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Hideous Sectarian Killings Reveal Deepening Zionist-Hindutvadi Plots Against Pakistan And Occupied Kashmir
Pakistan is under attack once 
again from the unified force
of Deadly Zionism and 
Killer Hindutva.
(Graphic by Skulz Fontaine)

by Jonathan Azaziah 

How much more blood must be shed in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan before it is understood that the country is being torn to shreds from the inside out in a foreign-sponsored 4th Generation Warfare (4GW) campaign? How many more men, women and children must have their lives snuffed out before a little, not a goliath amount, but a little bit of attention is given to this horrific and blood-soaked crisis that deepens every day? The geopolitical implications will surely be drastically and negatively groundbreaking if Pakistan plunges into the unadulterated chaos that its enemies, “Israel,” Hindutvadi India and the Zionist-occupied United States government, so passionately and stridently desire. Pakistan, the “child of Jinnah, child of ‘Allama Iqbal”, indeed stands on the brink.

Hideous sectarian killings across the country since the start of April have revealed the deepening of a plot engineered by the forces of Zionism and Hindutva, its ugly first cousin. Whilst the Zionist media coverage has typically and predictably attempted to depict the bloodshed as “Sunni-Shi’a” strife, it is quite revealing that its coverage has been scarce, with the weight of reportage being carried by Pakistani and Iranian outlets. Additionally, the evidence will show that this sectarianism, drenched in innocent blood, is a product of the Zionist-Hindutvadi nexus, with the sect of oppressed being butchered by the sect of the supremacist oppressor. 

It began on April 9th, 2012 in Pakistan’s turbulent Balochistan province, in which masked gunmen on motorbikes carried out a monstrous shooting spree, leaving 14 dead, including 2 women, and dozens of others wounded. The worst of the attacks was in the Hazara region at the busy Prince Road of Balochistan’s largest city and provincial capital, Quetta, where four 4 Shi’a Muslims were shot dead (1), and then, according to later reports in the Urdu and Farsi presses, brutally mutilated, thus betraying the entire bout of killing as a specific targeted operation. As the casualties count rose to 6 dead and 3 critically wounded the following day, this notion was further confirmed when Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani fired six police officers for complicity in the Quetta bloodshed (2), revealing that the gunmen had “men on the inside” to protect their operation from scrutiny.

The Pakistani province
of Balochistan is a hotbed
of Zionist-Hindutvadi intrigue.

In response to the martyrdom of 6 members from their community, leaders of the Hazara Democratic Party, which represents the interests of the downtrodden Shi’a of Balochistan, adamantly and eloquently blasted the cowards that perpetrated the crimes. They then called for a 10 day strike, from April 20th to April 30th, demanding justice for their fallen. Hundreds across Balochistan honored the call by protesting and shutting down shops, markets and educational institutions (3). Following the call of the Hazara Shi’a, more than 2,500 Pakistanis, Sunni and Shi’a alike, in a beautiful and righteously ferocious display of solidarity, hit the streets of Islamabad right outside the Pakistani Parliament building and chanted for the government to take action against the persons responsible for the violence. Similar demonstrations were held in Quetta, Muzaffarabad and Multan, where protesters supplicated for the Quetta victims as well as the more than2,000 Shi’a murdered in the Kurram region of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) since 2007 (4). 

The ostensible drift from blood-spilling to reconciliation and justice came to a screeching halt on April 14th, 2012 as Balochistan was rocked by tragedy yet again. In the same fashion as the previous killings, masked gunmen laid siege to the Barori Road, Sabzol Road and Qali Chaltan Road areas of Quetta, firing shots at dozens of Shi’a Muslims, wounding at least six and murdering at least 10 (5). This death toll would rise to more than 30, including women and children, and on April 16th, another Shi’a was gunned down by masked men in Quetta, prompting Chief Minister Raisani to thunderously call for assistance from the Pakistani Army and declare that if something wasn’t done to stop the atrocities soon, Balochistan would descend into civil war (6). The obvious purpose of the cowardly masked men’s assault was to foment division but this has failed as Sunni-Shi’a unity protests raged forward, with women and children participating, and not just in Pakistan, but all over the globe, including America, the UK and Canada (7).

On April 18th, 2012, Imran Zaidi, the vice principal of Jinnah Polytechnic College and a Shi’a Muslim himself, was shot dead by masked men on motorbike in the important Pakistani port city of Karachi (8), once again betraying the signature of an intelligence agency’s “targeted” operation. The massacring of Shi’a continued three days later, with another attack in Quetta by masked gunmen on motorbike, shooting two more innocents dead (9). Immediately following the latest round of killing in Quetta, protests across Pakistan erupted yet again with Shi’a marching through the streets of Lahore and joint Sunni-Shi’a rallies being staged in Abbottabad, Quetta, Rawalpindi and other cities (10). A sigh of relief swept through the nation when Pakistani security forces stormed the outskirts of Quetta in a search and seizure operation, uncovering the safehouse where the carnage has been launched from. Three terrorists were detained, all of whom were connected to none other than the Tehrik-I-Taliban of Pakistan {TTP} (11), the infamous and brutal proxy force of Pakistan’s enemies. Two more fighters connected to the Shi’a killings, Ali Sher Haidri, spokesperson of the TTP-allied Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeT), and his well-known terrorist accomplice, Gul Jan aka Hafiz Naseer, were killed in another operation (12). 

The Hindu supremacist
regime’s RAW and the
Zionist entity’s Mossad
are tearing Pakistan apart
through their monstrous
creation, the TTP.

Created in 2004 to coincide with the inauguration of the CIA’s genocidal drone program, the TTP is the perfected product of an ongoing, incestuous relationship between the Zionist entity’s Mossad, Hindutvadi India’s RAW and the CIA itself. One month after Mossad’s false flag attack on September 11th, 2001 and just three days after the criminal invasion of Afghanistan, two “Israeli” agents with Mossad and IOF connections were apprehended inside the Mexican Congress building of Mexico City with 9mm handguns, nine grenades, C-4 explosives, three detonators, 58 bullets and fake Pakistani passports. Their mission was to destroy the Mexican Congress. This false flag operation was intended to be phase II of 9/11, triggering a NATO invasion of Pakistan. When the mission failed, the Zionist entity activated its contingency plan: the Dragon Policy, an updated version of the Oded-Yinon-strategy of balkanizing Islamic states on ethno-sectarian lines (13).

Following the failure in Mexico City, the upper echelons of Zionist and Hindutvadi intelligence erected four new clandestine agencies solely dedicated to the destruction of Pakistan, which would immediately be followed by the originally-intended aggression to denuclearize the bulwark of Islamic Resistance to international Zionism. The highest ranking figures of Pakistan’s financial, political, military and religious sectors were on the hitlist and every successful attack was meant to soften up Pakistan for the imminent invasion. Using funds from the unlimited bank accounts of Mossad and Aman, the Zionism-Hindutva intelligence nexus established 57 training camps across the northern frontiers of India and occupied Kashmir, kidnaping and blackmailing Resistance fighters to fight against their own comrades while simultaneously forging alliances with mafia bosses and narcotics tycoons and training them in the finer arts of black ops. These various elements served as the perfect puppets as any rebellion whatsoever would be punished with imprisonment in the harshest of dungeons. These men would be deployed into the field under Mossad-RAW guidance and once an attack was completed, the Zionist media would report it as an ‘act of Islamic terrorism.’ If a ‘checkout’ was not secured, senior operatives of the “Israeli”-Indian nexus would finish the job (13).

The CIA has been a vital 
assistant to Mossad and RAW
in implementing the Dragon
Policy in Pakistan.

The CIA and its corporate offshoot, Blackwater (also known as Xe and Academi), a festering bubble of anti-Arab, anti-Muslim hatred and deep pro-“Israel” sentiments, joined the Dragon Policy in 2004. Blackwater agents became integrated with the ordnance units of Mossad and RAW. The CIA took a more proactive role by absorbing past recruits of the Zionist-Hindutvadi intelligence training camps and cultivated them into a powerful proxy force that specialized in guerilla tactics and sectarian warfare: the Tehrik-I-Taliban. The name was chosen for a very sinister, deceptive and specific reason: to despicably smear the real Taliban in occupied Afghanistan, a Resistance force fighting a ‘7arb el 7uriyeh(war of liberation)’ against NATO invaders. It is classic psychological warfare. The Taliban, not surprisingly, has rightfully maintained its innocence and condemned Blackwater for being behind bombings and other provocations in Pakistan. Since its birth, the Tehrik-I-Taliban has murdered or wounded more than 100,000 Pakistanis and caused more than $50 billion in damage to Pakistan’s economy. Prior to the most recent operation, the Pakistani army had already arrested hundreds of TTP militiamen. Proxy agents detained in Waziristan, Karachi and Balochistan were caught with sophisticated, military-grade weaponry manufactured by the Zionist entity (13).

This string of horrible bloodshed that claimed the lives of dozens of Shi’a Muslim men, women and children, along with several other Sunni Muslims who stood in solidarity with them, is reminiscent of a very similar Mosssad-RAW-backed TTP campaign that targeted prominent Shi’a and Sunni figures back at the start of 2012. Tearing Pakistan apart through the“sectarianism” of the Zionist-Hindutvadi Dragon Policy, leaving it open to denuclearization and balkanization and eventually fomenting the ethnic cleansing of all Muslims from occupied Kashmir is indeed the “endgame” plot (13). 

The innocent Pakistani blood spilled throughout April means nothing to the supremacist oppressors or their quislings, and this is why the great Pakistani luminary Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid declared recently in one of his highly-regarded email bulletins that, “Pakistan’s entire political leadership is now compromised to the enemies. These ones want to compromise our honor, faith, history, land and water,” in fact, he continues, “the idiots we have today have already auctioned it.” And if the Pakistani Armed Forces didn’t perform the way that they did in Quetta, ending the catastrophe (at least for now), it is safe to say that the enemies would be further along in their plot. 

Occupied Kashmir,
one of the most beautiful
places on the face of this
planet, has been transformed
into a training ground
for anti-Pakistan warfare by
Zionism and Hindutva.

Occupied Kashmir: The “Israeli”-Indian “Training Ground” For Anti-Pakistan Warfare

It is a well-established and internationally-accepted fact that the Zionist entity’s military and arms industries are imposing behemoths and completely unrivaled on the international stage. What is lesser-known, or rather, ruthlessly suppressed by the Zionist media as a means of keeping it far from the global public’s vision, is that“Israel” uses the occupied West Bank (and by extension, occupied al-Quds) as a laboratory for the research and design of its newest weapons. Zionist occupation forces use the hundreds of Palestinian villages in the West Bank as ‘live’ training grounds (14). Though this certainly qualifies as “sick,” as well as “twisted,” as Zionism always does, it gets even more depraved. 

On March 27th, 2012, the undercover unit “Israeli” military intelligence known as Duvdevan, which is responsible for the murder of beloved Palestinian-Jewish activist and director Juliano Mer-Khamis (15),as well as a laundry list of extrajudicial executions dating back to the First Intifada, savagely murdered 28-year old Palestinian Rashad Shawakha and badly wounded two of his brothers during a ‘live’ training exercise in the occupied West Bank Village of Rammoun (16). For the very first time, as revealed herein by Mask of Zion’s ever-vigilant and exceptionally reliable Kashmiri sources, it is now known that these slaughterous and utterly insidious “live training” and “weapons testing” methods have been exported to occupied Kashmir, the land known as “heaven on Earth” illegally occupied by Hindutvadi India for 65 years and already infested with Zionist-Hindutvadi training facilities for the Dragon Policy. 

Zionism and Hindutva
are intertwined at every
level, thus revealing 
a relationship of 
supreme geopolitical

For the historical record, it is integral to note“Israel” is not only the top defense supplier for India (17), but the usurping Jewish entity and the Hindu supremacist regime are deeply intertwined at every level, from military to intelligence, economics to politics, communications to ideology, and this cooperation not only amounts to a frightening hegemonic agenda, but tens of billions of dollars in profit generation (13). The two occupation entities evencollaborate in ventures to provide cell phone gaming services for their brainwashed populations (18); the Zionism-Hindutva relationship is one of the utmost geopolitical intimacy. 

Ironically and ominously, although perhaps not unintentionally, one year ago to the day before the barbaric massacres of Shi’a Muslims began in Balochistan, a terrible tragedy occurred in occupied Kashmir that shocked and saddened the people of the Vale. Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah, a pseudo-controversial but much-loved cleric who served as the President of Jamiat-e-Ahl-e-Hadith, was murdered in a brutal bombing during Friday prayers at a mosque in the Kashmiri capital of Srinagar. So abominable was the attack that it prompted a harsh condemnation from every major Azadi (Kashmiri word for freedom) organization throughout occupied Kashmir, as well as the government of Pakistan (19). 

Survived by his wife, son, daughter and mother, well-known across the Vale for his honesty and dedicated to the cause of Azadi by all accounts, Shah had been arrested and imprisoned under the Hindutvadi occupation’s draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) many times before, and on at least two other occasions, there were attempts on his life. Dating back to 1990, a phenomenon known in occupied Kashmir as the “unidentified killings” has claimed the lives of dozens of doctors, academics, clerics, philanthropists, Resistance fighters and human rights activists, including Muslims, Pandits and secularists. All evidence indicates that RAW’s “Special Operations Group” is behind the murders (20). The most recent target, prominent religious scholar Peer Jalaludin, barely escaped with his life after being critically injured in a shooting. Azadi leaders pegged Hindutva as the culprit behind the barbarous attack, stating that it was trying to divide the Kashmiri struggle through sectarianism (21). 

The intelligence agencies
of the usurping Jewish entity
and the Hindutvadi occupation
regime are tormenting the
Kashmiri people.

Mask of Zion contacted several Resistance fighters and Azadi activists to learn more about these disturbing developments and what was uncovered during these inquiries turned out to be nothing short of shocking and enlightening, as well as exceedingly revealing. One 46-year old veteran fighter, who, for security reasons asked to be identified by the alias “Rehman Zahid”, an eloquent man with vast experience in the Azadi struggle as he fought the Hindutvadi occupation head-on during the epic Kashmiri intifada of 1989, explained to Mask of Zion the nature of what he referred to as “SOG,” the RAW Special Operations Group, “The SOG is active all over Asia. It is in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Nepal and Indonesia, Malaysia and as far north as Japan. It is responsible for assassinations and surveillance and anything else the accursed Hindutvadis ask for, may ALLAH (SWT) curse them to the hellfire. Curse them! But here, here in Kashmir, my beloved that they have been raping since before Palestine was raped by the Zionists, my land of treasures and rushing rivers, the SOG is subordinate to an ‘Israeli’ named Katzir. You know him, yes?” 

“Yes, of course,” I stated anxiously. Brother Rehman continued, “The ‘Israeli’ is governing dozens of SOG agents with full approval from the Hindutvadis in Delhi. He’s integrated them into the units made up from the elites of his counter-terrorism team and calls these units the ‘Yehoshua Brigades’, named after Joshua from the Jewish Bible who was a destroyer and murderer of children, a rapist of land and thief of Canaan.” Understandably, brother Rehman paused to take a deep breath. I saw this as an opportunity to interject, “These Yehoshua Brigades aren’t regular military units then, and the operations of the SOG aren’t normal operations, are they?” 

General Sundararajan 
Padmanabhan, the Hindutvadi 
fundamentalist behind the Cold
Start Doctrine, is so hated by 
the Kashmiri Resistance that he 
is simply referred to as “the

The Kashmiri Resistance veteran paused for yet another moment and solemnly said, “No, not at all. He named them ‘Yehoshua’ because these units are those which will carry out Operation Kurukshetra, a creation of Katzir and the monster, {a reference to former Indian Chief of Staff, General Sundararajan Padmanabhan, the Hindutvadi fundamentalist architect of the Cold Start Doctrine known throughout the Vale for his sadistic brutality during the 1989intifada and the immediate years after it (13)} to cleanse us from the land like Joshua and his band of murderous yahoud cleansed Canaan thousands of years ago and cleansed it again in 1948. Every assassination that they’ve done in the last decade was designed to provoke us into attacking them so they can make Kurukshetra a reality. Curse them, ya ALLAH (SWT)! Curse them!” 

“Would we be providing a most accurate description,” I asked, “if we designated the Yehoshua Brigades, in all honesty, as an exclusivist Jewish-Hindu death squad motivated by the Zionist-Hindutvadi leadership’s desire to attain ethno-religious and regional supremacy?” Without hesitation, Rehman Zahid, a man who had stared into the eyes of the cruel and torturous Indian soldiers who waged an unrelenting campaign of brutality under General Sundararajan Padmanabhan during the 1989 Kashmiri intifada, stated, “Absolutely. Absolutely accurate. Supremacist is what they are. Exclusivist! Separatist is what they are! They call us separatists but they are the separatists! They want to separate from all other humans, with yahoud being with yahoud and Hindutvadi being with Hindutvadi while we suffer under them. They think of us as dogs. Enemies of Islam! Enemies of humanity! Enemies of the Kashmiri, the Palestinian, the Lebanese! Enemies of Pak Sarzameen and the dunya and even the Akhira! Curse them! May ALLAH (SWT) give us strength to fight them and free ourselves from them!”   

Brother Rehman had become thoroughly flustered and quite upset and therefore, out of respect for and empathy with him, I had no interest in prolonging the discussion for any serious length of time; I only had one more question, “Akhi Rehman, this information is indeed critical and it most certainly explains a great deal, but what about the assassination of Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah? Was the attack on his person a hyper-specific one?” Obligingly, Rehman replied, “Not necessarily, but, Shahid Maulana was their highest-level target yet methinks. Every killing that Yehoshua does is based on its objective of driving us into civil conflict and hurting our struggle. There is another goal for them though. The explosive used to martyr Maulana, a sticky bomb, was a modified, military-grade version of what was used in the July 11th Bombings and the Malegaon Blasts {which were false flag attacks carried out by the Zionist entity’s Mossad and Hindu supremacist elements close to RAW to set the stage for their ‘masterpiece’ false flag on 26/11, an event that ‘changed the game’ in the region (22)}.Yehoshua and Katzir’s regular units and even the Hindutvadi occupiers themselves are always testing new weapons for ‘Israel,’ may ALLAH (SWT) curse them to the hellfire. We’re like their playthings.” 

The Jewish-Hindu
death squad known 
as the Yehoshua Brigades
is spilling rivers of Kashmiri
blood, all for the sake
of eventually taking
down Pakistan.

He continued, “We are armed with minimal weaponry here, anyone can see this, even the blind ones. What do they need heavy automatics, laser snipers, drones, pistols with silencers and upgraded military explosives for? Are they that afraid of our youths who pelt stones? Do our stonepelters make the Hindutvadi and the Zionist shake? Maybe we do, by ALLAH (SWT) maybe we do, but this isn’t the reason. They’re testing their weapons here because these are the weapons that they use on Pakistan to make chaos there. Kurukshetra is the final part of the Hindutvadi Cold Start Doctrine. BeforeYehoshua Brigades are released to make the Kashmiri Nakba, India and the NATO will have turned Pakistan into Iraq or Libya with Cold Start, may ALLAH (SWT) damn them for what they did to those countries and the orphans. Yehoshua Brigades try and kill Peer Jalaludin, may ALLAH (SWT) protect him, right outside of his home with new never-before-seen heavy automatics and not even a week after this, not even a week by ALLAH (SWT)! These weapons are in the hands of TTP terrorists who spill blood in Pakistan. This is the pattern. Like I said, we are their playthings. Pak Sarzameen is the grand prize in all of this. We are the small fish.”

I thanked brother Rehman for his time and Muhammad Isma’il Bhat, the friend of mine who put me in contact with the Kashmiri veteran, told me in the clearest language possible that everything he said was on the money. I relayed this information to human rights activists “Zubair Zubair” in Srinagar and “Abu Ghulam” in Kupwara, who had contributed to a previous earth-shattering Mask of Zion report on Pakistan and occupied Kashmir, and both of them reaffirmed it unequivocally. It was official. Occupied Kashmir, “heaven on earth,” was being used by the Zionist entity and Hindutvadi India as a “live testing ground” for Dragon Policy directives that will later be carried out in Pakistan, with every killing aimed at disuniting the anti-occupation movement and delivering it into the jaws of destruction. The Kashmiri people were at the mercy of a Jewish-Hindu death squad known as the YehoshuaBrigades, with every moment of their day passing by as if it were their last.

Once again, this shows that the fates of the Pakistani and Kashmiri people are interlocked and Azadi for one from the machinations of Zionism and Hindutva means Azadi for the other. And with Kashmiris preparing to launch another intifada, like they always do, seemingly every two years (23), there is no doubt that this theme will permeate protests and marches. There is no doubt that they will demonstrate for dignity and with vigor. There is no doubt that the oppressed people of the Vale will not relent until their Zionist and Hindutvadi tormentors are brought to justice and it is known that Kashmiris are the “playthings” of nobody.  

According to the disturbed
minds of Zionists and
Hindutvadis, Pakistan must
be destroyed for Greater
“Israel” and Hindutva
to flourish.
(Graphic by Skulz Fontaine)

Conclusion: A Modern Day Agartala Conspiracy – The Separation of Balochistan and Operation Blue Tulsi Exposed

Aforementioned Pakistani luminary Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid has repeatedly likened what the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is fighting today to the “Agartala Conspiracy” of 1971, in which RAW, CIA and elements of the Soviet KGB created, trained, armed and funded the Mukti Bahini terror squads that broke down the Pakistani Armed Forces through guerilla warfare, setting the stage for the breakaway of East Pakistan, known today as the nation-state of Bangladesh. There was no “popular Bengali uprising” as it often parroted by Zionist media and academia, there was a plot of subversion directed by the enemies of Pakistan with Hindutva at the head (24). This is further confirmed by the Syed in which he points out that the Pakistani Army was 10,000 miles away from base, fighting 4GW in the streets while India invaded from three sides with 500,000 soldiers and 250,000 more Mukti Bahini terrorists. The “soldiers of Jinnah, soldiers of ‘Allama Iqbal” were overwhelmed, and the dismemberment of Pakistan was completed (25). It is highly critical to add that the Zionist regime assisted India in this plot (26), as balkanizing and weakening Islamic states is a cornerstone of the Jewish supremacist entity’s foreign policy, as discussed earlier in the chronicling of the TTP’s history. 

The modern day “Agartala Conspiracy” can be accurately referred to as the “Balochistan Conspiracy.” Just before the Mossad-and-RAW-backed TTP began carrying out its latest massacre of Shi’a Muslims in an attempt to drum up more sectarian tension across Pakistan, which, by the way, is an ongoing machination as Pakistani security forces just stopped another possible attack on Kirani Road in the Hazara Town neighborhood of Quetta (27), a tragedy of literally mountainous proportions struck the Pakistan nation on April 7th, 2012 as an avalanche on the famed Siachen Glacier, a massively geopolitically important strategic nexus and integral, ancestral part of Pakistan’s national and cultural heritage, slammed down upon the headquarters of the 6NLI battalion of the Pakistani Army, trapping at least 139 soldiers and civilians underneath the frozen tundra. Illegally occupied by Hindutva in April 1984 in Operation Meghdoot, Siachen is once again back in the spotlight and reminding Pakistanis that the agreement signed between their nation and India in 1989 to secure the withdrawal of all forces has been consistently ignored because of Hindutva’s intransigence and its dreams of supremacist expansionism (28). 

The illegal Indian occupation
of the Siachen Glacier
is key to the overall
Zionist-Hindutvadi strategy
vis-à-vis Pakistan.

Developed by the Indian Armed Forces’ Western Command in 1978 and actually engaged by the Indian Armed Forces’ Northern Command, Operation Meghdoot was launched to capture Karakoram Highway (KKH), therefore disconnecting Pakistan’s road links to China, as well as to capture the passes that connect Siachen Glacier to Gilgit-Baltistan, therefore confiscating yet another piece of land historically linked with occupied Kashmir. This act of Hindutvadi criminality was meant to bog down large numbers of Pakistan’s best and brightest forces in high altitude warfare, while continuing the build-up towards the initiation of the Cold Start Doctrine and Operation Kurukshetra. Moreover, what is additionally and most importantly attached to the “bog-down” strategy of the illegal Indian occupation of Siachen is its policy of supporting terrorists in Balochistan, specifically the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and of course, the TTP (28). Hindutva and its allies in theCIA and Britain’s MI6 are also funding, arming and training the Baloch Liberation Front (BLF), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and Lashkar-e-Balochistan. RAW and CIA have set up 60 training camps across Balochistan to maintain this destabilization, which is occurring just 100 miles east of Iran (29).  

Where there is Hindutva, Zionism is never too far away and this is especially true for Balochistan. Another vital asset of the gaggle of secessionist-terrorist elements being utilized by the enemies of Pakistan to plunge the Islamic nation into devastation is the shadowy group known as Jundallah, which has been trained and armed by Mossad for years now. Mossad has used Jundallah against the Islamic Republic of Iran on numerous occasions in bloody, bloody slaughterous attacks and even Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei himself has made mention of it (30). 

Mossad operatives posed
as CIA agents to recruit
Jundallah terrorists into
causing a rift between
Pakistan and Iran; a 
classic “Israeli” false flag.

In its typical use of its classic and favorite tactic, the false flag, operatives of Mossad have also posed as CIA agents and flaunted wads of American cash and US passports to recruit Jundallah into carrying out bombings against Iranian women and children to terrorize the Zionist entity’s most hated enemy. While this has been analyzed in journalistic spheres on and off the Internet, what hasn’t been discussed is that a main objective of this particular Zionist false flag was to drive a wedge between Pakistan and Iran and foment suspicion between them (31). Thankfully, despite the terrible, terrible loss of Iranian life, the brotherly Islamic Republics have gotten over this and are moving forward with an important gas project in the face of immense pressure from the Zionist-occupied United States government (32). 

William Safire, infamous neconservative ideologue and member of the Jewish-Zionist brain trust that planned the annihilation of Iraq, was well-known forsupporting the formation of a Kurdish state because it would weaken the Zionist entity’s three greatest enemies, Iraq, Iran and Syria (33). This exact line of Zionist thinking is present in the minds of Safire’s constituents at the powerful neoconservative think tank, the Brookings Institution, which produced a policy paper entitled, “Which Path To Persia?” that lays out numerous Israelcentric strategies for America and “Israel” to destroy Iran, including the launch of an insurgency in Balochistan with Pakistan being transformed into a total slave-state to support the terrorism against Iran by proxy. “Which Path To Persia?” was authored by notorious ‘Iranophobe’ and Jewish supremacist Kenneth M. Pollack, world-renowned lobbyist for the usurping Zionist regime Martin Indyk, Jewish-Zionist CIA stalwart and developer of Obama’s Af-Pak strategy Bruce Reidel, Jewish supremacist defender of the criminal “Israeli” practice of “targeted killings” Daniel L. Byman and neoconservative shabbos goyim Suzanne Maloney and Michael E. O’Hanlon (34).

Oded Yinon’s plan
made manifest in Pakistan:
Balochistan and Pashtunistan
secede, leaving the mighty
Islamic Republic in Zionist-made

“Israeli” foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy For Israel In The 1980s”, the monumental 1982 paper that documented in detail how the Jewish occupation regime plans to balkanize its enemies through infiltration, subversion and terrorism, rendering them non-existent as robust nation-states and turning them into satellites of Zionist hegemony, was instrumental in the Jewish decimation of Iraq (35), and it is now being implemented in numerous nations across the continent of Africa (36). The Yinon plan is also very much underway in Pakistan, with the ultimate territorial goal of the Zionist entity being to break off Balochistan from the Islamic Republic, as well as a larger chunk of land in the western part of the country to make way for a gutted Afghanistan called “Pashtunistan (37),” thus crippling Pakistan in a devastating way, essentially reincarnating and modernizing the “Agartala Conspiracy” of 1971.

The convergence of Zionist-Hindutvadi objectives in Balochistan is by no means a coincidence. It is in fact exceedingly deliberate. A sister of the Dragon Policy, the Yinon-styled infiltration of Balochistan is a plot more than 10 years old known as “Operation Blue Tulsi.” The resurrection of the BLA and its offshoots, the training camps set up for them, the bases set up by Mossad, RAW and the occasional cluster of CIA agents to run the terror squads, the BLA designs to overthrow the Islamabad government in 2004, the setup of a Baloch regime office in occupied al-Quds to better coordinate Mossad-RAW-CIA subversion schemes, the assassinations of top military and intelligence officials followed by their replacement with infiltrators from the Zionist-Hindutvadi nexus, and all other facsimile events are part and parcel of Operation Blue Tulsi (38), which is being executed simultaneously alongside Cold Start and Operation Kurukshetra.

On a side note, it is interesting to record that the “Pakistani” troops exported to Bahrain to be used in the crackdown on a revolutionary uprising in that country at the behest of its ruling regime, the criminal and barbaric Al-Khalifa monarchy, which has bragged about its ties to Mossad and has told all of its top officials not to refer to “Israel” as the “enemy” or the “Zionist entity (39),” are not from the nationalistic and anti-Zionist military-intelligence apparatus of Pakistan, but from Balochistan (40). Not only is Mossad-RAW-backed terrorism from Balochistan wreaking havoc on the lives of innocent Pakistanis and Kashmiris, but Bahrainis too. 

There isn’t a single
aspect of Pakistan’s
tragic political history 
that hasn’t been dirtied
by the hands of “Israel” 
and India.

With revelations having emerged from Jewish former US Ambassador to India John Gunther Dean that Mossad and RAW orchestrated the “accident” that murdered General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in 1988 (41), it seems that there isn’t a single segment of the tragic aspects of Pakistan’s tumultuous history that Zionism and Hindutva didn’t have their dirty hands in. Moreover, the Zionist-controlled United States has started bombing the “child of Jinnah, child of ‘Allama Iqbal” once again with drones as sadistic revenge for cutting off NATO supplies to occupied Afghanistan (42); the latest attack has left four little Pakistani girls slaughtered (43). And with the egregious and monstrous human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir continuing en masse, as most recently evidenced by the Indian occupation army being implicated in punishing Kashmiris through slave labor (44), and the more than1,332 Kashmiris locked up in Hindutvadi dungeons through the draconian PSA over the last three years (45), the aforesaid plans for another intifada in the Vale couldn’t have come at a better time. The filthy and pernicious plots of the Zionist-Hindutvadi alliance against the peoples of Pakistan and occupied Kashmir must be confronted and stopped once and for all. 

One day, the breathtakingly
gorgeous land of Kashmir will
be free of Hindutva’s military
occupation and Zionism’s plots
of subversion and balkanization.

To reiterate, it indeed is not an exaggeration to suggest that Pakistan, occupied Kashmir, and, due to it being included in the enemy plots against these nation-states, the Iranian Islamic Revolution, stand on the brink of oblivion. The usurping Jewish entity and the Hindutvadi New Delhi regime are doped up on geopolitical and religious fundamentalism that is driving each and every decision that they make in pursuit of two separate empires: Greater “Israel”, the Zionist confiscation and domination of all Arab lands between the Nile and the Euphrates, and Hindutva, the Hindutvadi confiscation and domination of every piece of territory within the Southeast Asia Subcontinent. Whoever stands in their way faces the unfortunately but nevertheless extremely real prospect of a ruthless militaristic backlash at the hands of these two supremacist allies. It is not only because of the “Israeli”-Indian drive for hegemony that Pakistan, Kashmir and Iran are being targeted, it is because of their defiance of their enemies’ thieving thirst for Muslim land and treasure that they are in the reticle; they refuse to be subjugated, they refuse to bow before anyone except their Creator. 

Pakistan, Kashmir and Iran, along with the Resistance parties in Syria, Lebanon, occupied Palestine, Bahrain, Iraq, Somalia, Belarus, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela and anywhere else in the world where there is struggle in the shadows against this mad and bloodthirsty nexus of supremacism and thuggery are humanity’s last hope for a better world. A just world. A peaceful world. A world of tolerance and understanding. A world of brotherhood and sisterhood, free from internationalist Jewish usury and the ever-looming threat of Zionist-Hindutvadi expansionism. Such a world is possible and the aforementioned “Peoples of Resistance” show us that it is so day in and day out. May their miraculous defiance persist in inspiring us all and spread to every corner of the globe until Zionism, Hindutva and all of the marionettes attached to their machinations fade away into the most damned pages of history. If it does, Azadi for everyone is just around the corner.

~ The End ~


(1) Gunmen Kill 14 People In Southwest Pakistan by Press TV

(2) Pakistan Sacks Seven Police Officers Over Shia Killing by Press TV

(3) Hazara Muslims Call For 10-Day Strike In SW Pakistan by Press TV

(4) Demo Held In Islamabad Over Shia Killings by Press TV

(5) Shia Massacre Continues In Pakistan by Press TV

(6) Another Shia Muslim Killed In Pakistan Sectarian Violence by Press TV
(7) Women, Children, Slam Shia Massacre In Pakistan by Press TV

(8) Shia Principal Killed In South Pakistan by Press TV

(9) 4 Pakistanis, Including 2 Shia Muslims, Killed In Violence by Press TV

(10) Pakistanis Rally To Express Outrage Against Persisting Shia Killing by Press TV

(11) Pakistani Police Arrest Three Militants Over Shia Killings by Press TV

(12) Pakistan Banned Group Confirms Spokesperson’s Death by Islamic Republic News Agency

(13) The Salala Massacre: NATO’s Naked Aggression Against Pakistan And The Hegemonic Israeli-Indo-American Strategy Behind It by Martin Iqbal and Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(14) The Crisis Of Zionism: Undeterred By Unavoidable Realities by Joseph Dana, The National (UAE)

(15) Operation Phantasmagoria III: Juliano Mer-Khamis, Assassinated Hope by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(16) Israeli Undercover Unit’s Murder Of Palestinian Civilian Was Part Of “Training Exercise” by Charlotte Silver, The Electronic Intifada

(17) Israel Now India’s Top Defense Supplier by Yaakov Katz, The Jerusalem Post

(18) Extent, Tata To Launch Android Service In India by Meir Orbach, Ynet

(19) Killing Of Maulana Showkat Ahmed Shah In Kashmir Widely Condemned by Kashmir Global

(20) Mysterious Killings In IHK: A Conspiracy To Malign Liberation Movement by Raies Mir, Kashmir Media Service

(21) Indian Police Arrest 7 Youth In Srinagar by Kashmir Media Service

(22) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(23) JKML Vows To Launch Massive Movement In IHK by Kashmir Media Service

(24) The Entire RAW-KGB Plan To Create Bangladesh Exposed! by Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

(25) Agartala Conspiracy – Never Again! by Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

(26) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(27) Pakistani Police Thwart Bomb Attack On Shia Muslims by Press TV

(28) Siachen – The Geopolitics And Strategy In The Frozen Battlefield by Shahzad Masood Roomi, Brass Tacks Institute

(29) Foreign Powers Aiding Rebels In Balochistan by Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja, The Asian Tribune

(30) Hezbollah Spices Up Israel-Iran Mix by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, Asia Times

(31) False Flag by Mark Perry, Foreign Policy

(32) Gilani Orders Fast Progression Of Iran-Pakistan Project by Press TV

(33) Mearsheimer On Dual Loyalty And William Safire by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss

(34) Which Path To Persia? Options For A New American Strategy Against Iran by Kenneth M. Pollack, Daniel L. Byman, Martin S. Indyk, Suzanne Maloney, Michael E. O’Hanlon and Bruce Riedel, Brookings Institution Press

(35) Jewish At The Root: Iraq’s Destruction, Hell Weapons, Hatred, Networking And The Interconnectedness Of It All by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(36) The Zionist Infestation Of Africa: Zimbabwe To Uganda, Congo To Somalia And Beyond by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(37) Pakistan: Gateway To The Zionist Endgame by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

(38) Operation Blue Tulsi – Indian And Israeli Plan; Operation Blue Tulsi: 15 Years In Planning, 10 Years In Preparation And Today In Execution by The Xavia Team, Pakistan Defence Forum

(39) Haaretz Wikileaks Exclusive / Bahrain King Boasted Of Intelligence Ties With Israel by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

(40) Intricacies Of Bahrain’s Sunni-Shia Divide by Shirin Sadeghi, Al-Jazeera English

(41) Former US Ambassador Says Mossad May Have Knocked Off Pakistani President In ‘88 Over Nukes by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss

(42) US Strikes Pakistan Despite Drone Ban by Al-Akhbar English

(43) Drone Kills Innocent Girls by The Nation (Pakistan) 

(44) Indian Army Subjected Kashmiris To Forced Labour: IHK Regime by Kashmir Media Service

(45) 1,332 Kashmiris Booked Under Black Law In 3 Years: Omar by Kashmir Media Service


Original Publication: Tuesday, May 1, 2012


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Pakistan-US alliance takes hits on campaign trail

(AP Photo/B.K. Bangash). In this Tuesday, April 9, 2013 photo, Pakistan's former cricket star-turned-politician Imran Khan gestures as he speaks about his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in Islamabad, Pakistan.

AP Photo/B.K. Bangash). Imran Khan gestures as he speaks about his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in Islamabad, Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD (AP) – On the campaign trail in Pakistan, candidates boast about their readiness to stand up to Washington and often tout their anti-American credentials. One party leader even claims he would shoot down U.S. drones if he comes to power.

So it’s perhaps no surprise that the government that emerges from next month’s parliamentary election is likely to be more nationalistic and protective of Pakistani sovereignty than its predecessor.

As a result, the U.S. may need to work harder to enlist Islamabad’s cooperation, and the new Pakistani government might push for greater limits on unpopular American drone strikes targeting Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the country.

But ultimately, the final say on Pakistan’s stance toward drones and many aspects of the relationship with Washington is in the hands of the country’s powerful army. And even nationalist politicians like former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the leading contender in the election, recognize the need for a U.S. alliance and are unlikely to go too far in disturbing it.

“I think the tagline here is different posturing, same substance” when it comes to the next government’s relationship with the U.S, said Moeed Yusuf, an expert on South Asia at the United States Institute of Peace.

Nevertheless, it’s unclear how long Pakistan’s alliance with the U.S. can remain relatively insulated from anti-American sentiment. The May 11 vote is historic because it will mark the first transfer of power between democratically elected governments in a country that has experienced three military coups.

U.S. officials have remained fairly quiet about the election because they don’t want to be seen as influencing who wins. But Secretary of State John Kerry has met Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani twice in the last month, underlining the importance of the relationship to Washington.

The U.S. needs Pakistan’s help in battling Islamic militants and negotiating an end to the war in neighboring Afghanistan.The relationship has been severely strained in recent years, especially following the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden near Pakistan’s equivalent of West Point. But it has never broken down completely and has settled into a wary calm over the last year or so. Trust is still in short supply, but both sides recognize they can’t do without each other.

“We have moved into a phase of reduced expectations of each other, which is good,” said Maleeha Lodhi, a former Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. “It’s what they call the new normal.”

Imran Khan, who many analysts believe will end up playing a key role in the opposition after the election, has been even more critical of Pakistan’s relationship with the U.S., saying he would “end the system of American slavery.”

But the manifesto of Khan’s party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, is more tempered, saying “Pakistan will endeavor to have a constructive relationship with the U.S. based on Pakistan’s sovereign national interests and international law, not on aid dependency.”

Pakistan’s relationship with the U.S. – and foreign policy in general – has been less of a focus in the election than domestic issues, such as corruption, pervasive energy shortages and stuttering economic growth.

Lodhi believes this is because the U.S. has said it is largely pulling out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and is seeking a peace settlement with the Taliban – a move long advocated by the Pakistani government and supported by the main contenders in the election.

“That has helped to take the edge off negative sentiment in Pakistan which we saw in the last couple of years against the United States,” Lodhi said.

One issue that continues to create tension between the two countries is the U.S. drone program targeting Islamic militants in Pakistan’s rugged tribal region near the Afghan border.

The attacks are extremely unpopular in Pakistan. They are seen as violating the country’s sovereignty, and many people believe they kill mostly civilians – an allegation denied by the U.S.

Pakistan’s civilian and military leaders have contributed to these perceptions by criticizing the strikes in public in the past, while supporting them in secret. This support has declined over time as the relationship between the two countries has worsened.

The number of strikes has dropped from a peak of more than 120 in 2010 to close to a dozen so far this year, but it’s unclear how much this trend has been driven by U.S. decisions about targeting versus the political sensitivity of carrying out strikes.

Khan, the former cricketer, has sharply criticized U.S. drone attacks and has even pledged to shoot down the unmanned aircraft if he came to power.

Sharif has also been a vocal opponent of the strikes in the past, although he hasn’t made them as much of a focal point of his campaign as Khan has.

Nevertheless, Daniel Markey, a South Asia expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, believes Sharif would work with the army to renegotiate the use of drones in Pakistan if he took power.

“In the end, I think probably some accord will be reached in which the use of drones will probably be curtailed from where they have been over the past couple of years,” Markey said during a recent call with media. “But they will continue, particularly against high-value targets when they are found.”

However, Lodhi, the former ambassador, has doubts Sharif would pick a high-profile fight with the U.S. over drones since the number of strikes has decreased so much.

“The centrality of drones may not be what it was in the past,” Lodhi said. “Why would you want to whip up something that is going down anyway?”

Associated Press

Posted: May 01, 2013 4:17 AM MSTUpdated: May 01, 2013 4:17 AM MST


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BLA Supported By US, India, and Israel



The Destabilization of Pakistan: Finding Clarity in the Baluchistan Conundrum

Global Research, April 24, 2009
Axis of Logic 23 April 2009

The Destabilization of Pakistan: Finding Clarity in the Baluchistan Conundrum

As in all of his analyses of the battle for Pakistan, Talha Mujaddidi provides a rare look into the internal struggle of the Pakistan people and the interference in their domestic affairs by the United States, India and other foreign elements. For those who are unfamiliar with the terms, places and names in this report, Talha provides a glossary at the end of the article. It is especially important that we learn and understand what is happening in Pakistan as Washington is opening up a new front in this country in their “war on terror”. – Les Blough, Axis of Logic Editor


(Source: PNAC)


April 23, 2009 

Excerpt: “The problem for US is that BLA alone is not able to break away Baluchistan from Pakistan. Of the 5% population of Baluchistan they don’t even have support of 10% Balochi population. The Pakistan Army and ISI are resisting the assault in national and strategic interests of Pakistan. The Great Game of Brzezinski will surely continue in Baluchistan and rest of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan are ready to counter this great game now we need leadership and some courage. It will take some time to achieve courage and leadership but it will come eventually. Street revolutions are easy to carry out the hard part is the mental revolution. That is what is required right now to challenge the US global hegemony.” 

Baluchistan is strategically located East of Iran and to the South of Afghanistan. It has a port at Gwadar that was built by China. Gwadar lies at the opening of Strait of Hormuz. Baluchistan has huge quantities of natural gas, and unexplored oil reserves. More importantly US wants to control the port of Gwadar, and eventually start their dream oil pipeline from Central Asia, through Afghanistan into Baluchistan and Gwadar. Baluchistan is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of area and it covers almost 48% of Pakistan’s area. But its population accounts for only 5% of the total population of Pakistan. Ethnically Baluchistan is divided into Balochs, and Pathans, followed by other small minorities. The state capital is Quetta, (recently termed as nerve center of Taliban by US Generals).

Like all histories in South Asia, or Middle East, the history of Baluchistan is long, complex, and would require a long article to cover all the details. So a brief synopsis is sufficient to get us rolling before we come to the point.

“Baluchistan has the worst human rights record out of all the provinces of Pakistan.”Baluchistan like, Afghanistan and Tribal Areas of Pakistan is a tribal society. Many different Sardars (tribal chiefs), rule their respective tribes, often with serious disregard for human rights. Development wise, Baluchistan is the most backward province in Pakistan. There may be some weight in the argument that the federal government in Pakistan has neglected the development of Baluchistan, but equal responsibility lies with the Sardars of Baluchistan who enjoy immense power in their tribes. They are unwilling to come into the main stream society, have monopoly over the laws and regulations of the state, while they themselves sit in provincial and national parliaments, yet they don’t work for the development of their own people.

Baluchistan has the worst human rights record out of all the provinces of Pakistan. Every time horrific human rights atrocities are committed in Baluchistan tribal chiefs defend the abuses by claiming them to be part of their tribal cultural norms. Since the independence of Pakistan, most of the tribes have accepted Pakistan as their homeland and have tried to come into the mainstream Pakistani society. But Bugti and Marri tribal leaders have always been a source of trouble for Pakistan. Currently Brahamdagh Bugti (grandson of former Bugti tribe leader and former chief minister of Baluchistan, Nawab Akbar Bugti5 is the leader of a runaway terrorist group, the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA)4 operating out of Kandhar, Afghanistan. Before Brahamdagh, Balach Marri, son of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri, was leader of BLA, and he was killed in Afghanistan in 2007.  

Covert Operations against Pakistan 

A new dirty game of geo-politics has already started in Baluchistan, Pakistan. To understand the recent wave of violence in Baluchistan we must understand the vested interests in Baluchistan. The root cause of violence in Baluchistan is not internal poverty or lack of development but the covert operations of foreign intelligence agencies. Internal issues might act as catalysts to inflame the situation but the root cause is foreign interference in internal affairs of Baluchistan. The main group responsible for violence in Baluchistan is the BLA4. Chief of the BLA Brahamdagh Bugti, in his recent interview with Pakistani news channel AAJ TVm declared that he will attack and kill non Baloch population of Baluchistan. In other words he threatened killing of innocent Pakistani civilians on ethnic lines. This is just taking words out of Col Ralph Peter’s plan for balkanization of Pakistan, along the lines of Yugoslavia (June 2006 issue of The Armed Forces Journal). Bugti also asked for support of India and other powers to help him break away Pakistan’s Baluchistan. (For related news read two of my older articles on Axis of Logic, Playing with Fire in Pakistan, – and Now or Never. Pakistan must change its policy in war on terror).

According to Global Research scholar, Michel Chossudovsky

“In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers. British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Baluchistan separatists (which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan’s military). In June 2006, Pakistan’s Senate Committee on Defense accused British intelligence of “abetting the insurgency in the province bordering Iran” [Baluchistan]..(Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defense regarding the alleged support of Britain’s Secret Service to Baloch separatists (Ibid). Also of relevance are reports of CIA and Mossad support to Baloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan.”

 In a 2006 research article on Baluchistan which was published in Pak Tribune in 2006, Farzana Shah, a current affairs analyst for BrassTacks, a think tank based in Islamabad, highlighted the role which is being played by a British think tank against Baluchistan. Shah writes,  

“In this regard the Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) United Kingdom arranged a seminar on Baluchistan province of Pakistan in collaboration with the so-called Baluchistan Rights Movement on 27th June 2006 in the House of Commons, London. It was highly disappointing as it was abashedly a one-sided cheap propaganda rather than discussing the real situation. By a mere look at the panel of the participants of the seminar one could easily figure out that it consisted of only anti-Pakistan elements and some self-styled activists advocating terrorism in the province. There were no representatives from government of Pakistan or even from the elected provincial government of Baluchistan in the seminar. It is just unfortunate that the Foreign Policy Centre which is expected to present fair suggestions to the British government to engage a country of their concern for important issues, indulged in such a blatant one-sided propaganda against Pakistan through the said seminar.” 

Shah also points out in the article how a Government of Baluchistan is setup in exile in Jerusalem, Israel. She gives the details in her article.


Two Indian assets: Brahamdagh Bugti & Balach Marri (R). Marri died in an ambush in 2007 while crossing from Afghanistan to Pakistan after meeting his sponsors there.
The question is, what is the role of US, Afghanistan, India, and Iran in Baluchistan quagmire and what is at stake for these countries?  


Afghanistan’s soil has been used again and again to cause trouble inside Pakistan.”Afghanistan was the only country that did not welcome Pakistan in 1947 at the time of our independence. The only time when there was no trouble inside Pakistan from Afghanistan was during the time of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Taliban being Pukhtoon cleaned Afghanistan of Indian and Iranian assets (both India and Iran supports Northern Alliance, which is in government right now in Afghanistan). Afghanistan’s soil has been used again and again to cause trouble inside Pakistan. Currently BLA is operating from Kandahar, Afghanistan. BLA enjoys support from Indian RAW in terms of finances, logistics, and weapons. Recent report of Foreign Affairs, by Christine Fair of RAND Corporation gives us the inside.

“Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar, Afghanistan (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organization to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar–across from Bajaur (Pakistan’s Tribal Area where Pakistan Army had to carry out a major operation to eliminate TTP6 militants).

“Kabul’s motivations for encouraging these activities are as obvious as India’s interest in engaging in them. Even if by some act of miraculous diplomacy the territorial issues were to be resolved, Pakistan would remain an insecure state. Given the realities of the subcontinent (e.g., India’s rise and its more effective foreign relations with all of Pakistan’s near and far neighbors), these fears are bound to grow, not lessen. This suggests that without some means of compelling Pakistan to abandon its reliance upon militancy, it will become ever more interested in using it — and the militants will likely continue to proliferate beyond Pakistan’s control.”


Iran historically has enjoyed good relations with its neighbors including Pakistan during the time of Shah of Iran, but since then their relationship with Pakistan and Arab world has deteriorated. Strategically, Iran would like to maintain balance of power tipped in its favor in the region, this means the Pakistan’s strategic interests should be undermined, as they are at the moment. Taliban, Iran’s nemesis in Afghanistan is no longer in power, India, Iran’s ally and Pakistan’s arch enemy is enjoying a strong foothold in Afghanistan at the moment. Iran is also afraid of Jandullah’s covert operations against Iran, from Baluchistan. According to an April 2007 report by Brian Rossand and Christopher Isham of ABC News, the United States governmenthad been secretly encouraging and advising the Jandullah in its attacks. 

Jandullah is a terrorist group that was created by CIA, and is responsible for terrorist activities inside Iran. Iran has spent a lot of money developing its Chabahar port, which is just 100 miles from Gwadar port of Pakistan. Gwadar port was built by China. Iran does not want Gwadar to become prominent and Chabahar to be sidelined, especially since Iran is isolated in the world at the moment. Iran has huge reserves of gas and it would like India to gain access to these reserves since India is its ally and Iran-India friendship will grow if India can gain access to Iranian gas reserves. Iran would also like trade with India to increase in future.


TAPI: Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India



IPI: Iran, Pakistan, India


“India also believes that an independent Baluchistan will likely become a proxy of Iran, India and Afghanistan.”
India is Pakistan arch enemy, first of all India has never accepted Pakistan as an independent sovereign nation. India was directly responsible for breakup of East Pakistan and formation of Bangladesh. India and Pakistan have fought three wars with each other. India is at the moment chief regional ally of US, and NATO. India believes that Pakistan is at the brink of break up and India must focus on building its relationship with Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan, and capture oil and gas reserves from Central Asia and Iran, through Afghanistan and Pakistan. India also believes that an independent Baluchistan will likely become a proxy of Iran, India and Afghanistan. Capt (r) Bharat Verma of Indian Defense Review, writes,

“That New Delhi is its own enemy became obvious, when it permitted the creation of a pure Islamic State on its borders. This nation-state contradicts every democratic and multi-cultural value dear to India. Therefore, if New Delhi has not slept a wink since the creation of Pakistan, it has no one except itself to blame! Many conveniently propose the myth that a stable Pakistan is in India’s interest. This is a false proposition. The truth is that Pakistan is bad news for the Indian Union since 1947-stable or otherwise. With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist. Multiple benefits will accrue to the Union of India on such demise.”

Verma Continues …

“If ever the national interests are defined with clarity and prioritized, the foremost threat to the Union (and for centuries before) materialized on the western periphery, continuously. To defend this key threat to the Union, New Delhi should extend its influence through export of both, soft and hard power towards Central Asia from where invasions have been mounted over centuries. Cessation of Pakistan as a state facilitates furtherance of this pivotal national objective. 

“The self-destructive path that Islamabad chose will either splinter the state into many parts or it will wither away-a case of natural progression to its logical conclusion. In either case Baluchistan will achieve independence. For New Delhi this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. In this, there is synergy between the political objectives of the Americans and the Indians. Our existing goodwill in Baluchistan requires intelligent leveraging.”

India does not have natural gas reserves, and it desperately needs gas from Iran. But US is against Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipeline. If IPI project comes through than the stability and security of Iran, Pakistan and India will be in the interest of these respective countries. US would not like this, since it takes away an important leverage from a superpower, that of playing one nation against another. US have proposed the idea of Independent Baluchistan, which India does not mind at all. India has gained strong foot hold inside Afghanistan. A road link connects Iranian port of Chabahar to Afghanistan. India has built a ring-road inside Afghanistan linking Iran to Afghanistan. With back channel diplomacy going on between Iran and US, India and Iran both would like NATO and US supplies to go through Chabahar, Iran rather than Karachi, Pakistan. India strongly believes that Independent Baluchistan is inevitable and is casting all its bets on this deal.


Road link from Iran into Afghanistan
(see checkered line, lower left arrow)


Washington’s interest in Baluchistan 

“It is imperative the Baluchistan, an energy rich province must not come under control of China.”According to a study titled “Baloch Nationalism and the energy politics of energy resources: the changing context of separatism in Pakistan”, by Robert G.Wirsing, of Strategic Studies Institute, a think tank of U.S army, it is imperative the Baluchistan, an energy rich province must not come under control of China. China built Gwadar port, and would like to expand more trade and energy routes through Pakistan via Baluchistan.

To begin with China is interested in a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan’s into Western China. This is something that is not acceptable to US. China could station some of its naval ships at Gwadar in future should the need arise to provide security to its cargo; this is again something that is not acceptable to US. On the list of US agenda is to secure the Indian Ocean and its strategic routes, and Gwadar right at the mouth of Strait of Hormuz is one of those routes. As mentioned before US is using Baluchistan as a base to carry out covert operations against Iran using Jandullah. After 9/11 US is also using an airfield of Pakistan Air force in Baluchistan for its operations in war on terror.

The U.S. is looking into taking direct control of Gwadar, possibly by capturing Gwadar port, so that they can make a land route through Baluchistan into Southern Afghanistan, this will give them an alternate supply route for their troops. Baluchistan must be under US control so that gas pipelines from Central Asia can pump gas through Afghanistan into coast of Baluchistan. The US believes that Balkanization of Pakistan and setup of independent Baluchistan will dismantle the hope of resurgent Pakistan in the near future, paving the way for a dominant Iran taking control of Middle East while India will be able to take control of South Asia including Afghanistan. Brzezinski believes that Iran not Arab world is the natural ally of US in the Middle East. The current US government is using the foreign policy ideals of Brzezinski, which calls for using Islamic militant and Iran against China and Russia. 


“The solution of Baluchistan lies with a strong government in Islamabad that is a nationalist government and not a puppet of IMF/WB/CIA.”
Current Pakistani government is not able to safeguard Pakistan’s national interests. When Zardari3became president he authorized release of many BLA terrorist who were held up by security forces in detention. BLA has gotten ample time to regroup and re-arm during the last few months. It is very interesting that the current Chief Minister of Baluchistan, Nawab Aslam Raisani before becoming CM, said in an interview, “We will not go for any type of compromise,” says Nawab Raisani. “We want total autonomy.”

According to author of bestselling book, ‘The Way of the World’, Ron Suskind, Raisani is on the payroll of top western intelligence agencies. Given the level of US penetration in Pakistan’s domestic politics it is no surprise.  

The solution of Baluchistan lies with a strong government in Islamabad that is a nationalist government and not a puppet of IMF/WB/CIA. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that BLA does not represent the aggrieved Baloch people. BLA is a terrorist outfit and it must be dealt with accordingly. We need to get rid of this government that is working nothing like a democracy. Key decisions are taken by either Zardari or his important Washington approved advisors. We need a new setup of nationalist that are willing to stand up to US and make independent policy decision in the best interest of Pakistan. To counter the growing influence of India, Iran and US in Baluchistan it is a must that old contracts with China be renewed and new development projects must be initiated with Chinese help. The local population of Baluchistan must be given more shares in jobs and resources. This is only achievable if we have patriots in the provincial government of Baluchistan, not scoundrels who are abusing patriotism for their personal greed.

The problem for US is that BLA alone is not able to break away Baluchistan from Pakistan. Of the 5% population of Baluchistan they don’t even have support of 10% Balochi population. The Pakistan Army and ISI are resisting the assault in national and strategic interests of Pakistan. The Great Game of Brzezinski will surely continue in Baluchistan and rest of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan are ready to counter this great game now we need leadership and some courage. It will take some time to achieve courage and leadership but it will come eventually. Street revolutions are easy to carry out the hard part is the mental revolution. That is what is required right now to challenge the US global hegemony.  

Glossary of Terms and people mentioned 

1. Pervaiz Musharraf is former dictator-turned- president of Pakistan. He was forced out of office due to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and his loss of support by his former sponsor, the U.S. government.

2. The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is the ruling political party under President Zardari.

3. Asif Ali Zardari is the current president of Pakistan. He is the former husband of Benazir Bhutto and came into power on her coat tails after she was assassinated. He is also the son of veteran politician Mr. Hakim Ali Zardari. Mr. Zardari is commonly known in Pakistan as “Mr. Ten Percent” due to his well-known cuts on various government deals.

4. BLA is Baloch Liberation Army, officially declared a terrorist outfit by Pakistan, US and UK. Is responsible for various terrorist activities in Pakistan that includes killing civilians, security forces, and blowing up natural gas pipelines.

5. Nawab Akbar Bugti was former head of the Bugti tribe of balochistan, also 13th governor of Baluchistan and the 5th Chief Minister of the province. He and his family favored creation of Pakistan. Bugti was killed on Aug 26th 2006 in a military operation when he was surrounded in a remote hill in Baluchistan.

6. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is the main anti-government party in Pakistan at the moment. Because the TTP bears the name “Taliban” the western media often confuses them with the Taliban in Afghanistan. This is a grave mistake. The Afgan Taliban rejects the TTP. The TTP views the ANP to be pro-US and part of the pro-US Pakistan government. The TTP is a group based on Takfiri ideology (a Muslim who believes that all other Muslims, even orthodox Muslims are not true Muslims. They view all others as collaborators with the West. All Muslim scholars are unanimous in declaring Takfiris ‘heretics of Islam 

Maps taken from Strategic Studies Institute Report on Baluchistan.

Talha Mujaddidi is a writer/analyst, living in Pakistan and a columnist for Axis of Logic.

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Russian TV Says BLA Is USA Dirty Dog very very important report

These are not freedom fighters, these are ugly dogs of U.S.A – Israel & India

Like ·  · Share · April 10

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US drone war deal ‘in return for killing Pakistani militant in CIA missile strike’


US drone war deal ‘in return for killing Pakistani militant in CIA missile strike’

The US assassinated a Pakistani tribal rebel with an armed Predator drone to win support from the country’s government to launch the war from the skies with drones in 2004, according to US reports.




Drones overshadow John Brennan's confirmation as CIA director

The president relented to demands from senators to disclose 11 classified legal memos in which his administration argues that it has the authority to use drone strikes to kill terror suspects who are US citizens Photo: REUTERS
Philip Sherwell

By , New York

9:31PM BST 07 Apr 2013


The back-room deal, although not publicly confirmed, was detailed in several interviews with officials in the US and Pakistan for a New York Times investigation (Note: New York Times is a Zionist owned paper, which is extremely hostile to Muslim nations, and particularly Pakistan. so, everything it publishes is skewed toward Israeli viewpoint).

The bargain was crucial in allowing the Central Intelligence Agency dramatically to escalate its use of unmanned drones to target suspected terrorists in Pakistan’s border areas in what the then Bush administration called the “war on terror”.

President Barack Obama has intensified America’s covert drone operations, expanding their role in Yemen and East Africa, as he has tried to reduce US boots on the ground in combat missions.

John Brennan, the new CIA director, was the architect of Mr Obama’s “targeted killing” programme as the president’s chief counterterrorism adviser in the first term.

But the drone war has become increasingly controversial in the US, particularly after Mr Obama authorised the assassination overseas of American citizens who are alleged senior al-Qaeda operatives. The most notable case was the killing Anwar al-Awlaki, the US-born radical preacher, in a drone missile strike in Yemen.

Several Democratic and Republican politicians have challenged the legality of orders to kill Americans without judicial review and expressed concern that drones could be used over US soil.

Nek Muhammad had been a small-time teenage car thief and storekeeper in the tribal region of South Waziristan before he crossed the border in 1993 to join the new Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

Mr Muhammad fled back to Pakistan after the fall of the Taliban regime in late-2001, playing host to Arab and Chechen fighters from al-Qaeda who crossed the border with him.

The Pashtun tribal leader used his new armed strength to attack Pakistani bases and also to stage cross-border raids on US positions in Afghanistan. The Pakistani military’s attempts to kill Mr Muhammad and quell his insurgency failed as he became a major challenge for the government of President Pervez Musharraf.

According to the New York Times, then CIA director George Tenet authorised his CIA officers in Islamabad to begin negotiations with their Pakistani ISI counterparts.

“If the CIA killed Mr Muhammad, would the ISI allow armed drone flights over the tribal areas?” Mr Musharraf signed off on the secret talks.

The US would never acknowledge a role in the missile strikes and Pakistan’s military would take credit for the killings. In June 2004, Mr Muhammad was killed in a missile attack and Pakistan’s military was quick to claim responsibility.

The deal had been signed in the blood of the militant. It came at a crucial stage for the Bush administration as the CIA had just completed a damning internal report about the abuse of terror suspect detainees in secret prisons across the world.

The timing of that report and the secret drone deal played a central role in the controversial transition of the CIA’s role from capturing to killing suspected terrorists.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, drone strikes killed between 474 and 881 civilians – including 176 children – in Pakistan between 2004 and last year.

Meanwhile, even as America winds down its military foothold in Afghanistan, a Taliban suicide car bomb attack this weekend provided a bloody reminder of the dangers there.

Five Americans, including two civilians, died in the attack on their convoy on a trip to deliver books to a school. The victims of the deadliest attack on Americans there for nine months included Anne Smedinghoff, a 25-year-old diplomat.

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LETTER TO EDITOR: E.Filing of Nomination Papers



March 16th, 2013


E.Filing of Nomination Papers


Now that the ECP duly supported by the SC has been able to get the nomination forms printed with the changes that it wanted in them, the clever politicians are bound to think of means and measures to thwart its full implementation. Their very first step in this direction was to deny the ECP the 30 day scrutiny period asked by it to scrutinize more than 10,000 applicants” thousands of particulars in detail.  It is, therefore, suggested that the contestants should be asked to e.file their applications along with all the supporting documents like tax returns, bank statements,  bank loan papers, travel tickets and other documents, utility bills, cars and vehicles registrations etc. etc, which should all be immediately uploaded on the ECP website for all to see. Anyone detecting any discrepancy/ inaccuracy/false or fake statement/ document could immediately draw ECP attention for its detailed scrutiny.  This shall assist/help the ECP tremendously in scrutiniz ing the particulars of the applicants in the shortest possible time.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: [email protected]


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