Do the Right Thing: President Zardari, PM Gilani, Generals Kayani, and Pasha Must Resign

Pakistan Army Chief’s response is too little, too late.  In American colloqial terms, it is “Monday Morning Quarterbacking,”which means, “a person who criticizes or suggests alternative courses of action from a position of hindsight after the event in question.” Last Monday, not only Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity was compromised, but also the reputation of Pakistan’s Armed Forces was tarnished. If there was hidden collusion with the US, which often happens, than this was also a betrayal of 180 million people, by the most trusted institution of Pakistan. There is only one honorable way out, both the Pakistani civilian leadership, including the Zardari Government; and the military leadership should resign. This not only echoes the sentiments of Pakistan Think Tank Organization, which has supported these institutions through past international crisis, but also the deep hurt felt by a vast majority of Pakistani citizens at home and abroad. The road to redemption for Gens.Asfaq Kayani Shuja Pasha, “President” Asif Zardari, PM Gilani, Denfebse Minister Ahmad Mukhtar, and Rehman Malik lies in resignation and contrition on TV to the Pakistani.

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