Religious Intolerance and Fanatics.

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. Everyone’s entitled to their right to free speech. But why force what you have to say on people? Does that count? Case in example is the current sect of “Christian” people who “boycott” the celebration of a Hindu festival i.e., Diwali here in our college. It’s agreed that there has always been opposition to the idea and 5 years ago, it wasn’t even celebrated. Now one thing is tolerance of religions which I think is normally in every religion in the world but, to openly speak out on a public occasion, opposing it is totally uncalled for. Another case is example is another senior admonishing a junior for working in the organizing committee for the festivities, and when the latter replied that it was for the class and also because it was an Indian tradition, the former asked the junior if he’d worship idols also since it was an Indian tradition!!!

We’ve already had a lot of trouble in India with Hindu and Sikh fanatics, and here is the next brand of fanatics, Christians! Are the Crusades starting all over again? Nobody knows. But if these people are going back to the 16th century in thought and belief as the other fanatic groups are, then get ready for more trouble with the new group staking their claim. Luckily for now, it’s still only speeches, sermons and rants, but maybe sooner or later, will there be fire and brimstone laced curses and night attacks by hooded people like the Ku Klux Klan?

Maybe it’s the years of taking crap from other religions, or it’s years of general restlessness and inherent revolution trying to come out into the open, or just pure unadulterated intolerance, these new breed of fanatics are coming out of the closet.

And thus, to you people, I have to say a few things. You spread hate and intolerance. You think you’re standing firm in your faith, but instead you ruin your testimony because you totally do not impress anybody except your group of narrow minded- friends. These people who you openly criticize are also your friends! Your countrymen! Are you going to scowl the next time a Hindu or Muslim wishes you a Happy Easter/Christmas/whatever? Are you going to stop inviting your non-christian friends to that huge Christmas bash you’ve been planning for a long time for? Let them celebrate their festival, join them in their happiness if you want to, but don’t hate them or the idea. There are better ways to show them that you don’t believe in what they believe in. And that is by living a Good Christian life without hating anybody.

There are so many other things to hate. Hate the Evilness in the world. The Wars, Corruption, Bigotry, Hypocrisy, Promiscuity, Perverseness, Nepotism, Wanton Sexuality, Pornography, Crime, Violence on TV, Bad Politics, Fear Factor, Illegal Downloading, Digital Rights Management, etc etc… But when you start considering other religions evil, you become like the very fanatics who destroy churches, mosques, temples and crash planes through occupied high rise buildings.

Hate the idea of homosexuality? Help your friend who’s caught up in that web to get out of it. You don’t need to accept him as a brother. Shutting him out of church and condemning him to hell isn’t going to help, it’ll just accelerate the progress. Take this people and help them out. Hate smoking/drugs? Advise your friend to quit, don’t shun him. Hate prostitution? Join groups helping ladies to get out of the profession. Don’t keep ranting and preaching about the end of the world from your high pulpit. Get back down to earth and help people climb up that ladder to heaven with you. Scaring people away isn’t going to help your testimony.

Show your friends the Christian way, chat with them, talk with them, show your testimony through your life. Don’t push them away by becoming a fanatic and condemning them to hell and expect them to conform to your way of life. Right now they’re telling you to f*ck off, ‘coz indirectly you’ve done the same thing.


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