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Posts Tagged Zardari Election Fraud

LETTER TO EDITOR: E.Filing of Nomination Papers



March 16th, 2013


E.Filing of Nomination Papers


Now that the ECP duly supported by the SC has been able to get the nomination forms printed with the changes that it wanted in them, the clever politicians are bound to think of means and measures to thwart its full implementation. Their very first step in this direction was to deny the ECP the 30 day scrutiny period asked by it to scrutinize more than 10,000 applicants” thousands of particulars in detail.  It is, therefore, suggested that the contestants should be asked to e.file their applications along with all the supporting documents like tax returns, bank statements,  bank loan papers, travel tickets and other documents, utility bills, cars and vehicles registrations etc. etc, which should all be immediately uploaded on the ECP website for all to see. Anyone detecting any discrepancy/ inaccuracy/false or fake statement/ document could immediately draw ECP attention for its detailed scrutiny.  This shall assist/help the ECP tremendously in scrutiniz ing the particulars of the applicants in the shortest possible time.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: [email protected]


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S Sajad Haider:The evil mother of all fraudulent elections supervised by jackals’ in charge of Pakistan’s future

Unknown-1Unless the civil society rises from the drugged slumber, Pakistan’s coup de Grace is inevitable as the corrupt, faithless, shot eaters of power and a prostituted opposition comprising reprobates, cowards, and corrupt to their hilt without soul have got the frail? Weak, trembling mom de plume FAKHROO Bhai lacks the courage, conviction and gumption to say boo to the hardened criminals who get degrees from oath commissioner selling stamp papers. The education minister is in the lead. At least write if you believe what sellable pimps are doing threatening the trembling CEC. E.g., NALAIK NAIK and fraudia Nisar Chaudhry. Supreme court’s inextricably shabby conduct in Qadri case for Articles 63-64 and 245 will be no less a watershed in the polluted history of judiciary lead by the charlatan Muhammad Munir Khan of Ayub Khan, Yahya, Bhutto martial laws and reprehensible law of necessity. Armageddon!

In his write-up titled ‘ECP’s blues: Fakhru Bhai should show some spine’ (February 28), Brig (r) Farooq Hameed Khan reiterated what AM (r) Shahid Latif had written in his column last week: a spineless and distinctly dubious Election Commission and an honest but lacking-in-courage chief election commissioner may not be able to ensure fair elections and a level playing field to honest persons with a

strong will to change the direction of Pakistan. The CEC must either justify his appointment and disqualify every single violator of Articles 63 and 64, in particular the tax evaders and loan defaulters, with grit and courage or immediately throw in the towel.

If he fails to fulfill any of the legal and moral obligations, his name will be sullied in perpetuity and the nation will be thrown back in the unclean hands of criminals who have purposefully pushed it into the pits of ignominy.


S Sajad Haider

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