This rogue and publicity hound did not have the heart to promote the cause of helping the flood stricken Pakistanis. But, what one can expect from crony-infested government of “Maha-crook,” aka Zardari. Babar Hashmi has done no less than damage to Pakistan, than the bookies and crooked cricket players. But, we still believe that exposure of these vermins with the light of electronic media would eventually bring a modicum of honesty based on fear for future would be crooks. Pakistan needs a “ghusal,” with the blood of these parasites. They do not understand human decency and fairplay. They only understand the language of violence. That day is not far off when the sleeping giant, the people of Pakistan will wake-up and that will the last sound these crooks will hear on this earth. Till then, Sabr is the only option.
Pakistani COUNSEL GENERAL Babar Hashmi one of Baghairat of the century.
New York Stock exchange donated its front screen for Pakistani flood affected here on Wednesday, for one hour , but Pakistani Counsel General to New York Babar Hashmi and commercial counselor Muhammad Amer use this golden opportunity for there own publicity .
According to details the president of New York Stock exchange want to help and show solidarity with millions of those Pakistanis who are badly affected by the recent flood.
New York stock exchange offered there front screen which is face to the world most visited spot Time Square , that Pakistani consulate can run there appeal for donation for millions flood effected Pakistanis, but sadly Mr Babar Hashmi and Mr Amer run there own photos with the background of a Pakistani green flag and one slide has a text ,