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PUBLISHED: 14:34 EST, 8 May 2012 | UPDATED: 19:43 EST, 9 May 2012








On Tuesday, the government officially put a figure to the number of armed Naxal cadre as huge as 46,600.

To fight them, nearly 94,000 paramilitary personnel have been posted in nine Naxal-hit states.

On top of that, nearly 1 lakh policemen are battling the Naxals in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand – two of the worst hit states.





Maoists get weapon training at an undisclosed location






Maoists get weapon training at an undisclosed location

But the numerical supremacy is no guarantee for success; the government seems to be still losing the ‘war’ against the Naxals.

In the past two years, the Maoists killed 483 security men while losing only 286 of their cadre. Home minister P. Chidambaram recently said there were 78 battalions – each comprising 1,200 men – of the CRPF, BSF, SSB and ITBP posted in various states to fight the Naxals.

This strength rose from just 37 battalions posted when he took over the ministry in 2009. ‘According to current estimates, the strength of the hardcore Naxals in the country is around 8,600.

In addition, there are around 38,000 ‘jan militia’, who carry rudimentary arms and also provide logistic support to the core group of the People Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) of the CPI (Maoist),’ minister of state in the home ministry, Jitendra Singh, said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha on Tuesday.








how they square up.jpg

A senior home ministry official claimed that this figure is based on inputs of the Intelligence Bureau (IB), interrogation reports of certain top Naxal leaders arrested over the past two years and seized Maoist literature.

‘Currently, neither the Maoists nor the security forces are in a position to overwhelm each other. The Maoists, however, have an edge because of the topography of the hideouts in deep forests,’ the official added.

The Maoist ‘army’ is reportedly made up of three components: the main force, a secondary force and a base force.

The main force has companies, platoons and special action teams besides an intelligence unit. The secondary force comprises special guerilla squads, while the base force is made up of the ‘jan militia’.

The main force is armed with AK-47s and INSAS rifles, mostly looted from the security forces. The lower level Maoist cadre use double-barrel and single-barrel guns apart from countrymade weapons.

Their arms of choice, however, are claymore landmines to blow up vehicles. Former UP DGP and ex-BSF chief Prakash Singh said: ‘Though we are fighting a mini-army, its strength is not so daunting that it cannot be overwhelmed. It is possible to disintegrate it if there is the political will to do so.’

Naxals murder police officer after abducting him in Orissa 

The bullet-ridden body of assistant police inspector Kruparam Majhi was found at a village about 22 km from Nuapada town in Orissa on Tuesday. 

He was abducted by a group of Maoists from the outskirts of Dharmbandha village close to Chhattisgarh border while escorting a water tanker to the CRPF camp at Godhas where a combing operation was going on. 

The news of the 40-yearold police officer’s death was confirmed by Nuapada subdivisional police officer (SDPO), Prafulla Kumar Patro. Although the police blamed the Maoists, no rebel group has so far claimed responsibility for the incident. 

The incident comes just days after the Maoists released BJD legislator Jhina Hikaka, more than a month after they had kidnapped him. 

Rakesh Dixit



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2141490/War-Maoist-army-46K-strong-winning.html#ixzz2V8gT728w 
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Countering Iranian Allegations & Removing Misunderstanding









Countering Iranian Allegations & Removing Misunderstanding




Sajjad Shaukat



Being a neighbouring and brotherly country, Pakistan always respects Iran’s sovereignty, system of governance and its socio-political developments. But, some external elements misguide Iran through false propaganda by manipulating various terror-incidents which take place inside Iran, especially its province of Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan and Pakistan’s province of Balochistan.


It could be judged from the latest incident of October 25 when 14 Iranian border guards lost their lives and six others were wounded in a shoot-out with terrorists in the border region of Saravan in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan. In this regard, Iranian lawmakers accused that the US and Pakistani intelligence services lead the Pakistan-based Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group responsible for the recent deadly attack on Iranian border guards. While raising false allegations, Iran’s Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee member Javad Karimi Qoddusi said, “The key point in this case is role played by US spy agency by means of Pakistan’s Services Intelligence (ISI) in conducting such terrorist attacks…the ISI’s control over such terrorist like Jaish-ul-Adl Group has been authenticated.”


On the other side, Islamabad denied the charges as baseless, while Pakistan Charged Affairs in Iran, Sohail Siddiqui stated that Iranian government urged Pakistan to further investigate the issue. Pakistan’s government assured that that the country would investigate the issue and would fully cooperate with Iranian officials in arresting and handing the terrorists. 


Earlier, an Iranian deputy foreign minister pointed out that the country was weighing plans to dispatch a delegation to Pakistan to probe the recent terrorist attack in southeastern Iran.  But, it is regrettable that instead of grasping reality in order to remove the misunderstanding, Iranian lawmakers, analysts and the TV channel leveled self-created allegations against Pakistan and involvement of ISI in terrorist attack on Iranian border guards. They must better observe prudence by knowing the real conspirators who are not only behind this terror attack, but also other subversive events which have continuously been taking place in Pakistani side of Balochistan, and from time to time, in Iran’s Sistan-Balochistan.


Notably, although the whole of Islamic world is target of Indo-Israeli plot, yet the same has intensified in case of Pakistan and Iran. In this regard, US-led some western countries have also been supporting the Indo-Israeli nexus against Islamabad and Tehran overtly or covertly.


However, we cannot blame India and Israel including US regarding the conspiracy against Pakistan and Iran without some concrete evidence. In this context, in his interview, published in the Indian weekly Outlook on February 18, 2008, Israel’s ambassador to India, Mark Sofer explained regarding India’s defence arrangements with Israel by disclosing, “We do have a defence relationship with India, which is no secret” and “with all due respect, the secret part will remain a secret.” In reply to a question, Sofer replied, “Certain issues need to remain under wraps for whatever reason.”


Indo-Israeli plot remained under wraps till 2003, when Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited India to officially reveal it. In this respect, Indian ‘The Tribune’ wrote on September 10, 2003, “India and Israel took giant leaps forward in bolstering the existing strategic ties and forging new ones” and Tel Aviv has “agreed to share its expertise with India in various fields as anti-fidayeen operations, surveillance satellites, intelligence sharing and space exploration.” Next day, ‘Indian Express’, disclosed, “From anti-missile systems to hi-tech radars, from sky drones to night-vision equipment, Indo-Israeli defense cooperation has known no bounds in recent times.”


As regards the American tactical backing to Indo-Israeli relationship, on September 5, 2003, American Wall Street Journal pointed out, “The U.S. finally gave its approval to Israel’s delivery of Phalcon Airborne Warning & Controlling Systems (AWACS) to India.”


Now, the matter is not confined to purchasing of military equipments only, Indo-Israeli overt and covert links are part of a dangerous strategic game. In the aftermath of 9/11, as to how this strategic game is being played can be judged from some developments. For example, on October 18, 2009, a deadliest suicide attack killed dozens of officers including the deputy commander for the Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Nour Ali Shoushtari and the provincial commander, Brigadier Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh in the Sistan-Baluchistan. Jundullah (God’s soldiers), a Sunni militant group which is pro-active against the Iranians, claimed responsibility for the incident.


The Revolutionary Guard released a statement after the attack, revealing that there was “no doubt that this violent and inhumane act was part of the strategy of foreigners and enemies of the regime.” Afterwards, Iran directly accused US and Britain for their alleged patronage and funding of such type of terrorist attacks for creating instability within Iran. Parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani blamed the US, saying, “We consider the recent terrorist attack to be the result of the US action. This is the sign of America’s animosity against our country.”


Tehran also lodged a strong protest with Islamabad over the failure of its law enforcement agencies to dismantle the Jundullah network in its part of Balochistan, while remarking that plan was prepared in Pakistan. Some reports suggest that in confusion, even some Iranian leaders expressed apprehension on some of Pakistan’s officials in cooperation with the Jundulluh regarding that suicide attack. This is what the US, India and Israeli wanted.


While condemning the terrorist attack, the former President Asif Ali Zardari assured the then President Ahmadinejad that Government of Pakistan would provide all out assistance in arresting all those responsible for the attack, if they are found on Pakistani soil. Afterwards, Islamabad ensured a visiting Iranian delegation for an appropriate investigation in relation to the mayhem. Nevertheless, misunderstanding against Islamabad and Tehran was eliminated.


In this context, the former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi had stated, “It is obvious that the same forces which are working in Pakistani Balochistan are also working in Iranian Sistan.” While, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei had indicated, “The bloody actions being committed in Iraq, Pakistan and Iran are aimed at creating a division between the Shias and Sunnis…those who carry out these terrorist actions are directly or indirectly foreign agents.”


It is mentionable that on February 8, 2012, the hearing of the US Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Dana Rohrabacher favoured an independent Balochistan. And military scholar Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, while writing in the June 2006 issue of The Armed Forces Journal of the US had suggested Washington about the creation of a “Greater Balochistan” which would integrate the Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran—and the Frontier Province should be incorporated into Afghanistan.


Nevertheless, it would be a good sign that besides Pakistan, Iranian rulers and media must also understand that it is a collective plot of the US, India and Israeli to sabotage Pak-Iranian ties, and is part of their secret strategic game against the Islamic countries.


In fact, America, India and Israel have been backing the Baloch separatists of Pakistan through their secret agencies CIA, RAW and Mossad respectively as witnessed by a perennial wave of subversive acts such as destruction of gas pipelines, attacks on the government buildings and murder of political leaders. They are covertly supporting the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Baloch nationalist leaders who have been fighting for secession of the province.


8As regards Jundullah, in past few years, the group has conducted multiple terrorist activities like kidnapping and killing of a number of Iranian nationals including suicide attacks in Pakistan’s side of Balochistan and that of the Iran. Its agents are also behind sectarian violence. On many occasions, BLA and Jundullah claimed responsibility for terrorist acts.


According to some reliable sources, Jundullah is a small group which does not have potential to inflict more than small attacks on security forces in Pakistan and Iran. Like BLA, this militant group is also supported by RAW and Mossad with the technical help of CIA. Now, both BLA and Jundullah have links with each other. And their militants are getting arms and ammunition from Afghanistan where US-led India and Israel have established their secret network not only to create lawlessness in Pakistan and Iran, but also to sabotage good relationship of these countries. Notably, Afghanistan shares a common border with Pakistan and Iran, so it has become easy for these foreign elements to achieve their sinister anti-Pak-Iranian aims.


It is notable that Jewish-Hindu lobbies are collectively working in America and other European countries to exploit the double standards of the west in relation to terrorism and human rights vis-a-vis Pakistan and Iran. They also accuse Tehran and Islamabad of sponsoring cross-border terrorism in the related regions of South Asia and the Middle East.


It is worth-mentioning that US-India nuclear agreement is part of American desire to make India a major power to counterbalance the rising influence of China in Asia and control Iran. In this context, on May 22, 2013, Islamabad and Tehran signed the gas pipeline project without waiting for New Delhi’s participation because the latter was tilted towards Washington, using delaying tactics in this connection.


Moreover, it is owing to the ideal geo-strategic location of Balochistan with Gwadar seaport which could prove to be Pakistan’s key junction, connecting rest of the world with Central Asia and further strengthening Pak-Iranian strategic position that America has also become a part of Indo-Israeli plot in creating instability in Pakistan and Iran so as to complete the hidden agenda.

Nonetheless, instead of leveling baseless allegations against Pakistan and ISI in relation to the recent terror-attack on the Iranian border guards, Iran’s top officials, lawmakers and political experts must better show realistic approach by taking note of the foreign conspirators which have been creating misunderstanding between Islamabad and Tehran.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]



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Remembering Pakistani Social Media Activist Norouz Jan Baloch Martyred in Target Killing by BLA

















Pakistani social media activist martyred in target killing by BLA



In a clear case of target killing to silence freedom of speech, a prominent and young Baloch social media activist Norouz Jan Baloch was martyred in Nushki city of Balochistan province by militants of the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group headed by Brahamdagh Bugti who lives in self-exile in Europe, mostly seen in and around Switzerland.

The BLA was designated as a terrorist organization by Pakistani law-enforcement authorities in April 2006. Similarly, in July 2006, British authorities declared the BLA as a “proscribed group” in light of the Terrorism Act 2000. The US State Department categorized the group’s actions, and not the group itself, as “terrorism”.

It has long been believed that the BLA has the clandestine support of India’s intelligence agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW). Former Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik had shared in detail the history and motives of the group with the Upper House of the Pakistani Parliament.

Norouz Jan Baloch was the Founder and Manager of the Facebook page Balochistan Liberation Army is a Terrorist Organization (Margh Bar BLA). He was known for making open remarks against the separatist group and spearheading a volunteer cyber activism campaign to counter the stream of propaganda spread by a few Baloch sub-nationalists. Testimony to his influence and support among ordinary Baloch people in specific and Pakistanis in general are the 26,000+ Facebook followers (at the time of compiling this report). Most of the Facebook IDs which fan anti-Pakistan propaganda in cyberspace, according to sources, are ghost IDs which can be traced to India (research by a source showed most of the IPs led to Karnataka).







Norouz’ brutal target-killing is evident of the fact that some Baloch elements who are employed by Pakistan’s enemies cannot tolerate freedom of speech. Ironically, these same elements hold sympathy-seeking rallies in Europe and the US demanding protection for journalists who they claim are killed for voicing their free, independent opinions.

It is hence not incorrect to conclude that since the BLA did not have the facts and capability to engage in a debate with Norouz Jan Baloch, who was known to be a learned young man, they resorted to doing what they do best: killing people, even if they are of the same ethnicity. The ultimate thorn that triggered this hate? Norouz’ staunch patriotism and love for his homeland, Pakistan.

Pakistani social media activist martyred in target killing by BLA | PakIdeology

ina lillah e wa inna eleh e rajeun.jpg 














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‘Norouz Baloch is dead, not Balochistan’ by Imran Jamali, Rojhan Jamali, Balochistan


























‘Norouz Baloch is dead, not Balochistan’



My day on December 2 (2013) started with a heart wrenching news. Norouz Jan Baloch, my friend, my brother from Balochistan, has been martyred by the BLA, who have claimed the responsibility. Ina Lillah wa inna elaih e raji’oon. Norouz was very much active against the so called Balochistan Liberation Army goons. He started exposing the terrorists through the “Alternative Media” at a time when nobody from the mainstream media could dare touch the subject. In fact the mainstream media was busy in glorifying terrorism. Norouz Shaheed restlessly yet aggressively led the campaign; regularly giving us the input and feedback. He was the one who right at the outset had understood the actual scheme of things, with the enemy hands behind. Sometime back he went out of the country, and as he was preparing his luggage to go back home, he called me and said “Imran Bhai, aik documentary banani hei, tayar ho jain, BLA ko poori tarah expose krna hei” (Imran Bhai, we need to make a documentary about the BLA that would help expose its atrocities as a terrorist organization. We need to expose them on larger scale. In return I smiled. While coming back he wasn’t thinking about what could happen to him. All what he was worried was his concern for Balochistan. He used to have often said, “Norouz can die one day but Balochistan and Pakistan will have to live for all times to come. When he landed at the airport, he called me again, saying, “Imran Bhai, I am back, lets rock a party, we are meeting very soon”, to which I replied “sure, InshaAllah. But then the news came of his murder at the hands of enemies of this country.  His death reminds me of the lesson once I learnt from scholars. “Life without an aim is nothing, only an aim that we pursue is something which keeps us alive even when we are no more alive.” Norouz did the same. He may not be around but his message, courage, valor and passion for Pakistan will remain the guiding light for people like us, who at times, complain for no change even after “so much” efforts. Trust me my fellows, we haven’t yet done anything for this beautiful country. The last message of Norouz on Facebook is nothing but a big wakeup call for all of us.

His murder at the hands of BLA bears witness to the fact that the insurgency is in the hands of very few, disgruntled and with the backing of invisible hands. The local people of the troubled areas have seen those hands, but unfortunately there is very less awareness on the national level. There is no pro-Balochistan front, but there is growing awareness amongst the people of Balochistan that plots have been hatched against the will and even participation of locals.


Imran Jamali, Rojhan Jamali, Balochistan

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War? With this Team?

Islamabad diary
Friday, January 24, 2014 



We are in a state of war, even if Punjab and the national leadership from Punjab find it excruciatingly difficult to recognise this reality. From 1947 onwards the land of the sacred rivers didn’t prove itself very good at nation-building. Now with a different set of problems facing the country it is proving even less good at nation-saving.

The forces of disorder and ‘Islamic’ conquest are on the march and the Punjab-led state of Pakistan has gone into a trance, fervently hoping that by itself, by some miracle of the heavens, the danger will pass…leaving its prosperous trader-leaders free to expand their business and industrial empires.

Trader-politicians exist but they are for normal times. Pakistan’s current paladins have been elected for sure and with a heavy mandate too, but the fact that despite this mandate they present a picture of utter confusion, only proves what is frequently said about them: that while smart enough in some things – business and trade, for instance – giving the nation leadership and a sense of direction in these trying times is not their cup of tea.

On a war footing we should be. This is what circumstances dictate but this is where our troubles start. For, in all honesty, with the Sharifs, Dar, Nisar, and Asif sitting around the table, is this anyone’s idea of a war cabinet? Would anyone have made Churchill war leader in 1940 if he had been a baron of trade and industry as our present leaders are?

Since this lot came to power seven months have gone by and the Taliban have recovered from the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud and are once again on the offensive. And we don’t know what to do. The realisation is gaining ground that, perhaps, there is no running away from this fight and that whether we like it or not we shall have to take a stand. But our hearts are not in this enterprise. You just have to look at Nawaz Sharif and company. Do they look as if they are leading a nation at war? 

Doing something is a long way off. They can’t even find the right words. So what is to be done? Or do we assume that history’s lessons are for others, not us? Don’t we remember Yugoslavia? Do we forget what happened to the Soviet Union? Don’t we have eyes to see what is happening across the Middle East, in Syria most notably where civil war rages and, but for Russian support and Bashar al-Assad’s determination, the country would long ago have splintered?

Excoriate Assad for other things as much as we may like but spirit and resolution even his detractors will have to grant him. He and his wife and children continue to stay in Damascus even as sections of the city have turned into battlefields.

Sooner or later fight we will have to. Even if we want to bury our heads in the sand the Taliban are pushing us so hard that our sleeping ghairat (honour) will have no choice but to wake up and do something. How strange the workings of this ghairat? On fire at the merest mention of drones, completely unmoved even as the Taliban make Christian martyrs of us by slapping one cheek, then the other, and from Nawaz Sharif downwards our leaders behaving like the best of Samaritans.

Incidentally, mark how diabolically clever our American friends are. All the while that the Taliban recharged under the leadership of Mullah Fazlullah are into their current offensive – striking here, there and everywhere – they haven’t carried out a single drone attack. If they had we would have forgotten the Taliban, raised the banner of Islam and rushed at the Americans, blaming them for our troubles. Since they have not, we stand deprived of our best excuse, so much so that the drone word these past couple of weeks seems to have disappeared altogether from the pulsating fury of our national discourse. Clever of our American friends. 

But the question remains, who leads the national effort? Those who can’t bring themselves even to say the right words? That’s our problem…a Mustafa Kemal situation but no Mustafa Kemal, a battle for survival without plan or resolve, leaders muttering pieties, wringing their hands, their confusion deepening by the day, their hearts not in this fight, their hearts elsewhere – the price of chicken and eggs (yes, poultry one of their latest preoccupations), private trade deals with Turkey and China. So it goes on.

The Punjab leadership is concerned only about Punjab…that too that sliver of middle, prosperous, motorway Punjab, while the rest of the country burns at the edges and for lack of leadership sinks deeper into listlessness and depression.

Therein the contradiction – a nation finally ready for taking this fight to the finish but a leadership without spirit or spine. It had to take some civilians injured in the RA Bazaar bomb blast to tell the prime minister and army chief in no uncertain terms when they came visiting the Military Hospital to teach the Taliban a lesson. One of the injured used the Punjabi language’s most endearing phrase about sister relationships to describe the Taliban. But again the old problem: if your forte is bank loans and factories, how do you become a war leader? There are no switches you can pull to bring about this transformation.

That’s why we are living in a dangerous moment because the leadership problem could bring the whole edifice of our shining democracy tumbling down. I hate saying this but where there is a vacuum – in this case a vacuum of leadership – something is bound to fill it. Or disorder reigns and things fall apart. Foreign examples are telling enough but our own history is also instructive. There were many causes for the breakup of Pakistan in 1971 but inadequate leadership was one of them. Yahya Khan was an intelligent man, in his day a brilliant staff officer. But the events he was called upon to deal with were too big for him.

Our present leaders graduated from the ISI’s school of political tactics way back in the 1980s and 1990s. The bible they were taught was anti-Bhuttoism at which they proved very good. These are different times. Only Kemalism, a firm turning away from the medievalism of the past 30 years, can save Pakistan. But of that there are few signs.

One notion we should disabuse ourselves of. All-out war does not mean hitting one’s head against a wall. It does not mean an assault on North Waziristan without adequate preparation. It means, first of all, a change of national attitude, a stiffening of national resolve, a focusing on the essential instead of the secondary (a dictum of Hitler’s which he forgot when he attacked Russia without finishing matters with Britain). It also means the army bidding farewell to the complicated scripture of good and bad Taliban.

Are the Taliban fighting for municipal autonomy that the bozos of this administration and Imran Khan want to negotiate with them? Do the Taliban want provincial status for Fata that the appeasement brigade wants to talk to them? They want not a piece, they want the whole, something our political geniuses find hard to understand.

We should be studying Munich and the history of the Second World War. Chamberlain was a better politician than anyone in our appeasement brigade. But he misjudged Hitler as Chamberlain’s Pakistani successors, none more so than the Punjab-centric leadership, misjudge the Taliban.

Is Pakistan’s cause hopeless? No, it can be redeemed provided we solve the riddle of leadership. As the French anthem, the Marseillaise, proclaims: to arms, citizens, form your battalions, let impure blood drench our plains. Who infuses the armies of the republic with this spirit?

Email: [email protected]

Ayaz Amir has rightly pointed out that power today lies in the hand of those who believe in TAP SE TE THUSS KARSE ,
then how  can one expect out of this leadership of  these Jali Punjabis  to face the on slaught  of those who are out to die.
Prior to this Gohar Ayub has throughly exposed the  dirty face and cowardice  character of gang of corrupts  in his book Glimpses into the Corridors of Power.

You are right actually Punjab is breeding them that is why they never condemned them openly and sealed their dens. If I can point out where are they in Punjab then why not GOP. Jhang Dadu
Khairpur Tamewali Muree up north and other parts of the country.
It Is so well defined article by Ayaz. 

If you see history, every invader came from the north. Less the british.  So all threats come from khyber and move down through Punjab to Delhi. So what we call punjab is actually a

land of darbari folks.

Yes sir to every invader and please move on to delhi for better  rewards.

This time round , the new invader has already made inroads in punjab and thats why the punjabi leadership want to close its eyes and hope they will go away


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