An Open Letter to Mubasher Lucman
US, Indian, Israeli, Control of News Media in Pakistan
Pakistan had a single TV Station and some private channels.
In 2002-03 (?), persuading authorities that a free press would be necessary for a democracy to function, foreign ownership of news media was allowed.
The Independent Media Corporation was set up and the Jung/News Group was allowed to set up Geo TV. This later added the Channels, Express News, Samaa TV, AAG, and other channels.
Ownership of this media group includes Anil Ambani of India, an American group, and a part ownership of the Shakilur Rehman family.
GEO was allowed to conduct transmission of Pakistani news from Dubai and UAE. GEO personnel were trained in the US.
Mir Shakilur Rehman’s son, Mir Ibrahim Rehman, was awarded the Robert F. Kennedy award for public service at Harvard University. He is the first Muslim and only the second person from South Asia to receive this coveted award. The award was given for his work in getting Pakistan an independent judiciary and for working for peace between Pakistan and India—The Aman ki Asha programme.
His Paper covered the idea of changing the public narrative. The question is which public was Mir Ibrahim serving? American, Israeli or Pakistani?
Geo TV serves Indian agendas not those of Pakistan.
The fact that GEO conceals its ownership and secretly takes funding and direction from India is enough evidence of treason.
The Chief Justice was given the Medal of Honour by Harvard. Harvard must have a weird understanding of law and justice. Would they tolerate the criminality, the treason with which he has helped to destroy the system of justice and law in Pakistan? Why does no chief justice in America act the way he does?
These are the Mir Jaffars of Pakistan ánd they should be called by their name.
Quaid-e-Azam, Eidhi, no one else in Pakistan has been recognised by this university.
The Press and Information Department has knowledge of this foreign ownership but this knowledge is kept secret from the public. PEMRA has knowledge of foreign ownership but it is kept secret. Members of parliament have knowledge of this but do not debate it.
Secret operations are being conducted by external powers to wage war and sabotage in Pakistan, and their functioning is kept top secret.
In spite of public confusion and concerns at the anti Pakistan bias and propaganda, the knowledge that this is Indian/US/Israeli owned media is kept hidden by members of Parliament, by ISI, by IB, by Media and the people who brought this into being.
The last government as well as the current government, that was the opposition then, have knowledge of this. There is a war going on against Pakistan but our government and media and our lawyers and judiciary have given it their full support.
Members of the media including key presenters, earn fabulous sums of money to carry out this treason. They know that every word, image, attitude, and stance is directed from abroad. No presenter is allowed to take a personal position on any piece of news.
The International Herald Tribune (IHT),the international edition of The New York Times are owned by the Sulzberberger, Jewish Zionist Family of New York, and the Pakistani newspaper The Express Tribune is in partnership with the IHT. They announce this partnership on the front page. We are given a copy of the IHT daily with The Express Tribune but people foolishly ask no questions! How can a newspaper of the quality of International Herald Tribune make, print and distribute the paper for Rs 19.00 all over Pakistan?
All those who are involved in this secret war against the integrity and existence of Pakistan are traitors and should be tried for treason.
The Murder of Karachi’s Citizens and Destruction of the City
Thousands of innocent people have been killed, maimed and robbed in the last 5 years in Karachi. The media calls it mafia, turf wars, bhatta wars.
Target killings, bomb blasts, fires, have taken place every day killing innocent people.
No steps have been taken to take suo motto notice, investigate, to arrest, to try, to punish the people or parties who are doing this. Newspapers report the deaths then forget about it as if it was a matter of course, or deaths by malaria.
The people of Karachi have been given no security. All police and security is given to government and party functionaries. Traffic jams are created daily on busy streets in order to rob passengers in stalled vehicles. There is no police, no security force, no Army or Rangers to keep peace in Karachi.
Musharraf is being tried for not providing security to Benazir Bhutto. Why is the Government not held responsible and TRIED for the killing of innocent people in Karachi, and for not providing security to its citizens?
Why are members of the political parties, MQM, ANP, PPP, not arrested for removing police from Karachi, for denying security and facilitating the murderers?
Arrest the top leadership of these party mafias and stop the killing.
Why has the Chief Justice and Asma Jehangir not taken notice of what has happened in Karachi, when they are so concerned about the missing persons of Baluchistan?
Thousands are missing in Karachi but no questions are asked. The Chief Justice makes the ISI the enemy, and targets their personnel and humiliates them, and has brought the army into disrepute in the world. Whose agent is he? Who will give him security from the very Indians who pay him?
Targeting the Army and ISI
In the last 6-8 years, the propaganda war and the media war has targeted the Pakistan Army and especially ISI and security agencies.
The image of the Army is constantly under attack by the media, by paid politicians, by lawyers, by the so called civil society.
In the last so many years, the words “CIA, Mossad, RAW” and other agencies have not appeared in our media coverage except for the one time when Raymond Davis was exposed. No questions are asked.
Why were Visas given in thousands to US, Indian and Afghan nationals to create turmoil in Pakistan, FATA and Baluchistan?
Why is ISI being targeted and not RAW? Not Mossad? Not CIA?
Why is this not discussed or questioned?
By: Zainab Ali, Washington DC.
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