Pakistan prepares for possible break-up with USA

Pakistan Think Tank Commentary

Pakistan prepares for possible break-up with USA:  It is a sad commentary, when a relationship going back to the time of President Truman and consolidated by a throughbred American, like President Reagan, should sour and reach this juncture. Most democratic administrations have proven to be inimical to Pakistan’s interests. President Obama is proving no different. This friendship will be revived, if there is a new Republican President in the United States. It will be to the mutual benefit of both the countries.
Pakistan has experience with US sanctions. It has faced them for over three decades. In 1998 in the aftermath of the Bharati Nuclear Test (carried out with the full cognizance and encouragement of the Clinton Administration) politicians in Islamabad sat down and figured out the alternatives when faced with possible dilapidating sanctions against Pakistan. A plan was chalked out and the Nawaz Shairf Government looking at all the alternatives, and then forged ahead with a reciprocal response to the Pokran at Chaghai. Pakistan was slapped with dilapidating sanctions which lasted a decade

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