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Archive for May, 2023

‘Ayn Al-Faqr – Eye of Spiritual Excellence & Kalīd At-Tawẖīd – The Key of Monotheism





H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo’s books
‘Ayn Al-Faqr – Eye of Spiritual Excellence
& Kalīd At-Tawẖīd – The Key of Monotheism
English Translation
Organised By MUSLIM Institute (UK Chapter)
at the London School of Economics & Political Science
Wednesday June 15, 2022
MUSLIM Institute (UK Chapter) organised a book launch ceremony of Sult̲ān Al-‘Ārifīn H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo’s newly translated books by M.A. Khan at the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). The launch celebrated the translation of Sultan Al-Arifin Sultan Bahoo’s two books ‘Ayn Al-Faqr – Eye of Spiritual Excellence and Kalīd At-Tawhid – The Key of Monotheism, from Persian to English. The ceremony concluded with an interactive session during refreshments. Ali Iftikhar (Research Associate – MUSLIM Institute, UK Chapter) moderated the proceedings of the session. The event was attended by different diplomats, political personalities, academics, professionals, students, and people from various walks of life.


Summary of the views shared by the speakers is observed as under:

From Left (File Photos): Ali Iftikhar (moderator), Dr. Aasmaa Bygate, Dr. Iqbal Hussain, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali, Prof. Dr. Amineh Hoti, M. A. Khan, Merve Cetinkaya
Expert Panellists
» Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali
Chairman, MUSLIM Institute & Dewan of Junagadh State
» M. A. Khan
Author & Literary Translator of the Books
» Prof. Dr. Amineh Hoti
Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge
» Dr. Fitzroy Morrissey
All Souls College, University of Oxford
» Dr. Aasmaa Bygate
UK Director of Bridging Spiritual Cultures
» Dr. Iqbal Hussain
President of MUSLIM Institute (UK Chapter)
» Merve Cetinkaya
PhD Candidate, University College London
Sult̲ān Al-‘Ārifīn H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo authored around 140 books in Persian on mystical truths. His books have been unknown to the English audience especially the West until recent past. One of the reasons is that the original Persian manuscripts of majority of his books are still not available. In addition, there is a lack of quality in English translation of the books whose manuscripts are available. However, there is a large number of Persian manuscripts available in different libraries of South Asia that have yet to be either researched or translated into other languages.
The two valuable books ‘Ayn Al-Faqr & Kalīd At-Tawẖīd were originally written by Sult̲ān Al-‘Ārifīn H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo in the Persian Language and are now translated into English Language by M A Khan. Mr Khan has done a wonderful job to translate these Persian books into English while maintaining the essence of ideas discussed. The Persian text, consulted to translate these books, is the one researched and compiled by Mr Said Amir Khan Niazi. To extract the accurate text of Ain Al-Faqr, Mr Niazi compared the manuscripts by Khalifa Gul Muhammad Sindhi, Ghulam Mustafa, Muhammad Hassan, Molvi Noor-ud-din Kunjahi and publication by Molvi Nizam Uddin Multani.
Ayn Al-Faqr is one of the masterpieces in prose-writing by H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo that is enriched with classical Sufi ideas. The literal meaning of ‘Ayn Al-Faqr is “the Eye of Faqr.” This book provides a pervasive awareness about the realities of human beings’ innermost states as observed by the sight of spiritual excellence. Kalīd At-Tawhīd (Khurd) (The Key of Monotheism) is an inspiring work of Sultan Al-Ārifīn Sultan Bahoo and it is described as Mushkil-Kushā (Remover of Difficulties) by Sultan Bahoo. That means this book serves as a complete guide for the desirous of Allah Almighty, both the beginners and the accomplished ones. Even though these books are in a prose form, the poetic stanzas in the books add honour and deep understanding. Furthermore, the Persian text itself has a poetic touch where one feels rhythms on various places.
Translating these classical texts is not a straight forward task, as one has to keep in mind the spacio-temporal environment and society of the time when these were written. In order to translate these books, the translator left his lavish life in UK and spent more than two years on the shrine of H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo in search of inner-freedom and feelings which are necessary to produce such literature. He got spiritual training there and spent time with faqīrs and dorveyš in order to experience the realities described in these books. There are a lot of terms which are misunderstood in English translations of other Sufi writings. For example, the word ‘faqr’ is usually translated as poverty. However, in spiritual context it has different meaning, the term spiritual-excellence is introduced to translate faqr. As in a Hadith of Exalted Prophet (ﷺ) it is described as:
اذاتم الفقرفھواللّٰہ
“When faqr reaches its perfection then there is only Allah”.

The word ‘murāqabah’ is often translated as meditation or trans. However, these translations are not much appropriate while describing the actual concept of murāqabah. The meaning of murāqabah is to mount over your nafs while you are contemplating name of Allah Almighty and you don’t focus on any candle or any other physical object. Other examples include the difference among the terms nafs, qalb, fawād and rūẖ. These words are often considered as synonyms for describing one entity.

These books could be related with spiritual and mental health as well. Sufi practices help the individual in mental wellbeing. Research on literature academically and non-academically in both ways is fruitful to find the connection between the mental health and spiritual practices. Wellbeing is one of the important points in spirituality keeping in view of the contemporary world. Popularity of spirituality and spiritual practices like mind fullness are quite popular. H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo emphasizes on meditation of ‘HOO’ in which one breath is used to take the name of beloved and refer to the beloved. Today we pay a lot of money for meditation apps and subscriptions. But here you have a beautiful concept of meditation of ‘HOO’ which is Allah’s remembrance which bestows eternal calm and satisfaction.
H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo’s mystical poetry and prose work is an expression of disillusionment with institutionalized forms of religion. It is the teachings of optimistic faith in the possibility of a personal, individual and spiritual relationship with God and Prophet (ﷺ). In ‘Ayn Al-Faqr, page 47, Sultan Bahoo explains that there is only one desire in being of the dorveyš (mystical wayfarer), and that to have faqr because faqr is the secret of Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty is the secret of faqr. Moreover, he also equates this with the attainment of mystical annihilation. Sultan Bahoo also enlightens so beautifully on page 93 of Kalīd At-Tawhīd how one can walk on path of love through meditation, recitation, and zikr of God’s name.
All Sufi authors cite from the Exalted Qur’an and H̱adīth. Likewise, H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo also cites a number of verses from Exalted Qur’an. He cites some verses recurrently. For instance, the verse which says that “God is closer to man than his jugular vein’’ and a H̱adīth in which the Exalted Prophet (ﷺ) tells his listeners to “die before you die,’’ or the Hadith which says that “God was a hidden treasure, he loves to be known, so he created the world in order to be known.’’ Sultan Bahoo is quite systematic and schematic thinker, so often we’re presented with numbered lists, for instance, the seven stages of meditation. He gives a coherent shape to the Sufi path and mystical experience. H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo frequently gives references to some of the great figures from the formative and classical periods of Sufism. He cites, the legendary female mystic Rābi‘ah Bas̲rī, the great Sufis like ‘Abd Al-Qādir Al-Jīlānī, Junayd Baghdādī, Shibli and Imam Abū H̱anīfah. H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo also applies imagery, when he compares the Murshid to the gardener who is skilled at taking care of the plants. Sultan Al-Arifin Sultan Bahoo describes the seeker as gold or pearls because such precious items go through a difficult process to reach that special stage.
In his books and beautiful poetry H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo says, Exalted Prophet (ﷺ) is the leader of the leaders, honoured above all preachers and creations of 18 thousand universes. In the honour of Exalted Prophet (ﷺ), Allah Almighty mentioned in H̱adīth Qudsī that Beloved if you are not to be than I would have not created the heaven. He is so dear and beloved to all Muslims. It is important to understand and respect him.
Today the world has seen multiple ways of crises, from death to the diseases like Covid-19. We witnessed seen clashes between religion and secularism. We have witnessed murder, genocide, and wars. We just have seen images of Afghanistan where people are literally in pain. The Muslims and Christians have difficult time in India regarding citizenship where their life, property, and wealth is under threat. In such a tough situation people look towards role models to guide them, and Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali is one such character, the speakers highlighted.
Words are very important because if there are no words, it will not be possible to communicate. Communication about Islam is through internal and external spiritual realization without which no position can be achieved and the heart needs to be kept pure and meaningful which is more important than anything. Therefore, words are too poor to share the mystical experience in the journey of life. Sufism is a path that leads from the heart of man to the meeting of Allah Almighty and purifies our hearts.
The translation of these books therefore is of utmost importance, and it was also imperative that the teachings of H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo be disseminated to the people in other languages as well. The translator has translated these books in a unique and beautiful way so that the reader can easily benefit from these teachings. Ideas and work of Sufis like Sultan Bahoo should be highlighted more and the next generation should be encouraged to read about them. H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo and all others Sufi saints should be heroes and role models for the young generation, as they must learn from the teachings about attaining inner satisfaction. The important and critical role of the mother of H̱aḏrat Sultan Bahoo for his spiritual growth should also be read and highlighted. All mothers must learn from her about how to bring up one’s child.

Even the bitterest fruit has sugar in it.

– Terry a O’Neal

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.

– Molière

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European Imperialism and How India and Pakistan Won and Lost August 14-15, 1947 National Freedom

European Imperialism and How India and Pakistan Won and Lost August 14-15, 1947 National Freedom

Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Freedom Colonized or European Systematic Terrorism

European went to West Asia pretending to be businessmen and fostered political intrigues and treachery to become the ruler of the Sub-Continent. The conquest and looting of Moghul India in 1857 transformed Britain into “Great Britain.” British and French for a while competed for military and political influence to pave the way for ultimate hegemonic control. Portuguese and Dutch also engaged in trade and wider scheme of colonization. The European colonization schemes originated from its socio- economic-political and ethno supremacy over all other things. They shared a common military strategy to subdue most of the Islamic people from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to North Africa to erect new empires. They subjugated masses to “divide and rule” policies and practices of the European mental microscope which never viewed the besieged subjects as equal human beings to stand beside the colonial Masters. The masses across these continents were not conquered at the doors but first betrayed and then systematically divided and degenerated by the Master European race. They institutionalized the colonization scheme by establishing institutions of armed forces, police and civil service to govern the nations of Muslim Pakistan and Hindu dominated India for a long time to come. Consequently, freedom gained by political movements was lost by the institutionalized scheme of imperialism. Any prospects for change and new beginning were opposed by the institutionalized colonization. H.G. Wells (Outline of History, Book 5) said it right:  “So began the first of the most wasteful and disastrous series of wars that has ever darkened the history of mankind.”

Terrorism originates from the Western colonial powers but none would dare to concede it for the FEAR of unknown intellectual, moral and political consequences in contemporary history – this author elaborated the dictum of imperialism (“Western Imperialism and the Unspoken Tyranny of Colonization.” Global Research: 1/11/2012 https://www.globalresearch.ca/ western-imperialism-and-the-unspoken-tyranny-of-colonization/28604):

 When the European businessmen explored  new world markets for diminishing resources and their armed forces invaded and occupied the vast Islamic world, there were no television, internet, video cameras and stone throwing public and voices of reason to call them foreign mercenaries, aggressors and terrorists. The colonization scheme of things was not outcome of the Western democratic values to spread freedom, liberty and justice but ferocity of violence and killings of millions and millions of human lives for the Empires to be built on colored bloodbaths. The European crusaders crossed the channels and unknown time zones to subjugate the much divided Muslim people as part of their superior nationalism perception and values that Muslims were inferior to the European race and could be used as subjects without human identity and as raw material to build the new Empires.

The national freedom looks more a hypothetical phenomenon rather than a political reality. India and Pakistan continued to be at war and political enemies as if national freedom had no practical meanings. The engagement with dubious past remained active and alive in politics. British colonialists had historic animosity towards Muslims as the they occupied Moghul India in 1857 by forcibly removing its last Emperor Bahdur Shah Zafar and imprisoned him and family in a garage in Rangoon, Burma where he died. British had small wisdom of seeing beyond the obvious but to Muslims, the loss of Moghul Empire was the loss of an enriched progressive civilization.

British Educated Political Leaders Sought Freedom from the British Empire


Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahlal Nehru, Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Khan though educated in British intellectual traditions but articulated new mission and visions for national freedom as a revulsion against the British colonial political traditions and continuity of British Raj in India. Was this violent and ruthless indoctrination part of the British heritage or history-making efforts to besiege India forever?  Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy made sure that Indians will remain loyal and committed subservient to the futuristic blending of  so called celebrated national freedom after the 1947 partition into India and Pakistan. British by design failed to deliver the truth of national freedom to both nations in a universal spirit of political responsibility and political accountability. Hindu mythology believes in “Mahabharata” (Greater India) and teaches school children that ‘Pakistan and Afghanistan’ are part of “Mahabharata” plan.  Abu Rihan Al Buruni, a 10th century Muslim scholar wrote the first ever book: “Kitab ul-Hind” (Book on India), after living a decade with Hindu priests at various temples; he describes Hindu being extreme nationalist believing to be superior than other human races (caste system) and highly proud and prejudice to other people. 

History could not have confined the tyranny and oppression of British imperialism policies and practices – “divide and rule” against the will of the Indian masses. Was it a disguised democracy inflicted on the Indian subjects?  Canons of rationality clarify that national freedom granted to both new nations on August 14-15, 1947, was a fake chronology of time and history. Does it not signal a naïve and void imagination of national freedom professed by both nations since 1947?  They continue to interact with one another as the most hated enemy of time and history, wars, threat of nuclear arsenals, Kashmir dispute and worst of all lacking direct people to people contacts or business relationships all seem to be part of a highly ruptured and purging pursuit of national freedom.

Entrapped Political Freedom and Colonized Elite doing the Wrong Things

 Since the partition of 1947, India was overwhelmingly led by religious phenomenon of Hinduism under the pretext of secularism. Pakistan fell victim to military coups indoctrinated by British trained military Generals making Islamic ideology a fake imagery of the nation state. Under PM Modi, Hinduism is the top most priority to divide and rule India by social and political discards and infested hatred against the minority communities of Muslim, Sikh, Christian and so many others. India’ geography is enlarged every day by such religious-political conflicts. Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu extremism, Nehru died a natural death. Mohammad Ali Jinnah died on a Karachi roadside in a broken ambulance and Liaquat Ali Khan, the first highly acclaimed PM was murdered by Punjabi political enemies.  After 75 years of lost time and opportunities, Pakistan under the dictatorship of various army Generals, dismantled public institutions, devastated social and economic affairs, corrupt and indicted criminals turned politicians; most recently, Imran Khan – a new age visionary elected leader was abruptly dismissed by military intervention to drag the nation into havoc socio-political chaos and degenerating future.

British changed the sub-continent in 90 years, but Pakistan after 75 years has no viable system of political governance.  Its home-grown enemies and traitors like ZA Bhutto, General Yahya Khan, Zardari, Sharifs and General Musharraf were more harmful than foreign enemies. The Five individualistic military coups and its by-product leaders flunked the originality of ideological Pakistan. They all escaped legal accountability for stolen wealth and heinous crimes against the people. Along with few military Generals, they were complacent in robbing the nation of its freedom, integrity, security and sustainable future. Pakistan lives in limbo with missing legitimate system of political governance, public institutions and legal system of justice.

History will see the Leaders by their Actions, Not by their Claims     

Contrary to Gandhi’s peace and non-violent political movement, shortly after the 1947 freedom, India invaded militarily and occupied some of the regional states wanting to join Pakistan as was Jammu and Kashmir, Hyderabad and Juna Gahar. Despite the UNO assurances of democratic plebiscite in Kashmir, none of these issues were resolved to this day. A panoramic view of New Delhi’s Grand Mosque and famous Taj Mahal at Agra enlightens the foreign visitors with ever lasting image of Islamic culture and civilization, not of obsessed Hindu mythology of political domination under PM Modi.

India under the Congress Party of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru evolved some of its political institutions and systems of people-oriented governance. They shared vision for political change and secularism. At times, power was transferred peacefully to opposition groups. It did not happen in Pakistan as it fell victim to political conspiracies and military interventions losing its ideological originality and intellectual capacity for planned thinking, system of governance and nation-building. In 1971, with the help of then Indian PM Indira Gandhi, ZA Bhutto and Sheikh Mujib Ur Rehman were installed as the new rulers of defeated Pakistan. Please see: “British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom” https://www.globalresearch.ca/british-colonialism-how-india-pakistan-lost-freedom/5765810 and https://ms-my.facebook.com/Uncommon-Thought-Journal-161860380533165/photos/4916004181785404/ Uncommon Thought Journal: 1/01/2022.

How to imagine a New Future and Peaceful Co-existence?

Unless concerned intellectuals and politicians RETHINK for a Navigational Change, the Indian and Pakistani political horizon overshadows dark imagery of catastrophic nuclear and conventional conflicts. They desperately NEED new generation of educated, proactive and honest leaders to make a different future to happen. PM Modi is committed to Hindu extremism; he could be replaced in the next election as more Indian intellectuals are getting worried about national politics, human equality and future-making. If Imran Khan returns to power during the next election, it could be seen as a positive move for peaceful political change and stability away from the corrupt governance by military dictators.  But the current chaotic political culture carries a lingering suspicion of naïve and egoistic Generals involvement in political configuration process.  The evidence supports the alliance of indicted Bhuttos, Sharif’s, and some military Generals to remove Khan in a defunct National Assembly. If there is a fair system of justice, the current Chief of Staff General should be held accountable for his alleged intervention to oust Khan. Likewise, Sharif brothers should face the accountability for money laundering, stolen wealth and political mismanagement.  Imran Khan needs intelligent advisors to plan political change with concerted actions. He lost four years of precious time but he was not corrupt and he did not kill or robbed any national treasury. (Please see more by this author, “Pakistan: Leaders or Criminals” 2014; “Pakistan where Politics and Corruption are the Same” 2014; “Pakistan-reflections on the Turbulent 69th Independence Day”: 2015; “Pakistan Imperatives of political Change for a progressive Nation”2019; “Pakistan and India’s leaders Mark Freedom from British Raj but Masses look for a Navigational Change.” 8/16/2020.

At the edge of REASON, a rational thinker and peacemaker would view extremism and violent assumptions of racial superiority as inhuman and immoral, be it the Hinduism, Muslims or Europeanism could plague the sense of mystery and endanger the futuristic movement for change, security and normalization of human relationships. Progressive nations produce the best, most educated and intelligent people to assume leadership roles.  Both Indian and Pakistani failed the demands of masses and of formative history for change. PM Modi‘s Hindu nationalism will not move India to nation-building and peaceful future-making; and military Generals and affiliated corrupt and indicted criminals in Pakistan will be of no use to the security and future of Pakistan. The unchallengeable truth arising from the facts of history states that leaders either lead or they are imposters and stage puppets. Proactive vision and truth live in spatial, pure and simple narrative.  Pakistan and India need desperately new, educated and intelligent proactive leadership to facilitate friendship, resolution of major political problems and a sustainable future to exist in peace.  

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.

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Peace or War:  To be Optimistic or Pessimistic about the Future of Humanity by Dr Mahboob A. Khawaja

Peace or War:  To be Optimistic or Pessimistic about the Future of Humanity

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars
Whose sages are silenced
And whose bigots haunt the airwaves
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Except to praise conquerors
And acclaim the bully as a hero
And aims to rule the world
By force and by torture…
Pity the nation oh pity the people
who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away…”-   Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet

Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

Realism has its own moral and intellectual properties and truth cannot be made truer simply by numbers and fake political statements.  We, the People of the globe have no passion for war; it is incompatible with human nature whereas peace is the outgrown truth of human consciousness and moral, spiritual and physical balance. The on-going war between Russia-Ukraine and NATO appears to set the psychological agenda undermining a sustainable future for mankind without realizing its real-world effects across the board manifesting frightening waves of fear and hatred across the globe. Fear and hatred are the defining traits used by the warmongers to belittle mankind just as lifeless digits and numbers to be counted in the official statistic.

Is media propaganda a weapon for the conquest of human minds, souls and future-making? Come to understand the contemporary issues of the 21st century’s Russian-American and European discards over Ukraine and the future of oil and gas supplies, grain exports and economic relationships all under scrutiny between those who during the 2nd WW stood united against foreign aggression and killings of fellow human beings. An amassed collection of fear, ambiguity and distrust spells out the prevalent reality of current global affairs. There are no corresponding communications and dialogues between the superpowers to change the horrible present into a sustainable and peaceful future for humanity populating this planet. All that is happening or could happen such as: “Ukraine goes into darkness”, “Russian bombing destroyed Ukraine’s infrastructures”, “NATO not fighting in Ukraine”, “the EU discard over Russian war on Ukraine”, and a lot more making sensational headlines. The perplexed statistic of weapons and money to aid Ukraine represents a shaky scenario of encountering the military onslaught and balancing of the reason is missing across the tensions of unrealized possibilities of peacemaking and conflict resolution. 

Is there an Irony between Logic and Political Wickedness?

Alexis Carre, the 2022-23 Thomas W. Smith Postdoctoral Research Associate of the James Madison Program, Princeton University (“Europeans Have Weapons but Aren’t Warriors” Foreign Policy: 12/07/22), argues negating the history of European conquests across Asia, Africa, North Africa and South America as if they went in peace and were not the warriors of horrors, killings and political deception and military occupation. Often crises have multiple spillover agendas for change and surprises. Just as there is an EU, an alliance between America and Japan, Russia and China-Japan and so on. Could we imagine the coming of a new age of relationship between Russia, Ukraine and America-led NATO when even the most exemplary political vigilance could be liable to unusual surprises? 

Ukraine wanted to join the European community-NATO and claims the right of freedom to join any international organization for its betterment, peace and security. NATO’s formation and scope are limited to nationalistic conventional warfare in the European theatre. One wonders, what wars did NATO fight to protect its ideals and strategic priorities after the 1945 WW?  What NATO had to do with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?  Were these accidental engagements or simply an extension of planned irresistible catastrophic instances of tyranny against the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria? The history of NATO and its plans and ideological motives are equally distorted and disfigured on the global screen of reason, honesty and accountability.

Is NATO run by the wrong people, glued to wrong thinking and doing the wrong things without any rational sense of time, people’s interest and history? Craig Murray (“NATO-an Idea Whose Time has Gone.”: AntiWar.com), former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee, UK, foresees the body as obsolete 

It is also the case in countries where NATO has been most active in killing people, including Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan ……NATO’s attempt to be a global arbiter and enforcer has been disastrous at all levels…it is very clever and cynical. NATO provides power to the elite and money to the wealthy.

Leaders of Human Consciousness should Think Critically Before They Act

Hans Morgenthau (Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 1978): the legendry theorists of the 20th century points out that: “Realism, believing as it does in the objectivity of the laws of politics…politics must be subjected to the dual test of reason and experience…..for realism, theory consists in ascertaining facts and giving them meaning through reason….If we want to know the moral and political qualities of his (politician) actions, we must know them, not his motives.”  

We, the People live in a splendid Universe in which planet Earth floats ordained by the commands of God. We are moral beings, unlike animals that possess the eyes, ears and other senses but cannot draw logical conclusions from their senses. We, the People draw rational results from what we see and what we hear, therefore, we are different, and we cannot act or live as animals. There is a moral sense of spirituality and humanity to co-exist in harmony with the rest of all creations on this Earth. Modern wars represent sadistic and cruel minds to undermine human rights, dignity and life. They destroy all that is built over the ages that we call human cultures and civilizations. All of the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) reveal the truth of “Trust” – human beings took to be responsible and be at peace with the Nature of Things.  This TRUST and its reminder are explicitly mentioned in (The Qur’an, Chapter 33: 72): 

 “We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth, And the mountains but they refused; To undertake it, being afraid thereof: But man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish.”    

We are One Humanity, and we are the most intelligent being populating the earth. We can THINK and REASON and cannot act like animals without accountability.  The Earth is a living entity and is meant for us – human beings. We, the People wonder who else except God created life, the Earth and the living Universe floating in space well balanced and functional since time immemorial. Who else other than God determined the Earth’s spinning of 1670 km per hour? Who else than God ordained it to orbit the sun at 107,000 km per hour?  And who else than God made it to spin at 28,437 km per hour at the equator? (https://www.newscientist.com/question/fastearthspin/#ixzz7C8p37S9X).    Be aware that the earth’s average distance to the Sun is about 93 million miles (105 million km); the distance of the Moon from the Earth is currently 384,821 km equivalent to 0.002572 Astronomical Units and if the distance between the Earth-Sun or the Earth-moon were ever to change, there will be no sign of life or habitats left on Earth. 

We, the People, wish to rejoice in truth, not evil. We, the people of the world enjoin focused minds and imagination to articulate a new world of One Humanity, brotherhood and peaceful co-existence amongst all, free of hatred, fear, wars, encroachment and animosity. We, the people of the globe possess an understanding – of how to change the egoistic and embittered insanity of the few hate-mongers and warlords into an equilibrium of balanced relationship between Man, Life and the God-given living Universe in which we reside all.

Every beginning has its end and effective leaders should always be open to listening and learning. President Macron had a phone conversation with President Putin and reasserts the need for futuristic ‘security guarantees’ for Russia to come to peacemaking. President Biden tells the audience in Washington that he can speak with President Putin. President Putin shows readiness to talk with Western leaders. What are they waiting for?  Why don’t they take the initiative to have a dialogue for a ceasefire and peace treaty? The US, the EU and NATO and Russia should rethink peacemaking, not enlarge the scope of the current conflict in Ukraine. President Putin needs to rethink to be at peace with their neighbors even if their national interest differs and the future could be challenging for peaceful co-existence. Most superpowers and their strategic thinkers and political planners lack understanding of the convergent factors of life articulating viable change when it is at the peak of its lifeline. They worship the form and forget the essence of peace, security, human survival, Planet Earth and global peace and unity of mankind for a sustainable future. Raymond Aron, French Political Philosopher and Sociologist offered the following foresight at the dawn of 1939 WW2: 

“When one is speaking to people who profess to despise peace, one must say that, if one loves peace, it is not out of cowardice. It is ridiculous to set regimes founded on work against regimes founded on leisure. It is grotesque to believe that cannons can be resisted with butter, or effort with rest.”

Dr Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 12/2019.

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Peace or War: To be Optimistic or Pessimistic About the Future of Humanity

Dr.Mahboob A.Khawaja

Peace or War: To be Optimistic or Pessimistic About the Future of Humanity

Pakistan Think Tank

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars
Whose sages are silenced
And whose bigots haunt the airwaves
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Except to praise conquerors
And acclaim the bully as hero
And aims to rule the world
By force and by torture…
Pity the nation oh pity the people
who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away…”

—Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet

Realism has its own moral and intellectual properties and truth cannot be made truer simply by numbers and fake political statements.  We, the People of globe, have no passion for war; it is incompatible with human nature whereas peace is the outgrown truth of human consciousness and moral, spiritual and physical balance. The on-going war between Russia-Ukraine and NATO appears to set the psychological agenda undermining a sustainable future for mankind without realizing its real-world affects across the board manifesting frightening waves of fear and hatred across the globe. Fear and hatred are the defining traits used by the warmongers to belittle mankind just as lifeless digits and numbers to be counted in official statistics.

Is the media propaganda a weapon of conquest of human minds, soul and future-making? Come to understand the contemporary issues of the 21st century’s  Russian-American and European discards over Ukraine and the future of  oil and gas supplies, grain exports and economic relationships all under scrutiny between those who during the 2nd WW  stood united against foreign aggression and killings of fellow human beings . There is an amassed collection of fear, ambiguity and distrust that spells out the prevalent reality of current global affairs. There is no corresponding communications and dialogues between the superpowers to change the horrible present into a sustainable and peaceful future for the humanity populating this planet. All that is happening or could happen such as: “Ukraine goes in darkness”, “Russian bombing destroyed Ukraine’s infrastructures”, “NATO not fighting in Ukraine” , “the EU discard over Russian war on Ukraine”, and lot more making sensational headlines. The perplexed statistic of weapons and money to aid Ukraine represents a shaky scenario of encountering the military onslaught, and balancing of reason is missing across the tensions of unrealized possibilities of peacemaking and conflict resolution.

Is there an Irony between Logic and Political Wickedness?

Alexis Carre, the 2022-23 Thomas W. Smith Postdoctoral Research Associate of the James Madison Program, Princeton University (“Europeans Have Weapons but Aren’t Warriors” Foreign Policy: 12/07/22) , argues negating the history of European conquests across Asia, Africa, North Africa and South America as if they went in peace and were not the warriors of horrors, killings and political deception and military occupation. Often crises have multiple spillover agendas for change and surprises. Just as there is an EU, alliance between America and Japan, Russia and China-Japan and so on. Could we imagine the coming of a new age of relationship between Russia, Ukraine and America-led NATO when even most exemplary political vigilance could be liable to unusual surprises?

Global Peace and Security: Waging “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East Even as We “Embody Terrorism”

Ukraine wanted to join the European community-NATO and claims the right of freedom to join any international organizations for its betterment, peace and security. NATO’s formation and scope is limited to nationalistic conventional warfare in the European theatre. One wonders, what wars did NATO fight to protect its ideals and strategic priorities after the 1945 WW?  What NATO had to do with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?  Were these accidental engagements or simply an extension of planned irresistible catastrophic instances of tyranny against the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The history of NATO and its plans and ideological motives are equally distorted and disfigured on the global screen of reason, honesty and accountability.

Is NATO run by the wrong people, glued to wrong thinking and doing the wrong things without any rational sense of time, people’s interest and history? Craig Murray (“NATO-an idea Whose Time has Gone.”: AntiWar.com), former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee, UK, foresees the body as obsolete

It is also the case that the situation in countries where NATO has been most active in killing people, including Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Pakistan ……NATO’s attempt to be global arbiter and enforcer has been disastrous at all levels…it is very clever and cynical. NATO provides power to the elite and money to the wealthy.

Leader of Human Consciousness should Think Critically before They Act

Hans Morgenthau (Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 1978): the legendry theorists of the 20th century points out that: “Realism, believing as it does in the objectivity of the laws of politics…politics must be subjected to the dual test of reason and experience…..for realism, theory consists in ascertaining facts and giving them meaning through reason….If we want to know the moral and political qualities of his (politician) actions, we must know them, not his motives.”   

We, the People live in a splendid Universe in which planet Earth floats ordained by the commands of God. We are moral beings unlike animals that possess the eyes, ear and other senses but cannot draw logical conclusion from their senses. We, the People draw rational results what we see and what we hear, therefore, we are different, and we cannot act or live animals. There is a moral sense of spirituality and humanity to co-exist in harmony with the rest of all creations on this Earth. Modern wars represent sadistic and cruel minds to undermine human rights, dignity and life. They destroy all that is built over the ages that we call human cultures and civilizations. All of the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) reveal the truth of “Trust” – human beings took to be responsible and be at peace with the Nature of Things.  This TRUST and its reminder are explicitly mentioned in (The Qur’an, Chapter 33: 72):

“We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth; And the mountains but they refused; To undertake it, being afraid thereof: But man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish.”    

We are One Humanity and we are the most intelligent being populating the earth. We can THINK and REASON and cannot act like animals without accountability.  The Earth is a living entity and is meant for us – the human beings. We, the People wonder who else except God created life, the Earth and the living Universe floating in space well balanced and functional since time immemorial. Who else other than God determined the Earth spinning of 1670 km per hour? Who else than God ordained it to orbit the sun at 107,000 km per hour?  And who else than God made it to spin at 28,437 km per hour at the equator? (See this). Be aware that earth average distance to the Sun is about 93 million miles (105 million km); the distance of Moon from Earth is currently 384,821 kmequivalent to 0.002572 Astronomical Units and if the distance between the Earth-Sun or the Earth-moon were ever to change, there will be no sign of life or habitats left on Earth.

We, the People, wish to rejoice truth, not evil. We, the people of the world, enjoin focused minds and imagination to articulate a new world of One Humanity, brotherhood and peaceful co-existence amongst all, free of hatred, fear, wars, encroachment and animosity. We, the people of the globe possess understanding – how to change the egoistic and embittered insanity of the few hate-mongers and warlords into equilibrium of balanced relationship between Man, Life and God- given the living Universe in which we reside all.

Every beginning has its end and effective leaders should always be open to listening and learning. President Macron had a phone conversation with President Putin and reasserts the need for futuristic ‘security guarantees’ for Russia to come to peacemaking. President Biden tells audience in Washington that he can speak with President Putin. President Putin shows readiness to talk with Western leaders. What are they waiting for?  Why don’t they take initiatives to have a dialogue for a ceasefire and peace treaty? The US, the EU and NATO and Russia should rethink peacemaking, not to enlarge the scope of current conflict in Ukraine. President Putin needs rethinking to be at peace with its neighbors even if its national interest differs and future could be challenging for peaceful co-existence. Most superpowers and their strategic thinkers and political planners lack understanding of the convergent factors of life articulating viable change when it is at the peak of its lifeline. They worship the form and forgot the essence of peace, security, human survival, Planet Earth and global peace and unity of mankind for sustainable future. Raymond Aron, French Political Philosopher and Sociologist offered the following foresight at the dawn of 1939 WW2:

“When one is speaking to people who profess to despise peace, one must say that, if one loves peace, it is not out of cowardice. It is ridiculous to set regimes founded on work against regimes founded on leisure. It is grotesque to believe that cannons can be resisted with butter, or effort with rest.”


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Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 12/2019. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Pakistan Riddled with Multiple Crises by Brig Gen(Retd) Asif Haroon Raja

Pakistan Riddled with Multiple Crises

Asif Haroon Raja

Two-Party Rule & Military Rule

ZA Bhutto gave birth to PPP in 1967 and Nawaz Sharif (NS) to PML-N in 1990. NS was groomed and patronized by Gen Ziaul Haq. The 2nd democratic era witnessed the two mainstream national political parties, PPP and PML-N at loggerheads from 1988 onwards till Benazir Bhutto in self-imposed exile and exiled NS signed Charter of Democracy (CoD) in 2006 during Gen Musharraf’s rule, both pledging to let each other complete the mandated 5-year tenure and to clip the wings of the army and the judiciary. They didn’t consider doctoring the moral and social ailments which had decomposed democracy and decayed the institutions.

The lawyer’s movement in March 2007 forced Gen Musharraf to strike a power sharing deal with Benazir, issue NRO on Oct 5 to allow the two exiled leaders to return and take part in elections, impose emergency on Nov 3, shed off his uniform and hand over the baton of Army to his VCOAS Gen Ashfaq Kiani on Nov 27. He was blamed for the murder of Benazir on Dec 27. In the March 2008 elections, PPP formed its govts in the Centre and Sindh, and coalition govts in KP and Balochistan. PML-N under Shahbaz Sharif (SS) took over Punjab.

The CoD was put into practice, provinces granted greater autonomy through the 18th Amendment in the Constitution, and the PPP under Asif Ali Zardari completed its full tenure. CJP Iftikhar Ch sacked by Gen Musharraf was restored in March 2009. He introduced the concept of Suo Motus and judicial activism. It was owing to poor performance of the PPP which reduced its political strength to the Sindh-based party and gave space to the PTI which till then was in wilderness. SS’s good performance enabled PML-N to win 2013 elections with a two-thirds majority.  

PML-N’s Rule (2013-2018)

During the five-year rule of PML-N from June 2013 to June 2018, it learnt lessons from its past follies, took advantage of its majority and managed to steady the rocking economy, overcame worst energy crisis, broke the back of rural and urban terrorism, formulated National Action Plan, established NACTA, lifted the GDP to 5.8 %, started the gigantic CPEC project attracting $ 46 billion China’s assistance, forged strategic relationship with China and further cemented ties with the Arab Gulf States.

Its performance could be much better had PTI under Imran Khan (IK), which had refused to accept 2013 elections results, not created one hurdle after another to impede development works. Even CPEC was delayed by one year. PML-N had to contend with judicial activism under CJP Saqib Nisar who disqualified NS for life on a flimsy charge and imprisoned him, his daughter Maryam and the leading lights of the party. The economic graph began to decline from 2017 onwards.

IK’s politics of defiance and aggression were given legal cover by the higher judiciary. In spite of PTI’s 126-day sit-in, violence, protest marches and high-pitched media war together with judicial prejudices, the badly bruised PML-N managed to complete its tenure under Khaqan Abbasi.

IK’s Rise to Power

IK was chosen as the future PM by a selected group of serving and retired army officers in 2011. The one-seater PTI received a quantum jump in the 2013 elections in which it won KP and became the second and 3rd largest party in Punjab and the Centre with a toehold in urban Sindh. The establishment used its tentacles to rig the elections in Punjab and enable the PTI to take over Punjab where it couldn’t secure a simple majority. The PML-N had secured more votes and seats than any other party. Bushra Bibi, wife of Khawar Maneka and mother of five, believing in Peeri-Mureedi, shrine-worship, spiritualism and sorcery got married to IK in Jan 2018 and had a role in election of IK as PM.  

Gen Qamar Bajwa, Lt Gen Faz Hamid and CJP Saqib Nisar conspired to push aside populous PML-N and to hand over the reins of power to PTI under IK for next ten years, hoping that he would be able to cleanse Pakistan and make it prosperous. This manipulated change proved fatal for Pakistan’s future politics.  Had the manipulators allowed Punjab with PML-N, federal govt and KP with PTI, Sindh with PPP and Baluchistan with a coalition govt, things might have proceeded smoothly.     

PTI’s Rule (Aug 2018 – April 2022)

Finding itself short of the magical figures in the federal govt and in Punjab, perforce the PTI had to tie knots with MQM-P, PML-Q, BNP-M, BAP, GDA and independents, which handicapped the winning party. More than half of the cabinet members were electables from other parties and advisers from abroad. IK was made to believe that no sooner he was crowned, the people would readily pay taxes, the expats would fill the commercial banks with remittances and donations, and the looted amount of $ 200 billion stashed in foreign banks recovered. He and other party leaders were so intensely infatuated with these fanciful assumptions that they felt no need to make an economic plan. IK made tall promises of making Pakistan corruption-free within 90 days, providing one crore jobs to the jobless, 50 lacs homes to the homeless, cheap justice at the doorsteps of all and making Pakistan an ideal welfare state.

Hardly any heed was paid to uplift the economy, or to carry out crucial reforms, or to gel the divided nation, or to lessen the pains of the poor and the tyrannized Kashmiris. IK remained heavily dependent upon the advice of his wife and appointed a goofy Usman Buzdar as CM Punjab at the behest of Bushra Bibi, known as Pinki Peerni. She meddled in postings of govt officials. Finance ministers, IG Punjab and other senior appointment holders in Punjab administration were changed frequently.

Intoxicated by the charisma and popularity of IK, and riding on the strong shoulders of the military, support of the Supreme Court (SC), the PTI leaders remained wholly focused on casting aspersions on the former regime. The military establishment being on one page with the ruling regime, emboldened IK to carry out witch hunting of his opponents with the help of NAB. Purpose was to frighten the PML-N MNAs and Punjab MPAs and force them to join the PTI, but the fort of PML-N remained intact.

Downfall of PTI Regime

By 2019, all the wishful assumptions proved elusive and high hopes dashed. GDP dipped to zero percent and economic indicators went into negative. One reason was the IMF loan agreement of $6.5 billion, tied to stringent conditions. The other reasons were Covid Pandemic, poor governance, mismanagement, nepotism and reliance on dual nationality holders. Selective accountability gave reason to the PDM to team up and form PDM. 

The PTI regime didn’t fare well on the diplomatic front as well. Apart from annoying the IMF by violating the terms of agreement, it irritated the US, China, and KSA and to top it all, the Army leadership.

It was a criminal act to freeze the game-changing CPEC to please the USA at the cost of upsetting Pakistan’s most trusted friend China. Whereas the bold response against Indian air intervention in Balakot in Feb 2019 raised the stature of IK, PAF and Army chiefs, adoption of a defensive posture after the illegal annexation of IOK by India on Aug 5, 2019, was another inexcusable act.   

GHQ not only helped in battling the pandemic, but also made concerted efforts to boost the economy. 23 Brigs were posted to GHQ to extend a helping hand to the ministries and Gen Bajwa became the member of the national economic team. Some improvements were made in 2nd half of 2022. Bajwa’s repeated requests to change Buzdar were turned down by IK. Once Bajwa and his core team found that the PTI was neither prepared to listen to good advice nor was delivering, their relations cooled in 2021. The issue of posting out of DG ISI Faiz Hamid broke the proverbial back of the camel, and GHQ decided to become neutral.

Removal of the army’s crutches encouraged the fence sitters within the PTI to rebel, and the blackmailing allies to part ways. IK tried to induce Gen Bajwa by offering another extension, but he refused to meddle in politics. When the trust motion couldn’t be defeated, IK with the help of President Alvi dissolved the National Assembly (NA) on Apr 3 and all the 35 MNAs of PTI resigned. The SC reincarnated the NA on Apr 8, and the PDM members elected SS as the new PM on Apr 9.   

PTI’s Riposte

PTI’s fall turned into a blessing in disguise for IK. His popularity graph that had declined considerably began to surge up significantly. Not reconciling to the loss of power, IK’s sole concern has been snap polls and return to power. In order to pressurize the govt to hold early elections, he held a series of huge public gatherings during which he bad mouthed the PDM leaders, Election Commissioner, Gen Bajwa and the ISI senior officers and gave them insulting names. His invectives and abuses and his call for Azadi march to attain real independence further ignited the emotions of his fans.  

To maximize pressure, he undertook a long march from Peshawar on May 25 to storm Islamabad, but the assault was successfully thwarted by the police. His 2nd long march was launched from Lahore in Oct/Nov which was primarily aimed at preventing SS to appoint Lt Gen Asim Munir as the next army chief on Nov 29. His first choice was Lt Gen Faiz Hamid, but he had become highly controversial owing to his linkage with CJP Saqib Nisar, Bushra Bibi and the TTP.

When this offensive backfired, in desperation IK resorted to other highhanded tactics like Jail Bharo Tehrik and dissolving the Punjab and KP Assemblies and then pressing the govt and the SC to hold elections in the two provinces within 90 days. The SC directed the Election Commission (EC) to hold elections by May 14, which has been declined by the EC and the Parliament on account of lack of funds, security personnel and staff to conduct elections.     

Role of PDM Regime

What is most striking and bewildering is that the bunch of thieves and goofs ruling the roost are showing extraordinary resilience to the political and judicial activism as well as multiple crises. 

The unpopular PDM regime has braved the fierce onslaughts of PTI and rolled back the two long marches and smothered other offensive acts. And now they are defying the CJP and two other Supreme Court judges who in their view are highly partisan and aligned with the PTI. 

Irrespective of the inglorious past and poor performance of the PDM leaders who are at the helm of affairs for one year, they are at least trying hard to salvage the sinking ship. The same cannot be said about the largest and most popular party PTI, which is hellbent to foment chaos, intensify instability, insecurity and uncertainty in order to suck the life out of the dwindling economy.  

The so-called imported and good for nothing govt has not only prevented the default of Pakistan, but has also managed the state affairs under most trying conditions and without the crutches of the establishment. It has managed to fulfil all the demands of the IMF, procured loans from the KSA, UAE and China. The latter has committed $ 58 billion for the railway line which is part of CPEC. KSA is ready to invest $ 14 billion to install an oil refinery at Gwadar. Iran is in the loop of China and prospects of operationalization of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project lying in limbo since 2006 have brightened. It can be assumed that Iran will not undermine Gwadar Port. Russia has supplied wheat on cheap rates and the crude oil shipment is likely this month. Moscow has promised to build gas pipelines in Pakistan. Possibility of Russia and Afghanistan getting connected to CPEC cannot be ruled out.

Despite multifarious crises of grave nature, the hard pressed govt has ensured supply of gas and electricity to the consumers, started counter terrorism operations, distributed free wheat bags to the poorest segment, lowered prices of fuel, raised daily wages of labor class, provided some relief to the flood affected and kept Pakistan relevant in the world comity. But for the deliberate instability fanned by the PTI, the results could have been better. 

Parliament-Judiciary Standoff

The Parliament – SC standoff has reached a dangerous stage since both sides have dug their heels. PTI’s xenophobia and judicial jingoism against the Parliament has further unified the PDM. One bill after another has been passed with speed by the parliament to cut the powers of CJP to size and possibly to disqualify him and two other judges with doubtful integrity. 

SS and his coalition partners are determined to ensure the supremacy of the parliament. He felt so confident that he took the vote of confidence on 27 April and secured 180 votes. Last time in April 2022, he had secured 174 votes, two more than the magical figure of 172. The re-elected PM demanded a thorough probe by a parliamentary committee to dig out details of massive rigging in the 2018 elections, of which former CJP Saqib Nisar was a party. 

Burning Issue and Dilemmas

The burning issue at hand is elections in Punjab and KP in May as desired by the apex court, Supreme Court Bar Counsel and the PTI, or simultaneous elections on one date in Oct wished by the PDM and Pakistan Bar Council. 14 May has become impossible. Mid-way will be found, although PML-N would like the elections in Oct to be able to provide relief to the people and create conditions conducive for the return of fugitive NS. The latter would like to return after the retirement of CJP Umar Bandial.     

CJP Bandial is pushed for time since he and the president are retiring in mid Sept, the judges would go on summer vacations in mid June till mid Sept. Justice Faiz Essa who is pro-PDM and anti-PTI, and is also cross with Bandial, would take over as next CJP in Oct this year. Even if Bandial disqualifies the PM or the whole of the cabinet, Essa would restore them. 

The PTI is anxious to hold snap polls since it fears the possibility of IK getting disqualified in foreign funding, or in the Toshakhana cases, which would render the party redundant. It is now keen to re-join the NA, desires dissolution of NA by May 14, or to restore dissolved assemblies of Punjab and KP. It has formed a committee to hold parleys with the government. Three rounds have taken place.  

The numerous predicaments are the outcome of sustained politics of agitation and confrontation from 2011 onwards which scaled new heights after April 10, 2022.  The deadly fight between the furious elephants is adding to the sufferings of the people groaning under the weight of high inflation, price hike, unemployment and poverty. The IMF working on an agenda is still playing cat and mouse game and has so far not released the much-sought $1.2 billion loan tranche.

The writer is a retired Brig Gen, war veteran, defence, security & political analyst, international columnist, author of five books, Chairman Thinkers Forum Pakistan & director Measac Research Centre. [email protected]


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