English: Hazara poet and journalist Kamran Mir Hazar (credit: Wikipedia)
Who are the Hazara? Zaheerudding Babar refered to them as the “Hazarajat” (Persian, and Urdu word for Thousands)in his Tuzk e Babri. They are a Mongolian and Turkic people. Hazaras are probably the descendants of the Kushans.
There is a civil war going on in Afghanistan. Before the arrival of the US troops, the Pakhtuns were in power and the Hazaras were a depressed minority–disenfranchised and persecuted. Most of the Hazaras in Afghanistan were serf and servants. After the US invasion of Afghanistan, the Pakhtuns were persecuted and waged a decade long battle against the ISAF forces. The Hazaras were given positions of power. The Hazaras in Afghanistan, once in power took revenge on the Pakhtun Afghans which inflamed the Afghan Pakhtuns.
Quetta and surrounding areas now have over 4 million Afghans living there. There is tension between the Afghans and the Pakistanis Hazara. The Hazara present a soft target for the Afghans who want to take revenge for the Hazara cruelty in Afghanistan. The Afghans in Quetta are drug runners and wealthy. The Hazaras are poor live in certain areas and are easy targets for the revenge for happening in Afghanistan.
Despite repeated attempts at targeting Shias and Sunnis,Baloch, and Non-Baloch, and so on and so forth, the fact remains that despite random targeted killings, there is no massive Anti-Shia movement in Pakistan. Even after the horrendous act of sabotage this week, Pakistanis have held together.
So the obvious beneficiary are those that want to get to Balochistan, and those who oppose he Iran-Pakistan pipeline, and who do not like the fact that Gwader has been handed over to the Chinese.
A concerted campaign is being waged to create tension between and among the communities in Pakistan.
It will not end till the invasion of Afghanistan comes to an end.

English: Siraj al-Tawarikh, a book on the history of Afghanistan by Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While many blame the “Lashkar e Jhangvi” for the mass murder of Hazaras, the evidence does not support that libel. While targeted killing of Shia and Sunni leaders in Karachi and Lahore can be blamed (not tolerated, accepted, or indemnified) on the respective Shia and Sunni organizations, this sort of mass terror against the Hazara in Balochistan has the tell tale signs foreign interference.
In any case if the “Laskhar e Jhangvi” or any other organization is involved, strict action must be taken against them. US is also promoting terrorism in Pakistan through its proxies Israel, India, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and so called Pakistani Taliban.
Religious differences aside, the Shias are patriotic Pakistani citizens and this sort of horror is unacceptable. Some, mainly the sceular and those who ascribe to Anti-Arabism say that “Pakistan is also the proxy battlefield between Iran and some Arab countries. This has been going on since the Islamic Revolution and its aftermath.”
Rupee News holds that the terror attack on the heals of the decision on Gwader, and the finalization of the IP pipeline–gives us the real reasons for the terror in Pakistan.
According to press reports, the Pakistan Federal Minister forPetroleum and Natural Resources has said that the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline project would be competed by 2014-2015.

English: Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara written the book Siraj-ul-Tavarikh, which is a famous book about the History of Afghanistan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Iran has apparently completed the pipeline on its side of the border. It is also fun
ding the Pakistani side of the pipeline with $250 million. Iran is also ready to setup an oil refinery at the Gwader port terminal.
Addressing ‘Fuelling Pakistan’ conference at Expo Center here, he said the present government issued more-than-expected licenses to oil and gas companies and this cooperation towards the business community would continue.
Hazara Terror fails to create Anti-Shiaism, rift with Iran, kill IP pipeline, or stop Chinese takeover of Gwader
It is complex and not simple. No single explanation can describe the issues. It is a combination of factors that is fueling the targeting of the Hazara. This article has attempted to list a few of those.
MOIN ANSARI, Rupee News:
Courtesy: Pakistan Patriot
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