“The worst enemies of Believers will be Yehud, Pagans/Polytheists (Hanud,Hindu) . . “Quran: [5.51]
It is the duty of every true Muslim to relentlesly oppose the Jew-Christian-Infidel axis at every turn, at every step. O Musslaman! Forget not the injunctions in the Holy Quran: Surah Al-Maidah #5: Ayat # 82. “The worst enemies of Believers will be Yehud and Pagans and Polytheists (Hanud,Hindu) . . Quran: [5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. ! [4.160]
Breaking-up Pakistan: The Passing of the Mantle: Zionist Selig Harrison’s is nearly 90 years old but his Dream is still Unfulfilled, but the mantle is passed to a fellow Zionist, Andrew Gavin Marshall. The same virulence and anti-Pakistan rhetoric is being regurgitated, which Selig Harrison & Sydney Schanberg, both of New York times and Washington Post, did in the pursuit to destroy Pakistan for the last 40 years. US Press, Media, and Zionist Blogs reproduce the same articles against the existence of Pakistan, which Selig Harrison and Sydney Schanberg, and now Andrew Gavin Marshall*, another Zionist is in the forefront of Anti-Pakistan and Anti-Muslim Propaganda. Another actor in this game is
*Marshall Name Meaning
In an interview with Press TV, Hamid Gul, former Inter-Services Intelligence chief revealed more of what he sees as the US strategy in Pakistan. He explained that with the massive expansion of the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan, and alongside that, the increased security staff, the Chinese are becoming increasingly concerned with the sovereignty and security of Pakistan. He claimed that the money that the US government offered (with heavy conditions) to Pakistan, $1.5 billion every year for five years, will be spent under the direction of the Americans, and that “they are going to set up a large intelligence network inside Pakistan,” and ultimately “they really want to go for Pakistan’s nuclear assets.” He further claimed that the Indians are trying to destabilize Pakistan; however, he explained, this does not necessarily mean disintegrate, but rather:
they are trying to destabilize Pakistan at the moment so that it feels weak and economically has to go begging on its knees to Americans and ask for succor and help. And in that process they will want to expect certain concessions with regards to nuclear power and also with regards to setting up their facilities here in Pakistan.[1]
When he was asked what America’s long-term goal was in regards to Pakistan, Gul responded that the goal:
for America is that they want to keep Pakistan destabilized; perhaps create a way for Baluchistan as a separate state and then create problems for Iran so that this new state will talk about greater Baluchistan… So it appears that the long-term objectives are really to fragment all these countries to an extent that they can establish a strip that would be pro-America, pro-India, pro-Israel. So this seems to be their long-term objective apart from denuclearizing Pakistan and blocking Iran’s progress in the nuclear field(2)
Salim.K.Baloch said…
Breaking Pakistan. According to a column in a newspaper Selig Harrison has proposed that Balouchistan should be encouraged to become independent as it will serve American interests in the future.It reminds me of a memo sent by Gen. Lord Wavell to the India office stating that Pakistan’s independence should be supported because Pakistan will remain weak and helpless and will always need the help and aid of Great Britain. Furtheremore it will a valuable tool in furthering Britain’s interest in till the end of history. India’s help in this scheme is also highlighted. If today we are able to solve the Kashmir issue both Pakistan And India will fragment beyond recognition.People in both the countries will at one another’s throat.In india so many insurgencies are being fought.In Pakistan the smaller prvinces will be at Big bad brothers throat.People of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are alredy suffering because charlatans acting as leaders ignored what was happening.It may be better for for the ruled than for the ruers.Recall the words of Churchill that Independant India will be ruled by rascals, thieves and charlatans who will steal everything leaving nothing for the people except the air to breathe over which they have no control.It is time that subcontinent which is home to the most miserable people on God’s earth should be subdivided into more manageable entities. Mazher Ali Shah Nowshera
These Zionists work in close co-ordination with RAW, MOSSAD, and US Think Tanks like Brookings and Carnegie Endowment led by Jessica Matthews, in a single minded effort to raise a spectre of imploding Pakistan with its nuclear arsenal in the hands of fundos and fanatics. Zionist are almost psychotic in their belief that Pakistan is a clear and present nuclear danger to their beloved first homeland Israel. This fear is exacerbated by the close cooperation with Indians, who keep feeding a diet of Pakistan run amok and thereby, enhancing the Zionist paranoia. they are now forming an axis to bring China into their fold, and in a concerted effort use both India and China to destabilize Pakistan. Unfortunately for them, the Chinese people and People’s Government are aware of this game and have not fallen for this Zionist stratagem.
Western media is controlled by Zionist managements and reporters, who get story lines to pursue from their hindu counterparts in India. The Zionists reporters serve a dual purpose :1) serving as reporters, e.g. Selig Harrison2) as well as siyanim, the eyes and ears for Israel (http://www.texemarrs.com/082012/sayanim_everywhere.htm). They can legitimately enter the most sensitive sites in the Islamic world (such as Kahuta and Chashma) without being questioned, because, the Muslims lacks enough sophistication, to unravel their real mission. Once in a while, a bunch of fanatics or fundamentalists killers get hold of one of them, and do what they do best, shoot the messenger. Such acts end-up harming the Islamic interests and serve as a fodder to zionist dominated Western media, who milk these stories for years to come. A case in point, the “martyr,” Daniel Pearl, whose dual mission was forgotten, because he became a cause celebre, after “martyrdom.” In Pakistan, there is growing suspicions, that, the killers of Daniel Pearl were foreign intelligence agents working in tandem with local fundamentalists. They wanted to create a martyr for the cause. These days another Jewish reporter for NBC TV is traipsing all over the Muslim world. His name is similar to the famous Marxist Ideologue, Engel, that is Richard Engel. The game these zionist reporters play is very subtle. Their reports shed crocodile tears for “Muslim” on “Muslim” violence. For example, Bashar El-Asad (an alawite, non-Muslim Kharji kicked out of Shia Fiqh )and his atrocities against the people of Syria. Zionists demonize Islam, Muslim governments, and the 1.2 billion Muslims. They do not differentiate between secularized Muslims or the so-called, “fundoos,” or the fundamentalists. They consider all Muslims as potential enemies. This myopia pervades their opinion columns and bylines. They are subtle and sophisticated in their approach, they write very positive articles about the Muslim secularists, but in their last paragraph or conclusive sentence, put in a sprinklingof negative spin. This is similar to the proverbial Urdu story on the suitor, who was perfect in all aspects, but loved onions or “Piaz Khata hai.”
Here are some comments on Pakconnects Blog of Pakistanis on the Zionist involvement in Balochistan.
Anonymous said…
Breaking Pakistan. According to a column in a newspaper Selig Harrison has proposed that Balouchistan should be encouraged to become independent as it will serve American interests in the future.It reminds me of a memo sent by Gen. Lord Wavell to the India office stating that Pakistan’s independence should be supported because Pakistan will remain weak and helpless and will always need the help and aid of Great Britain. Furtheremore it will a valuable tool in furthering Britain’s interest in till the end of history. India’s help in this scheme is also highlighted. If today we are able to solve the Kashmir issue both Pakistan And India will fragment beyond recognition.People in both the countries will at one another’s throat.In india so many insurgencies are being fought.In Pakistan the smaller prvinces will be at Big bad brothers throat.People of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are alredy suffering because charlatans acting as leaders ignored what was happening.It may be better for for the ruled than for the ruers.Recall the words of Churchill that Independant India will be ruled by rascals, thieves and charlatans who will steal everything leaving nothing for the people except the air to breathe over which they have no control.It is time that subcontinent which is home to the most miserable people on God’s earth should be subdivided into more manageable entities. Mazher Ali Shah Nowshera

Salim K.Baloch said…
SELIG HARRISON is a New York Zionist, who is a siyanim or a Jew working for Mossad. He works for the New York Times, a Jewish owned newspaper, which was instrumental in break-up of United Pakistan. In 1971, the Jewish siyanim at New York Times was Sydney Schanberg, New York Times correspondent in New Delhi,India. He handled the Anti-United Pakistan propaganda for Indians. Jews are now in collusion with Hindus, they are planning to destroy Pakistan. But, Jisay Allah Rakhay Usay Kon Chakhay. Pakistan is a Nuclear and Ballistice Missile Power with China as its senior Partner in security, HinJew (Hindu-Jew combine) Axis will fall on its face. Inshallah.

Anonymous said…
Americans have intensified their preparations for a major attack on Balouchistan against Pak Army in Oct 2012 in disguise of human rights violations. Now I remember why Pak army had been conductiong massive military excercises along Balauch border with afghanistan soon after General kiani took office as Army Chief. Pakistan Army has succeeded with help of ALLAH in SWAT INSHALLAH it will also in Balochistan. If America attacks Pak Army in disguise of talibans, then Pak Army must use full muscle including all lethal bombs and missiles against the insurgents. In my openion Americans will suffer a massive defeat and their exit strategy in Afghanistan will becom 1000 times more bloddy than Vietnam.
[1] US military bases ‘will destabilize Pakistan’. Press TV: September 13, 2009: http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=106106§ionid=3510302
[2] Ibid.