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Posts Tagged US-Israel-India-Taliban Axis

US-India-Israel-Iran Sabotage Axis of Evil : Major Challenge to Pak-China Alliance

                                        It is of particular attention, that Indian former Army Chief Gen. VK Singh openly admitted that during his tenure, he supervised special army unit, Tactical Support Division (TSD) on the instructions of the then defence minister to sponsor acts of sabotage in Pakistan, particularly Balochistan.






Major Challenge to Pak-China Alliance


Sajjad Shaukat


It is noteworthy that during his visit to Balochistan, Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif on April 15, this year warned foreign forces and spy agencies against destabilizing Pakistan by supporting insurgents in Balochistan. Gen. Raheel elaborated, “Army will continue supporting the Balochistan government till terrorism is wiped out…those found involved in funding and facilitating terrorists will be dealt with iron hands.”


During the historical visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping to Pakistan, on April 20, this year, he and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif signed 51 agreements for cooperation in various fields, related to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), energy, infrastructure, agriculture, research, technology, education etc.


The establishment of CPEC between deep Gwadar seaport of Balochistan and the historic Silk Road city in western regions-Xinjiang of China will connect Gilgit-Baltistan through Khunjerab Pass. Beijing would also build an international airport at Gwadar, while the roads infrastructure in Gwadar would link the communication network of rest of the country to facilitate transportation of goods.


When Gwadar seaport becomes fully operational, it would connect the landlocked Central Asian states with rest of the world. Being the commercial hub, the port is likely to increase volume of trade, bringing multiple economic and financial benefits to Pakistan like the Suez Canal which changed the destiny of Egypt when Israel returned it to the former. It will enable high-volume cargo vessels to move in the major oceans. Gwadar project will not only uplift the impoverished people of Balochistan by providing thousands of employment opportunities and is likely to develop whole the province by redressing their grievances. The resulting prosperity in the province would trickle down to the Baloch people and damp the separatist sentiments, which the hostile elements, supported by anti-Pakistan powers do not want.


Recall, when during the Musharraf regime, Islamabad initiated the construction of Gwadar deep-seaport in Balochistan in March 2002 with Chinese assistance, sirens went off in the capitals of foreign countries, especially the US, India and Israel which took it as a threat to their global and regional plans.


Located on the southwestern coast of Pakistan, Balochistan’s Gwadar seaport is close to the Strait of Hormuz from where more than 17 million barrels of oil passes every day. Its ideal location among three key regions, South Asia, the oil-rich Middle East, and oil and gas-resourced Central Asia has further increased its strategic significance. Its development has shifted the Great Game of Central Asia to Pakistan. Hence, sirens still continue alarming in the foreign countries.


Besides, Balochistan’s abundant mineral resources like gas, coal and gold, entailing Pakistan’s close ties with China also pinches the eyes of the US, India, Israel and some western countries which intend to destabilize Pakistan for their collective aims.


Therefore, major challenge to Pak-China strategic alliance is that with the tactical support of American CIA and Israeli Mossad, Indian RAW has continuously been assisting the Baloch separatist groups and Baloch Sub Nationalists to conduct subversive acts—and using terrorist elements in Balochistan to threat Pak-Chinese interest in the development of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. And, Afghanistan has become a hub from where external secret agencies have been funding and arranging subversive activities in other parts of Pakistan—especially in Balochistan through their affiliated militant groups at the cost of Pakistan, China and Iran. In the past few years, they abducted and killed many Chinese and Iranian nationals in Pakistan.


It is of particular attention, that Indian former Army Chief Gen. VK Singh openly admitted that during his tenure, he supervised special army unit, Tactical Support Division (TSD) on the instructions of the then defence minister to sponsor acts of sabotage in Pakistan, particularly Balochistan.


As regards the deteriorating situation of Balochistan, everyone knows that Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and their affiliated outfits including another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for secession of the province gets logistic support from RAW and other anti-Pakistan spy agencies—these militants kidnapped and killed many innocent people and the security personnel in the province. They also massacred many persons through suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence. Therefore, they are responsible for dumped bodies and extrajudicial killings in the province. On a number of occasions, these insurgent groups claimed responsibility for their subversive acts. The main aim behind is to create unrest in Balochistan and to discourage Beijing for the development of Gwadar port.


While, in May, 2013, a day before Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Islamabad; Chinese engineers being driven through Clifton Block-1 in Karachi escaped a major bomb attack. Taking note of the foreign powers’ anti-Pakistan designs, during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Islamabad made extraordinary security arrangements.


It is notable that a Gallup survey of the UK official body, DFID, conducted on July 20, 212, had disclosed that the vast majority of the Baloch people oppose the idea of an independent Balochistan.


As a result of the general elections 2013, the government led by the nationalist leader Chief Minister Balochistan Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch was established in Balochistan, while on December 7, 2013; local bodies elections were largely held in a peaceful manner in the province. These elections proved that majority of the Baloch are loyal to the federation, and have rejected the case of separatists, being projected by external forces which are weakening Pakistan by supporting the anti-state elements in Balochistan.


It is noteworthy that during his visit to Balochistan, Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif on April 15, this year warned foreign forces and spy agencies against destabilizing Pakistan by supporting insurgents in Balochistan. Gen. Raheel elaborated, “Army will continue supporting the Balochistan government till terrorism is wiped out…those found involved in funding and facilitating terrorists will be dealt with iron hands.”


In fact, Gen. Raheel Sharif was compelled to expose conspiracy against Pakistan after the gunmen killed 20 laborers in Turbat district of Baluchistan in the deadliest attack on April 11, who were working at a dam construction site.

It is worth-mentioning that during China’s visit, Gen. Raheel Sharif, on January 25, 2015, China’s Vice Chairman of Central Military Commission Gen. Fan has assured that China will assist Pakistan in every challenge.


Nevertheless, foreign entities shall pose a major challenge to Pak-China strategic alliance through terror-acts. Hence, the intelligence agencies and security forces of both the countries must be well-prepared to cope with these elements.


It is noteworthy that during his visit to Balochistan, Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif on April 15, this year warned foreign forces and spy agencies against destabilizing Pakistan by supporting insurgents in Balochistan. Gen. Raheel elaborated, “Army will continue supporting the Balochistan government till terrorism is wiped out…those found involved in funding and facilitating terrorists will be dealt with iron hands.”

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]



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Hakimullah’s death plunges Taliban into dangerous disarray

Hakimullah’s death plunges Taliban into dangerous disarray




ISLAMABAD  – The killing of one of Pakistan’s most wanted militants in a US drone strike has exposed centuries-old rivalries within the group he led, the Pakistani Taliban, making the insurgency ever more unpredictable and probably more violent.
Hakimullah Mehsud’s death this month has set off a power struggle within the outfit’s ranks, which could further unnerve a region already on tenterhooks with most US-led troops pulling out of neighbouring Afghanistan in 2014.
When a tribal council declared Mullah Fazlullah as the new leader of the TTP last week, several furious commanders from a rival clan stood up and left.
“When Fazlullah’s name was announced, they … walked out saying, ‘The Taliban’s command is doomed’,” said one commander who attended the November 7 ‘shura’ meeting in South Waziristan.
Others at the shura declared loyalty to the hardline new leader and stayed on to map out a plan to avenge Hakimullah’s death through a new campaign of bombings and shootings. “This is the start of our fight with the government, an American puppet,” the Taliban official said.
“Those who forced the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan are capable of breaking up Pakistan,” he added, alluding to senior commanders whose rite of passage into war started with the rebellion against Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
The Pakistani Taliban have always been divided, a loose alliance of militant bands united only by jihadist beliefs and their hatred of the government and all things Western. The group operates independently of its Taliban allies in Afghanistan, who are fighting US-backed forces there.
But the death of Hakimullah, a member of the dominant Mehsud tribe, and the rise of Fazlullah, a Swat Valley native and hence an outsider in the eyes of tribesmen, changes the picture in the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.
Under Hakimullah, the TTP had been open to the idea of peace talks with the government, even though no meaningful negotiations had taken place.
Fazlullah ruled out any talks and declared the start of a new campaign to attack government and security installations in Punjab, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s political base.
“Mehsuds are not only not happy with this appointment but there are reports of serious infighting among them that might come to the fore in the near future,” said Saifullah Mahsud, director of the Pakistani think tank FATA Research Center.
“I think for now the anti-peace talks group among the TTP has prevailed and hence the appointment of Fazlullah,” said Mahsud, who compiles data based on information provided by his sources on the ground in the tribal Pashtun areas.
Fazlullah’s threat against Punjab has unnerved Pakistan’s most prosperous and populous province, where attacks have so far been rare. Various militant groups, including the Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jaish-e-Mohammad, are based around Punjab and have been long tolerated or even sponsored by the military.
Some of them were set up to fight Indian forces in disputed Kashmir, but they have turned on Pakistan in recent years thanks to the growing influence of the TTP and Al-Qaeda, and have become increasingly involved in Taliban affairs.
“The situation is getting out of control and the ISI knows that,” said one Western diplomat in Islamabad.
As the dynamic within the militancy evolves, powerful Punjabi groups are also beginning to turn their heads westwards, with many seeing the pullout of US troops from Afghanistan as a chance to expand their reach to tribal areas.
During a recent meeting with Reuters in Mardan, a group of militants – who sat cross-legged on the floor of a mud-brick safe house sipping tea and eating biscuits – said the Afghan cause was close to their hearts.
“We want peace in Afghanistan under Mullah Omar’s leadership,” said Abdurakhman, a militant with Jaish-e-Mohammad, a group usually focused on Kashmir, others nodding in agreement. Mullah Omar is the chief of the Afghan Taliban.
“When the Americans leave, elders will sit down with Mullah Omar and decide. If there is a need to fight, we will recruit and send people there.”
Sitting next to him, Farhatullah, a middle-aged man with the Hizbul Mujahideen group, said he used to fight against Indian forces in Kashmir but was now ready to go to Afghanistan. “We are the reserve force,” he said. “If needed I will … take my gun, go there and fight.”
The TTP publicly rubbishes any talk of a major rift among its ranks.
A Taliban spokesman has confirmed Fazlullah’s appointment and said there would be no more peace talks with the government.
Operatives from Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani network, a powerful militant group based in the mountains of North Waziristan, are also working hard to smooth over any disputes, sources say.
Mullah Omar, the reclusive, one-eyed leader of the Afghan Taliban, is said to have stepped into the debate and backed Fazlullah’s candidacy. Fazlullah knows Omar personally, having fought alongside his men in Afghanistan in 2001.
Fazlullah is still holed up in his base in Nuristan, a thickly forested Afghan region favoured by many Pakistani militants hiding from US drones. To reassert control over feuding groups he would have to come back and establish a foothold in Pakistan.
“He is a non-resident commander, he is not present physically,” said a Pakistani intelligence source. “But he has two advantages: He’s got a lot of money and he has Afghan support.”

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Who are the Hazara and who is killing them! We are all Hazara today!


Unknown-11English: Hazara poet and journalist Kamran Mir Hazar (credit: Wikipedia)


Who are the Hazara? Zaheerudding Babar refered to them as the “Hazarajat” (Persian, and Urdu word for Thousands)in his Tuzk e Babri. They are a Mongolian and Turkic people. Hazaras are probably the descendants of the Kushans.

There is a civil war going on in Afghanistan. Before the arrival of the US troops, the Pakhtuns were in power and the Hazaras were a depressed minority–disenfranchised and persecuted. Most of the Hazaras in Afghanistan were serf and servants. After the US invasion of Afghanistan, the Pakhtuns were persecuted and waged a decade long battle against the ISAF forces. The Hazaras were given positions of power. The Hazaras in Afghanistan, once in power took revenge on the Pakhtun Afghans which inflamed the Afghan Pakhtuns.

Quetta and surrounding areas now have over 4 million Afghans living there. There is tension between the Afghans and the Pakistanis Hazara. The Hazara present a soft target for the Afghans who want to take revenge for the Hazara cruelty in Afghanistan. The Afghans in Quetta are drug runners and wealthy. The Hazaras are poor live in certain areas and are easy targets for the revenge for happening in Afghanistan.


Hazaras (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Despite repeated attempts at targeting Shias and Sunnis,Baloch, and Non-Baloch, and so on and so forth, the fact remains that despite random targeted killings, there is no massive Anti-Shia movement in Pakistan. Even after the horrendous act of sabotage this week, Pakistanis have held together.

So the obvious beneficiary are those that want to get to Balochistan, and those who oppose he Iran-Pakistan pipeline, and who do not like the fact that Gwader has been handed over to the Chinese.

A concerted campaign is being waged to create tension between and among the communities in Pakistan.

It will not end till the invasion of Afghanistan comes to an end.

English: Siraj al-Tawarikh, a book on the hist...

English: Siraj al-Tawarikh, a book on the history of Afghanistan by Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While many blame the “Lashkar e Jhangvi” for the mass murder of Hazaras, the evidence does not support that libel. While targeted killing of Shia and Sunni leaders in Karachi and Lahore can be blamed (not tolerated, accepted, or indemnified) on the respective Shia and Sunni organizations, this sort of mass terror against the Hazara in Balochistan has the tell tale signs foreign interference.

In any case if the “Laskhar e Jhangvi” or any other organization is involved, strict action must be taken against them. US is also promoting terrorism in Pakistan through its proxies Israel, India, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and so called Pakistani Taliban.

Religious differences aside, the Shias are patriotic Pakistani citizens and this sort of horror is unacceptable. Some, mainly the sceular and those who ascribe to Anti-Arabism say that “Pakistan is also the proxy battlefield between Iran and some Arab countries. This has been going on since the Islamic Revolution and its aftermath.”

Rupee News holds that the terror attack on the heals of the decision on Gwader, and the finalization of the IP pipeline–gives us the real reasons for the terror in Pakistan.

Alaska Pipeline

Pipeline (Photo credit: martnpro)

According to press reports, the Pakistan Federal Minister forPetroleum and Natural Resources has said that the Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline project would be competed by 2014-2015.

English: Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara written th...

English: Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara written the book Siraj-ul-Tavarikh, which is a famous book about the History of Afghanistan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Iran has apparently completed the pipeline on its side of the border. It is also fun

ding the Pakistani side of the pipeline with $250 million. Iran is also ready to setup an oil refinery at the Gwader port terminal.

Addressing ‘Fuelling Pakistan’ conference at Expo Center here, he said the present government issued more-than-expected licenses to oil and gas companies and this cooperation towards the business community would continue.

Hazara Terror fails to create Anti-Shiaism, rift with Iran, kill IP pipeline, or stop Chinese takeover of Gwader

It is complex and not simple. No single explanation can describe the issues. It is a combination of factors that is fueling the targeting of the Hazara. This article has attempted to list a few of those.

MOIN ANSARI, Rupee News: 

Courtesy: Pakistan Patriot

Please Visit: http://www.pakistanpatriot.com


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Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, The Guardian: Bush handed blueprint prepared by Zionist Frederick Kagan to seize Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal
Or how the Zionists and Neocons were willing to “protect,” the interests of Israel and Global Jewry, at the cost of American National Interest. By promoting an attack on the most powerful Islamic nation to assuage Zionist paranoia about Islam and Muslims, Frederick Kagan, a Neocon Zionists, was willing to plunge the United States into a Nuclear War plus Conventional War with the Islamic world. Also,by default, inviting China, an ally of Pakistan and the Soviet Union to intervene. Fortunately, American Military and Pentagon Policy makers are wise enough, not to pay heed to such irrational ruminations or hyperbole. 
Unknown-1New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Selig Harrison, and the Neocons were hell bent to bring about the destruction of Pakistan. The “red-herring,” of Islamists (BTW, Pakistan has 180 million Islamists, its people, who are Guardians of its Nuclear Assets!) grabbing Pakistan’s Nuclear arsenal is another one of these canards, the Zionists, who control the US Press and Media promote to the gullible American public.
· Architect of Iraq surge draws up takeover options
· US fears army’s Islamists might grab weapons
A soldier arrests a suspected militant in Pakistan

Pakistani paramilitary forces holds an alleged suspect during a crackdown operation against militants near Mingora in northern Pakistan, Friday, November 30, 2007. Photograph: Mohammad Zubair

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