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Archive for category ISHAQ DAR:THIEF OF PUNJAB

The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption













The Sharif Family Saga of Corruption


There is no probing required by any military court. NAB, under Gen Amjad and Gen Khalid Maqbool has already done a lot of probing into the money laundering case by Sharif family from 2000 to 2002. I wonder why NAB is silent and why it is sitting over all that evidence?
The entire details of money laundering and money trail during the 1990s, which was also used to buy off the Avenfield House apartments, has been confessed by Ishaq Dar, Saeed ahmed ( present deputy governor, Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Ittefaq/ Sharif Group and a Money Exchange operated by Zaigham, in April 2000 in the interim Hudabiya Paper Mills Reference. 
Later in Sept 2001,a supplementary Reference by the name of Hudabiya Paper Volume two, was filed with irrefuteable evidence showing receipt of transactions and statements of money changers, implicating the sharif family in money laundering.
Ishaq Dars statement’s in this money laundering case is an ‘irrevocable statement’ as it has been recorded under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

In his statement, Ishaq Dar accused Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif of money laundering in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case. At one point in the 43-page statement, Dar said that on the instructions of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, “I opened two foreign currency accounts in the name of Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi with the foreign currency funds provided by the Sharif family in the Bank of America by signing as Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi”.
Qazis are a Pakistani family settled in London, with whom Ishaq Dar was lodged up as a paying guest while he was doing his Chartered Accountancy. He somehow managed to get hold of copies of their passports which he used for opening fake accounts. Dar himself used to sign all cheques on behalf of the Qazis. This is all confessed by Dar while he was lodged at Chamba House ( NABs temporary HQs in Lahore) from Jan to April 2000. Haroon, Kamal Qureshi,  Dar, Naeem and a Lahore money changer- Zaigham were all produced before the court at Circuit House Lahore in April 2000 after the completeion of their 90 days detention, when the Hudabiya Reference was filed. Dar advised to the others in the court that they should fully cooperate with NAB as the game is over. He however feigned that he had been beaten up severely during his detention and needed assistance while walking.
Some of the Qazis have shifted to the U.S after the NAB Reference was filed as they felt insecure in Britain.
Dar said that all instructions to the bank in the name of these two persons were signed by him under the orders of “original depositors”, namely Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif.
Dar further states “The foreign currency accounts of Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi were opened in Bank of America by Naeem Mehmood ( Dars office assistant) under my instructions (based on instructions of Sharifs) by signing the same as Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi.”
Dar stated that besides these foreign currency accounts, a previously opened foreign currency account of Saeed Ahmed,  (present Deputy Governor state bank and a former director of First Hajvari Modaraba Co and close friend of Dar from his student days) and of Mussa Ghani, the nephew of Dar’s wife, were also used to deposit huge foreign currency funds provided by “the Sharif family” to offer them as collateral to obtain different direct and indirect credit lines.
Dar has disclosed that the Bank of America, Citibank, Atlas Investment Bank, Al Barka Bank and Al Towfeeq Investment Bank were used under the instructions of the Sharif family.
Interestingly enough, Ishaq Dar also implicates himself by confessing in court that he along with Haroon Pasha and Kamal Qureshi of Sharif group and Naeem Mehmood (Dars office boy) had opened fake foreign currency accounts in different international banks.
Dar states that an amount of $3.725 million in Emirates Bank, $ 8.539 million in Al Faysal Bank and $2.622 million were later transferred in the accounts of the accounts Hudaibya Paper Mills.
The Qazi family upon coming into knowledge that millions of dollars are lying in their accounts in various banks lodged a complaint to the police in London in 1998.
Dar updated the P.M of the situation and as a result the entire 7 member Qazi family was invited over to Lahore as State guests by the prime minister, and pacified! 
Where are those files? The last time I saw them were at the office of Maj Farooq Adam, the Prosecutor General of NAB during the initial years. No further probe is required. Only a verdict needs to be awarded!
By the way, one of the co-accusseds later read out both volumes of the Reference to the Sharifs at Saroor Palace. They were not satisfied with the amount of wealth they had and raised eyebrows at each other in suspicion. 

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Nawaz Sharif : A Family of Pathological Liars & Documents That Prove it

 All Dictators Lie, Nawaz Sharif lies More than other Dictators

Claims he has no properties except the house he lives in Raiwind Palace.

Nawaz Sharif : A Family of Pathological Liars

 Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is among a few lawmakers who are billionaires, according to statements of assets and liabilities of parliamentarians released by the Election Commission of the country.

The net value of assets of the President of ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) party is over US Dollars 8-22 Billion 


Tweets About Documentary Proofs of Lies

  1.  Asad Kharal Retweeted

    Blatant Lies Exposed When Hassan Nawaz Sharif bought #FlagshipInvestment Ltd in 2001, his res was 17 Park Lane flats


  2.  Asad Kharal Retweeted

    #Sharifs Blatant Lies Exposed Nawaz Sharif bought anthr flat on 3rd flr 17, Avenfield Hse, Park Lane on 1 June 93


  3.  Asad Kharal Retweeted

    #Sharifs Blatant Lies Exposed Nawaz Sharif bought flat on 3rd floor 16, Avenfield House, Park Lane on 31 July 95



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Incompetence Worse Than Graft in Pakistan by Riaz Haq


Incompetence Worse Than Graft in Pakistan


Riaz Haq

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtuesis a quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, also known as Honest Abe.

I do not entirely agree with Honest Abe, but what does it mean in Pakistan’s context, given the extraordinary and often hypocritical incessant demands for honesty by the nation’s TV talking heads? Is competence not as big or bigger virtue than honesty? Is it not Utopia to expect angels to rise to leadership positions in a nation that generally scores badly at all levels on corruption indexes? Is it not better to elect and expect greater competence from the leaders in Pakistan? The kind of competence that delivers good governance for the greater good of society?

Since the beginning of Pakistan’s existence as an independent nation in 1947, there has been constant repetition of slogans about piety and honesty by invoking the name of Islam, and its early legendary leaders, particularly great Caliphs like Omar. What is often overlooked is that Caliph Omar was not just impeccably honest; the key reason for his tremendous success as a great leader and highly respected ruler was his extraordinary competence in governance. Can we find a leader like Caliph Omar today? I think it’s highly unlikely. However, I do think it is possible to find people who are reasonably competent amongst Pakistanis to help lead the nation to a better future.

Looking around at the recent history of successful leaders in the Islamic world, likeMalaysia’s Mahathir Mohammad and Indonesia’s Suharto, there have been serious allegations of corruption and abuse of power against them. And yet, it is their sufficient competence in delivering good governance to their people that has brought great economic success and remarkable human development to their nations, and ultimately a greater measure of competent democratic governance to their highly literate electorates.

Beyond the Islamic world, there are various levels of corruption found in both developed and developing nations. But many of them have made significant strides in recent years, mainly because the leaders whom they have elected have been far more competent those in Pakistan. Even in Pakistan, whenever the military rulers have brought in technocrats and professionals to help develop and execute good policies, there have been periods of rapid growth. It is their competence, not their unassailable honesty, that has helped them deliver significant economic growth.

Pakistan’s average economic growth rate was 6.8% in the 60s (Gen. Ayub Khan), 4.5% in the 70s(Zulfikar Bhutto), 6.5% in the 80s (Gen. Zia ul-Haq), and 4.8% in the 90s (Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif). Growth picked up momentum in the 21st Century under General Musharraf, and from 2000-2007, Pakistan’s economy grew at an average 7.5%, making it the third fastest growing economy in Asia after China and India. There were 2-3 million new jobs created each year from 2000-2007, which significantly enlarged the middle class, and helped millions escape poverty.


Here is my incomplete wish list for the kind of competencies desirable in governing Pakistan at this critical juncture in its life:

1. Motivational Competency: The leadership needs to sell a vision of a secure, peaceful, stable and prosperous Pakistan, and motivate the people to work toward achieving it. It’s not going to be easy, but strong motivational skills can help inspire the nation, in spite of the deep skepticism and toxic cynicism that pervades the nation’s discourse today.

2. Security Competency: What the leadership needs is a comprehensive strategy using a mix of intelligence capability, political dialog, military force and close monitoring to isolate and defeat those who continue to perpetrate murder and mayhem on the streets of Pakistan. Such a policy must be developed, debated, sold to the people, and constantly refined to produce results.

3. Human Development Competency: No nation can achieve greatness unless its human resource potential is developed and utilized to the fullest. It is a challenge that will require a team of committed and competent professionals with the full backing and the resources of the state to build a public-private partnership for mass literacy campaigns and to provide access to food and health care. Beyond that, there will be a serious focus required to build great institutions of higher learning to develop knowledge based economy for the twenty-first century.

4. Economic Competency: There is a need to build a non-partisan economic leadership team with the best available talent and experience in Pakistan. Such a team should be chartered to come up with policies and programs to spur nation’s economic growth to create opportunities for the tens of millions of young people, and to generate the national resources for funding ambitious programs in human and economic development of the nation.

Can our current leadership do it? Their past record is not reassuring. However, if they make a serious effort toward it, and start to show some results, I am confident they will find real support for their efforts in Pakistan. Results from good governance by the politicians will be the best guarantee for the survival of democracy in Pakistan.

First Published :SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2010

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Another Scam in Pakistan, as March Towards Economic Disaster Continues

























Another Scam in Pakistan, as March Towards Economic Disaster Continues




In Pakistan there are certain politicians who have no love for Pakistan

Their only desire in life is to make money by hook or crook.

Amongst the top suckers of the blood of Pakistan are:

  1. Nawaz Sharif
  2. Shahbaz Sharif
  3. Mian Mansha 
  4. Ishaq (Dollar) Dar
  5. Khurshid Shah
  6. Zardari and others

The present government is hell bent to find ways to rob Pakistan.

Ishaq Dar comes up with one mischievous scheme after another:

  • PIA: Trying to privatise and sell to their own nominee. The sale was to be done underhand. Thank goodness that the whole scheme which “stank to high heaven” was thrown out. FAILED
  • LNG DEAL: The secret deal planned with the “unknown” seller of Gas to Pakistan, arranged surreptitiously by SAIF UR REHMAN, sitting in DOHA. This too was foul and many questions had to be answered 
  • WORLD BANK LOANS. There is no necessity. We are gradually being sunk into debt by these uneducated and greedy leaders. From these US Dollars they will siphon off to their own projects.

Now the latest scheme they have out with is :

EUROBONDS; The present market rate is around 2 % for 5 years

PAKISTAN IS GOING TO FLOAT AT 8.5% for 5 years- As one famous Economist said; only a stupid nation will do this. People must have vested interest in getting these US Dollars. Soon they will disappear.


What we as Pakistanis must know who is going to pay back on these borrowings. Nawaz and Dar are not Economists. They are simply “Daylight Robbers.”


GOD SAVE PAKISTAN from these Machiavellian schemers. 


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Nawaz Sharif & Mian Mansha Predators After Roosevelt Hotel:Pretext to Launder Money Stolen From Pakistan




























The Roosevelt Hotel NYC OFFICIAL Video Tour

This historic art-deco hotel is less than a block from Grand Central Station and a mile from Central Park, New York.

Click here to watch this video




روزولٹ ہوٹل کا شمار امریکہ کے تاریخی ہوٹلوں میں ہوتا ھے جس کی اوپننگ 1924 میں ہوئی اور یہ دنیا کے مہنگے ترین علاقے مین ہیٹن نیویارک میں واقع ھے۔ اس میں 1015 کمرے ہیں اور 52 لگژری سوئیٹس ہیں۔ یہ اچھے وقتوں کی بات ھے، جب ہم زرا کم کرپٹ ہوا کرتے تھے اور ہمارے ادارے انسان چلایا کرتے تھے۔ 1979 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کو اس وقت لیز پر لیا جب اس کا بزنس کچھ مندا چل رہا تھا۔ پی آئی اے کے انوسٹمنٹ آرم نے ایک سعودی پرنس کے زریعے یہ شاندار ڈیل کی جس کے مطابق 20 سال بعد پی آئی اے اس ہوٹل کو خرید سکتا تھا۔ 90 کی دہائی میں ہوٹل کے مالک نے کورٹ میں مقدمہ کردیا کہ جس معایدے کے تحت پی آئی اے یہ ہوٹل خریدنے جارہا ھے، اس سے ملنے والی رقم مارکیٹ ویلیو سے بہت کم ھے۔ پی آئی اے کی انتظامیہ اپنے سفارتخانے کے ہمراہ امریکی کورٹ میں گئی اور مقدمہ جیت لائی۔ جس کے نیتجے میں 1999 میں پی آئی اے کو صرف ساڑھے 36 ملین ڈالر میں یہ ہوٹل مل گیا۔ 2005 میں مشرف دور میں پی آئی اے نے سعودی پرنس کو 40 ملین ڈالر دے کر اس کے روزویلٹ ہوٹل میں موجود چند پرسنٹ شئیرز بھی خرید لئے۔ مشرف دور میں 2006 اور 2007 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کی تزئین و آرائش پر 65 ملین ڈالر خرچ کردیئے۔ 2009 میں پی آئی اے نے اس ہوٹل کی مارکیٹ ویلیو کروائی اور اسے 1 بلین ڈالر، یعنی 1000 ملین ڈالر کے عوض بیچنے پر لگادیا۔ بدقسمتی سے اس وقت امریکہ کی اکانومی اور ہاؤسنگ مارکیٹ کریش ہوچکی تھی جس کی وجہ سے یہ ہوٹل بک نہ سکا۔ پھر پی آئی اے نے اسے سیل کرنے کا پلان واپس لے لیا۔ اس ہوٹل کے اردگرد واقع کچھ ہوٹل پچھلے چند ماہ میں فروخت ہوئے ہیں جس سے اندازہ ہورہا ھے کہ ہوٹل سیکٹر میں انویسٹمنٹ آجکل پھر گرم ہوچکی ھے۔ روزویلٹ کے سٹینڈرڈ کے جتنے بھی ہوٹل مین ہیٹن کے علاقے میں پچھلے ڈیڑھ سال میں بکے ہیں، ان کی اوسط قیمت 10 سے 14 لاکھ ڈالر فی کمرہ رہی ھے۔ روزویلٹ میں 1015 کمرے ہیں اور 52 انتہائی لگژری سویٹس۔ اس حساب سے اس ہوٹل کی قیمت کم سے کم بھی 1200 ملین ڈالر یعنی 1 اعشاریہ 2 بلین ڈالر تک آنی چاہیئے۔ کہا جارہا ھے کہ حکومت کا پی آئی اے کو پرائیویٹائز کرنے کا اصل مقصد یہ ہوٹل بیچنا ھے۔ اور آپ کی اطلاع کیلئے عرض ھے کہ حکومت نے اس ہوٹل کا سودا اپنے قریبی فرنٹ مین میاں منشا کے ساتھ کردیا ھے۔ جاننا چاہیں گے کہ یہ ہوٹل جس کی مارکیٹ ویلیو 1 اعشاریہ 2 بلین ڈالر ھے، وہ حکومت نے کتنے میں بیچا ھے؟ چلیں، باباکوڈا کے پیج پر میں پورے اعتماد سے آپ کو بتا دیتا ہوں۔ یہ ہوٹل نوازشریف نے تقریباً 9 ملین ڈالر میں بیچا ھے، یعنی اصل قیمت کا ایک پرسنٹ سے بھی کم۔ جب نیب پنجاب میں کاروائیاں شروع کرنے کا اعلان کرتی ھے تو ایسے ہی میاں برادران کی چیخیں نہیں نکلتی۔ جب کتے کی دم پر ہاتھی کا پاؤں آتا ھے تو وہ بہت تڑپتا ھے۔ روزویلٹ کے نام پر ایک بلین ڈالر سے زائد کا چونا لگانے والا اگر اپنے خلاف ہونے والی تحقیقات پر چیاؤں چیاؤں نہ کرے تو کیا میاؤں میاؤں کرے؟؟؟

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