MIRACLE by Inayet Ullah

What is a miracle? I do not mean the miracles revealed by God through His prophets to us. I
mean the “miracles” that are happening in our routine life. Some people may say “I don’t believe
in miracle, it is superstition or hallucination or just incidental.
There is a limit to everything. If an event involves incidences and the number of successive
incidences go beyond a limit, it loses its identity and is no longer incidental. The word
“incidental” means by chance. A bunch of events, happening together, at the same time cannot
be accepted as “incidental”
There have been a couple of events in my own life, at least one of which means nothing short of
a miracle. I would like to share it with the readers.as follows:
This happened to me in some time past in Karachi. One day I had to stay back late in my office
to complete some urgent job. It was about 1.00 in the morning when I started driving my car
back my home.There was very little traffic on the road. Suddenly, my car started slowing down,
and in a few seconds stopped moving. I was in big trouble, sitting in my stopped car at one O’
clock in the morning, with no sign of help. Incidentally, a man on a paddling bike, was also
going on the road. Incidentally, he reached there at the same time and at the same place
where my car had stopped. He asked me, through my car window, what was the problem. On
telling him my problem, he asked me to open the cover of the engine to find out the problem
which I did. After checking he informed me that the wire of my car’s accelerator was broken and
needed replacement by a new one. “O my God, what canI do now” I said. ‘’Don’t worry, I will fix
the problrm”, he said. Incidentally, he had a bag hanging on his bike’s handle and incidentally,
he was carrying some wire in his bag and, incidentally, it was suitable for my car’s
accelerator..He fixed my car in 10 minutes and I reached home safely. Was this all incidental?
Some people may also say that so called “miracles” are unbelievable because they are
unexplainable. Come to think of it, God is Creator of the universe and everything in the
universe is His creation. God can do any thing and every thing by exercising His own discretion.
Nothing happens without the will of God. Therefore, the
unexplainable happenings, defying reason and plausibility, are also from God. By these
miraculous events God wants to show His powers, or to teach us a lesson, or it may be a
reward for some good deed by us in the past. There is no knowledge more authentic than the
one from God.

Islam Message of Peace

There is another kind of miracle. Sometimes God chooses a man and uses him to create
something so fantastic and unusual that seems humanly impossible. These are also miracles.
Hence all these “happenings” are divine and from God. Therefore, they are miracles and must
be taken as such.
To put it in a nutshell: Miracle is a divine reality in disguise.

Lazim hai ke tujh ko rahe pasban-e-aql
Lakin kabhi kabhi isay tanha bhi chhore day – Iqbal

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