The Global Violence & Terrorism
Fahad Malik
One of the most critical challenges the world is facing today is the extremism and radical mindset that has rolled out in the world! Not solely Pakistan, the world is facing the issues of prevailing terrorist activities in many ways. These activities and attacks are penetrating just like the cancer within the whole world, and this cancer has left its deep roots everywhere, in all corners of the world, and effected the developed countries, the developing countries and also the third world countries! No one is safe from this tumor!
Various theories have emerged about the Taliban movement but the most common and widespread is that, this movement was initiated by the young religious students who were studying in the madrassa to spread the message of peace and Islam around the world, but what they preach has nothing to do with ISLAM! To defeat them, the priorities should be set solely to fight the Talibanization or Talibanism not just the Taliban. The Taliban ‘ideology’ required to own been deterred by the stake holders and media, the ulama and therefore the civil society. However no effort has been created to knock them down, intellectually. Resultantly the society in itself is split whether or not to just accept them as a foe or a lover. A terrorist chanting Allah-o-Akbar is attacking a soldier who believes in Allah. Those who are trying to impose Shariyah are totally against the Shariyah by killing ‘whole humanity’. They call it Jihad, the war for the God. They challenged the writ, spoiled sovereignty and security! The Shariah they believe preaches their own law, and their own branded shariah, that declares everyone who is not following them as Kafir and Wajib-ul-Qatal. This is not Islam and what they are doing is a total disgrace to Islam!
The whole world is terrorized and captured by these militants who have shown no discrimination towards civilian, women, children or students. The terrorism and their terrorist acts and these terrorist activities has caused severe damage to the international interest, causing political instability, the depression in economic conditions, taking the lives of the several innocents. There are different opinions that take this “terrorism around the world” as different agendas. One says that injustice and deprivation of rights of the third world countries by super powers has leaded us to this situation. The other school of thought believes that these terrorism tactics and the blasts around the world are actually a planned game by the super powers of the world, to defeat each other, this is all plotted! The others take this all mess a clash of civilization and the fight of beliefs between west and Islam.
Whatever the cause is behind this terrorism, they can only be defeated by unity and eliminating their specific mindset!