HINDU INDIA’S TREACHERY:Sarmila Bose: Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971

Pakistani’s will never forget, the treachery of Hindu’desh, and one day we will get even, when India will break apart into five pieces. IA

Sarmila Bose: Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971

Last month, Al Jazeera published an article entitled Book, film greeted with fury among Bengalis. Here, Sarmila Bose, author of Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, responds to the criticism levelled at her work.
In all the excitement about the “Arab spring” it is instructive to remember the 1971 war in South Asia. Then too there was a military regime in Pakistan, easily identified as the “baddies” – and a popular uprising in its rebellious Eastern province, where Bengali nationalists were reported to be peacefully seeking freedom, democracy and human rights.
When the regime used military force to crush the rebellion in East Pakistan, India intervened like a knight to the rescue, resulting in the defeat of the bad guys, victory for the good guys and the independence of Bangladesh

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