Pakistan’s fate was sealed, the day Z.A.Bhutto, a scion of a feudal family came into power as the “man of the masses.” This is the biggest joke ever played on so many people (180 million), by so few, the Bhutto-Zardari clique. First, Pakistan was broken-up, due to Z.A.Bhutto’s lust for power. Then came the incompetent rule of Benazir, who left behind Zardari for Pakistan in Virsa or Inheritance. But, still there is no end in sight, Bilawal Bhutto’s lechery has taken the cake. Pakistan Think Tank had warned its readers, that Islamabad, had become a liquor laden whore house. We suggests a name change for Islamabad. Stop defiling Islam, by attaching its name to this perfidious city. It should be called, “RandiKhana or Sharaabkhana.” Aunties, nayakaas or dalees are doing roaring business, through beauty saloon call girls. A car stops in front of a beauty salon. The man dials the salon’s number. A call girl is sent by the Aunty, who runs the salon-cum- whorehouse. Pakistan’s economy is steaming hot with this lucrative business. All the Who’s,Who of Pakistans putrid, fecal feudal elites are customers of the salon comfort women. Yes, this city defiles the name of the Deen of Peace. Devil has proved that he can establish his kingdom in the heart of the most powerful, nuclear Islamic nation. Pakistani nation lost, evil won. But, is it isolated. No, not at all, look around and see what is happening at your neighbours house. The strange cars. The strange people. The elite of Peoples Party, PML(N,O,P,Q and whatever), ANP, and how could the mobsters of MQM be left behind, they partake of the fruit too. There is a dark corner for Bisexuals and Homosexuals trysts. Dark shaded limosines drive these leeches on Pakistan’s body drive around Aabpara at break neck speeds. On weekends, they fly over to another brothel or bordello of Middle East, after Bahrain. This is Dubai, where all the Khadims of Islam, from S.Arabia to Pakistan come cavort. They enjoy every sexual depravity, from bestiality, sado-masochism, to urinating or defecating on one another during sex.
The blowback of total callousness or rather conscious apathy has given birth to dark and neanderthal forces of extremism and mulliayat.
While, the poor masses of Naudero and Nawabshah had a glimmer of hope from Bilawal, he has let them down. Not only that, he has let the nation down. But, what could Pakistan expect from Zardari’s, “bad seed”?
The London Daily Mail commented in 2008 on Bilawal, while he was still a student at Oxford,”Orthodox Muslims will be surprised to see the new leader of the Pakistani People’s Party with his arms slung casually around two girls, one of whom declares herself as “bisexual” on a social networking website.” But, Bilawal has gone so overboard in his shenanighans that even the most liberal Pakistani will do a double take on his totally lecherous life style.
Read more:—inside-student-life-Bilawal-Bhutto-Zardari.html#ixzz287iScurZ
These Neros are fiddling while the Capital city is shaking with their damnable deeds. The have once suffered a huge earthquake, but that warning has gone unheeded. How long can Sipah Salar hold back the seething anger of Officers and Jawans. Lets hope they exercise patience, because, the worst democracy is better than the finest dictatorship.
Although, Z.A.Bhutto was a drunk and a womanizer, Benazir was a typical Muslim woman. But, when, Zardari, joined this family and produced Bilawal, all hell has broken loose. Bilawal is a bi-sexual sex fiend on steroids. Every Daily Mail in UK and every “trash sheet” in India and Bangladesh is rife with stories of Bilawal’s depravity. So, much for the love affair of India with Zardari and the Bhutto family. Bilawal is claimed have seduced Hina Rabbani Khar, while she is still married to millionaire businessman Firoze Gulzar, from whom she has two daughters named Annaya and Dina.
The Baaniyas, who consider Bhuttos as their own have shown their true colours. They have plastered the news of Bilawal’s sexuality all over their wicked nation. Kafirs revel, when Muslims rebel against Islam.
But never mind, what goes around comes around. India will has the Gandhi family, which has its own lurid past. So, Baaniyas, dont ask for whom the bell tolls, it talls for thee. The backlash of Bilawal’s gunah kabira, will come from the people of Pakistan.The deeds of Z.A.Bhutto, Murtuza Bhutto, and Benazir Bhutto did not bring the Bhutto family solace. So Bilawal beware, his action will be his own undoing. He has only one enemy and that is himself!
Enough said!
September 30, 2012
Bisexual Bilawal Zardari, Family from Hell-The Zardaris, Homosexuality of Bilawal, UK Daily
Bilawal Bhutto with horns of devil
The whisper on illicit romantic relations between co-chairman of Pakistan People’s Party [PPP] and foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar though had been continuing in the country for quite some time, no one dared to speak about this ‘Majestic Affairs’ in public as both Butto and Khar belong to extremely influential families. President Asif Ali Zardari, despite numerous rumors on his personal life, did not accept the growing relations between Bilawal and Hina, as he always feared, Bilawal’s knotting with Hina would simply put the future ‘heir’ to Pakistan People’s Party under the scarf of Hina Rabbani Khar, thus Khars would emerge as the most powerful family in Pakistani politics. Knowing the background of the thuggish attitude of the Khars – especially the inside stories of that family exposed by eminent journalist Tahmina Durrani, Hina would take full advantage of somehow turning Zardaris’s playboy son Bilawal into her mere lapdog. The Pakistani president even smelled Hina Rabbani Khar’s hidden desire of becoming the next President or Prime Minister of Pakistan, right after she would be successful in establishing total command over Bilawal Bhutto.
While President Asif Ali Zardari was actively trying to somehow make an end to the romantic relations between Bilawal and Hina, as usual, he had his last card to play – which is getting the gorgeous foreign minister killed. Though the relations between President Zardari and Hina Rabbani Khar had been cordial and friendly, when she first joined the cabinet, gradually the senior Zardari sensed Hina’s change in attitude and she was mostly showing the respect and care of a daughter-in-law towards the Pakistani president. For quite some time, President Asif Ali Zardari has been actively trying in keeping eyes on his son. But, nothing worked! Rather, Bilawal Bhutto madness for Hina was increasing like bonfire.
Some of the insiders of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party believe, Bilawal Bhutto’s affection for Hina was pure love but on the other hand, Hina Rabbani Khar’s feelings were purely strategic, as he might have dreamed of using Bilawal Bhutto as a ladder in reaching the highest position in Pakistani politics. But, the international exposure of the romantic relations between Bilawal Bhutto and Hina Rabbani Khar has now opened a completely new challenge for the Bhuttos right from inside the ruling party, when some of the influential figures in Pakistan People’s Party went mad knowing Bilawal Bhutto is alcoholic, bi-sexual and inclined towards Christianity. Their main anger was because of the rumor of Bilawal’s leaving Islam and converting into Christianity. The leaders of the ruling party fear, for the majority of the voters in Pakistan, it won’t be easy to elect a party in power, whose chairman is alcoholic, bi-sexual and non-Muslim, although for the high-profile politicians in Pakistan, boozing or eating pork was nothing new as it even happened with Pakistan’s founding father Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who not only was a non-practicing Muslim but also a huge lover of alcohol and pork. Bilalwal’s maternal grandpa Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto [father of Benazir Bhutto] was never a ‘good Muslim’ rather was a great boozer. But neither Mohammad Ali Jinnah nor Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto left Islam and embraced another religion, while in case of Bilawal, the allegation of conversion is strong enough. At the same time, Jinnah or Zulfiqar were at least not proved to be gays, while Bilawal Bhutto is not only a bi-sexual but also is a strong supporter of gay and lesbianism, which are serious offense as per Islamic code as well as existing law in Pakistan. The news on such huge anger inside the Pakistan People’s Party centering documented allegations against Bilawal Bhutto of being a bi-sexual as well as leaving Islam did already reach President Asif Ali Zardari right in United States, which has put the Pakistani president into extreme fear, because such anger within the party may finally lead to ouster of the Bhuttos from power with the help of country’s opposition political forces and army.
The news on Bilawal Bhutto being alcoholic, bisexual and his non-interest towards Islam although was exposed few years back by influential British tabloid The Mail, the authorities in Islamabad managed to hide this information from the larger segment of the population. But, the already exposed information came at the focal-point this time, when hundreds and thousands of people in Pakistan got the news on the secret romance between Hina Rabbani Khar and Bilawal Bhutto. For President Asif Ali Zardari and the Bhuttos, the biggest challenge now is not only hiding the fact about the romance between his son and the foreign minister, but explaining the reason of Bilawal Bhutto being an alcoholic, bisexual and opponent of Islamic codes.
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Thar famine: Bilawal Bhutto, your incompetence is unpardonable

My good Lord, Bilalwal, while you celebrated our history, our future was embracing death.
Dear lord Bilawal,
The recent calamity that has hit the Thar Desert is nothing less than heart-wrenching. As I pen these words, thousands stand precariously at the cusp of death.
However, the purpose of this write-up is not to vent my sentiments but to bring to your Lordship’s attention the truth of his existence and the seemingly obvious realities that hitherto remain unrealised.
My lord, your people are starving and at moments like these true leaders stand amongst their people. You ought to be here; not thousands of miles away in the plush cosiness of your foreign apartments. That’s not the Quaid-e-Awam’s legacy; that’s not ‘Bhuttoism’ – in fact, it is the very anti-thesis of ‘Bhuttosim’.
It is plain disdain and utter disregard for the lives of ordinary men and women.
But perhaps, you find more magnetism in your father’s ways. Perhaps, mixing with uncouth, sweaty, stinking, ordinary ‘proles’ is behaviour unbecoming of a feudal lord of your stature.
By posting those seemingly solicitous tweets who are you trying to fool?
You won’t have the answer but I do; nobody but yourself.
The most shameful dimension of the whole affair is that even when children are drifting towards death, petty politics is being played.
Why was Punjab government’s offer to help snubbed?
Those responsible for the crisis – a Member of the Provincial Assembly (MPA) and his brothers – are still untouched.
My Lord, if you could look beyond politics, beyond personal gain, you would find that the dying children of Thar demand justice; you would hear their cries. If you could break those barricades and look those sick, starving weaklings in the eyes, you would know the life of a serf is not worthless, after all.
Your party is a scourge and an albatross to the development of Sindh. Its ranks are filled with the vilest of feudals that feed on the blood of their serfs. Its cabinet is nothing but a conclave of dunderheads. Its Chief Minister (CM) is someone who didn’t have an inkling – and he has the gall to admit it – of the plight of Tharians until journalists started raving about the crisis.
So much for good governance.
My Lord, you pride yourself on the colours and richness of your culture and history. Indeed, I do as well. But is this the time for gaieties? A time when we desperately cling to the fringes of integrity, when Pakistan is faced with an existential crisis, when our national coffers are empty and when terrorists stand at our doorstep?
Just to inform you, since I’m sure no one else will, my good Lord, while you were feasting your eyes on those deft dances with the sinuous, almost-surreal movements of the dancers, somewhere someone’s bleary, weak eyes were drooping for good.
While music filled your ears, someone’s cries of anguish went unheard, unattended.
While you celebrated our history, our future was embracing death.
While you were busy revelling, the children of Thar were battling fatality.
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 29th, 2013, 10:07 pm and is filed under BHUTTO’S DYNASTIC FOLLIES, Bhutto-Zardari Feudal Family Corruption. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.