The Supreme Court Bench that ran away




The three essentials for democracy are: 

  1. Fair and free judiciary and 
  2. Fair and free elections. 

Neither of those two essential requirements ever existed in Pakistan. 

  1. The third requirement is that the first two are supported and upheld by the majority of the elite and educated class. Most of those are seen cozying up to the offspring of the chief thugs, the owners of dynastic parties.

The judiciary in question here is not concerned with truth or justice, they appear to be more concerned about their post-retirement bonuses which will be indeed huge – keeping them rolling in money for years and what will be left of it, will be packed with them in their coffins for the hereafter.

Theoretically, the only powerful segment that could make some difference could be the army, but they are not about to take any steps for at least another two election cycles as per the doctor’s instructions – Dr. Uncle Sam, that is. By then, it may be the end of the story. We might as well change the name from Pakistan to Thuggistan.

We knew the Panama case was not going anywhere – Many of us wanted to have some hope against the hope – Hoping that there was a light at the end of the long dark tunnel. Yes, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but that was the train coming from the opposite side to blow up the hope if there was any.

Javed Chaudhry



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