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Archive for September, 2014


Opinion: Capital suggestion / Sunday, September 28, 2014



Dr Farrukh Saleem

Purana Pakistan









Purana Pakistan has six characteristics.

One, elected leaders treat state assets as their personal estates.

Two, elected leaders mutate civil servants into their personal serfs.

Three, taxes are collected and then spent to fulfill rulers’ priorities.

Four, monetary rewards of political power are extremely high. 

Five, there is massive under-investment in human capital.

Six, power projects are being inaugurated that would produce power at an astronomical rate of Rs41 per unit.

Here are the proofs of the above six.

One, Rehman Malik had a PIA aircraft wait for him for two long hours.

Two, on June 17, Punjab Police killed 14 unarmed citizens.

Three, budgetary allocation for the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is Rs160 million while the annual budget for the PM House is Rs770 million. 

Four, Pakistanis are getting more and more indebted by the minute while assets of the ruling class keep on increasing by the day.

 Five, Nigeria is the only country on the face of the planet with more out-of-school children than Pakistan.

Six, the cost of the Nandipur Power Project has gone up from $329 million to $847 million and if diesel is used to produce power it will cost Rs41 per unit.

This is what purana Pakistan is mostly about.

Admittedly, Imran Khan has no comprehensive blueprint for Naya Pakistan; neither does Allama Tahirul Qadri. What they have done, however, is exposed the purana Pakistan to 180 million Pakistanis. And Pakistanis hate what they see in purana Pakistan.

Here are the proofs that Pakistanis hate what they see in purana Pakistan.

One, passengers threw Rehman Malik off the PIA aircraft – something that has no precedence in our political history.

Two, police high-command has now started demanding written orders from their elected leaders in order to shoot at unarmed citizens.

General (r) Mirza Aslam Baig, for reasons only known to him, may want to call it a foreign conspiracy against Pakistan but, to be certain, throwing Rehman Malik out the PIA aircraft is no American conspiracy against Pakistan. To be sure, police high-command demanding written orders from their elected leaders is no Jewish conspiracy against Pakistan. This is all about Pakistani middle class revolting against purana Pakistan.






Naya Pakistan has to be a contractual state. Naya Pakistan has to have a social contract between the voters and their elected leaders. The social contract must cover three things.

One, who will pay taxes?

Two, how much taxes will be paid by each taxpayer?

Three, how will these taxes be spent?

Naya Pakistan has to have three things – elections, accountability and a responsive government (purana Pakistan has had plenty of elections but neither accountability nor a responsive government).

Here are four steps to a naya Pakistan.

One, alter spending priorities as per voters’ needs and demands.

Two, invest in education and health.

Three, invest in justice.

Four, privatize all public sector enterprises in a competitive, transparent process.

The constitution is not under threat.

The democratic system is not under threat.

Yes, the old political order is under threat.

And, yes, the custodians of the old political order are feeling threatened.








The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @saleemfarrukh


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Daraqt Pey Uloo


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Off Floods, Lion & the Monkey by Dr.Moeed Pirzada

Off Floods, Lion & the Monkey

Moeed Pirzada

September 10 at 1:07am ·

Off Floods, Lion & the Monkey:- Once upon a time a Lion was going on vacations; Monkeys demanded that since they have never been the King of the Jungle this time around their Chief Monkey should be the king. So Lion agreed and a Monkey was made King for a day. Only a few hours had passed when a herd of sheep approached the “Monkey King” crying and protesting that a wolf has taken one of their young and King need to do something. Monkey King said, “Don’t worry” and then immediately went across thick Jungle jumping across trees while shouting warnings to the Wolf. Nothing happened; Sheep returned crying and telling that Wolf has already gone far off; on this Monkey again shouted threats to Wolf and starting jumping across trees, however soon sheep returned crying and wailing that wolf is now sitting at river edge and eating the young sheep. On this Monkey King said: “Tusee dekhya kay mein koshish tay bohat kiti see” – You have seen that I tried my level best.

Pakistani politics of flood management is built on the same principle. It is not about current government. All governments have been doing the same. Floods are not a strike from the blue. Each year, year after year, we are hit by floods in Monsoon season. Millions are displaced, hundreds die, properties are destroyed, poor end on streets and lower middle classes are impoverished with cycles of disease and sickness and millions of cusecs of precious water rolls on to fall in Arabian sea. And ministers, Chief Ministers and govt officials are dancing in front of the TV cameras pretending that they are doing, “bohat si koshish” trying their level best.

PMLN govt is in power in Punjab for six plus years; they have been in power in 1990’s and PPP ruled Center and Sindh twice in 1990’s and again from 2008 till 2013. Massive floods hit us in 2010 as well ravaging Punjab, Sindh and KPK. We have seen all of them along with Asfandyar Wali ganging together inside the parliament building to defend their interests and family control and crying wolf on the “parliament’s broken gate” but what have they done in real terms for flood prevention and management? And what are the results? what happened to the Lahore High Court Report on Flood Management? And what about the Dams?

PMLN was once committed to Kalabagh but was unable to take PPP along on the issue. Whereas river Indus was an emotional (though totally misleading) issue in interior Sindh and PPP failed in resolving this politically; the position of ANP and Asfandyar Wali Khan has been very suspicious on this issue. On whose signal they were crying wolf against Kalabagh? A party that took around half a million votes last year and not much higher in 2008, has been crying on behalf of Pashtoons, was it really for the love of Nowshera and Pashtoons or they had to please someone else? May be politicians in Sindh and KPK were part of an anti-Dam script written somewhere else?

Perhaps all of them are waiting for the day when India will successfully complete its project of several dozen dams and they will sell electricity to us and will manage floods for us; Is this the political vision of our leaders?


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Does Pakistan hate America: Sampling of Answers

Does Pakistan hate America?







I went there two years ago and they were were generally nice to me and my dad.
Best Answer
do you want to hear the honest answer or the answer that you want to hear.
Well the honest answer is that day by day pakistani people are starting to hate usa because of their drone attacks that are killing innocents plus due to their agents like raymond davis who comes and kills pakistanis and due to many events like this.

Other answer: yeah Pakistani love America so much, america is so much spreading peace and love…..

btw Pakistani people are nice. Obviously they will welcome you and will love you because they are good host, (lols not talking about the people in tribal areas like taliban etc they are ignorant and even kills pakistanis). other pakistanis are nice, i see many many foreigners in islamabad and people treat them good.


Other Answers 


  • Mrs. Mommy answered 2 years ago
    Pakistan does not hate America, some people in Pakistan do however. You cannot blame an entire country for the sins of a few.
I went there two years ago and they were were generally nice to me and my dad.
Best Answer
  • leo answered 2 years ago
Do you want to hear the honest answer or the answer that you want to hear.
Well the honest answer is that day by day Pakistani people are starting to hate USA because of their drone attacks that are killing innocents plus due to their agents like Raymond Davis who comes and kills Pakistanis and due to many events like this.

Other answer: yeah Pakistani love america so much, america is so much spreading peace and love…..

btw pakistani people are nice. Obviously they will welcome you and will love you because they are good host, (lols not talking about the people in tribal areas like taliban etc they are ignorant and even kills Pakistanis). other Pakistanis are nice, i see many many foreigners in Islamabad and people treat them good.

  • Mrs. Mommy answered 2 years ago
    Pakistan does not hate America, some people in Pakistan do however. You cannot blame an entire country for the sins of a few.

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