Narcoterrorism and Sabotage in Pakistan, the Anti-Islamic Side of Taliban

Pakistan has been dealing with the so-called, “Islamist,” terrorists with kid gloves. This may be due to the mild nature of the current COAS and his adherence to International norms of military operations.  But, this is leading to nowhere.  Terrorism is increasing by leaps and bounds. Pakistan should take the gloves off and deal with an iron fist, the only language the terrorists understand. Pakistan should arm it’s Khyber-Paktunkhwa tribes with sophisticate weaponry and night time combat equipment to take the war to the very home of the terrorists, the mountains of North Waziristan and do hot pursuit on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Black-OPS should be mounted against the Indian commandos training and sending these so-called, “Pakistani Taliban.”  The West has complained about Pakistani “support,” to the Haqqani network.  Pakistan should actively utilize this network to attack, the Indian inspired “Taliban networks.”

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