India’s Pipedream to destroy Pakistan Army in 2002

India is a rogue nation disguised in a legitimacy of democracy. It has a pipedream to destroy Pakistan, which is deeply embedded in its psyche. It rises occasionally like it did in 2002; but a reality check of the facts on the ground; provided to India by the Bush Administration, made it to backtrack on its belligerant and aggresive designs and its dream died its natural death in face of a stark reality of nuclear and ballistic capability of Pakistan, which would have annhilated India within 3 minutes. There are nations like Israel, who egg-on India to keep this dream alive. Israel has its own ulterior motives to use India to get at the strongest Islamic nation on this earth, little do they remember that their past history is full of ignominous defeats at the hands of nations, which were fed-upo with their conniving machinations. Pakistan holds no grudge against Israel, but, if they continue their gratuitious hostility, by plotting with India along the Pak-Afghan border, Pakistan will have to take counter measures on the Lebanon-Israeli border.

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