi
Taliban from south Punjab province, who mainly work under the flag of
“Lashkar-e-Jhangvi” (a disbanded Sunni extremist outfit), and foreign
militants including Chechens, Uzbeks, and Arabs.North Waziristan is
inhabited by Wazir and Dawar tribes. Both Siraj Haqqani and Hafiz Gul
Bahadur are Waziris while another militant Maulana Sadiq Noor who is
allied to TTP is from Dawar tribe.Analysts believe that it would be quite
interesting to watch this mercurial situation with the following
questions: What would be the operation aimed at in North Waziristan? What
would happen if the possible operation would be directed against Al-Qaeda
and the Punjabi Taliban? And how their comrades would react within
Pakistani cities if the fugitive Punjabi and sectarian militants were
targeted in the tribal areas? Why the strongholds of Punjabi Taliban so
far have not been raided? It might lead to some debate and conclusions as
the events unfold in the days to come.(Description of Source: Beijing
Xinhua in English — China’s official news service for English-language
audiences (New China News Agency))

The material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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Journalist Says Taliban Take Money To Give Safe Passage to NATO Supply
Words in double slant lines are in English. – Geo News TV
Thursday, June 10, 2010, 13:12:44 GMT
military supplies for the Western forces in Afghanistan, transported via
Pakistan. The attack took place at a //terminal// near Islamabad where
these trucks were parked. Around 12 persons attacked the terminal around
midnight and burned 60 trucks. Eighty cars and a lot of
military supplies were destroyed in this attack. These military supplies
were being transported to Afghanistan. Every month, around 1500 trucks
transport military supplies to Afghanistan via Karachi. The supplies reach
the Karachi port from where they are loaded on trucks and transported to
different areas in Afghanistan, particularly Kabul and Bagram, via Chaman
and Khyber. Yesterday’s attack was the biggest one in Pakistan since 2001,
in which eight persons were killed, most of them drivers or cleaners of
the trucks. This is the biggest loss to the Western forces in the
transportation of their military supplies via Pakistan. During the last 10
years, military supplies worth billions of dollars have been transported
to Afghanistan via Pakistan, but this supply line has never faced any
major threat. Observers have often expressed their astonishment and the
Western media has been writing as to what is the reason that the Taliban
and other extremists do not interrupt this supply line or try to
disconnect it. To understand this, let us talk to Rahimullah Yousafzai in
Peshawar, resident editor of The News

. Yousafzai, what is the significance of yesterday’s incident?

(Begin live relay) (Yousafzai over video link) It has great significance
because it has taken place near Islamabad. All reports are saying that the attack has taken place near the capital city of Pakistan despite tight
security. An attack of this magnitude has taken place after a long time
and has caused a lot of damage; that is why it is being talked about in
the media a lot. These attacks used to take place on Peshawar Ring Road,
where there were quite a few terminals, which were later moved to Punjab
in the areas of Attock and Tarnol, where yesterday’s attack has taken
place. The number of attacks is not much according to the number of trucks
carrying the supplies.

(Khan) What is the reason? To destroy the enemy’s supply line is an
important part of the war strategy. The trucks, carrying supplies for the
Western forces, pass through areas in Afghanistan, which are considered to
be strongholds of the Taliban; what is the reason that they do not face a
major threat?

(Yousafzai) Attacks have taken place, but the supply line has never been
disconnected for a long time. It remained disconnected for a few days in
Khyber after it was attacked in Peshawar. A major reason for this is that
these supplies are not transported by the US or NATO forces, but by
contractors, who are responsible for the safe transportation of the
supplies. The contractor may give money to the Taliban or do anything to
ensure the safety of the supplies. There are reports that these
contractors have links with the Taliban and other extremist groups and pay
them //protection money// for the safe passage of the supplies. This is a
major source of income for the Taliban, but it is not talked about much.
Apart from the Taliban, there are also criminal gangs who take money from
the contractors. The contractors set aside a certain amount from the
contract money to use it for safe passage.

Khan asks: “The attack on the military supplies near Islamabad coincides
with the Taliban attacks on the Western forces in Afghanistan, in which 15
soldiers of Western forces have been killed during the last 48-hour. Do
you think their timing has any significance?”

(Yousafzai) Whenever the Western forces plan a major military action as in
Helmand and the impending action in Kandahar, they have to come out and
travel by road. It is not difficult for the Taliban to lay mines on the
roads. Most of the killings are caused by mines, and so far, the NATO
forces have been unable to counter this . They have tr ied using new
equipment and devices, but the attacks are still taking place. It seems
that the Taliban have got new weapons and their accuracy to hit the target
has been improved, because a lot of NATO helicopters are being knocked
down. Even the Drones have been knocked down in Afghanistan and every time
NATO commanders attribute it to technical fault, but it is not possible
that all the Drones fell down because of technical reasons. In my view,
the Taliban are targeting the aircrafts and knocking them down.

(Khan) Thank you very much Yousafzai. (end of live relay)

(Description of Source: Karachi Geo News TV in Urdu — 24-hour satellite
news TV channel owned by Pakistan’s Jang publishing group. Known for
providing quick and detailed reports of events. Geo’s focus on reports
from India is seen as part of its policy of promoting people-to-people
contact and friendly relations with India.)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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Pakistan Press Nawa-e Waqt 10 Jun 10
To request additional processing, call OSC at (800) 205-8615, (202)
338-6735; or fax (703) 613-5735. – Nawa-e Waqt
Thursday June 10, 2010 12:45:14 GMT
pictures on page one sho w Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and the
Chinese deputy prime minister witnessing signing of an agreement, the
Chinese deputy prime minister exchanging views with President Asif Ali
Zardari, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi meeting Turkish President
Abdullah Gul. The lower half of the page has a quarter-page advertisement.
Lead Story: Nawa-e Waqt report: Parliament’s right to legislate cannot be
restricted: Chief justice; restriction cannot be imposed on right of
judiciary to review

Detail account of hearing of petitions filed against some articles of the
18th Amendment. (pp 1, 9; 400 words) Nawa-e Waqt report: Court cannot
order holding of referendum: Aitzaz Ahsan (top lawyers); remarks of judges
not final, judgment can be made on contrary (pp 1, 9; 300 words) Report by
special correspondent: Strategic partnership with China to be promoted
further: Zardari (pp 1, 9; 800 words) Report by special correspondent:
National Assembly; budget prepared by IMF: Pervaiz Illahi (Pakistan Muslim
League-Qaid — PML-Q — leader); Farooq Sattar (minister) says tax should
be imposed on landlords (pp 1, 9; 800 words) Report by special
correspondent: Seven people were killed in Sangjani attack (on NATO
containers), five injured; superintendent police Saddar Zone suspended;
Interior Ministry orders judicial inquiry (pp 1, 9; 600 words) NNI report:
Security of containers responsibility of NATO: Interior Minister Rehman
Malik; temporary stand was made at Sangjani without intimating us (pp 1,
10; 200 words) Report by special correspondent: Military vehicles were
part of NATO consignment: Islamabad police chief (pp 1, 9; 300 words) SANA
news report: Lahore attacks wake up Punjab Government; operation in North
Waziristan next priority: Foreign Minister Qureshi (pp 1, 9; 300 words)
Report by special correspondent: Lahore high court seeks dates from
federation, provincial governments about holding local bodies’ elections;
it should be clarified why delay being made in elections (pp 1, 9; 300
words) Report by special correspondent: Lavish expenditures of President
House, Prime Minister House should be cut: Senators demand (pp 1, 9; 300
words) Report by special correspondent: Thinking of Pakistan wrong that US
will present ready-made resolution of Kashmir issue: National security
advisor (pp 1, 9; 300 words) KPI report: Kashmiri leadership rejects offer
of Indian prime minister for talks (pp 1, 9; 500 words) Report by special
correspondent: Mohmand Agency, Orakzai; attack on checkpoint, clashes; two
security force personnel, 23 militants killed (pp 1, 10; 600 words) Report
by Suhail Abdul Nasir: Security Council tried to tie hands, feet of Iran;
it will be shocking for Iran that China, Russia voted for sanctions; gas
pipeline agreement; Pakistani experts will have to go through resolution
with concentration (pp 1, 9; 400 words) Report by special correspondent:
National Accountability Bureau (NAB) seeks bribes of 250 million ru pees
(PRe) for plea bargain: Haris Afzal (pp 1, 9; 300 words) Report by special
correspondent: We are not blocking water of Pakistan’s share: Indian high
commissioner (pp 1, 9; 400 words) Page 2: News From Islamabad, Rawalpindi

Page two has a column besides local news and advertisements. Column by
Taiba Zia Cheema: Ghazi Ilmuddin, the martyred, and biased US

The column discusses removal of a Pakistani-origin police official in the
United States on his refusal to get his beard shaved. (800 words) Page 3:
National, International Reports

The page three has national and international news. Column by Saeed Aasi:
Taste of new connection

The column discusses situation in Balochistan. (800 words) SANA news
report: Afghanistan; NATO helicopter crashes; four US soldiers killed;
Taliban accept responsibility (p3; 100 words) Report from news desk:
People afraid of growing popularity of Taliban: Pakistan Institute for
Peace releases investigative report (pp 3, 10; 200 words) Page 4: News
From Suburbs Page 5: Business, Commerce Page 6: Continuation of Reports
From Other Pages; Advertisements Page 7: Classified Ads Page 8:
Continuation of Reports From Other Pages Page 9: Continuation of Reports
From Other Pages Page 10: Continuation of Reports From Other Pages Page
11: Sports World Page 12: National, International Reports

Prominent pictures on page 12 show President Asif Ali Zardari awarding the
Chinese deputy prime minister with Pakistan’s civil award, and Altaf Ahmed
Chaudhry, chairman of National Highway Authority, talking to Nawa-e Waqt.
The lower half of the page has a quarter-page advertisement. SANA news
report: Parting ways with government; Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam parliamentary
party authorizes Maulana Fazlur Rehman to hold decisive talks

Speaking after the meeting, Maulana Fazlur Rahman said; “We’ll not make
delay for a moment to quit government if agreements made with us are not
fulfilled.” (pp 8, 12; 300 words) Report by Qazi Bilal: Punjabis being
shot openly in Balochistan; we are posting Sindhi, Baluchi officers: Altaf
Ahmed; security of eight Japanese engineers costing PRe 200 million (pp 8,
12; 600 words) Report by special correspondent: We’ve apprised government
of our reservations; to conditionally support budget: Farooq Sattar
(Muttahida Qaumi Movement — MQM — leader) (pp 8, 12; 200 words) Report
by special correspondent: We’ve given 38 proposals for budget; to oppose
adoption if not approved: PML-Q (pp 8, 12; 400 words) Report by special
correspondent: We’ve closed doors for dictatorship through 18th Amendment:
Law minister (pp 8, 12; 200 words)

Report by special correspondent: Important meeting of Pakistani, US
authorities on assistance in science and technology (pp 8, 12; 500 words)
Nawa-e Waqt report: US to cooperate with Pakistan in science and
technology sector: Dr Kerry Jones (pp 8, 12; 400 words) Report from news
desk: Warm welcome of Dalits (unt ouchable Hindu caste) in Pakistan;
‘Brahmins’ (high caste Hindus) propaganda to get Pakistan declared as
terrorist proved ‘false’ (pp 8, 12; 300 words) Nawa-e Waqt report: Strict
implementation on rule of law, supremacy of constitution will have to be
ensured: Chief justice (pp 8, 12; 200 words) Report by special
correspondent: Budget anticountry, antipeople; IMF, World Bank, US
friendly: Jamaat-e-Islami chief (pp 12, 8; 400 words) Report by Ittrat
Jaffery: Taking new program from IMF after standby arrangement being
mulled (pp 8, 12; 200 words) Report by special correspondent: Budget
deficit; Punjab takes overdraft of PRe 6.97 billion from State Bank (pp 8,
12; 300 words) Report from monitoring desk: Blast in Kandahar wedding
ceremony; 39 killed (p12; 50 words) Page 13: Politics

Page 13 has articles and reports with pictures on domestic political
scene. Article by Nawaz Raza: Change in economic team for third time in
three years; is national budget IMF-friendly? (1,00 0 words) Article by
Salman Ghani: Why PPP (Pakistan People’s Party) not quitting Punjab
Government; system faces threats again? (1,000 words) Article by Amjad
Aziz Bhatti: Prime Minister’s visit to Balochistan (1,000 words) Page 14:
Editorial, Lead Articles

Page 14 has editorials and articles besides the regular gossip column “By
the way” and regular series of Islamic teachings from the Koran. It also
has couplets from Allama Iqbal and M uzaffar Warsi, and a saying of
Qaid-e-Azam. Editorial: Attack of armed people on NATO containers near
Islamabad; abandon role of US frontline ally now

The editorial discusses attack on containers carrying supplies for NATO
forces in which nine people were killed and 35 containers were set on
fire. The attack is alarming because it is the deadliest attack launched
near Islamabad. The daredevil action by the terrorists proves that they
could have launched this action within Islamabad as well. The government
should stop supplies for NATO as the measure is self-destructive. (1,200
words) Editorial: Good governance in Punjab

The editorial opines that the Punjab Government is ensuring good
governance in financial matters, but it should extend it to law-and-order
situation, hoarding, profiteering, and adulteration. (300 words)
Editorial: Budget; government should consider proposals of opposition

The editorial discusses criticism of increasing budget for President House
and Prime Minister House by the leader of opposition. (200 words) Article
by Justice (retd) Nazir Ahmed Ghazi: Jugular vein of Islamic community
(1,200 words) Article by Dr Ali Akbar Al-Azhari: Blood of hundreds of
thousands of stars (brings dawn)

The article discusses Israeli aggression against Freedom Flotilla. (800
words) Article by Raja Afrasiab Khan: Who these terrorists are? (last
episode) (600 words) Article by Rashid Malik: Fate of Muslims might change

The article discusses signing of gas pipel ine agreement between Pakistan
and Iran. (800 words) Page 15: Articles

Page 15 has articles on national and international issues. Article by
Sultan Mahmud Hali: Israeli intransigence, under whose backing? (800
words) Article by Fazal Hussein Awan: US policy…India….and Pakistan’s
future (800 words) Article by Syed Nasir Raza Kazmi: Increase in Indian
defense budget (1,200 words) Page 16: Politics

Page 16 has articles and reports with pictures on domestic political
scene. Article by Jabbar Mufti: Miracle of charter of democracy; (prime
minister’s) brother wins by-election, preparation on for son from Lodhraan
(1,000 words) Article by Sultan Sikandar: Acknowledgement of political
mistakes in Gilgit; Azad Kashmir (Pakistan-administered Kashmir) model
setup demanded (800 words) Article by Sajid Hussein Malik: Pakistan’s
nuclear program; what is truth? (1,500 words)

(Description of Source: Rawalpindi Nawa-e Waqt in Urdu — Privately owned,
widely read, con servative Islamic daily, with circulation around 125,000.
Harshly critical of the US and India)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

35) Back to Top
TV Show Discusses Phenomenon of Talibanization in Punjab
From the “Jirga” program hosted by well-known journalist Salim Safi who
hails from the tribal area. For a video of this program, contact
[email protected] or, if you do not have e-mail, the OSC
Customer Center at (800) 205-8615. Words within double slant lines are in
English. – Geo News TV
Thursday June 10, 2010 12:12:44 GMT
Reception: Good

Duration: 1 hour
Karachi Geo News at 1805 GMT on 7 June relays a program “Jirga”

hosted by Saleem Safi, a senior journalist. The program discusses and
analyses major issues.


Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, former chief minister of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

Choudary Muhammad Yaqoob, former Inspector General Police (IGP),

Rana Sanaullah, law minister of Punjab on video link from Multan

Asif Ali Bhatti, Geo News reporter on video link from Islamabad

Safi says: “Punjab Province is increasingly getting embroiled in
terrorism. In today’s program, we are going to discuss the phenomenon of
Talibanization in Punjab.”

Safi asks Sanaullah who attacked the place of worship of the Ahmadiyyah
community in Lahore on 28 May? Sanaullah replies: “According to our
investigation, some of the terrorists involved in the attack belong to
Punjab, while others are from Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA).”

Saf i asks Sanaullah why the Punjab Government denies the existence of the
Taliban on its soil. Sanaullah replies: “We do not //deny// the existence
of the Taliban in Punjab, but they may exist in Punjab the way they exist
anywhere else; I mean, there is no no-go area in Punjab, and the writ of
the government is in force in the entire province, unlike FATA which used
to be a no-go area in the past and which has become a safe haven for
militants as a result. So, Punjab cannot be compared to FATA in that
sense. Every corner of Punjab is open for Punjab Police and they can
monitor the activities of madrasahs as well.”

Safi asks Yaqoob: “Do you believe that the present terrorism in Pakistan
is the outcome of the Afghan jihad in the 1980s?” Yaqoob replies: “Yes, I
agree with Sanaullah when he says that this is the outcome of the Afghan
jihad in the 1980s. These madrasah students used to be sent to Afghanistan
for jihad against the then Soviet Union. Wh en the jihad was over, the
guns of the jihadist organizations turned toward us; so, the terrorism
that the country is now facing is very much home grown. The organizations
that were involved in the Afghan jihad were none other than the ones that
are banned in Pakistan today; for example, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and
Sipah-e-Sahaba. The same organizations have been involved in sectarian
violence in Pakistan as well. The madrasahs used to be the recruitment
centers because poor students were readily available as jihadist forces.
After 9/11, when Pakistan came under pressure, it brought about a change
in the Kashmir policy and stopped funding jihadists in India-administered
Kashmir. That made Pakistan vulnerable to the jihadist organizations
returning from either Afghanistan or Kashmir.”

Safi asks Yaqoob: “The leadership of extremist (or jihadist)
organizations, like JuD chief Hafiz Saeed disowns this trend of terrorism
in Pakistan. Similarly, mainstream religious par ties like the
Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan (JIP), too, denounce and disown militancy and
terrorist activities in Pakistan, despite being overt proponents of jihad.
Is it not a bit confusing that they have taken the responsibility for
jihad but are not claiming the responsibility for terrorism?” Yaqoob
replies: “Just assume that the lower tier of any extremist organization is
no more in control of the leadership, even if it is the state itself, like
Hafiz Saeed or Qazi Hussain Ahmed (former JIP chief). Did Qazi Hussain
Ahmed send his son to Afghanistan for jihad? No, he only sent poor
students of madrasahs. Now, pay them back.”

Safi asks Sherpao: “Do you believe that Talibanization exists in Punjab?”
Sherpao replies: “Divisions like Punjabi Taliban or Pashtun Taliban do not
apply to the phenomenon of Talibanization as they are one and the same.
After 9/11 there emerged a nexus of Al-Qa’ida, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan,
and the rest of the jihad ist organizations. Al-Qa’ida plans terro rist
activities, while the Taliban or Punjabi militants execute these plans.”

Safi asks Sherpao: “Do you believe that to be called an extremist one may
not necessarily be from a madrasah? One can be an extremist even if he or
she has received modern education.” Sherpao replies: “It was in the era of
General Ziaul Haq when students in madrasahs began to be used as forces in
the Afghan jihad. The state should have //demobilized// those jihadist
elements as soon as they returned from the jihad after the fall of the
former Soviet Union. The state did not demobilize them and that was a big
mistake. We need //reforms// to be introduced for the network of

Safi asks Bhatti: “What is your analysis of the situation?” Bhatti
replies: “It is true that madrasahs provide the jihadist organizations
with students who become militants with proper training. They are sent to
Waziristan wh ere they receive training for militancy and terrorism. The
Punjabi militants have returned after the military operation in
Waziristan. Their basic aim is to even the score with the government.”

Safi asks Sanaullah: “Why are our police unable to control the wave of
terrorism?” Sanaullah replies: “Our police are dedicated enough,
sacrificing and working hard to curb terrorism. We are not in a state of
denial, and we are investing huge amount of money to ameliorate the police
infrastructure in Punjab.”

Safi concludes the program.

(Description of Source: Karachi Geo News TV in Urdu — 24-hour satellite
news TV channel owned by Pakistan’s Jang publishing group. Known for
providing quick and detailed reports of events. Geo’s focus on reports
from India is seen as part of its policy of promoting people-to-people
contact and friendly relations with India.)

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sourc e cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

36) Back to Top
Tajikistan Insists On More Active Measures Against Drugs – ITAR-TASS
Thursday June 10, 2010 12:17:48 GMT

MOSCOW , June 10 (Itar-Tass) – The Collective Security Treaty Organisation
(CSTO), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) are to intensify cooperation in the struggle
against drugs proliferation, the director of the Tajik Drugs Control
Agency, Rustam Nazarov, said at the conference titled Drug Production in
Afghanistan is a Challenge to World Community on Thursday.”Tajikistan has
a common border with Afghanistan and for this reason drugs are the most p
ressing problem for our country,” Nazarov said. According to Nazarov, “it
is very difficult to fight with the underground drug cartels nowadays,
because their network is very large and diversified.”He called for
fighting with drug-related crimes not only in Afghanistan but also beyond
its borders. “One should use the potentials of the CSTO, SCO and CIS to
neutralize drugs production in Afghanistan,” he said.(Description of
Source: Moscow ITAR-TASS in English — Main government information agency)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

37) Back to Top
Afghan elders protest against detention of tribal leader in eastern town –
Afghan Islamic Press
Thursday June 10, 2010 11:12:51 GMT
eastern town

Text of report by private Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news
agencyKhost, 10 June: Tribal leaders and elders have protested against the
detention of a tribal leader by US forces. About 35 tribal leaders and
elders arrived in Gardez, the capital of Paktia Province, to stage a
protest rally against the detention of a tribal leader, Mohammad Naim
Salehkhel by the US forces today. Haji Gholam Mohammad, brother of the
detained Mohammad Naim Salehkhel, who came with tribal leaders to Gardez
told Afghan Islamic Press that his brother, Haji Mohammad Naim Salehkhel,
who had spend two and a half years in the Bagram and Guantanamo prisons,
was called by the governor of Paktia to Gardez city for a meeting.
Salehkhel was detained by Afghan police when he was returning (home) on 18
Sowr, 18 May, and later he was handed over to the US forces. He added: “
;I regretfully say that at first police and all other officials were
expressing their unawareness about the detention of Mohammad Naim
Salehkhel and when the Gardez police confirmed his detention the deputy
governor (of Paktia Province) started repeatedly promises of (freeing him)
today and tomorrow and asked us not to inform the media and avoid staging
protests. But now we are compelled to inform the media about it and stage
a protest rally.”Haji Gholam Mohammad added: “A three-day general strike
started in Zormat District starting from today, markets are closed and we
will decide about our future (plan) on the coming Sunday (13 June).” He
said about his brother Mohammad Naim that he is a tribal leader and was
appointed as security chief of Zormat District by the locals after the
fall of the Taleban regime. But Americans detained him and he spend two
and a half years in the Bagram and Guantanamo prisons. He was released
about six years ago and he has been liv ing his life as a tribal leader.
He repeatedly say that his brother had no links with the Taleban.On the
other hand, the spokesman for the governor of Paktia Province, Rohullah
Samon, strongly condemned the detention of Haji Mohammad Naim Salehkhel
and told AIP that the governor’s office of Paktia Province had started its
efforts to release the tribal leader. Responding to an AIP question Samon
said that Haji Mohammad Naim was not detained by the Paktia police but he
was detained by a special police force named special purpose police unit
sent from Kabul.(Description of Source: Peshawar Afghan Islamic Press in
Pashto — Peshawar Afghan Islamic Press in Pashto — Peshawar-based
agency, staffed by Afghans, that describes itself as an independent “news
agency” but whose history and reporting pattern reveal a perceptible
pro-Taliban bias; the AIP’s founder-director, Mohammad Yaqub Sharafat, has
long been associated with a mujahidin faction that merged with the
Taliban’ s “Islamic Emirate” led by Mullah Omar; subscription required to
access content; http://www.afghanislamicpress.com)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

38) Back to Top
Iran Boasts Positive Trade Balance With 29 Countries in First Month of New
Unattributed report – Gilan-e Emruz
Thursday June 10, 2010 10:57:21 GMT
The report said the highest negative trade balance indicators were: the
United Arab Emirates, $558 million; Republic of Korea, $149 million;
Turkey, $97 million; Netherlands, $37 million; Russian Federation, $30
million; Germany, $267 million; Spain, $33 million; Italy, $79.9 million;
and France, $89 million. Also, Iran’s trade balance with the United States
of America is $5 million.

The highest positive trade balance indicators are: China, $57 million;
Iraq, $284 million; India, $55 million; Belgium, $38 million; and
Afghanistan, $54 million.

(Description of Source: Rasht Gilan-e Emruz in Persian — Pro-reform
provincial daily published in Rasht, the capital city of Gilan Province;
Licensed to and managed by Mohammad Kazem Shokuhi-Rad.)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

39) Back to Top
Taleban blame foreign forces for wedding party attack in Afghan south –
Afghan Islamic Press
Thursday June 1 0, 2010 10:39:00 GMT

Excerpt from report by private Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news
agencyKandahar, 10 June: Each side is blaming the other side for the blast
in Kandahar (Province, in southern Afghanistan).(Passage omitted:
Contradictory claims are made about the explosion in a wedding ceremony in
Arghandab District last night)At a press briefing in Kandahar city (the
capital of Kandahar Province) at noon today, the governor of Kandahar
Province, Torialay Wisa, held the Taleban responsible for the blast and
said that the explosion was carried out by the Taleban with the help of a
Town Ace van and by doing this they turned people’s happy event into a
tragedy.(Passage omitted: Forty people were killed and 87 injured in the
blast).In a statement, the ISAF forces has blamed the Taleban for the
explosion and said that the Taleban carried out the attack to upset a
happy occasion of the people and they (Taleban ) showed that they wanted
to terrify people by such attacks. The ISAF forces added that they are
ready to cooperate with the government to investigate the incident.The
Taleban have strongly denied their involvement in the incident and said
that foreign forces aircraft attacked the wedding party and dozens of
people were killed or injured as a result.A Taleban spokesman, Qari
Mohammad Yusof Ahmadi, told AIP: “The Taleban strongly condemn this
incident and consider themselves partner in pain and sufferings of the
suffered families.”(Passage omitted: Ahmadi said that foreign forces
several times bombarded wedding ceremonies in the past)The Taleban
spokesman said: “The foreigners bombard wedding ceremonies to create a gap
between the people and the Taleban so they (foreign forces) could exploit
the situation, but the foreigners will never succeed in creating gaps
between the Taleban and the nation.”(Passage omitted: Afghan president
condemned the incident).(D escription of Source: Peshawar Afghan Islamic
Press in Pashto — Peshawar Afghan Islamic Press in Pashto —
Peshawar-based agency, staffed by Afghans, that describes itself as an
independent “news agency” but whose history and reporting pattern reveal a
perceptible pro-Taliban bias; the AIP’s founder-director, Mohammad Yaqub
Sharafat, has long been associated with a mujahidin faction that merged
with the Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate” led by Mullah Omar; subscription
required to access content; http://www.afghanislamicpress.com)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

40) Back to Top
Press Roundup on Defense, Science, Technology 31 May-6 June 10
The following a selecti on of relevant reports, editorials, and articles
on defense, science, and technology published in one English
newspaper–The News–from 31 May to 6 June: – Pakistan — OSC Summary
Thursday June 10, 2010 09:33:40 GMT
The 31 May issue of The News on page 1 carries a report headlined: “US
copters intrude into Khyber Agency.” The report says: “Two US gunship
helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace and entered Landikotal tehsil of
Khyber Agency, official sources said. The sources said the two US choppers
intruded into Pakistani territory and hovered over areas along the
Pak-Afghan border for five minutes before returning to Afghanistan. The
intrusion by the helicopters created concern in the border area as there
were reports that the US had decided to target suspected hideouts of
militants inside Pakistan.” US Drone Attack on Pakistani Tribal Area
Reportedly Kills Sen ior Al-Qa’ida Leader

The 2 June issue of The News on page 1 carries a report headlined:
“Al-Qaeda number three killed in NWA (North Waziristan Agency) drone
attack.” The report says: “Pakistani security officials and the Taliban
believe that al-Qaeda’s No three and a close aide to Osama bin Laden,
Mustafa Ahmad Mohammad Uthman Abu al-Yazeed, also known as Sheikh Saeed
al-Misri, was among the 10 people killed in the US drone attack on May 21
at Saidabad village of Dattakhel subdivision in North Waziristan tribal
region. He was said to be al-Qaeda’s financial director as well as the
chief operational commander for Pakistan and Afghanistan. He was believed
to have transferred several thousand dollars to Mohammad Atta, the leader
of the 9/11 hijackers, before the September 11 attacks on the World Trade
Centre in New York. A statement on an Islamic website confirmed his death.
It said his wife, three daughters and his granddaughter, and other men,
women and some children were also killed in the attack on his house. An
Egyptian by origin, Sheikh Saeed had replaced al-Qaeda’s senior commander
Abu Laith al-Libbi, who was killed along with 14 other Arab and tribal
militants in the US drone attack on January 29, 2008 on a house in
Khushali Torikhel village of Mir Ali town in North Waziristan. The
56-year-old Sheikh Saeed was accused by the US of involvement in extremist
movements for nearly 30 years after joining the radical student group, led
by his fellow Egyptian Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri.” PM Gilani Expresses Concern
Over Pakistan-Specific Indian Military Doctrine

The 5 June issue of The News on page 1 carries a report headlined: “India
can thrust war on Pakistan, PM tells Nato.” The report says: “Prime
Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, while pointing towards the Pakistan-specific
Indian military doctrines such as the Cold Start, has urged the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) to take active inte rest in South
Asian security perspective.” The report quoted PM Gilani as saying at an
address to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels: “We remain concerned
over Pakistan-specific Indian military doctrines such as the Cold Start
envisaging a limited conventional war under the nuclear overhang, huge
increase in Indian military budget and massive weapon acquisitions. These
together with discriminatory policies especially in the nuclear and
technological arena have accentuated the regional imbalance in South Asia.
It is a nuclearised region and issues of peace, strategic stability and
security pose formidable challenges to Pakistan and impinge on global
peace and security. Pakistan-India relations had a significant bearing on
South Asian security, and unfortunately, outstanding disputes such as
Kashmir, Siachen, and Sir Creek continue to fester and require a just and
peaceful resolution.” Pakistan Raises Defense Budget by 17 Percent

The 6 June issue of The News on page 1 carries a report headlined:
“Defense budget up by 17 percent.” The report says: “Pakistan increased
its defense budget by 16.935 per cent by allocating Rs 442.173 billion for
2010-11. This reflects a marginal increase of around five per cent in real
terms in defense spending if the inflation rate of 12 per cent is taken
into account.” The report quoted Finance Minister, Abdul Hafeez Sheikh as
saying at the budget speech: “Security is our topmost concern. We are
facing a situation in which our armed forces, paramilitary forces and
security forces are laying down their lives. They should know from this
House that we all stand by them. This increase in the defense budget of
around Rs 64 billion was considered a must given the intensified battle
against the Taliban insurgents.” The report says: “In the outgoing fiscal,
Pakistan allocated Rs 342.913 billion for defense but it was revised to Rs
378.135 billion by the e nd of the fiscal 2009-10. India last February
announced Rs 1.47 trillion ($32 billion) defense budget, which speaks of
its ambitions in the region. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has already
pointed towards the Pakistan-specific Indian military doctrines such as
the cold start.”

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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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US Seeks To Curb Illicit Drug Flows From Afghanistan – Beyrle – ITAR-TASS
Thursday June 10, 2010 09:55:08 GMT

MOSCOW, June 10 (Itar-Tass) – The United States as Russia seeks to curb
illicit drug flows from Afghanistan, U.S. Ambassador in Mo scow John
Beyrle said on Thursday.Speaking at the international forum, “Drug
Production in Afghanistan: A Challenge for the International Community”,
Beyrle said the U.S. realised Russia’s concern over the drug threat from
Afghanistan.The United States opposes a drug war against Russia and wants
to develop partnership in this region, the ambassador said. He compared
drug business with terrorism. Americans and Russians pay a high price for
the fight against this evil, the ambassador added.In his words, the U.S.
and Russia have a lot of fields for cooperation where our interests
coincide. Beyrle called for forgetting old wars and developing
cooperation. The U.S. wants to see Russia strong and prosperous and
considers it an ally, the American diplomat stressed.The task of the
international community is to create an expanded international coalition
to ensure peace and security in Afghanistan, he said. Russia’s support for
NATO and the U.S. in Afghanistan is of the utmo st importance. Only joint
efforts taken by the whole world community can help counter terrorism and
drug trafficking, the U.S. ambassador added.For his part, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow would insist Afghanistan’s drug
trafficking to be classified as a threat to global security. “Moscow is
convinced that the world should exert efforts to fight Afghan drug
trafficking. We put forth an initiative to this effect,” he said.”Moscow
will insist Afghan drug trafficking to be classified as a threat to global
security,” the Russian foreign minister said.”We hope that the Moscow
international forum will give an additional impetus to the joint struggle
against Afghan drug trafficking. We hope that our efforts will be
successful and heard by the international community,” Lavrov added.In his
words, NATO and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) make serious
contribution to resolving this problem. “But the efforts taken by the
world community should be more effective,” the minister said.He recalled
that a conference on drug trafficking would take place in Kabul in July
2010. “Serious issues to be raised at the forum should be recorded in
final documents,” Lavrov pointed out.(Description of Source: Moscow
ITAR-TASS in English — Main government information agency)

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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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Angry crowd throw stones at foreign forces office in Afghan north – Afghan
Islamic Press
Thursday June 10, 2010 09:12:20 GMT

Text of report by private Pakistan-based Afghan Islami c Press news
agencyKonduz, 10 June: People have thrown stones at a PRT (Provincial
Reconstruction Team) office and the PRT fired at the people. Eyewitnesses
from Taloqan, the capital of Takhar Province (in northern Afghanistan),
told Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) that an angry crowd threw stones at the
PRT office in Taloqan city at noon today, 10 June, and the PRT (soldiers)
opened fire at the people.An eyewitness told AIP that the protesters had
suffered casualties as a result of the firing but no details were
available. Officials are avoiding commenting on this incident and the
reason for the protest was not known yet.(Description of Source: Peshawar
Afghan Islamic Press in Pashto — Peshawar Afghan Islamic Press in Pashto
— Peshawar-based agency, staffed by Afghans, that describes itself as an
independent “news agency” but whose history and reporting pattern reveal a
perceptible pro-Taliban bias; the AIP’s founder-director, Mohammad Yaqub
Sharafat, has long been a ssociated with a mujahidin faction that merged
with the Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate” led by Mullah Omar; subscription
required to access content; http://www.afghanislamicpress.com)

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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Afghan official denies Taleban claim capturing district in east – Afghan
Islamic Press
Thursday June 10, 2010 09:06:14 GMT
Text of report by private Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news
agencyGhazni, 10 June: The Taleban claim they have captured a district.
The Taleban announced that following three hours of fighting they captured
Jelga District of Maydan Wardag Province (in eastern Afghanistan) this
morning, 10 June.A Taleban spokesman, Zabihollah Mojahed, in this regard
told Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) that the Taleban carried out an attack on
Jelga District of Maydan Wardag Province early this morning and following
three hours of fighting the Taleban managed to take control of the
district building (the office of the head of the district). He added that
two police had been killed and three others wounded in the clash and three
Taleban also suffered injuries in the fighting.The Taleban spokesman also
reported seizure of arms and ammunition and he said that the Taleban
seized a quantity of several kind of weapons and a large quantity of
ammunition. Regarding the government personnel and police, he said that
they had ran away from the area and no one was detained by the Taleban
alive.When AIP contacted the Maydan Wardag security commander, Haq Nawaz
Haqyar, in this regard he confirmed the Taleban attack on the district but
sa id that the attack was repelled. Haqyar admitted that one police was
killed and two others injured in the attack and added that the Taleban had
also suffered casualties but details were not available.(Description of
Source: Peshawar Afghan Islamic Press in Pashto — Peshawar Afghan Islamic
Press in Pashto — Peshawar-based agency, staffed by Afghans, that
describes itself as an independent “news agency” but whose history and
reporting pattern reveal a perceptible pro-Taliban bias; the AIP’s
founder-director, Mohammad Yaqub Sharafat, has long been associated with a
mujahidin faction that merged with the Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate” led by
Mullah Omar; subscription required to access content;

Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of

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The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption













The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption


There is no probing required by any military court. NAB, under Gen Amjad and Gen Khalid Maqbool has already done a lot of probing into the money laundering case by Sharif family from 2000 to 2002. I wonder why NAB is silent and why it is sitting over all that evidence?
The entire details of money laundering and money trail during the 1990s, which was also used to buy off the Avenfield House apartments, has been confessed by Ishaq Dar, Saeed ahmed ( present deputy governor, Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Ittefaq/ Sharif Group and a Money Exchange operated by Zaigham, in April 2000 in the interim Hudabiya Paper Mills Reference. 
Later in Sept 2001,a supplementary Reference by the name of Hudabiya Paper Volume two, was filed with irrefuteable evidence showing receipt of transactions and statements of money changers, implicating the sharif family in money laundering.
Ishaq Dars statement’s in this money laundering case is an ‘irrevocable statement’ as it has been recorded under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

In his statement, Ishaq Dar accused Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif of money laundering in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case. At one point in the 43-page statement, Dar said that on the instructions of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, “I opened two foreign currency accounts in the name of Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi with the foreign currency funds provided by the Sharif family in the Bank of America by signing as Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi”.
Qazis are a Pakistani family settled in London, with whom Ishaq Dar was lodged up as a paying guest while he was doing his Chartered Accountancy. He somehow managed to get hold of copies of their passports which he used for opening fake accounts. Dar himself used to sign all cheques on behalf of the Qazis. This is all confessed by Dar while he was lodged at Chamba House ( NABs temporary HQs in Lahore) from Jan to April 2000. Haroon, Kamal Qureshi,  Dar, Naeem and a Lahore money changer- Zaigham were all produced before the court at Circuit House Lahore in April 2000 after the completeion of their 90 days detention, when the Hudabiya Reference was filed. Dar advised to the others in the court that they should fully cooperate with NAB as the game is over. He however feigned that he had been beaten up severely during his detention and needed assistance while walking.
Some of the Qazis have shifted to the U.S after the NAB Reference was filed as they felt insecure in Britain.
Dar said that all instructions to the bank in the name of these two persons were signed by him under the orders of “original depositors”, namely Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif.
Dar further states “The foreign currency accounts of Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi were opened in Bank of America by Naeem Mehmood ( Dars office assistant) under my instructions (based on instructions of Sharifs) by signing the same as Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi.”
Dar stated that besides these foreign currency accounts, a previously opened foreign currency account of Saeed Ahmed,  (present Deputy Governor state bank and a former director of First Hajvari Modaraba Co and close friend of Dar from his student days) and of Mussa Ghani, the nephew of Dar’s wife, were also used to deposit huge foreign currency funds provided by “the Sharif family” to offer them as collateral to obtain different direct and indirect credit lines.
Dar has disclosed that the Bank of America, Citibank, Atlas Investment Bank, Al Barka Bank and Al Towfeeq Investment Bank were used under the instructions of the Sharif family.
Interestingly enough, Ishaq Dar also implicates himself by confessing in court that he along with Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Sharif group and Naeem Mehmood (Dars office boy) had opened fake foreign currency accounts in different international banks.
Dar states that an amount of $3.725 million in Emirates Bank, $ 8.539 million in Al Faysal Bank and $2.622 million were later transferred in the accounts of the accounts Hudaibya Paper Mills.
The Qazi family upon coming into knowledge that millions of dollars are lying in their accounts in various banks lodged a complaint to the police in London in 1998.
Dar updated the P.M of the situation and as a result the entire 7 member Qazi family was invited over to Lahore as State guests by the prime minister, and pacified! 
Where are those files? The last time I saw them were at the office of Maj Farooq Adam, the Prosecutor General of NAB during the initial years. No further probe is required. Only a verdict needs to be awarded!
By the way, one of the co-accusseds later read out both volumes of the Reference to the Sharifs at Saroor Palace. They were not satisfied with the amount of wealth they had and raised eyebrows at each other in suspicion. 

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Nawaz Sharif & Mian Mansha Predators After Roosevelt Hotel:Pretext to Launder Money Stolen From Pakistan




























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روزولٹ ہوٹل کا شمار امریکہ کے تاریخی ہوٹلوں میں ہوتا ھے جس کی اوپننگ 1924 میں ہوئی اور یہ دنیا کے مہنگے ترین علاقے مین ہیٹن نیویارک میں واقع ھے۔ اس میں 1015 کمرے ہیں اور 52 لگژری سوئیٹس ہیں۔ یہ اچھے وقتوں کی بات ھے، جب ہم زرا کم کرپٹ ہوا کرتے تھے اور ہمارے ادارے انسان چلایا کرتے تھے۔ 1979 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کو اس وقت لیز پر لیا جب اس کا بزنس کچھ مندا چل رہا تھا۔ پی آئی اے کے انوسٹمنٹ آرم نے ایک سعودی پرنس کے زریعے یہ شاندار ڈیل کی جس کے مطابق 20 سال بعد پی آئی اے اس ہوٹل کو خرید سکتا تھا۔ 90 کی دہائی میں ہوٹل کے مالک نے کورٹ میں مقدمہ کردیا کہ جس معایدے کے تحت پی آئی اے یہ ہوٹل خریدنے جارہا ھے، اس سے ملنے والی رقم مارکیٹ ویلیو سے بہت کم ھے۔ پی آئی اے کی انتظامیہ اپنے سفارتخانے کے ہمراہ امریکی کورٹ میں گئی اور مقدمہ جیت لائی۔ جس کے نیتجے میں 1999 میں پی آئی اے کو صرف ساڑھے 36 ملین ڈالر میں یہ ہوٹل مل گیا۔ 2005 میں مشرف دور میں پی آئی اے نے سعودی پرنس کو 40 ملین ڈالر دے کر اس کے روزویلٹ ہوٹل میں موجود چند پرسنٹ شئیرز بھی خرید لئے۔ مشرف دور میں 2006 اور 2007 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کی تزئین و آرائش پر 65 ملین ڈالر خرچ کردیئے۔ 2009 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کی مارکیٹ ویلیو کروائی اور اسے 1 بلین ڈالر، یعنی 1000 ملین ڈالر کے عوض بیچنے پر لگادیا۔ بدقسمتی سے اس وقت امریکہ کی اکانومی اور ہاؤسنگ مارکیٹ کریش ہوچکی تھی جس کی وجہ سے یہ ہوٹل بک نہ سکا۔ پھر پی آئی اے نے اسے سیل کرنے کا پلان واپس لے لیا۔ اس ہوٹل کے اردگرد واقع کچھ ہوٹل پچھلے چند ماہ میں فروخت ہوئے ہیں جس سے اندازہ ہورہا ھے کہ ہوٹل سیکٹر میں انویسٹمنٹ آجکل پھر گرم ہوچکی ھے۔ روزویلٹ کے سٹینڈرڈ کے جتنے بھی ہوٹل مین ہیٹن کے علاقے میں پچھلے ڈیڑھ سال میں بکے ہیں، ان کی اوسط قیمت 10 سے 14 لاکھ ڈالر فی کمرہ رہی ھے۔ روزویلٹ میں 1015 کمرے ہیں اور 52 انتہائی لگژری سویٹس۔ اس حساب سے اس ہوٹل کی قیمت کم سے کم بھی 1200 ملین ڈالر یعنی 1 اعشاریہ 2 بلین ڈالر تک آنی چاہیئے۔ کہا جارہا ھے کہ حکومت کا پی آئی اے کو پرائیویٹائز کرنے کا اصل مقصد یہ ہوٹل بیچنا ھے۔ اور آپ کی اطلاع کیلئے عرض ھے کہ حکومت نے اس ہوٹل کا سودا اپنے قریبی فرنٹ مین میاں منشا کے ساتھ کردیا ھے۔ جاننا چاہیں گے کہ یہ ہوٹل جس کی مارکیٹ ویلیو 1 اعشاریہ 2 بلین ڈالر ھے، وہ حکومت نے کتنے میں بیچا ھے؟ چلیں، باباکوڈا کے پیج پر میں پورے اعتماد سے آپ کو بتا دیتا ہوں۔ یہ ہوٹل نوازشریف نے تقریباً 9 ملین ڈالر میں بیچا ھے، یعنی اصل قیمت کا ایک پرسنٹ سے بھی کم۔ جب نیب پنجاب میں کاروائیاں شروع کرنے کا اعلان کرتی ھے تو ایسے ہی میاں برادران کی چیخیں نہیں نکلتی۔ جب کتے کی دم پر ہاتھی کا پاؤں آتا ھے تو وہ بہت تڑپتا ھے۔ روزویلٹ کے نام پر ایک بلین ڈالر سے زائد کا چونا لگانے والا اگر اپنے خلاف ہونے والی تحقیقات پر چیاؤں چیاؤں نہ کرے تو کیا میاؤں میاؤں کرے؟؟؟

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Pakistan: Leaders or Criminals

Pakistan: Leaders or Criminals


By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.










[At least 55 people were killed and more than 150 injured in a lethal suicide attack on the Pakistan side of Wagah border. Photo courtesy Times of India.]

Leaders with No accountability and No Shame

Pakistan is in ruins. The nation and its iinstitutions, law and justice, commerce, thinking hubs, political governance all appear dysfunctional and self-contradictory. Eroding freedom of thought and action speaks of the missing accountability of the political elite. The nation is fast becoming a victim of the US planned blue-print being used in Iraq. Vengeful sectarian killings and dismantling of economic, political and moral infrastructures is used to incapacitate the nation by its own sadistic rulers. All fighting against each other to end the very existence by collective madness. The paid Pakistani political and security agents are instrumental in carrying out heinous crimes. Increasingly, and without any logical redress, common citizens are the targets of the political cruelty. No wonder, once conditions favorable to cruelty are ote:established, it spreads like frightening wildfire. The governance demonstrates a dead-ended political conscience at the expense of the interests of the people. After a decade-old American entrapment in the bogus war on terrorism, the country has lost the energy and capacity to deal with any major problem of security or national unity. The foreign agenda is focused on breaking the moral and spiritual lifelines of the Pakistani nation by its own agents of influence. There are no brave and proactive politicians to stop the continuing political stagnation. The nation faces colossal disaster day in and day out but nobody is held accountable for the crimes. The Generals are convenient spectators and Nawaz Sharif is happy, the herd is politically manageable to complete his inherently fraudulent term of office as prime minister.

Pakistan is in ruins. The nation and its institutions, law and justice, commerce, thinking hubs, political governance all appear dysfunctional and self-contradictory. Eroding freedom of thought and action speaks of the missing accountability of the political elite. The nation is fast becoming a victim of the US planned blue-print being used in Iraq. Vengeful sectarian killings and dismantling of economic, political and moral infrastructures is used to incapacitate the nation by its own sadistic rulers. All fighting against each other to end the very existence by collective madness. The paid Pakistani political and security agents are instrumental in carrying out heinous crimes. Increasingly, and without any logical redress, common citizens are the targets of the political cruelty. No wonder, once conditions favorable to cruelty are established, it spreads like frightening wildfire. The governance demonstrates a dead-ended political conscience at the expense of the interests of the people. After a decade-old American entrapment in the bogus war on terrorism, the country has lost the energy and capacity to deal with any major problem of security or national unity. The foreign agenda is focused on breaking the moral and spiritual lifelines of the Pakistani nation by its own agents of influence. There are no brave and proactive politicians to stop the continuing political stagnation. The nation faces colossal disaster day in and day out but nobody is held accountable for the crimes. The Generals are convenient spectators and Nawaz Sharif is happy, the herd is politically manageable to complete his inherently fraudulent term of office as prime minister.
Inline image 1
Daily blood baths of civilians go unabated, adding to the statistical record for lack of adequate security. The latest cold blooded murder of 55 innocent people at Wagha border and 150 or so injured adds nothing new to grieving citizens belief that Pakistan is governed by most inept, incompetent and corrupt people ever witnessed by an informed nation. No politicians assume responsibility for the protection and safeguard of life and property of ordinary Pakistanis. There is an obvious disconnect between the people and the political rulers constantly hated and feared by the masses. The conflicting time zones are widening in which ordinary people suffer versus the ruling elite breathe as daily civilian casualties continue to rise because of the Taliban attacks and targeted massacres of ordinary citizens. Whose failure is it, and who should be held accountable? Is the Pakistani security apparatus so incompetent and ill equipped that it cannot ensure public safety? Given the lack of accountability and lack of shame, there is nothing to prevent these political criminals from repeating their crimes. So the killings of the innocent civilians go unabated. Strange as it is, opposition activists raising voices against the Sharif regime are conveniently arrested and jailed, but not the Sharif brethren who kill the citizens at random and implement planned massacres. Those facilitating crimes against the people occupy positions of political leadership and even law and justice cannot question them. They are abetted by the political class, committed the greatest heist in history.
Assuming political power in Pakistan means supporting the king’s men of oligarchy. Nobody could dare to challenge their supremacy in the annals of public affairs. For almost three months thousands of people across wide spectrum of Pakistani society, were raising voices of REASON in Islamabad to imagine political change and to have the Sharif brothers held accountable for politically geared killings and death squads against peaceful demonstrators. The inaction contributes to the downfall of the country to obscurity and insanity often irreversible in time and space. This week, at Wagah international border, 55 civilians were cold bloodedly massacred by a group of Taliban. Reportedly 100 or more were critically injured. Sharif and military security officials have proven to be a failure to console the people in situation of emergencies and moments of pain and anguish.

A ‘Failed State’ or Quagmire of Political Insanity

Pakistan lives in self-inflicted turmoil of political and military intrigues – all deceiving all – all trying to gain their foothold in power either by attracting foreign interventions or creating catastrophic political hazards to dismantle the fabric of the originally Muslim nation. The stage actors want power and use it as a divine right of absolutism against the interests of the coerced masses. This set the stage for the gradual decadence of the meaning and purpose of the Pakistan Freedom Movement. The worst emerged when ZA Bhutto and General Yahya Khan refused to transfer power to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the majority East Pakistani leader after the 1971 national elections. They managed to kill several thousands of Pakistanis on both sides to retain power and ended up in humiliating surrender to India. Both betrayed the nation and both escaped the accountability. ZA Bhutto emerged as an absolute illegitimate leader of defeated Pakistan assuming the role of Martial Law administrator, President and later Prime Minister. Another military coup by General Zia ul-Haq got the US-other Western nation involved in military intervention to oust the Communist USSR from occupying neighboring Afghanistan and evolution of jihadist – Taliban struggle. In August 1988, Ms. Bhutto and her mother were reportedly responsible for the plane crash of General Zia ul Haq and Killings of 12 Generals and hundreds of others civilians including foreign diplomats. Subsequently, Ms. Bhutto and her mother were not charged with killings of so many precious lives but embraced as the first female PM. She was dismissed twice as corruption that knew no bound. Ms. Bhutto and Asif Zardari stole millions of dollars from Pakistan and were indicted by Swiss court on money laundering schemes. The $60. Million were never recovered by the national treasury. A crime-riddled political culture flourished in which these monsters floated freely. Nawaz Sharif was also dismissed twice on corruption charges. In 1999, he conspired to hijack a PIA incoming flight from SriLanka to Karachi in which the then COAS General Pervez Musharaf and 250 or more civilian passengers were traveling. Sharif had the plan to send the plane to India or to get it crashed. A military coup ousted Sharif and was tried on terrorism charges in a court law and exiled. General Musharaf and his colleagues traded-in Pakistan’s national interest including the nuclear program, and hundreds of innocent Pakistanis sold to populate infamous Guantanmo Bay terror prison in return for cash payments by George W. Bush. Musharaf lived in a $1.4 million newly bought mansion in London under British police 24/7 protection before returning to Pakistan. “Do Pakistanis have any sense of honor?” asked one British journalist of the Daily Telegraph. Would any honorable nation or country allow such criminals to reemerge as political leaders?
Pakistan Needs Educated and Intelligent Leaders to Cure the Political Curse
To imagine a progressive country, educated Pakistanis living abroad could be resourceful to transfer their knowledge and experiences for the good of the country and to strive for a Navigational Change. But how? Hold your breath! An American neurologist of Pakistani origin goes back passionately to serve the people. His clinic in Satellite town- Rawalpindi offers highly specialized systematic health care services to fellow Pakistanis. Even treats those who cannot pay the fee or medication bill. Thousands line up and day and night go to this clinic. The doctor starts getting warning messages from local ‘ghundas’ (rascals) asking for protection money. The doctor continues to work and informs the police. They too want their share of the protection money and do nothing. He complains to higher civic authorities upon getting death threats but nobody listens and does anything to ensure the safety of the doctor and clinic. One day hundred of patients get big surprise when they see the rampaged clinic and the doctor is nowhere to be seen. Lufhtansa Germany Airline flies to Lahore but does not change its crew over there. The fear of kidnappers demanding money haunts them all the time. What a Shame…. What a Shame … What a DISGRACE to a conscientious Pakistani that leaders of Pakistan’s Government cannot extend sense of security to a reputable international airline. No sensible person or global citizen will ever invest or travel to a country at the crossroads of daily bloodbaths, corruption and political gangsterism. Is this prevalent fact hard to grasp to any responsible person in Pakistan? Tourism is a lifeline to any developing nation like Pakistan. During the summer of 2013 under PM Sharif, 10 international tourists were cold blooded murdered by Taliban group near the K2 mountainous region. Is Pakistan that naïve and hopeless in security that it cannot protect the international tourists? Farzana Parveen would have liked to know why she was stoned to death right where law and justice were supposedly administered to have protected her at the Lahore High Court compound. Police were watching the horrifying killing. “Farzana Parveen Stoning Shames Pakistan.” (Asia Times: 6/2/2014). The terrifying scene portrayed in the global news media showed hundreds of spectators witnessing the most horrifying crime to human nature, not in darkness but in broad daylight, and right where freedom, human dignity, and honor of the citizens should have been protected – the Lahore High Court compound with police in attendance. It is incredibly shameful to be a Pakistani and to watch this inhuman atrocity out of the nowhere. Why the police did not offer protection to Farzana? Farzana’s soul must be wondering, why did society not protect her against this draconian act of violence? Where are the concerned citizens who claim to be believers – the Muslims who day and night talk about Islam as being the faith and value of their society? The Sharif brother’s investigation revealed nothing to hold the criminal responsible. In June, Karachi International Airport (“Pakistan in Quest of Political Change.” Uncommon Thought Journal, USA: 6/18/2014), was on flame under Talibans attacks. It was a devastating blow to the international image and security of Pakistan. Nobody resigned or was held responsible for failing to protect the airport. Could Sharif and the few complacent Generals assure the global community that Pakistan is a safe place to travel, study, visit and do business? If not, why not? The bogus assemblies, time killing discussions, Sharif and the few Generals are the people embedded with wrong thinking and doing the wrong things. They are part of the problem, not solution and have NO SENSE of the freedom, honor and dignity of the nation. There was no “peace process” between Pakistan and Taliban and there is no peace. Only the absence of peace, and the gnawing want for it, the desperation of the vanquished clearly visible on the mindset of public horizon.
There is a frightening trend of crime explosion across the nation. Daily killings of the civilians go unabated and unchecked by the security agencies. The blame game is centered on Talibans – the creation of the Bhutto family and the Generals. For almost two decades, Pakistan’s capacity for change has been badly fractured and its moral, intellectual and political consciousness derailed and undermined by the few. Bruce Riedel, one of President Obama’s advisors on Pakistan and the War on Terrorism (“Battle for the Soul of Pakistan” 1/4/2013, Brookings Institute and Centre for Middle East Policy), recently described the Pakistani rulers-both civilian and military:Pakistanis cannot be trusted as they play dubious role, cheat and become double agents in War on Terror” and warns that: “The changes in Pakistan are unlikely to come peacefully and will have major implications for India and America. The stakes are huge in the most dangerous country in the world.”
Pakistan’s worst enemies are those who are unable to listen to voices of reason and peaceful activism for political change. The ruling elite and the people live in a conflicting time zone being unable to understand the meaning and essence of the Pakistan’s Freedom Movement. Pakistan faces multiple chronic problems which could undermine its future. To all concerned and thinking Pakistanis, the country needs a Navigational Change or we could end up losing our national freedom. What is the cure to the current problems? There is no magic pill to deal with all critical situations except a comprehensive new systematic approach for ‘Anew Pakistan.’ Few decades earlier, in “Pakistan: Enigma of Change” (Media Monitor Network, USA) and “Revisiting Pakistan Enigma of Change”, this author offered proactive vision for planned political change to evolve new institutions and new-age educated leadership for a sustainable future. For too long, the masses have experienced tormenting pains and political cruelty. Nawaz Sharif and his brother must be tried in a court of law for the killings of 14 civilians and injuring 80 peaceful activists at Minhaj al Quran Academy Lahore and stolen wealth. Despite evidence, the FIR against Sharif was not registered by police. Nawaz Sharif has no political integrity and must step down or take leave of absence. There is substantial evidence for the 2013 election rigging by the election commission members. Sharif would need a powerful jolt as criminals do not exit voluntarily from powerhouses. It will provide a logical breathing space for a planned and workable remedy to a highly critical political crisis and to enhance a sustainable Change goal. A new Government of National Unity should be formed under a non-partisan and non political leader of moral and intellectual integrity for a period of two years; a New Constitution should be framed with new public institutions under leadership of new generation of educated people; and then a new election could give meaning and clarity to the purpose of democracy and to transform the ideals of a progressive legitimate functional democracy. The Need is desperate for the Pakistani nation to think critically and see the Mirror and stand firm in raising voices of reason for accountability and political change. The people must ponder at past misconceptions and errors of judgments and to bring 21st century’s educated, proactive and intelligent young people into political leadership role and to safeguard the national interest, freedom of the nation and its future.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany, May 2012.


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