Why our army took so long to take an action against the militants in NWA?

Why our army took so long to take an action against the militants in NWA?

 Nafees Muhammad

<[email protected]> wrote:On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 10:53 AM,



Can you or somebody else on the list tell me why our army took so long to take an action against the militants in NWA? 


Why didn’t they take it when the PPP was ruling the center and ANP was in KP?

Both PPP and ANP were against the militants and they lost a huge number of their activists and leaders at the hands of these militants.  Yet our former COAS declined to against them though the plan had already chalked out.  What good reason can we have on this delay?
Any words of wisdom on these questions will be appreciated.

Why our army took so long to take action against the militants ?





Date: Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 5:18 AM

Why our army took so long to take action against the militants ?



The reason is very simple that our venerable ex-COAS was in an unholy alliance with the trinity of civilian leaders: Zardari, Nawaz and Iftikhar Choudhry; particularly with the two politicians.

As a quid pro quo for an unprecedented, unethically and probably unconstitutional extension of three years; he had for all practical purposes became a lame-duck chief.

As a part of the deal, he let the other three indulge in their own shenanigans. Not touching the TTP was probably, a major plank of the deal. And as their own quid pro quo, the so-called Punjabi Taliban did not create problems for the Punjab government; the support base of PML-N.

Going beyond the ambit of your question, the larger deal was to let Zardari and Nawaz each get a stint of five years to “rule” (plunder). It explains the non-existence of any robust opposition from Nawaz, during Zardari’s reign of plunder.

The elections of 2013 were Nawaz’s turn to “rule” (plunder). Ex-CJP, by his illegal interference/ rigging (and of course an array of other tricks), ensured Nawaz’s win.

The infamous extension was not the only quo for Kayani; for his behaving as the proverbial monkey (hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil); his “enterprising” brothers were given the free run of DHA and other contracts; and allowed to indulge in unprecedented corruption with all stops pulled off.

The ex-ISPR honcho is right to state, that since the last 3 years or so; the counter-insurgency plans were drawn and ready to take up the TTP. But he is wrong to spill the beans so late in the day.

I have empirical evidence of the hatred and calumny that Kayani inspired among the young and mid-ranking officers. due to his inaction.

The four crooks did not realize the grave jeopardy, the nation has been exposed to; just due to their venality, greed and vested interests.

Now if you or someone else asks me to provide documentary evidence of the afore-mentioned; my answer would be that crooks and criminals do not leave affidavits of their crimes.

Al Capone the infamous Mafioso, could not be implicated for his original crimes (known by all); but had to be jailed for tax-evasion!

I am certain to be castigated and crucified by the assorted supporters of the 4 traitorous crooks (who also do not hear, see or speak evil); but to hell with them.




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