Moojan-e-Moojan: Zardari Baba, Nawaz Sharif & Their Gang of 40 thieves Laugh All The Way to the Bank Looting 180 Million Poor Pakistanis




In Pakistan, corruption starts at the top rightUnknown-4 from the President and Prime Minister. Asif Zardari, the President of Pakistan is a known Crook. Nawaz Sharif is a money launderer and a bank defaulter, His best buddy, Mirza Iqbal, a tycoon of Hall Road is a US convicted drug smuggler. Majority of Pakistanis elected these crooks to the core as their leaders. Most of the underclasses follow their lead and try to find shortcuts to wealth, especially in the West. However, as they say in America, this does not ” cut the mustard.” Advanced Western nations have mostly build their societies on honesty and ethics. There is a saying, “You do the crime. You do the time.” But, our Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi, and Afghan brethren never seem to learn. Until, its time to “do the time.”

Our beautiful Deen is based on the Life of our Beloved Prophet (PBUH), whose honesty was exemplary from his birth to his death. He was called “Al-Amin,” the Trustworthy.”  But, his followers in the Indo-Pak Sub-continent are steeped in dishonesty.

Here is a story of dishonesty of Pakistanis in the US, their motto,” greed is good,” landed them in the slammer.

They were provided with opportunity to earn an honest living. They could have earned millions of dollars, just by honesty and hard work, like the majority of their countrymen living in the US. Unknown-6But, no, these chumps,louts,

shysters,and blighter, had to take a short cut to the Road to Perdition. The smeared the name of not only their community, but, also Pakistan and Pakistanis around the globe.

This story was broken by the New York Times, a Jewish Newspaper, which has no love lost for Pakistanis and/or Muslims.

The Moral of this Story: People who live in Glass houses, Must Not Throw Stones or One Bad Fish Can Spoil the Pond.

Please read on and weep:





New York Times


Federal authorities seized 14 7-Eleven stores on Long Island and in Virginia early Monday, arresting nine owners and managers and charging them with harboring and hiring illegal immigrants and paying them using sham Social Security numbers, people briefed on the case said.


images-29Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and federal prosecutors in Brooklyn were also investigating 40 other 7-Eleven franchises in New York City and elsewhere, the person said, and the prosecutors were seeking $30 million in forfeiture from the stores and their corporate parent. The franchises split their profits with the corporation, which handles the store payrolls, the people said.


The owners and managers — eight men and a woman — were charged in an indictment to be unsealed Monday morning, the people said. It included accusations of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft stemming from payment of employees who were illegal immigrants using the Social Security numbers of children and the dead, the people said. One of the people said the owners and managers had abused and taken advantage of the illegal immigrant workers.


Many of those charged were of Pakistani descent and it was believed that most, if not all, of the illegal immigrants were also from Pakistan, one of the people said.


In one instance, an employee of one franchise was paid using the Social Security number of a former 7-Eleven employee, a person who had not worked for the store for 10 years and who had been the target of collection efforts by the Internal Revenue Service for much of that time because of the reported payments to the illegal immigrant, the people said.


The conduct charged in the indictment, the people said, had been going on for more than a decade. Twenty-five of the 40 additional 7-Eleven franchises under scrutiny were to be inspected on Monday as part of the ongoing investigation, the people said. Several of those stores were in New York City.


images-43One of the people briefed on the matter, noting that the parent company handled the store payrolls, said there were no internal controls to prevent the same Social Security numbers from being used to pay more than one store employee, which happened in more than one instance.


Scott Matter, a spokesman for the parent company, said it was aware of the arrests and seizures and “has been cooperating with federal authorities during their investigation.” Mr. Matter said the company would have no comment until it learned more about the case.


By about 9 a.m., eight of the nine who had been indicted were in custody, five of them in New York and three in Virginia, one of the people said. The last individual was being sought.


One of the raids took place about 6 a.m., at a 7-Eleven on Carleton Avenue in Islip, on Long Island, according to a law enforcement agent at the scene who declined to give his name or reveal the agency he worked for. One person, he said, was taken into custody from the store and two people were taken away from a house across the street. It was unclear what connection the house had to the investigation.


images-19The store remained closed through the early morning, with law enforcement agents turning away customers who ordinarily stop in for coffee. A worker for the Town of Islip said he had seen similar law enforcement activity at several other nearby 7-Elevens.


The United States attorney in Brooklyn, Loretta E. Lynch, and James T. Hayes, who is in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s office of investigations in New York City, were expected to announce the charges laterMonday morning, along with officials from the New York State Police and the Suffolk County Police Department.


Randy Leonard contributed reporting.


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