Yesterday, a modern, civilized nation of Pakistan, saw in all it’s rawness, a cold blooded killing of a young man by the so called, “Pakistan Rangers.” Pakistan gained independence to escape the brutality of the British “Colonial Masters” but we have succumbed to be worse than them. Human life is worth not even a “khota paisa.’ Then why do we scream and holler, about bad governance? Are we inherently bad people? No! Pakistan has produced good people, who stand for the down trodden and even a modern saint in the personality of Edhi Sahib. We have reached highest peaks of goodness and lowest valleys of evil. We have created our own hell and heaven in Pakistan. The killing of the young man caught by the brave TV reporter is a great example of the value of free media. The victims of brutality by the socalled paramilitary force of Rangers are voice less. This is a clear case where the Chief Justice should step in through his suo moto prerogative.
This brutality is not unexpected. After, the Government of Pakistan freed Raymond Davis, the triple murderer, what else could me expected. Like, the brutal massacre of Pakistanis in Shiberghan, this story will also die down. The callous and inhumane Government of Mr.Zardari, will have another feather of a vulture in their cap.
The blithering idiot Rehman Malik, the nefarious face of Zardari Government came out with a myopic statement, spoken from the two sides of his big mouth. It accused the deceased, without any proof or semblance of due process.