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Archive for category ISHAQ DAR:THIEF OF PUNJAB

Maryam Safdar is exaggerating the seriousness of the procedure.”just to gain sympathetic element from masses to divert attention from #PanamaLeaks

  1. AThe procedure takes less than 45 minutes, preparation takes about an hour and it requires a couple of days in hospital for observation ‏@AsadKharal  Maryam Safdar is exaggerating the seriousness of the procedure.”just to gain sumpathetic element from masses to divert from #PanamaLeaks

    The procedure takes less than 45 minutes, preparation takes about an hour and it requires a couple of days in hospital for observation

  3. Following procedurennn according to a friend UK doctor working in same hospital. “Atrial Fibrillation Ablation is NOT an open heart surgery


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Where Are We? by S.M.K.Durrani












Indian spy admitting involvement in Balochistan insurgency

What we know so far about Indian Terrorism Mastermind Gulbushan Jadhav in Balochistan:

He is the contact man for Anil Kumar Gupta, the joint secretary of RAW, and his other operatives in Pakistan

His was tasked to disrupt development of CPEC, with Gwadar port as a special target

Jadhav is still a serving officer in the Indian Navy and will be due for retirement in 2022

He started carrying out intelligence based operations in 2002 and in 2003 established a small business in Chabahar, Iran

Jadhav directed various activities in Karachi and Balochistan at the behest of RAW

He was involved in activities of ‘anti-national or terrorist nature’

Seems like it always takes a tragedy before an operation is started. Whatever happened with karachi operation?

What happened to interior Sindh operation?

And now Punjab. These are protocols and passive steps.

All elites and influential always manages to flee the country.

This will keep on happening until or unless root cause is addressed.

Killing/arresting militants will not solve anything.

There is no shortage of recruits.

Now they’re handling this situation in the proper way.

These terrorists and religious parties need to be given a clear message that they got no place in new Pakistan.

Decisions are been taken by military leadership and Leading is by NS?

Civil government proved themselves a failure in all the departments.

The only solution given by civil leadership to every problem is Army…

Just take example of couple a days ago…

Islamabad controlled by Army.,

Lahore controlled by Army.

Where do u see NS leading the nation?

come on man…


Sick or Alive is




This Govt has broken all records of corruption, nepotism, selfishness, borrowing loans, sorry state of state institutions, falling standards of education, law and order situation and many many more things where this Govt is a complete failure.

PPP last Govt had all kind of evils in it and they did not leave any chance to destroy our Great country but when i compare both Govt I realized one thing PPP did as we know about them but PML-N did exactly opposite to what they preach.

They have lost their reputation in the eyes of this corrupt nation and it will NOT reflect in the next election.





Only manufacturer of a machine knows how to fix it best….

I’ll wait for results first before raising any hope for peace.

NS has been doing only reactive leadership, he is not proactive. They should have started the operation in Punjab long back. But just to save their own corruption they delayed it till Army announced the operation.

NS addresses are the failed attempt to cover up, now they are giving a second try to make people believe that ARMY and Government are on same page.

What a MASS mess!

Meetings after meetings and when they get comfortable enemy takes advantage.

Real criminals is our corrupt government they can do anything to destabilize Pakistan .

As a nation majority of us are reactive, not proactive, in dealing with the challenges.

Rest are mentally IMPOTENT ,

As fed & Nurtured


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THE PROPAGANDA BLITZKRIEG BY CROOKS AGAINST IMRAN KHAN:Nawaz Sharif & Crooked Cronies use diversionary tactics to shift focus from stolen offshore $50-200 Bn














Pakistan's Honest Man


There is no denying the fact that Imran Khan is still a novice politician compared to seasoned crooks of PMLN,PPP,ANP,MQM,JUIF. He also does not have the luxury of good and seasoned advice. Lastly PTI party organization is still in shambles with severe differences and divisions among its various groups and very few persons of substance, political acumen and standing among its ranks. Mostly consists of youth or light weights.
Having said all that lets get to the bare facts in the current onslaught of undermining IK.
I personally feel this mud slinging Blitzkrieg will have no bearing on Imran Khan end of the day as he is not a thief. They cannot implicate him as a crook no matter what they do or try.
He continues to stand tall as far as his honesty , persistence and dedication is concerned. He is also lucky in a way that at this juncture despite all his faults there is no other politician in our national arena with credentials of honesty. There is just no choice. IK also maintains his appeal, charisma, crowd drawing ability and individual popularity among the masses. He remains a one man army and the only person who stands in way of the agenda of crooks bathed in worst corruption.
Now coming to the current defaming campaign against IK.
These are two very different cases but an effort is being made to confuse the issue and make it murky..
The bare fact remains that Imran Khan legally brought his hard earned legal monies from cricket and from the sale of his flat in London to Pakistan. He has already presented the documentation and money trail of that sale and acquisition of property in Pakistan.The same has been declared to ECP and FBR and tax returns filed accordingly.
While on the other hand these thieves and thugs have been consistently laundering illegal monies and kick backs from Pakistan unchecked and unobstructed for decades to their totally illegal off shore fat accounts abroad set up to hide illegal monies with no documentation and money trail. What is the comparison.
Everyone in this nation understands that very well now. These smoke screens, dramas and diversions by the thugs will not help in any way end of the day. It is too late to do that in any case.
Najam Sethi’s, Danyials, Zubairs, Talal Chaudhrys,Abid Sher Ali,Ishaq Dar, and Khawaja Asif’s etc are worthless touts who have no standing and credibility of their own. Not one of them can become a counselor on their own. They are just paid pimps speaking the language of their thug masters as a meaningless propaganda which does not mean anything.
The unfortunate fact and irony remains for Pakistan remains that it appears that at this critical juncture in our checkered history IK is the only hope and he has to fight this herculean battle all alone with the help of the battered and helpless people of Pakistan. IK must understand this loud and clear.
The people if they want to rid Pakistan of corruption must stand with him. It is certainly not an easy job on hand by any means to rid Pakistan of these well entrenched rich and evil masters of corruption, loot and plunder. May wrath of God Almighty be on these corrupt elements and may God Almighty in his infinite mercy help Pakistan and its people wriggle out of their evil grip. Ameen.
Wishing Imran Khan best of luck and hoping for a better and brighter future for my Pakistan.



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PANAMA LEAKS, PAKISTAN AND COMING TIMES – The Sharif Network of Corruption












Thought provoking reality to no avail








While world is again shaken by LEAKS this time linked to big time money; we all wonder what will or should happen in our part of world.

– West is taking stock of situation and waiting for more leaks out this LEAK to come
– UK is grilling its PM and the PM is putting up brave but unconvincing defence.
– While it is estimated that 2.4 trillion dollars are stashed in various bank, key question is that what will governments do?
– Apparently US and West is eyeing money and how to take away.
Powerful Jewish Groups in America headed by George Soro and Michael Blomberg are having a field day, West have left them alone to take money and keep on truckin’
– Tax evasion, Corrupt money or genuine money is what would or should determine action
– However, strict scrutiny of politicians must be done as invariably this not a clean money and more or less has been at the expense of public (mostly of poor countries)

< p style=”text-align: center;”>
At home ie Pakistan it is one shock out of many (involvement of our PM and his family ) that the nation keeps getting on fortnightly basis
– Ideally following should have happened:
* National Accountability Bureau should have come into action
* Chief justice should have taken suo moto
* Opposition should have united
* Media should have castigated entire government party for putting up shameless defense
* Election Commission should have come into action to declare PM and his family ineligible for not declaring assets correctly.   WHAT IS HAPPENING:
1. PM is depressed and talking less and less
2. In house sources say that he is also suffering from lack of sleep (he is otherwise having lot of health issues because of bad eating habits)
3. He has despatched emissaries all over the world for all corrupt Pakistani politicians to come to his rescue
4. Fissures within the family are equally depressing for him
5. Good part of media is dismantling him day in day out
6. Opposition as always is disunited
7. Only Imran Khan is on a solo flight. Though his party is also appearing lack lustre
8. Masses expect that Army (the COAS precisely) would do something
9. He is sending his emissaries to important capitals posing threat from Army takeover WHAT IS LIKELY TO HAPPEN?
– Most corrupt Mr Zardari, Asfandyar Wali, Maulana Fazlurrehman etc will unite to bail him out in return for major political and accountability concession
– Would target Army and National Action plan with a view to clip the wings of Army and Rangers
– Would unite to bring ISI under their control (though difficult but not impossible)
– Courts (since on their pay roll) will remain quiet
– They will help PM’s internal family patch up
– National Accountability Bear will remain busy in unknown investigations with no time left for this corrupt family– Army Chief will keep giving dirty looks and will not be in a position to dictate to anyone; he has his hands full. Past experience of Army is not all that comforting.
– Commissions or any other government nominated group would grant clean chit with help by prolonging the findings. It may turn out that typically commission may fail to find fault
– No step will be taken whereby it is found out as to gravity of offense
– Imran Khan characteristically will organize siting. However like in the past it will exhaust itself into political oblivion
– International forces will come to their rescue in the garb of protecting democracy
– Masses will continue armchair criticism and watch from their drawing rooms the CLAN OF CORRUPTION washing themselves clean
– Something would happen and these leaks will fade away in background. Short memory of nation will come to their rescue once more. WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: 1. Election Commission must jump in to disqualify them, there is enough admissible evidence
2. Masses must not sit back and watch from sidelines; they must come out in streets
3. Investigation must be done by forensic experts
4. USA and West must act as they acted to arrest and investigate corrupt socially corrupt politicians
5. Army must increase pressure in their own way for a transparent investigation

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My Opinion in Nation.
 While reading do not miss moles planted within the most vociferous opposition party and the moles within us. 



Samson Simon Sharaf

Like the simile of an onion I have used to frame my hypothesis, the most crucial and damaging is Pakistan’s susceptibility to US interests in chagrin to its short and long-term interests. Whenever a Pakistani leader has shown a flair for independence, he/she has been eliminated. Add to the list Pakistan’s tax evaders, money launderers, political business cartels, offshore businessmen, bad fiscal policies, impotency of regulators, opaqueness in transparency and economic hit-men to make a lethal brew of anti non-state actors. All these layers compliment each other but for the interests of Pakistan. They also coalesce when needed to subdue the winds of change. They exist in every sinew of Pakistan’s politic body. 
Pakistan has never had a cohesive, self-serving and permanent national policy; a sad but true reflection of a state that spent half its existence under military dictatorships or tailored democracies under the watchful eye. The first decade was lost to political conspiracies hatched by a group of bureaucrats and politicians, who had the advantage but not the conscience of serving with Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. They chose to wade through a muddied perspective on an elusive and unending journey of inventive nationalism that caused disfigurement. To complicate the national construct, foreign policy resulting in subservience to USA set in motion a diplomacy of invisible interventions that often became violent.
How intense were US interests in Pakistan that Prime Minster Liaqat Ali Khan had to be assassinated by CIA through the Afghan Government because he refused to destabilize Mossadeq’s regime in Iran begs no answer. Subsequently USA not only changed the regime but also reached a long-term alliance with Saudi Arabia that was to later forge the Oil-Dollar Equation. Pakistan’s close relations with Saudi Arabia and other Arab Kingdoms are imbedded in working within US interests and in the bargain provide a security balance to Middle East. Now that USA is easing its policy on Iran after many decades, Pakistan will be dissuaded across the entire spectrum of policy from placation to violence to keep its relations with Iran in concert with US-Saudi objectives. 
This shift in Pakistan’s policy was the result of Bhutto’s policy of a greater Muslim alliance through the Islamic Summit. Ultimately it distanced Iran. But Iran too had its hegemonic designs that became aggressive after the Iranian Revolution creating frictions on international border, inside Afghanistan and sectarian lines. Ever since, both neighbors have played a game of brinkmanship with mutual suspicion under the watchful eye of USA and KSA. 
On his part Bhutto suffered a fate no different from Liaqat Ali through a military dictator groomed to work for US-Saudi Interests. His judicial murder was actually a correction course for Pakistan lest it became too independent and powerful.What did Bhutto do to merit such a cold-blooded end? The answers lie below.
First, he rebooted Pakistan’s nuclear program towards weapons. Bhutto envisioned a nuclear Islamic block strengthened by the oil wealth and Pakistan’s skilled manpower. However, his left leaning policies were viewed with suspicion by his Arab allies. Bhutto had a long-term vision for his country but his economic plan backfired. To put Afghanistan under pressure he supported the Afghan Student résistance against Sardar Daoud. The pressure worked and Daoud was ready to sign a permanent deal on Durand line. Days before the two heads of states were to formalize the agreement; Bhutto was overthrown by a military coup. The military regime never pursued this agreement. Bhutto proving too big for his boots was made an example. 
Bhutto’s erstwhile military chief and his executioner fared no better. The military takeover in 1977 served US interests and infused permanent seeds of internal instability in the form of weaponisation of society, drugs, militant organizations, intolerance, sectarianism and religiously inspired violence. The mock Afghan jihad lasted as long as it served US interests and was conveniently relabeled as the invisible floating threat of Islamic terrorists. USA was suspicious of Zia’s growing nuclear cooperation with China. He had to go and so did that fatal flight on C-130. 
The daughter of the East returned to Pakistan with a thumping popular applause. But also attached to her Bhutto symbolism was an ill matched spouse willing to cut her to size whenever she over grew. Her spouse through his corruption twice got her governments removed. 
Yet within her limitations of working with many uncles, new entrants and a dubious husband, she never gave up her father’s vision. The nuclear program progressed to perfection including the weapon testing sites in Chagai. Then began the pursuit of delivery systems and their indigenous production. She continued to pursue the Afghan policy of her father. By 1996, Mullah Omar had agreed to the international demand of a broad based government and also signing the Durand Agreement. A day before she was poised to sign this historic accord with the new Afghan broad based government, President Laghari mysteriously sacked her government. Neither the interim not the subsequent PMLN government pursued this historic opportunity.
To her credit, Benazir never lost heart. After 9/11 she almost engineered the handing over of Osama Bin Laden to Turkey, a NATO country. USA refused. Then she returned infused with an elixir. She had made some of the most critical decisions of her life; amongst them to team up with Musharraf to make a formidable Pakistani team and secondly to shed off her yoke. As per her terms of agreement with USA, Nawaz Sharif was to serve his time of self-exile in KSA. She rejected the NRO. The daughter of East had become too hot to handle. Though her fire is seemingly extinguished, it is in the interests of Pakistan that the pyre must burn. Musharraf’s exit after her death and subsequent humiliation were writings on the wall. Zardari became the heir to the political dynasty through a controversial Will. 
So what does this entire ongoing drama in Pakistan mean? If precedence is to be followed, it is all hallow and the birds of feather will flock together.  These agents of instability are well placed in every system, organization and political party to allow a departure towards an independent Pakistan. Even if some amongst them wish contrition, they will be ruthlessly cut to size. 
Like a conventional current on a boil, everything must go down for a new to begin. 
Samson Simon Sharaf

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