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LETTER TO EDITOR: E.Filing of Nomination Papers



March 16th, 2013


E.Filing of Nomination Papers


Now that the ECP duly supported by the SC has been able to get the nomination forms printed with the changes that it wanted in them, the clever politicians are bound to think of means and measures to thwart its full implementation. Their very first step in this direction was to deny the ECP the 30 day scrutiny period asked by it to scrutinize more than 10,000 applicants” thousands of particulars in detail.  It is, therefore, suggested that the contestants should be asked to e.file their applications along with all the supporting documents like tax returns, bank statements,  bank loan papers, travel tickets and other documents, utility bills, cars and vehicles registrations etc. etc, which should all be immediately uploaded on the ECP website for all to see. Anyone detecting any discrepancy/ inaccuracy/false or fake statement/ document could immediately draw ECP attention for its detailed scrutiny.  This shall assist/help the ECP tremendously in scrutiniz ing the particulars of the applicants in the shortest possible time.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: [email protected]


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March 14th, 2013


Fake Degree Cheaters



If the ECP doesn’t enforce itself in such matters, the same cheats and the dishonest persons will once again be able to contest the elections and possibly win also. And, that will be the end of the hopes of the nation of ever getting a clean and honest leadership.





Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
E.mail: [email protected]

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American Journalist Kim Barker Exposes Nawaz Sharif’s Flirtations with Her



Excerpts from “The Taliban Shuffle” by Kim Barker – her interviews with Nawaz Sharif (published by Doubleday):

“With Bhutto gone, I needed to meet the lion of Punjab, or maybe the tiger.

No one seemed to know which feline Nawaz Sharif was nicknamed after. Some fans rode around with stuffed toy lions strapped to their cars. Others talked about the tiger of Punjab. By default, Sharif, a former PM like Bhutto, had become the most popular opposition leader in the
country. He was already the most powerful politician in Punjab, which was the most powerful of Pakistan’s four provinces, home to most of the army leaders and past rulers. Some people described Sharif as the Homer Simpson of Pakistan. Others considered him a right-wing wing nut.

Still others figured he could save the country. Sharif was once considered an invention of the establishment, a protégé of the former military dictator in Pakistan, General Zia, but like all politicians here, he had become a creature of himself. During his second term, Sharif built my favorite road in Pakistan, a hundred and seventy miles of paved, multilaned bliss………..

“One of Sharif’s friends tried to explain him to me: “He might be tilting a
little to the right, but he’s not an extremist. Extremists don’t go do hair
implants. He also loves singing.”

“The inside of the house appeared to have been designed by Saudi Arabia—a hodge-podge of crystal chandeliers, silk curtains, gold accents, marble. A verse of the Holy Quran and a carpet with the ninety-nine names of God hung on the walls of Sharif’s receiving room, along with photographs of Sharif with King Abdullah and slain former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri.

Finally I was summoned. “Kim,” Sharif’s media handler said, gesturing toward the ground. “Come.” I hopped up and walked toward the living room, past two raggedy stuffed lions with rose petals near their feet. So maybe Sharif was the lion of Punjab… His press aide tapped his watch, looked at me, and raised his eyebrows. I got the message and proceeded with my questions, as fast as I could. But it soon became clear that this would be unlike any interview I had ever done.

“You’re the only senior opposition leader left in Pakistan. How are you
going to stay safe while campaigning?” In Pakistan, campaigns were not run through TV, and pressing the flesh was a job requirement. Candidates won over voters by holding rallies of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. Even though Sharif was not personally running, his appearance would help win votes for anyone in his party.

Sharif looked at me, sighed, and shook his head. “I don’t know. It’s a good
question. What do you think, Kim?”

“I don’t know. I’m not the former PM of Pakistan. So what will you do?”
“Really, I don’t know. What do you think?”

This put me in an awkward position—giving security advice to Nawaz Sharif.

“Well, it’s got to be really difficult. You have these elections coming up. You can’t just sit here at home.”

“What should I do?” he asked. “I can’t run a campaign sitting in my house on the television.”

“I stood up. Sharif’s aide was already standing. “I should probably be
going,” I said. “Thanks very much for your time.” “Yes, Mian Sahib’s
schedule is very busy,” Sharif’s handler agreed.

“It’s all right,” Sharif said. “She can ask a few more questions.” I sat
down. I had whipped through most of my important questions, so I recycled them. I asked him whether he was a fundamentalist. Sharif dismissed the idea, largely by pointing to his friendship with the Clintons. I tried to leave again, fearing I was overstaying my welcome. But Sharif said I could ask more questions. “One more,” I said, wary of Sharif’s aide. Then I asked the question that was really on my mind.

“Which are you—the lion or the tiger?”

Sharif didn’t even blink. “I am the tiger,” he said.

“But why do some people call you the lion?”

“I do not know. I am the tiger.”

“But why do you have two stuffed lions?”

“They were a gift. I like them.”

“We drove to the next rally. I looked at my BlackBerry and spotted one very interesting e-mail—a Human Rights Watch report, quoting a taped conversation from November between the country’s pro-Musharraf attorney general and an unnamed man. The attorney general had apparently been talking to a reporter, and while on that call, took another call, where he talked about vote rigging. The reporter had recorded the entire conversation. I scanned through the e-mail.

“Nawaz,” I said. I had somehow slipped into calling the former PM by his first name. “have to hear this.” I then performed a dramatic
reading of the message in full, culminating in the explosive direct quote
from the attorney general, recorded the month before Bhutto was killed and just before Sharif flew home… It was unclear what the other man was saying, but Human Rights Watch said the attorney general appeared to be advising him to leave Sharif’s party and get a ticket from “these guys,” the pro-Musharraf party, the massive vote riggers.

Sharif’s aide stared at me openmouthed. “Is that true? I can’t believe
that.” “It’s from Human Rights Watch,” I said. “There’s apparently a tape
recording. Pretty amazing.”

Sharif just looked at me. “How can you get a text message that long on your telephone?”

“It’s an e-mail,” I said, slightly shocked that Sharif was unconcerned about what I had just said. “This is a BlackBerry phone. You can get e-mail on it.”

“Ah, e-mail,” he said. “I must look into this BlackBerry.”

“After more than eight years of political irrelevance, Sharif was back. I
sent him a text message and asked him to call. A few hours later, he did,
thrilled with his victory.

“I saw a car today, where a man had glued blankets to it and painted it like a tiger,” I told him at one point. “Really?” he asked. “Yeah. It was a tiger car.”

He paused. “What did you think of the tiger car, Kim? Did you like the tiger car?”

Weird question. I gave an appropriate answer. “Who doesn’t like a tiger
“This time, in a large banquet hall filled with folding chairs and a long
table, Sharif told his aides that he would talk to me alone. At the time, I
barely noticed. We talked about Zardari, but he spoke carefully and said
little of interest, constantly glancing at my tape recorder like it was
radioactive. Eventually, he nodded toward it. “Can you turn that off?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said, figuring he wanted to tell me something off the record.

“So. Do you have a friend, Kim?” Sharif asked. I was unsure what he meant.

“I have a lot of friends,” I replied.

“No. Do you have a friend?”

I figured it out.

“You mean a boyfriend?” “Yes.” I looked at Sharif. I had two options—lie, or tell the truth. And because I wanted to see where this line of questioning was going, I told the truth. “I had a boyfriend. We recently broke up.” I nodded my head stupidly, as if to punctuate this thought.

“Why?” Sharif asked. “Was he too boring for you? Not fun enough?”

“Um. No. It just didn’t work out.”

“Oh. I cannot believe you do not have a friend,” Sharif countered.

“No. Nope. I don’t. I did.”

“Do you want me to find one for you?” Sharif asked.

To recap: The militants were gaining strength along the border with

Afghanistan and staging increasingly bold attacks in the country’s cities.
The famed Khyber Pass, linking Pakistan and Afghanistan, was now too
dangerous to drive. The country appeared as unmoored and directionless as a headless chicken. And here was Sharif, offering to find me a friend. Thank God the leaders of Pakistan had their priorities straight.  ”Sure. Why not?” I said.

The thought of being fixed up on a date by the former prime minister of
Pakistan, one of the most powerful men in the country and, at certain
points, the world, proved irresistible. It had true train-wreck potential.
“In the sitting room, I immediately turned on my tape recorder and rattled off questions. Was Sharif at the negotiations? What was happening? He denied being at any meetings, despite press reports to the contrary. I pushed him.

He denied everything. I wondered why he let me drive all this way, if he
planned to tell me nothing. At least I’d get free food.

He looked at my tape recorder and asked me to turn it off. Eventually I
obliged. Then Sharif brought up his real reason for inviting me to lunch.

“Kim. I have come up with two possible friends for you.”

At last. “Who?”

He waited a second, looked toward the ceiling, then seemingly picked the top name from his subconscious. “The first is Mr. Z.”

That was disappointing. Sharif definitely was not taking this project
seriously. “Zardari? No way. That will never happen,” I said.

“What’s wrong with Mr. Zardari?” Sharif asked. “Do you not find him

Bhutto’s widower, Asif Ali Zardari, was slightly shorter than me and sported slicked-back hair and a mustache, which he was accused of dying black right after his wife was killed, right before his first press conference. On many levels, I did not find Zardari attractive. I would have preferred celibacy.

But that wasn’t the point. Perhaps I could use this as a teaching moment.

“He is the president of Pakistan. I am a journalist. That would never

“He is single.” Very true—but I didn’t think that was a good enough reason.

“I can call him for you,” Sharif insisted. I’m fairly certain he was joking.

“I’m sure he has more important things to deal with,” I replied.

“OK. No Mr. Z. The second option, I will discuss with you later,” he said.

That did not sound promising.

“I needed to get out of there. “I have to go.”

“First, come for a walk with me outside, around the grounds. I want to show you Raiwind.”

“No. I have to go. I have to go to Afghanistan tomorrow.”

Sharif ignored that white lie and started to talk about where he wanted to
take me. “I would like to take you for a ride in the country, and take you
for lunch at a restaurant in Lahore, but because of my position, I cannot.”

“Once the interview was finished, Sharif looked at me. “Can you ask your
translator to leave?” he asked. “I need to talk to you.” My translator
looked at me with a worried forehead wrinkle. “It’s OK,” I said. He left.

Sharif then looked at my tape recorder. “Can you turn that off?” I obliged.

“I have to go,” I said. “I have to write a story.”

He ignored me. “I have bought you an iPhone,” he said.

“I can’t take it.”

“Why not? It is a gift.”

“No. It’s completely unethical, you’re a source.”

“But we are friends, right?” I had forgotten how Sharif twisted the word

“Sure, we’re friendly, but you’re still the former prime minister of

Pakistan and I can’t take an iPhone from you,” I said.

“But we are friends,” he countered. “I don’t accept that. I told you I was
buying you an iPhone.”

“I told you I couldn’t take it. And we’re not those kind of friends.”

He tried a new tactic. “Oh, I see. Your translator is here, and you do not
want him to see me give you an iPhone. That could be embarrassing for you.”

Exasperated, I agreed. “That’s it.”

He then offered to meet me the next day, at a friend’s apartment in Lahore, to give me the iPhone and have tea. No, I said. I was going to Faridkot. Sharif finally came to the point. “Kim. I am sorry I was not able to find you a friend. I tried, but I failed.” He shook his head, looked genuinely sad about the failure of the project.

“That’s OK,” I said. “Really. I don’t really want a friend right now. I am
perfectly happy without a friend. I want to be friendless.”

He paused. And then, finally, the tiger of Punjab pounced. “I would like to be your friend.”I didn’t even let him get the words out. “No. Absolutely not. Not going to happen.”

“Hear me out.” He held his hand toward me to silence my negations as he made his pitch. He could have said anything—that he was a purported billionaire who had built my favorite road in Pakistan, that he could buy me a power plant or build me a nuclear weapon. But he opted for honesty.

“I know, I’m not as tall as you’d like,” Sharif explained. “I’m not as fit
as you’d like. I’m fat, and I’m old. But I would still like to be your

“No,” I said. “No way.”

He then offered me a job running his hospital, a job I was eminently
unqualified to perform. “It’s a huge hospital,” he said. “You’d be very good at it.” He said he would only become PM again if I were his
secretary. I thought about it for a few seconds—after all, I would probably soon be out of a job. But no. The new position’s various positions would not be worth it.

Eventually, I got out of the tiger’s grip, but only by promising that I
would consider his offer. Otherwise, he wouldn’t let me leave. I jumped into the car, pulled out my tape recorder, and recited our conversation. Samad shook his head. My translator put his head in his hands. “I’m embarrassed for my country,” he said.

After that, I knew I could never see Sharif again. I was not happy about this—I liked Sharif. In the back of my mind, maybe I had hoped he would come through with a possible friend, or that we could have kept up our banter, without an iPhone lurking in the closet. But now I saw him as just another sad case, a recycled has-been who squandered his country’s adulation and hope, who thought hitting on a foreign journalist was a smart move. Which it clearly wasn’t.”



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Nawaz Sharif’s villainous face is now visible on every billboard in Lahore and rest of the Punjab. His US patrons his patrons have anointed him as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, under a Zardari Presidency.


Zardari and Nawaz Sharif have direct phone contacts via special PTCL “Hotline,” which cannot be monitored by MI or ISI.  


The coward of Kargil and wannabe singer, brother Shahbaz Sharif, have wasted billions of dollars on projects like Metro Bus.


These are gimmicks to win election and are done to fill the pockets of contractors like Malik Riaz, who is not only the Sharif Brothers Banker and Patron, but also advises them on their extensive investment in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.  


Pakistan’s 200 million poor people are the victims of Sharif Brothers financial scams. They have divided Pakistan into commercial zones of interest.  Punjab is under Sharif brother’s interest, while Sindh is under Zardari’s fiefdom.


Unknown-17Wasteful and grandiose projects and gimmicks are being launched in hope of winning elections and part of pre-poll rigging.


The Election Commission under Grand Father Time and PPP, PML (N) Jiayalas is impotent.


Shahbaz Sharif is not creative enough to innovate projects like the Metrobus. He picks these ideas up during his junkets abroad in the secret company of such “entrepreneurs” as Malik Riaz.


Malik Riaz’s fingerprints are in all development projects in Punjab and Karachi. In all these projects, either Zardari or the Sharif brothers are partner. Pakistani people are the ones, who are the biggest losers in the end. Even, the money made from these projects is in foreign bank accounts of Sharif brothers, Zardari, and Malik Riaz.


Imran Khan has already been side lined, as the Army under Gen.Kayani has agreed to Nawaz Sharif another shot at Prime Minister ship. NAWAZ SHARIF WON, PAKISTAN LOST.


I still weep on Nawaz Sharif’s coward act during Kargil war when he pulled back the forces at the turning point of war that would have resolved Kashmir issue once and for all. Now due to that retreat India is punishing us by drying our rivers by building many dams on our waters. Shame on the coward so-called leader, the incompetent and corrupt Nawaz Sharif.



Questions to Sharif about his assets and his properties. The questions were:__ ____


1. Raymond Baker, an international renowned author, wrote in his book that Nawaz Sharif did corruption worth $417 million. The book says that Nawaz Sharif took a commission of $160 million from Daewoo for the motorway which was recently made. If Baker had made a false allegation, then why did you not initiate a case against him?__ __


2. You bought four apartments in Mayfair worth more than Rs1 billion. Now their value has gone up to Rs4.5 billion. Where did you get the money from?__ __


3. In 1994, you stated your income as Rs150,000 and you gave a tax of Rs14,000. If this is your income, then how did you buy a property in Mayfair?_


4. You took a loan from Al Taufiq Bank worth $30 million and then you defaulted it. They took you to court and attached your property. From where did you get the money to pay back those $30 million?__ __


5. Ishaq Dar gave an affidavit saying that Nawaz Sharif did money laundering by opening a fictitious account by the name of Qazi family in London. The BBC did a film on that too.__ __


6. You took a loan worth Rs6 billion from Pakistani banks and you had them defaulted.

7.Did you return back the loan?__ __


What they have been able to deliver. 

1) 2000 Elite Guards for Sharif Family……………………………….. Yes 
2) Controls over Sugar Prices by Sharif Family Industries. ……….Yes 
3) Extra Judicial Killings. …………………………………………….Yes. 
4) Riwand Road for Sharif Family………………………………….. Yes. 
5) Laptop Purchase from Hamza Shabaz Friend. …………………Yes 
6) Gas Pipe Line to Humza’s Cottage instead of town . …………….Yes. 
7) 32 Billion Stolen from Punjab Budget No reply for 3 years Auditor General Punjab. Yes 
8) Billions syphoned off in Sasta Rotti Scheme………………………. Yes 
9) Danish Schools contract to Hamza’s Friend……………………… Yes 
10) Model Homes Scheme to Malik Raiz………………………….. Yes 
11) Bullet Proof Car from Malik Raiz to Hamza …………………….. Yes



NAWAZ SHARIF a.k.a “Kashmiri Thurkee,” and his Sexual Harassment Stories


Mian Nawaz Sharif’s Flirtation with the Journalist Kim Barker


 , 12-Apr-2012 at 03:30 PM (984 Views)

Kim Barker was formerly the South Asian correspondent for the Chicago Tribune who resided in New Delhi and covered India, Pakistan and Afghanistan political affairs. She is also a writer and a speaker about issues she covers in her journalistic assignments. Currently she is the Edward R. Murrow fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and does freelance work at various reputable publications. She can be contacted here.

After the Mumbai Attacks in 2008, she wanted to go to Faridkot. For the exact location of which Faridkot (there are three in Pakistan named the same) she should check to get further information on Ajmal Kasab, she contacted the premier leader of Punjab and the current President of the PML-N, Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif himself. She was shocked with the experience she went through when during the interview instead of answering her questions properly he asked certain personal questions from her, including whether she currently has any “boy-friend”. To this she replied that she had one earlier, but currently she is not in a relationship. Since she was requested to turn off the tape-recorder she had, her words are the only source to cling to this story and considering the track-record of both of these concerned people, anyone should not step back in siding with Kim Barker on this.

Nawaz offered to hook her up with either of the two people he thought she might get interested in. Then it turned out he was trying to place himself in the spot for her. He also tried to give her an iPhone to remain in constant immediate contact with her personally. She declined accepting it because she knew what it all meant and did not want any further trouble being a professional journalist. She shared this entire experience in her 302 page-book “The Taliban Shuffle – Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan” which was published by Doubleday and was in bookstores on March 14, 2011. But this book mysteriously got missing in Pakistan according to Mubashir Luqman, the host on Express News, who covered the case in one of his programmes.

To prove that this whole incident has been made up, the only option that Nawaz thought of availing was never to address the issue. No journalist could have dared ask him directly this question, because everyone who appears in front of him in press conferences or during interviews has been warned not to put him in a tough light since he will fail as a ‘hero’ he pretends to be. Even if he were to be approached to clear himself on the matter, he will straightly deny it. He is comfortable in his political diatribe only.

First of all, Kim Barker being an established journalist does not need to lie about such an incident to make money or to gain fame as she clearly is secured in both of these aspects in her life. Secondly, she does not need to make up any of the stories to defame Nawaz Sharif, because as a professional, she knows how important it is not to take side and be neutral. Her credentials speak for her more than anything else. Also, she was never sued for revealing the incident hence this speaks volumes in itself.

You can see the entire interview on YouTube, click here.

Hence, the happenings of the case being true, it is in fact, proven that Nawaz Sharif, being an ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, someone who had been elected twice to the highest office of the Pakistani government, will not keep in mind the culture of the country he so very much wants to rule just so that he can fill his foreign bank accounts further. Keeping no bounds in sight, he even put at risk the security of Pakistan when he went into those pathetic personal conversations rather than sticking to the subject of how both India and Pakistan are victims of terrorism in their own ways.

The bravery that Kim Barker has shown knowing the risk she is putting herself under while revealing these details in her book is applauding. Had she not done that, no one would have known that Nawaz Sharif, who calls himself a true leader of the Punjabis and of the entire Pakistan, is hallow of any decent character. The people of Punjab need to open their eyes to realize that they have been deceived so many times and it is about time that they get rid of these leeches. Nawaz and his cronies are not worthy of being politicians of this land. Even incarcerating them is of no good and for them self-exile is a better luxury. He has been also known for ruining the marriage of Naeem Bokhari maintaining contacts with Tahira Syed. He has also been linked with Dilshad Begum, an Indian singer and the sister of Feroz Khan.

Behaving in such a lewd manner with a lady of foreign origin means that he not only put at risk his own image which he cherishes so much and protects going to extreme levels, but he jeopardized the honour of the Pakistani nation. Such people who bring shame to the country and its people ought to be thrown out of any public service and public office and should be declared ineligible for life to hold any office in the government and certainly not the highest seat of the country’s leadership. The politics of PLM-N led by the Sharif brothers has been known to be anti-other parties and politicians. They tend to stand against what others are doing rather than stand for anything. The issues they claim to support are just to deliver speeches without any honesty in fulfilling their words. Especially targeting PTI’s Imran Khan on his conduct of character, the Sharif brothers and their party goons have forgotten what their own personal history behind closed doors has been.

Acting in such an irresponsible way without thinking about the consequences is an evidence of the corrupt power they enjoy. They know no one can harm them despite their wrongdoings, because for the past three decades, no one has succeeded in putting them behind bars. Knowing that he can get away, Nawaz did what was in his nature and character to do. Kim Barker exposed the real Nawaz once and for all. This incident should not be forgotten and especially remembered while casting the vote.

This message especially goes to our brothers in Punjab for whom the Sharif brothers claim to be representative. Think of Pakistan and Pakistani nation first as responsible nationals. Do not carry the burden of immoral acts by the self-interested politicians who can only loot the resources and in a way defile the country and its land only. Not curbing out crimes against women in Pakistan has consequences in the politicians also indulging in mistreatment of women.


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